The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 7, 1989 - Page7 A Nightmare on Any Street v ,Students pay dearly to park in Ann Arbor By Michael Salinsky Daily Staff Writer a Parking Hell: a short story ' Another frigid Ann Arbor day, Rmuch too cold to walk to class. It .was always too cold, or I was too ."date to make that fabled journey by *foot. So, I got behind the seat of my vintage '83 Oldsmobile and motored toward campus, not giving my car or myself enough time to warm up. Driving down South University, I passed the myriad of one-hour me- 'ters that were taken away by con- struction. To my left was the city's South Forest metered parking struc- iure - however it would be too busy on a cold day like this, and it's just a little too far away for my taste. There's always the univer- sity's parking structure on Church St., but alas it's reserved exclu- sively for faculty and staff until 6:00. Wait, what's that up ahead? A Imeter opening up, but it's a one- hour maximum and my class is an hour and a half. I decided to gamble. Waiting un- til the last possible moment , I 'dropped in my quarter for fifty min- utes, and a nickel for the remainder of the hour. I rushed back from class but slowed down once I realized I was too late. Ann Arbor's finest (and ' fastest) had beaten me. There on my windshield ( I wonder what they'd do if I took the wipers off?) was the dreaded parking ticket - violation n umber one, expired meter, two dol- lars if paid within an hour, three dollars within 14 days. It was a .cheap one, but it was even cheaper to let that citation join its brethren -n the depths of my glove compart- .nent. A couple of weeks later I again motored off to class. This time I *found a long-term meter on 4 Thompson Street. I confidently pumped in my change. Returning, there was no ticket under my wind- shield wiper, but no windshield wiper either. In fact, there was no car. Wait, that notice on the tickets -six or more unpaid violations and they could tow your car, or issue a warrant for your arrest (some w choice). Let's see, I was nabbed in ' staff lots twice, there was the ex- pired meter the day I forgot I had driven my car, that fire zone viola- tion with its intolerable 25-dollar penalty, the time I tried to squeeze between meters and got ticketed for the infamous "other" had been six. "That's all I can stand, I can't stand no more!" I said in my best Popeye voice. "I won't drive to campus any more. I can't, I don't have enough money to get my car back." Everybody has similar stories about parking in Ann Arbor. Along with the Bell Tower, Shakey Jake, and the five dollar pot law, the lack of parking is something the city is renown for. There are some things about parking that aren't known - some myths, misperceptions, and il- lusions. Let's set the record straight. First for all you new students, there is no truth to the fable that first-year students can't bring cars to campus. Who's going to stop you? Of course, it is hard to find a permanent spot near the dorms, but some permanent spots are indeed available. Most people know about the commuter lots by Crisler Arena and on North Campus (1410 spots combined). Unfortunately, these lots are not available for overnight park- ing. Unbeknownst to most, the uni- versity maintains a permit lot for students next to the Coliseum, about ten minutes from campus. The 255 spots in this lot go for $170/year, and go on sale September 5 at the parking operations office at 508 Thompson. Last year, the first per- son lined up at 3:30 in the morning, and according to administrative as- sistant Betty DeWolf, "if you weren't there by 6:00, you had no chance of getting a spot." DeWolf said, however, that spots opened up during the year, "I think the students are pretty much warned at orientation that there is no park- ing, so there is little demand." Some prime spots are available, courtesy of the city, and 40 dollars of your money a month. The steep price does not deter people - there is a 1100-person waiting list for the approximately 2300 spots. Students who get spots are forced to pay for the summer months or else go to the bottom of the waiting list. For in- formation on these spots, you can call 994-2707. OK, say you don't have enough money, or you live too far from the Coliseum, or maybe you just have an overdeveloped sense of adventure. You test the streets, lots, and abun- dant parking rules of Ann Arbor. Some facts for those who dare. In the month of March, the city gave out 35,467 parking tickets, and towed 375 cars, 130 for six or more violations. Records aren't kept on how many of the victims were stu- dents, but you can bet its a lot. Although they may seem om- nipresent, there are only 16 full-time parking patrollers in the city. The university supplements this staff with three of its own security offi- cers. Even with this expenditure, the university, contrary to popular be- lief, derives no monetary benefit from the tickets given in its lots. The city of Ann Arbor is paid back for patrolling these lots by the fines that are collected. Parking fines generate approxi- mately 2.2 million dollars for the city, which goes into the city's fund of about 50 million dollars. The 2.2 million isn't earmarked for any sin- gle purpose. The fund however must pay for the parking force plus the seemingly huge parking violations bureaucracy. Of course, if all tickets were paid, we'd be talking more like five mil- lion. During the past school year, the city held an amnesty period dur- ing which old tickets could be paid at a 50 percent discount rate. Out of $1.35 million possible, the unoffi- cial counts is around $330,000. City treasurer, Richard Garay, was "hoping for another $150,000," but said he was not disappointed with the results. It all seems kind of silly, doesn't it? Productive people spending all their time regulating parking, col- lecting fines, etc. And students, who have enough problems and financial obligations already, forced to concern themselves with getting the right spot. Apparently, that's the way it's going to stay. One might hope that the university would try to at least assuage the problem. It hasn't. "Parking was never set up for students. It was set up for staff and , faculty," DeWolf said. "The univer- sity has not addressed the problem of student parking." Recently the university has had enough problems grappling with a suzi SILBAR/Daity What's this? Two tickets! Once again the finest ticketing police force has zapped an unsuspecting stuaent. Will he pay them or let them sit in his car? Most students choose the latter. shortage of faculty and staff parking spots and is threatening to increase the cost of staff permits. So, if you're going to have a car and no spot on campus, you're go- ing to have problems. Happy hunt- ing, and may be the parking not be with you very often. force r 4 a 4 ' 1 . ' A Since 1971, the Lesbian-Cay Male Programs Office at the University of Michigan has provided students, faculty and staff with programs and services to meet the needs of lesbians, gay men, bisexual people, those who are ques- tioning their orientation, and to parents, friends and associates of the lesbian-gay male community. We offen First Presbyterian Church Opportunities for study and fellowship for students Worship Times: 9:30 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. 1432 Washtenaw (Between Hill and South University) a4 UFB A[ w i+ s S_ _1 4 m V Coming Out Groups V Counseling V Educational Programs V Referrals and Information V Civil Rights Assistance V Social and Support Groups for People of Color, Staff and Faculty, Graduate Students, and others V Computer Conference on Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Issues ill Tea, Friday September 15th from 4-6 p.m. (Call for location) Join us for our Fa Lesbian-Gay Male Programs Office V 3118 Michigan Union V Phone 763-4186 V ( R E A D I N G & L E A R N I N G TUTORING Learn the techniques for ACADEMIC SUCCESS for specific classes, achievement tests and special services for students with Learning Disabilities W WORKSHOPS p I