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"}k}:.'... - }.{.t.4:"{.{.v. . :..ii"}} ".{""}X" "}Y"...., :..vv^}i}}::'"..".::"}Y.. .i.. . . ."i.".}.. . . . .}}}:4 S ......................:.......... ..,}...:.. $:. /......... . . }'}fi n... . . . . ..................}. ,....}..........F{ . .%...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n . . . .... ... eiriuunai Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 33 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 20, 1989 The"Imelun Tuition likely Rehnquist speech to increase by at least 6.5 by Noelle Vance Daily Government Reporter University officials feel th 8.5 percent increase in fund FLINT - Tuition is likely to reasonable based on economist increase by 6.5 percent next year, dictions that the state will see and could increase even more, de- percent increase in revenues, pending on how the state legislature said. 0 reacts to the University's budget re- But, "there is no way to say quest. The request was approved by an increase of growth and re the University's Board of Regents at may be," Gast said. "I wish it their meeting yesterday. be that high, but I wouldn't w The request, presented by Univer- wager on it." sity Provost Charles Vest and ap- Little debate followed Vest' proved with little debate, asks the sentation. Regent Deane Bake state to appropriate $20.2 million Ann Arbor) and Regent F for new expenditures in 1990-91. Power (D-Ann Arbor) expresser The amount is 8.5 percent more cern that the University wasn't than last year's state appropriations enough cost-cutting. and would only partially meet the Unless the University could University's stated need of $53.2 "some major effort in reducing million. ating costs," Baker said he wot There will definitely be an in- reluctant to vote for further b crease, Vest said. But the amount of and tuition increases. the increase will depend on the "Universities are becomin amount of funding the state actually creasingly regarded by policy m appropriates, he said, and the public as cost plus in "We recognize that it will not be tions," Power said, "To have e possible for the State to provide us tion become part of a cost plus with the entire amount necessary to ronment would be damaging." meet our minimum needs. But Regent Thomas Roacl But, "we clearly must plan on an Saline) responded, "We haven increase in tuition as a supplement an easy year in the whole 15 to the increased appropriations," he I've served on the board... It i said. situation where the University Traditionally, the University's ting there with a lot of fat and budget predictions have overesti- lot of waste." mated the amount of money the state The budget request was u legislature will appropriate, and tu- mously approved by the re ition has increased beyond the origi- Both the House and Senate A nal estimates. priations Committees now ha "They can request (an 8.5 percent study the budget proposal b increase from the state), but I don't University officials will kno) think they'll get it," said Harry Gast amount of money the state le (R-St. Joseph), chair of the State ture will appropriate to the U Senate Appropriations Committee. sity. Bay area deals with aftershoc hat an ing is s' pre- a six Vest what venue could ant to 's pre- :r (R- Philip d con- doing show oper- uld be budget ng in- akers nstitu- educa- senvi- h(D- 't had years sn't a is sit- with a unani- gents. kppro- ave to before w the gisla- niver- sparks by Christine Kloostra Daily Staff Writer Over 40 protesters braved the elements and the authorities yester- day afternoon to demonstrate against a speaking appearance by U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist. The demonstrators protested Rehnquist's stance on a variety of issues, including abortion, affirma- tive action, and lesbian and gay rights. protest I Admittance to Rehnquist's speech was limited to law students, faculty and their families, sparking further opposition by the protesters, who were barred from attending the speech. Prior to the speech, representa- tives from various groups support- ing the demonstration addressed the protestors outside the Law Quad. Rhonda Laur of the Ann Arbor Coalition to Defend Abortion Rights and an organizer of the protest said, Rehnquist Rehnquist does early cour "The agenda of William Rehnquist is not one that supports the rights of all people." She declared that Ameri- cans should not tolerate "Rehnquist's racist, sexist, bigoted shit." Just prior to the speech, demon- strators attempted to gain entry to Hutchins Hall where Rehnquist was speaking, but were denied access by security officers stationed at every entrance. Unable to enter, the protestors See PROTEST, Page 2 t justice Chase's impeachment trial was critical to the establishment of a strong, independent, federal judiciary, Rehnquist said, because it set a precedent that Supreme Court jus- tices could not be impeached due to political pressures. Rehnquist quoted Agatha Christie's character Hercule Peirot, "murder can get to be a habit," and said, "if the Republicans [the politi- See REHNQUIST, page 5 by Karen Akerlof Daily Staff Writer "An interesting treatment of early history of the court, obviously non- controversial," was retired University law professor Samuel Estep's ap- praisal of Chief Supreme Court Jus- tice William Rehnquist's lecture yes- terday afternoon. Approximately 400 students and faculty crowded Hutchins Hall, lin- ing the back and walls, to hear Rehnquist speak. Periodically, chants could be heard from a protest outside: "William Rehnquist go away!" Rehnquist did not comment on the protest in his speech. Estep said he found the rally "completely discourteous" and its message contradictory to the concept of free speech. "You just don't treat people that way," he said. Law School Dean Lee Bollinger told the audience in introducing Rehnquist that the justice would not answer questions regarding recent cases. Rehnquist said he had chosen the subject of the speech, "The Im- peachment Trial of Samuel Chase Before the Senate in 1805," because of the upcoming Supreme Court bi- centennial next February. "I wish he had spoken about a more timely topic," said second-year law student Martin Litt. 