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October 19, 1989 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-10-19

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Field Hockey
vs. Iowa
Tomorrow, 3 p.m.
Tartan Turf


vs. Illinois
Tomorrow, 7:30 p.m.
Varsity Arena

The Michigan Daily

Thursday, October 19, 1989

Page 9

Stiver scores high with Red

by Eric Lemont
Daily Hockey Writer
You know the story. It's a three step process. First,
the child who spends endless hours throwing a football
through a tire. Then a little theme music from The
Natural. Finally, years later, the grown up child who
throws five touchdowns in a Super Bowl victory.
While Michigan rookie Dan Stiver did spend a lot of
time shooting pucks off the wall of his family's
unfinished basement in Winnipeg, it has not trans-
formed him into the next Wayne Gretzky.
But the quiet determination evidenced in the cellar in
Winnipeg is a major reason why Stiver is currently
playing for Michigan. Although Stiver carries the
reputation of a scorer - he scored his first goal of the
year Tuesday against Western Ontario - he does not
have the typical fiery scorer's personality.
Said hockey coach Red Berenson: "Danny is quiet
and laid back but he's still got a lot of desire and deter-
mination. I see him as a good team person. He's the
kind of kid that will put the team first and then he'll
work around the team goals."
Stiver's strongest asset, however, is his quick shot,
the result of his strong wrists.
"He has a quick release," Berenson said. "An extrem-
ely quick release which is a skill that most players don't
have. He'll score goals where other players won't...
he'll surprise goalies."
Teammate Rob Brown echoed Berenson's
sentiments. He said Stiver "has one of the best releases
I've seen. The puck leaves his stick before the goalie

knows it."
Not surprisingly, this ability has translated into
goals. Stiver tallied 43 goals and 44 assists in only 46
regular season goals for the St. Boniface Saints in his
last year of Junior hockey league play before coming to
Last weekend, Stiver quickly chipped in by assisting
Denny Felsner for the Wolverines' first goal of the
"It was a big thrill just because it was the first
game," Stiver recalled. "It's hard to put into words. It
was kind of an innocent play. I just played the puck
behind the net to Rob (Brown) and he passed it to
Denny and it was in the net. It was really quick."
Quick can also be used to describe Stiver in a
different way. He made the honor roll three years in
high school and considered attending Cornell
Quick shot. Quick study.
Stiver's decision to attend Michigan rested on his
proclivity towards both the hockey staff and the
university. "To start off with, I was really attracted by
the coaching staff - all three coaches. And as I got to
know the school better I realized it was really top
notch," he said.
"He's a classic Michigan type student," said
Berenson. "He's the kind of kid we love to recruit at
Michigan because he's an Ivy league quality student and
he's also a solid person."

Michigan rookie Dan Stiver fights for offensive position against Western Ontario Tuesday at Yost Ice Arena.
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S. "essee at Alabama.15. Northwestern at Wisconsin
26. Tes at Arkansas 16. Minn. at Tndiarna. .
7 .a. uston 17. Purdue at Ohio S....
&Mubum at Etorida St. 1.8. Rice at Texas A&M.
~ N S. t Clemnson 19. Syracuse at Rutgers
AO. klaoma at Iowa St. 20. Millersville at Slippery Rock St.





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