Page 6 -The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 20, 1989
Judge sites increase of
'cocaine babies' in A2
by Tara Gruzen
Daily City Reporter
Thirteen out of twenty-six babies
born in Mott's Children's Hospital
are addicted to cocaine, claimed Judge
Judith Wood, the juvenile court
judge for Washtenaw county, at
Monday night's regular city council
Wood, who addressed the city
council as part of it's Anti-Sub-
stance Abuse Task Force, said she
obtained this statistic from a nurse
in the neo-natal unit of the hospital.
However, Barb Dubler, the head
nurse at Mott's nursery said this is
not happening at the hospital.
Dubler said the statistic cited by
Judge Wood was "not true at all."
Dubler explained that there is no
routine testing program in which
newborns are tested for cocaine de-
pendency so it is impossible that
such a statistic could exist.
She said the media relations de-
partment of the hospital is presently
conducting an investigation as to
where Wood obtained her figures.
But councilmember Terry Martin,
a member of the task force, criticized
Mott's Children's Hospital for try-
ing to avoid the problem.
"This is typical community de-
nial," Martin said in response to
Dubler's statements. "There is a ten-
dency to deny the problem."
Martin said that the task force is
currently circulating a confidential
survey to get the impressions of ex-
perts in the area on the problem of
chemical abuse in the city.
She said she has heard from many
sources, especially advocates of low-
income housing, that there is a ma-
jor problem of pregnant women who
are addicted to drugs.
Judge Wood also stated in her ad-
dress that many cases come before
her of babies who are abandoned by
their chemically addicted mothers.
She said that many babies are left in
the hospitals by their mothers after
their birth.
Dubler said this is not a problem
either at Mott's Childrens Hospital.
"Even a cocaine mother will be very
solicitous to her baby," Dubler said.
In a study of chemically addicted
mothers at the Detroit Hutzel Hospi-
tal, urine screens showed an increase
in mothers addicted to drugs from 4
percent in 1983 to 52 percent in
Mary Grannon, one of the co-or-
dinators of the study, said some of
the symptoms of a "cocaine baby"
are irritability, failure to interact
with their mothers, and hypertenic-
Of the babies in Hutzel's Inten-
sive Care Unit, 95 percent were ex-
posed to drugs while in the uterus.
Power See-Sawing
LSA sophomore Amy Burch and Engineering junior Sean Dunn teeter-totter away yesterday on the diag. The
pair's effort was part of a 48-hour drive by the Chi Psi fraternity and the Delta Delta Delta sorority to fight
children's cancer.
Monaghan plans light
show despite oppositio
by Tara Gruzen
Daily City Reporter
Domino's Pizza owner Tom
Monaghan says that he will go for-
ward with a light show at Domino
farms this winter despite an Ann Ar-
bor Township board of trustees ordi-
nance which prohibits the display.
Monaghan says he has a first
amendment right to hold the show
and is willing to go to court to fight
for it.
"We are planning to go ahead
with the Christmas lights," Mon-
aghan said. "I feel obligated at all
costs to go forward."
The ordinance, which was passsed
iast August, was in response to
complaints by neighbors that the
show had devastating effects on their
lives in 1987, said Trustee and
township attorney Peter Davis.
Trustee Richard V.A. Dieterle
said he doesn't see how the township
can not take Monaghan to court.
"We've got residents who are
begging us not to let this happen,"
Dieterle said. "Our job is to protect
the rights of individuals."
"The roads cannot accommodate
that traffic," Domino's neighbor Ken
Koch said. "Just because Monaghan
puts it on doesn't mean it's right."
"Monaghan was willing to com-
promise but the neighbors were
not," Davis said.
Monaghan did not hold the show
in 1988 because he was going to
wait until Plymouth Road was
widened to four lanes from its cur-
rent two lanes. However, using ma-
nipulative statistics he was able to
create a new traffic route using only
the two existing lanes, Davis said.
"We'll see him in court," said
-The Associated Press con-
tributed to this story
'7% solution' attempts to
aid local
By Mike Fitzgibbon
Supreme Court Chief Justice
William Rehnquist perhaps inadver-
tently helped the area's poor while
he was in town. Prior to receiving
an award at the Law School yester-
day, Rehnquist was seen eating at
Escoffier, one of 24 area restaurants
participating in "The 7% Solution."
Like many people who dined out
on yesterday, up to seven percent of
Rc .nquist's check went to help stop
L..nger in the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti
area. This arrangement, "The 7% So-
[ution," was organized by Food
Gatherers, a group that collects left-
over and donated food from area
businesses, and distributes it to or-
ganizations feeding the hungry.
