The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 24, 1989 - Page 3
Iranian president proposes
terms to free Wester
TEHRAN (AP) - President
Hashemi Rafsanjani yesterday offered
help in getting Western hostages
freed in Lebanon if the United States
releases billions of dollars in frozen
Iranian assets or helps settle the
cases of three kidnapped Iranians.
Rafsanjani said hostage-taking is
an "inhuman action" that can pro-
duce no positive political results.
Eighteen Westerners, including eight
Americans, are believed to be held
by Pro-Iranian groups in Lebanon.
While Rafsanjani said his gov-
ernment was maintaining indirect
contracts with Washington, his offer
and demands were not new.
White House press secretary Mar-
lin Fitzwater said Rafsanjani's
comments did not change the U.S.
"We do not link the Iranian assets
to the hostages and we do not make
deals for hostages," he said,
Rafsanjani spoke at a three-hour
news conference attended by about
50 foreign media representatives is-
sued visas specifically for the event.
Responding to a question from a
U.S. reporter, Rafsanjani said he had
proposed "two methods" that the
United States could use to facilitate
release of the hostages:
"The first is that as a sign of
goodwill, you release our assets.
This is something that you will
have to do, and sooner or later you
will be forced to do it. So do it now.
n hostages
"Secondly, if you do not want t
give us our money, at least you cart
get your agents, your lackeys in Le.
banon to release our hostages. If you
say they are not alive, at least you
can give us back their bodies or
show us their graves."
The assets, estimated at betweenf
$9 billion and $12 billion, have
been frozen since the U.S. Embassy
was seized by students in Tehran in
November 1979, nine months after
the Islamic revolution seized power;
overthrowing the pro-Western
Christian Lebanese Forces militia
kidnapped the three Iranians in.
northern Lebanon in July 1982. xg
'U' professors lauded
at EDUCOM '89
LSA senior Jeff Levin hands out balloons on the diag yesterday promoting Sexual Assault Awareness Week.
Last night, an acquaintance rape prevention workshop opened the week of events.
N odoby Ruth Littmann
esn't me~
Myth: Date rape is not really
The fact is, being forced into sex
against one's will is rape - no mat-
ter who the rapist is.
The U-M Sexual Assault Preven-
tion and Awareness Center (SAPAC)
made this point clear to students
who attended yesterday's seminar on
acquaintance rape at Alice Lloyd
Residence Hall. The seminar was the
first in a series of five this week fo-
cusing on sexual assault and its pre-
"Sexual assault is a really large
problem in our society, and in a dif-
ferent way than most people think,"
said Jeff Zoellner, LSA senior and
student facilitator for SAPAC.
Zoellner said that most people mis-
conceive rapists as strangers in
bushes, stalking victims who seem
to be "asking for it." Zoellner
pointed out, however, that 90 per-
cent of sexual assaults on college
campuses are committed by someone
the survivor knows.
SAPAC student facilitator
Michelle Epstein, LSA senior, added
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
Meetings Spark Revolutionary History
UM Students of Objectivism - Series: "Why Revolution?" _
business meeting at Dominick's 7-8 p.m. in B122 MLB
at 7:30 p.m. ECB peer writing tutors -
Society of Minority Engineer- available at Angell-Haven and 611
ing Students - 6:30 -8:30 p.m. Computing Centers from 7 to 11
in 1500 EES p.m.; Sunday through Thursday
Indian Pakistani American (Washington U); 4 p.m. in the
pkmin Rackham West Conference Rm.
Student Council - 6:30 p.m. in Senate Majority Leader John
the Union Welker Rm. Engler - 8:30 p.m. in MLB 2
Ann Arbor Committee to De- "Jews and the Land: Histori-
fend Abortion Rights - 5:30 cal Links to Land and Reli-
p.m. in the 4th floor lobby of the gion" - Dr. Todd Endelman;
Union; new members at 5:45 noon in the International Center
Recycle UM Mass Meeting - "The Changing Meaning of the
6-8 p.m. in 1040 Dana Bldg. Term 'Polish Nation"' - prof.
Student Struggle for Soviet AdijWlci(or ae;4
6 p.m. in Rm. 200 Lane Hall
The Yawp - The Undergraduate "The Didactic Paradigm of
English Association publication; 'Kitsch" in Late Victorian
7 p.m. in 4000 A Union Literature" - Kasia Kietlinska;
Armenian Students Cultural noon to 1 p.m.; 1524 Rackham
Association - 7 p.m. in Union Commons Rm.; brown-bag lunch
Rm. 1209. Furthermore,
Caribbean Students Associa-
tion - 2 p.m. in Union Rm. Safewalk - the night-time walk-
1209 ing service is open seven days a
Michigan Student Assembly - week from 8:00 p.m. to 1:30
7:30 p.m. in 3909 Union a.m.; 936-1000
Iranian Student Cultural Club Northwalk - North campus
- a non-political group; 7:30 night-time walking service, Rm.
p.m. in room C at the League 2333 Bursley; 8 p.m. - 1:30 a.m.
