OPINION Page 4 Thursday, October 19, 1989 The Michigan Daily, Wbe £irbigau ;&i Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. C, No. 32 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessqrily represent the opinion of the Daily. Rehnquist in Tell it to the judge By Sharon P. Holland This afternoon, the infamous U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Rehnquist will be visiting the University. Sponsored by the Federalist Society of the Law School - the same group who brought former Attorney General Ed Meese to campus - Rehnquist is scheduled to re- ceive an honorary award. The subject of his speech is not known, and apparently is being kept a secret on purpose, in order to catch students by surprise. Since Rehnquist's appointment, the lib- eral sector of the Court has been weakened ion of the court, ruled by quoting a case from 1940: "it is a principle of general application in anglo-American jurispru- dence that one is not bound by a judgment in personam or in a litigation in which he is not designated as a party or to which he has not been made a party by the service of process." This is just one example of the conservative majority Court's tendency to use outdated language embedded in eth- nocentrism to decide a case. Rehnquist, in writing for the majority, argued that white firefighters had not been allowed their "day in court" because they were not party to consent decrees made be- TODAY, UNITED States Chief Justice William Rehnquist will be on campus. It is the job of the University commu- nity to let him know that he is not wel- come here. Rehnquist's achievements on the bench are well known. A Nixon ap- pointee, he spent the 1970s in the Court's conservative minority, honing arguments against a government's re- sponsibility to its citizens in a series of dissenting opinions. His majority views have applied age-old states' rights and libertarian notions - but selectively: against the racially and eco- nomically oppressed and in favor of big business. His Court has rolled back affirmative action and rejected compa- rable worth statutes, refused to hear anti-trust cases brought against the air- lines and allowed states to make homo- sexual sex illegal. Rehnquist is no great legal mind. He is a cynical manipulator of legal thought in the service of the far right. He is a politician who has a terrifying amount of control over the lives of U.S. citizens. This is a rare opportunity to confront him, and the press he will bring in tow, with tangible popular dissent. Today, at 3:30 at the Law Quad's State Street Entrance, unwelcome William Rehnquist. He does not need the University's support. At a time when violence against women and people of color is markedly on the rise, when economic disparity is growing, and when race and sex discrimination in hiring is be- coming standard practice, we do not need to provide a platform for the man who makes it all possible. His presence here cannot be ignored. Like Jeane Kirkpatrick, George Bush, and Ed Meese, like CIA and FBI re- cruiters, Rehnquist represents the powers-that-be who have all too much say, and all the space they want to say it in. Rehnquist's supporters will raise the banner of free speech. This is painfully ironic in the case of someone who thinks civil rights need no guarantor, and insincere, when the University continues to work to silence minority voices. 'Since Rehnquist's appointment, the liberal sector of the Court has been weakened to the point of non-existence. Rehnquist's conservative block has managed to attack and reduce the legal rights of women, people of color, lesbians and gay men.' -eview 42 U.S.C. §1981 because that statute specifically dealt with racial discrimination in the making of a contract, and not the actions of either party after such a contract was made. They also held that the burden of proof lay in Patterson's hands; in other words, they held that she had to prove that she was better qualified than her white counterpart in order to bring suit. The conservative block of the Court, led by Justice Kennedy, upheld the lower court's decision. Although the language of §1981 extends to cover post-formation conduct that shows that the contract was not made on equal terms, the majority chose to nar- row this definition of § 1981. The opinion By reading X1981 not as a general prod scription of racial discrimination in all aspects of contract relations, but as lim- ited to enumerated rights within its ex- press protection, specifically the right tp. make and enforce contracts, we may pre- serve the integrity of Title VII's proce- dures without sacrificing any significant coverage of civil rights laws. The logic of the majority is devastat- ingly narrow and potentially destructive. If- the Court chooses to put on blinders to all actions made after a contact is settled that violate the grounds of that contract, then freedom from racial discrimination and' sexual harassment at the workplace is all' but gone for people of color and women iA d this country. The prevailing mentality of Rehnquist's majority in the Court is not to overrule, but slyly to squeeze all the life out of civil' and reproductive rights statutes. He and his court want to return people of color and. women to the turn of the century - and they are fast succeeding. Another tactic of the conservative sector of the Court is to continue to make use of the language of old statutes, which is mostly racist, sexist and heterosexist, to justify its decisions. Repeatedly, they fail to make connections. Duderstadt ignores demandsfori lesbian and gavmale rights: . Respond to LaGROC DURING LAST week's coming out celebration the Lesbian and Gay Rights Organizing Committee (LaGROC) pre- sented the University president with a series of demands concerning Univer- sity policy and the rights of lesbians and gay men. Despite the openness of the action by LaGROC, the President has chosen not to respond, positively or negatively.. LaGROC is demanding: -A change in Bylaw 14.02 to include lesbians and gay men in the Univer- sity's anti-discrimination statement. -Regular courses in lesbian and gay men's studies, eventually leading to the formation of a department of Lesbian and Gay Men's Culture. -A mandatory course on racism, in- cluding the study of heterosexism. -Improve the University's collection of lesbian and gay men's literature. -A lesbian and gay men's cultural center or public space. -New University housing policies to include lesbian and gay couples. -Including "sexual orientation" in the goals of the Michigan Mandate -An openly gay member on the AIDS Task Force. -October 11 each year as University Coming Out Day. Why not respond? The list of de- mands is long and involved; some of them are more immediately possible than others, but they are all easily un- derstood. Surely Duderstadt could have announced which of the demands he was willing to