The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 16, 1989 - Page 7
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The Calendar
of The University of Michigan
The Calender combines meeting, lecture, workshop, and conference annoaenmnls
wtodsereakapeningeackweekoncanwspu& tba d on Th UivniyRmcd
Caledarwand is open oaUnety-panoredgropandogmnisetiantrecognied
by the Michigan Student Assembly. hiem mr t be sleised in writing by S pa the
Tresday beforepavbication. Address allu Wrmation to AnneSekdey.Publi rn. on
Assisant, University Record, 412 MaynardStreet. An ateri()denotes ewnU te
which admission is chaigd.
Canterbury House-Lesbian-gay men's community open house, 8:45 pm, 218
N Division, 665-0606.
Shorin-ryu Karate-do Club-Karate (beginners welcome), 7:30-8:30 pm,
CCRB Small Gym, 747-6825.
Tae kwon do Club-Mtg (beginners welcome), 7-8:30 pm, 2275 CCRB, 677-
*Bot Gdns-Pre-trip mtg: Nordhouse Dunes Backpack, 7-9 pm; Course:
Terrarium Overview, 7:30-9:30 pm; Bot Gdns Reg req 998-7061.
CRLT-TA wkshp, "Motivating Students To Learn," 6:30-8:30 pm, 109 E
Madison Reg req 763-0162.
*Comput Ctr-Classes: MS-DOS for Hard Disk Users, 1-4 pm; MTS
Intermediate Skills, 9 am-noon; 3001 SEB Reg req 763-3700.
*HRD-Wkshps: Writing for Business, 1:30-4:30 pm; Written Commun Seminar,
9 am-4 pm; Preparing for Retirement (faculty), 6-9 pm 1111 Kipke Dr Reg req
Stf Benefits-Open Enrollment Period for Health Insurance begs, 9 am-3 pm,
Chrysler Ctr Aud.
Ctr Near East & N Afr Stds-Brown-bag lec, "Imams of Tyranny: On Early
Islamic Kingship," M Bonner, noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm; Colloquium,
"Four Textual Emendations to the Koran," J Bellamy, 4 pm, Frieze Bldg Rm
3050; 764-0350.
Mich Intl Political Econ Grp-Lecture, "Sources of Nonmarket Economy
Reform in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe," S Norton, 4 pm, 473 Lorch
Hall, 995-9402.
Commun Dis Clin-Stutterers' Support Grp mtg, 4:30 pm, Victor Vaughan,
Career Plan & Place-On-Campus Recruit Prog Info Session, 8:10-9 am,
Angell Hall Aud A; Resume Lecture, 6-7 pm, CP&P Rm 1; Employer
Presentation: Hewitt Associates, 7-9 pm, CP&P Conf Rm; 764-7460.
Guild House-Mon Eve Writers Series, C Brockman & P Ahnen, 8:30 pm, 802
Monroe, 994-0850.
U-M Flint-Open Aerobic classes beg; Table Tennis Toum, 5-8 pm, Games Rm;
SWE-Pre-interviews, LTV Steel, 5:15-7:15, 1303 EECS; FMC Corp, 6-8 pm,
1311 EECS; Consumers Power, 4:30-6:30 pm, 1010 Dow; 763-5027.
Tau Beta Pi-free tutoring in lower level math, sci & engr courses, 8-10 pm,
UGLi Rm 307
Univ Hosp-Volunteer info mtg, 7-8 pm, Univ Hosp Rm 2C108, 936-4327.
Sch Mus/Composition-Concert, Composers Forum, 8 pm, Recital Hall, 764-
WCBN/Lesbian & Gay Radio Collective-Talk show, "Closets are for
Clothes," 883 FM, 6-6:30 pm, 763-3500 or 3501.
Wels Lutheran Campus Ministry-Study/discuss, 8-9 pm, Mich Union,
662-0663 or 761-6362.
Iranian Sdt Cultural Club-Non-political, non-religious mtg, 7:30 pm, Mich
League, 662-8933.