Students Concerned About or call 763-WALK
Animal Rights - 7 p.m. in East "Ojibwa Basket Making: The
Quad Rm. 124 Tradition Lives On" - the ex-
Lesbian and Gay Men's Rights hibit is on display from 9-5 at the
Organizing Committee - 7:30 U-M Exhibit Museum
Impact Jazz Dance Workshop
p.m. (7 to set agenda) in Union __ 9:30 to 10:30 p.m. in the
Rm. 3100 Union Ballroom
Homecoming/Friends Party -
Speakers University of Michigan Cheer-
"German Literature and Euro- leaders at Rick's Cafe; 8:30 p.m.
pean Culture in the Schools Senior Portraits - 8:30 a.m. to
and Universities of French- 5 p.m. in the second floor of the
Speaking Black Africa" - UGLi
Amadou Booker Sadji (U of CP&P Programs - Targeting for
Dakar); 5:10 p.m. in Rackham Non-Profit Organizations 4:10-5
Amphitheatre p.m.; Cigna Corporation and
"A Unified View of Bond- United States General Accounting
Breaking, Solvation, Dynam- Office Employer Presentations 5-7
ics, and Electron Transfer" - p.m.
Shaul Mukamel (U of Rochester); University Symphony Orches-
4 p.m. in Chem. 1640 tra - Richard Rosenberg Con-
"The Library of the Barbar- ducts; 8 p.m. at Hill Auditorium;
ians" - Charles Newman flee
Center; 763-5900 for more infor- "Chico Mendes" - a film
an 'yes'
"No one 'asks' to be raped." Epstein
said society finds it easy to explain
rape by casting the blame on sur-
vivors for being sexual "teases" or
scantily dressed.
But rape is not a sexual act. Ep-
stein and Zoellner explained that rape
is a violent act of power. The belief
that lust motivates the rapist is a
myth, perpetuated by TV and
movies, they said.
"What makes it so scary," said
Julie Steiner, SAPAC coordinator,
"is that a lot of men rape and don't
even think that what they're doing is
Workshop participants discussed
the ways in which men are socialized
to be aggressive and women are
taught to play "hard to get." These
gender stereotypes, they said, mis-
guide communication between men
and women, and teach men to con-
sider a woman's refusal of sex as a
request for it.
Society is gradually becoming
more aware of acquaintance rape, said
SAPAC members.
SAPAC members hope that by
further educating men and women,
the Sexual Assault Awareness Week
seminars will help dispel myths
about rape.
by Daniel Poux
Daily Staff Writer
Two University professors were
honored last week with national
awards for their software designs at
the EDUCOM '89 conference. The
conference, attended by 3,000 dele-
gates from around the country, annu-
ally showcases technological ad-
vances in computers and higher edu-
The awards were presented by the
IBM Corporation, and sponsored by
the National Center to Improve
Post-secondary Teaching and Learn-
awards were given to 22 software de-
signers from around the country in
recognition of significant develop-
ments in computer applications in
various higher education fields.
LSA Hebrew Professor Edna A.
Coffin was honored for her program,
"The Safe Affair: An Interactive
Video Hebrew Lesson."
The University's other honoree
was Harley Flanders, a professor of
Mathematics and designer of Micro-
calc 4.0, a software program de-
signed to assist students with intro-
ductory and intermediate calculus.
Amit Schitai, PhD candidate in
Near Eastern Studies and a co-de-
signer of the program, explained that
"The Safe Affair" is an interactive
video program, combining both
video disk and computer-generated
images. Professor Coffin was
unavailable for comment.
Schitai, who worked on the pro-
gram with Professor Coffin for two
years, said the program has been
"Video is critical in any modern
language study," Schitai stressed,
explaining that their program uses a
balance of video and grammar to op-
timize communications skills.
"Using video is the best thing
you can do, besides the real thing,"
Schitai said.
Prof. Flanders explained in an in-
terview that he has been designing
and upgrading his Microcalc program
for the last six years. He has mar-
keted earlier versions around the
country since 1985.
Flanders is now a two-time win-
awards. He was honored with the
same award in 1987.
"When microcomputers started to
become popular, I decided to design a
program to help students learn to
understand calculus," Flanders ex-
plained. He said his software has
been distributed primarily to univer-
sity mathematics departments, and
that there are around 400 copies in
circulation. A version of the pro-
gram is being used in high schools
around the country for advanced
placement calculus courses, Flanders
used with much success for the past
year in upper-level Hebrew language
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