implement immediately, which would require further study, which he was unwilling to consider, and so on, including a timetable and appropriate designations to his admin- istration. And yet, true to his tradition, he has remained silent. Perhaps, like so many others, Dud- erstadt is uncomfortable publicly dis- cussing issues pertaining to sexual preference. Perhaps, like so many others, he would rather ignore the presence of lesbians and gay men than confront the history of oppression this society has inflicted on its lesbian and gay members. Perhaps, like so many others, he hides behind a facade of in- difference in the hope that the outspo- ken members of the lesbian and gay community will grow tired of protest- ing for their rights. But LaGROC has set an example of the kind outspoken activity and con- frontation which will not go away until society comes to terms with its op- pression of lesbians and gay men. The issue will remain a public one, the his- tory will constantly confront us, the fa- cade will inevitably collapse to reveal the true nature of the leaders who deny their responsibilities. Duderstadt's failure to offer even a public recognition of the demands un- derscores the need for their implemen- tation. Recognizing and confronting the rights of lesbians and gay men must remain a central concern if the Univer- sity is to transcend the rhetoric of di- versity and become an equitable insti- tution. The responsibility to initiate this process at an institutional level remains on the shoulders of the administration, and its president James Duderstadt. The University awaits his response. to the point of non-existence. Rehnquist's conservative block has managed to attack and reduce the legal rights of women, peo- ple of color, lesbians and gay men. One of the Court's most memorable rul- ings of this summer was Webster v. Re- productive Services, a case which put drastic restrictions on a woman's right to choose, and narrowed the language of Roe v. Wade so as to make it basically impos- sible for poor women in this country to get an abortion. Before the Webster decision, the Court severely curtailed Native American land rights, narrowed the terms of what consti- tutes racial discrimination in the work place and affirmed the ridiculous concept of reverse discrimination. The Court's most devasting decisions this summer cen- tered around attacks on Civil Rights and Affirmative Action legislation. Martin v. Wilkes: Black firefighters and a branch of the National association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) brought ac- tions in Federal District Court against the City of Birmingham, Alabama and the Jef- ferson County Personnel Board, charging that the Board had used racially discrimina- tory hiring and promotion practices in vio- lation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. White firefighters also brought suit against the Board and the City claim- ing that they were being discriminated against because of their race in favor of hiring less qualified Blacks, in violation of federal law. The District Court dismissed the case, and the Court of Appeals upheld' the white firefighter's right to petition for reverse discrimination. Rehnquist, delivering the majority opin- tween the Board, the City, and the Black firefighters. Because they were not there, they could make a case for reverse discrim- ination. Basically, the Court said that people of color have to have white peo- ple's permission to establish and enforce tougher affirmative action standards. Justice Stevens, inthe dissenting opin- ion of the Court, noted that "the City of Birmingham, in entering into and comply- ing with this decree, has made a substan- tial step toward the eradication of the long history of pervasive racial discrimination that has plagued its fire department." He also pointed out that the "white respon- dents in this case are not responsible for the history of discrimination, but they are nonetheless beneficiaries of the discrimina- tory practices that the litigation was de- signed to correct." In other words, the dis- senting opinion points to the ludicracy of white firefighters' claims that they are damaged by a civil rights statute that ul- timately benefits them. Patterson v. McLean Credit Union: Brenda Patterson, a black woman, was employed for ten years at the above credit union until she was laid off. She claimed in both her statements to the District Court and the Supreme Court that her su- pervisor periodically stared at her for sev- eral minutes at a time; that he gave her too many tasks, causing her to complain that she was under too much pressure; that among the tasks given her were sweeping and dusting, jobs not given to white em- ployees. On one occasion, she testified that her supervisor told her that blacks are known to work slower than whites. She also observed that her supervisor criticized her in staff meetings while not similarly criticizing white employees. The District Court stated that a claim of racial harassment was not actionable under The failure of the conservative majority- of the Supreme Court to link struggles: and to make connections cannot be our. failure also. The struggle for the issues: and concerns of poor women, people of color, lesbians and gay men are connected to issues of right to choose and affirmative action. If we couldn't see that before Web- ster, we must see that now. We should: remember that if Roe v. Wade is gone forO one of us, if civil rights statute §1981 is: fading, if Native Americans have lost ma-: jor strongholds on self-determination, then' these "civil liberties" are lost to us all. Sharon Holland is an Opinion page as- sociate editor. .:.:::.:.frmi. 01 ~i'~I BAKER- Brown bag discussion MANDELA CENTER Women In the Intifadah TODAY AT noon, the Ella Baker-Nelson Mandela Center for Anti-Racist Educa- tion will hold the first of its brown bag discussion series for the year. Today's discussion will be on Palestinian Women and the Intifadah, and will focus on the ways women have participated in and shaped the direction of the popular upris- ing in the West Bank and Gaza. Described by many as the "backbone of the intifadah," women in Palestine have organized in opposition to the Israeli occupation of their land since the start of the intifadah nearly two years ago. Women's committees have been responsi- ble for some of the most successful and important aspects of the intifadah, like the distribution of food under times of curfew and the formation of agricultural committees which have made the continual boycotts of Israeli products possible. Any interested members of the community are invited to come out for an in- frmal nr1 .epntntinn, A ant tairin ithe rptprfnr .A frican anti AA firn Amprira I. Iiij== 1 Igm~sym uiaotmas ;dtvthto 0 K ~ ~ ~ ~ I E"A '4IIYEMII "'li - -. IP :f a:grit'r'it s sri tr''': :t t t tY .'ss f.t ris r:latt =icy