"It's good for publicity," said
Mike Watassek, owner of Jacques
Patisserie, which participated in the
However, Watassek has other
motives more altruistic than public-
ity. He said, "We sent $300 to Hugo
victims last week, and we'll proba-
bly send $100 to earthquake victims
in San Francisco."
Watassek said business was nor-
mal despite yesterday's wintry
weather, but he did not know if it
was from patronage supporting "The
7% Solution."
None of the customers polled
yesterday at Expresso Royale were
there because of its participation in
"The 7% Solution." Most agreed
though with LSA junior, Eric
Antonow, who said, "I think it's re-
ally great!" He added, "It makes peo-
ple aware that some businesses are
Some offered qualifications to
their approval. Lynn Smitterberg, an
LSA senior, said, "I really advocate
humanitarian efforts, but part of be-
ing human is greed. Thoroughly
humanitarian efforts usually don't
come off as nice in the hands of
business groups.
None of the Expresso Royale
customers interviewed said they had
ever experienced real hunger, except
Michael Hogan, an Art History doc-
toral candidate, who once fasted for
three days. "I can only imagine what
it would feel like if it were com-
pounded by despair," said Hogan.
One of the organizations receiv-
ing help from Food Gatherers' pro-
ject is The Shelter Association of
Ann Arbor, which offers overnight
lodging and meals for the homeless.
Brian Larkin, night manager at the
Association's Huron Street Shelter,
estimates that one-third of the meals
served there are provided by Food
Accuracy in Academia seeks
'balance' in the classroom
v Ruth Littmann
The campus chapter of Accuracy in Academia (AIA),
national group that was once labelled an "intellectual
oon squad," held its first meeting at the University last
Group members contend that college professors
should present unbiased facts rather than advancing their
own political agendas. Classroom curricula, they say,
must reflect a balance of political views.
However, the group's opponents worry that the
balance AIA seeks will lean to the conservative side.
Group organizer Doug Morris, an engineering senior
and president of the local College Republicans, said the
University chapter of AIA, which was recognized by the
Michigan Student Assembly last month, plans to
follow up on students' complaints by requesting
classroom materials suggestive of their professors'
alleged biases.
If the evidence leads members to suspect that
professors are using their lecterns to advance their
political platforms, if their lecture material is
inaccurate, or if the class syllabus is unduly one-sided,
AIA members say they will go to bat for students.
For example, Morris said, if a first-year student feels
intimidated by a professor with whom he or she
disagrees, "AIA will be here to go up with this student
and talk to the professor about the content of the
Since the national chapter of Accuracy in Academia
was formed in 1985, it has faced criticism for its
conservative bias. The group's University members
intend to be totally autonomous from the national
chapter, and want to ensure that their group is non-
But Morris said, "I'd stand up for any side of the
political spectrum. If I didn't, I'd be a hypocrite."
Dubious of their non-partisan intentions, Rackham
graduate student Mark Greer said, "It's disgusting. In the
past, AIA has not been tolerant of academic dissent in
any way - especially when it comes from the left."
Other students worry that AIA's stated commitment
to nonpartisanship implies that the group will require
professors to regard all ideas as if they were equally
"What if a student complained .hat his anthropology
professor taught that all races were equal, and one
student felt that some races were inferior?" asked LSA
senior Steve Mytyk. "AIA, being unbiased, would have
no choice but to request that the professor teach racist
views as being just as valid as non-racist views."
"Caution" was AIA's watchword at Monday's
organizational meeting. Members said that they don't
want to pressure faculty, and they don't want to
encourage students to choose classes according to
instructors' political views.
Jesse Jackson to speak today
at rally for Eastern strikers
by Hunter VanValkenburgh
The Reverend Jesse Jackson will
be one of the featured speakers at a
fund-raising rally for families of
striking Eastern Airlines employees
in Canton tonight.
The event is hosted by United
Auto Workers Local 735 and in-
cludes representatives from labor
unions all over the country.
The rally, which will be followed
by a dance, is to raise funds to sup-
port the families of striking workers
at Eastern Airline's facilities in the
metro Detroit area. Workers have
been strike against Eastern for more
than seven months, making it one of
the longest strikes of its kind in
U.S. history.
Other speakers at the rally include
Mark Kennedy, speaking for the
striking miners at the Pittston coal
mines in Virginia, and Clark John-
son of the Machinists Union, which
is currently striking Boeing plants in
the Seattle area.
The workers first took to the
picket lines because of wage and per-
sonnel cutbacks mandated by Eastern
owner Frank Lorenzo. Union mem-
bers saw these moves as an attempt
to break the union.
Also at issue are Lorenzo's'sales
of company assets to cover losses at
Eastern. Strikers say this is keeping
the company afloat while fore-
stalling any collective bargaining
with the union.
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