'U' may build N. Campus library by Kristine LaLonde Daily Administration Reporter FLINT - North Campus stu- dents may not have to go to central campus to reach a comprehensive li- brary anymore and aerospace engi- neering students will soon be work- ing in a new facility. The University's Board of Re- gents approved proposals for a new North Campus comprehensive li- brary/computer facility and a new aerospace engineering building at its monthly meeting yesterday. The library is contingent on a $34,000,000 expenditure from the state. The aerospace building, which has been granted a $5 million private donation, will have its ground break- ing on November 3. If the University receives the state funds necessary for the library complex - which will include a computer center and the University's collection of engineering volumes - the building will be connected to the North Campus Commons and the Chrysler Building. The facility, called the Integrated Technology Instruction Center, will have three stories with a partial basement. It will be completed about two years after its start. University Planner Fred Mayer said the proposed center will include a traditional library, computer facili- ties and a "unique interdisciplinary and experimental space." This space will include audio and video experi- ments for the art and music schools, computer-aided design evaluation for the architecture and music schools, and teleconferencing. Aerospace Engineering Dept. Chair Thomas Adamson said the aerospace engineering building will replace existing facilities which are inadequate for modern times. He said the buildings were constructed inex- pensively and had outdated laborato- ries. "Our labs have fallenbehind what we need," Adamson said. "We are hoping through this we will be get- ting the facilities we've needed for ten or fifteen years." He added that the new structure will replace all the aerospace facili- ties now in use except for two wind tunnels. The facility will include re- See LIBRARY, Page 2 \ s' 4 Presidential task forces examine women s issues at 'U' of earthquake SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Four strong aftershocks rattled a jit- tery Northern California yesterday. The first, measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale, hit at 3:15 a.m. and was centered near Watsonville, about eight miles from the epicenter of Tuesday's 6.9 quake, according to* the State Office of Emergency Ser- vice. Two other aftershocks mea- sured 4.5 and a fourth registered a 4.3. Rescuers who found fewer cars than feared under a collapsed freeway said the World Series may have re- duced the rush-hour traffic. "Normally at five o'clock in the afternoon this area would be bumper to bumper. Maybe the World Series saved our lives," Oakland police Sgt. Bob Crawford said. At the 14-mile stretch of the col- lapsed double-deck Interstate 880, workers cut holes in concrete and used cranes to pull out pancake-flat cars. Rescuers reported finding the cars as far apart as 60 feet, rather than bumper-to-bumper as had been feared, Assistant Fire Chief Al Sig- wart said. That could lower the death toll in the highway rubble estimated earlier at 250, Crawford said. Many people left work early to watch the third game of the World Series, scheduled to start at 5:30 p.m., and 60,000 people already were across the bay in San Francisco at Candlestick Park when the quake struck at 5:04 p.m. Besides the cable cars that were First snowfall KENNETH SMOLLER/ Daity LSA first-year students Kevin Moore and Beth Stevenson brave the snow Michigan searches for win in fields of Iowa by Laura Counts Daily Women's Issues Reporter Only eight percent of the Univer- sity's full professors are women. The percentage of women assis- tant professors at the University has declined from 30 percent to 28 per- cent in the last decade. The female faculty to female stu- dent ratio is 1 to 41 as opposed to 1 to 10 for males. In response to statistics like these, University Pres. James Duder- stadt formed the President's Advisory Commission on Women's Issues last March. The Commission is fol- lowing recommendations outlined in a report submitted to Duderstadt by an ad hoc committee last December. "President Duderstadt realized the University was missing the ball," said Julie Steiner, Commission member and director of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center. "A lot of people perceive that the battle (for women's equality) is over, and all the doors have been opened to women," Steiner said, "but people stopped actively doing things, and we have lost ground." The commission consists of 15 women faculty, administrators, and students, divided into three task forces studying faculty issues, aca- demic climate, and staff development and career advancement The issues the Commission will not be doing research but just pro- viding advice. The initial goal of the faculty task force is to improve the retention and advancement of women assistant professors, said Carol Hollenshead, chair of the Commission and director of the Center for Continuing Educa- tion of Women. The academic climate task force will look at ways to improve the "chilly" classroom climate for women, Hollenshead said. The class- room experience is alienating to many women because men are called on to speak more often, Steiner ex- plained. The academic climate task force is also concerned with implementing a anti-discriminatory harassment pol- icy for faculty and staff. Currently, the University does not have an offi- cial policy, and work on one has come to a standstill since the origi- nal student policy was declared un- constitutional in August. Safety and security, management training, and childcare program is- sues will be examined by the task force on staff development and career enhancement. "We need sustained opportunities for staff development. Women are still the primary caregivers in their families, and have many demands re- lated to this," said Laurita Thomas, administrator for Human Resources for the Medical Campus and Com- mis-,ion member- by Steve Blonder Daily Football Writer The mark of a good team lies in its ability to win away from home. Michigan, historically has accom- plished that feat, winning nearly 80 percent of its Big Ten road games. But Iowa City has not brought the Wolverines good luck in recent years, as they haven't been able to celebrate in Iowa since a 29-7 victory in 1982. The Iowa fans created a ruckus last year that prevented Michigan quarterback Michael Taylor from directing the offense. After the Wolverines were called for delay of game, coach Bo Schembechler chewed out the nearest official, drawing an added 15-yard penalty. Iowa coach Hayden Fry volunteered to provide Schembechler with some assistance for Saturday's game (kickoff at 3:35 p.m. on ABC-