EDUCOM exhibits attract students By Diane Cook Daily Research Reporter Bidding farewell to the University, the EDUCOM '89 conference doors were opened to :students and University guests yesterday, ending a week of Computer and information tech- .nology demonstrations and seminars. "It's really our way of saying =thank you," said Kathy Schaible, fEDUCOM manager of corporate re- lations, who organized the exhibits. "As we've grown, the host institu- tions are becoming so involved." 4 Schaible said over 1200 people "attended the massive exhibit which was open from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m in the track and tennis building. Students flocked to the exhibits. "I was just thinking of getting a computer," said Patrick Chan, a se- Chior in the school of pharmacology -tat the NeXT display. "I'm just here -to see what system I may get." it The Apple Computer exhibit, fo- t'cusing on advances in portable com- "uters, integrative options, and aca- a' "The reason we're here is that we're selling this product to the ,other universities," said Julie Laund- bardt, employee at the Computer -Research Institute at Brown Univer- R EHNQUIST -Continued from page 1 cal force behind the impeachment ''1riall had succeeded in removing Chase [a Federalist], that could have been the case." The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 20, 1989 - Page 5 Regents move to 'omit exact remarks from minutes ,,, j N! . by Noah Finkel Daily Administration Reporter FLINT - Comments made by members of the University Board of Regents at the board's monthly meeting will no longer be reprinted verbatim in the meeting's minutes. The move infuriated Regents Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) and Veronica Smith (R-Grosse Isle), who considered the motion an at- tempt to censor free speech. Many times in the past, Baker has inserted prepared remarks in the meeting minutes concerning "controversial topics," in order to "prevent misinterpretation or incor- rect quotations." r Regent Philip Power (D-Ann Ar- bor) said Baker's verbatim comments inserted in the minutes concerning the anti-discrimination policy con- tributed to Federal Court Judge Av- aIy ern Cohn striking down that policy last August. Most of the regents agreed with Power's proposal to place sum- maries of regent's remarks rather than any verbatim statements and to put any prepared statement in a sepa- rate archive. "Cohn did not properly perceive what happened at the regent's meet- ing (because of) the false record of the meeting," said Regent Paul Brown (D-Petoskey). But Regent Smith, in agreement with Baker, said "I find this unbe- lievable... We have four attorneys on this board who should know the value of free speech." "I could just imagine Judge Cohn coming in and straightening us out again," she said. Supporters of the motion main- tained this is not a censorship issue. "This is not a question of what someone can say," Brown said. "We are just saying what the minutes should say." Baker charged that the move is a "device to hide the truth under an- other layer of paper." University students gather around a computer display at EDUCOM which wE ended yesterday. Over 1200 people visited the exhibit which featured compu demonstrations and seminars. sity, who was demonstrating the in- stitute's Intermedia Program. Zenith and IBM also had large demic applications, was very popular with students. Demonstrators from other universities were on hand to explain programs that were success- ful elsewhere. Second year law student David Finnegan described the lecture as "interesting," but said he did not par- ticularly admire the justice, "I don't think he is the most brilliant legal scholar." exhibits. EDUCOM has grown measurably since its inception in 1964, when only seven colleges participated. The consortium now consists of 590 col- leges and universities. The 25th anniversary EDUCOM '89 saw a record number of attenders - 3,400 overall this year. This fig- KENNETH SMOLLER/ Da as held on campus this week and ter and information technology ure is nearly one thousand great than last year's total. "The whole show was a success said Schaible. The conference was official brought to a close with remarks1 Arno Penzias, Nobel Laureate a vice-president of research for AT& Bell Laboratories. ter s," Ily by nd kT r rBs ~ri~ $~rnt~hxih ISWEETEYSATY t iT ISG:"i:i?: :i::C?4r:iv:<:}-si:::: :v0"}}i;::"S:::;j;:::} W H E R T H E G :}:i"":: :....... ................ UATcfyLa jr~t~L~yoAHk~nCop :: .': kh:" i t T o 1 a }r::;y'?: }}'; {:t 1? ::?} i}{ ::,: ! :::: ' >::.{ t{:; F.:? . >}[ r e W;[: ' is7B I; i:' Lo er & 1orpi ~a~Ptrbrg1re, ia~~ oad7-~~MyC WCSX 94.7 FM WELCOMES... 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