Shotokan Karate of Mich-Karate (beginners welcome), 8:30-10 pm, CCRB
Martial Arts Rm.
LaGROC (Lesbian & Gay Men's Rights Organizing Committee)-
Mtg, 8 pm, Mich Union Rm 3100, 763-4186.
*Zen Buddhist Temple-Intro Yoga & Breathing Class, 7:30-9 pm, 1214
Packard Rd, 761-6520.
Univ Council-Univ Council mtg, 10 am-noon, 2002 LSA, 763-5082.
Ctr Chinese Stds-Brown-bag lec, "Children of Beijing and Chicago, A
Contrast," H Stevens, noon-1 pm, Lane Hall Commons Rm, 936-1603.
*Hlth Ctr-Cholesterol test, 3-7 pm, 775 S Main, Chelsea, 936-9638.
Biopsychology-Colloquium, "Evidence of Cognition in the Communication
of Non-Human Primates," H Gouzoules, 12:30 pm, MHRI Rm 1057, 761-7936.
B'nai B'rith Hillel-Spotlight, "The Plight of the Ethiopian Jews," J
Edelstein, 7:30pm, 769-0500.
*Comput Ctr-Class: Word Columns and Tables (IBM PC and Compatibles),
8:30-10:30 am, 3001 SEB Reg req 763-3700.
Career Plan & Place-Conducting the Long Distance Job Search, 4:10-5 pm,
CP&P Rm 1; Employer Presentation: Salomon Brothers Inc, 7-9 pm, Bus Sch
Wolverine Rm; 764-7460.
*Extension & Cont Educ/U-M Flint-Wkshp begs, "Mediation Skills for
Managers," Z Zumeta, 8:30 am-4:30 pm, Univ Ctr Mich Rms, 762-3200.
Faculty Women Club-Women Faculty Out to Dinner, (refreshments, 5:30 pm,
900 Burton Tower) 6:30 pm, Mich League Rm 6, 764-4202.
U-M Flint-Badminton Tourn, 5:30-9 pm, Rec Bldg, 762-3441
* H R D-Wkshps: Barriers and Benefits-Basic, 8:30 am-noon; Creating a
Procedures Manual for Your Position, 8:30 am-noon; Comput Viruses: Threats
and Countermeasures, 1-4:30 pm; 1111 Kipke Dr Reg req 764-7410.
ISIHS-Comput display, 8:30 am-12:30 pm, Univ Hosp Lobby, 747-2778.
Mich Journalism Fellows-Seminar, "Getting the Most Out of Michigan," G
Zachary, 4:30 pm, Frieze Bldg, 763-2400.
Polish Stds Prog-Lecture, "The Round-Table Negotiations from an Actor's
Perspective: Psychological Aspects of the Transformations of a Political
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Lord of Light Lutheran Church-Bible study, 6:30 pm; worship, 7:30-8
pm; 801 S Forest at Hill St, 668-7622.
Shorin-ryu Karate-do Club-Karate (beginners welcome), 8:30-9:30 pm,
CCRB Martial Arts Rm, 747-6825.
Tae kwon do Club-Mtg (beginners welcome), 7-8:30 pm, 2275 CCRB, 677-
Antiquarian Book Soc-A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens portrayed by
B Homback, 8 pm, Clements Lib, 764-6498.
UN. Day-Lecture, "The Environment, the United Nations and Global Security
Interests," D Hales, 7:30 pm, Mich Union Anderson Rm, 971-5723.
Stf Benefits-Annual Health Insurance Open Enrollment, 1-5 pm, Ford Aud,
Armenian Stds Prog-Lecture, "The Armenian Genocide: Memory, Politics,
and the Future," R Smith, 8 pm, AGBU Alex Manoogian Sch, Southfield, 747-
*Hith Ctr-Cholesterol test, 9 am-noon, 325 Briarwood Circle, 936-9538.
BioEngr-Seminar, "Deep Localyzed Hyperthermia with Non-Planar Phased
Arrays: An Application of the Psuedo Inverse Pattern Synthesis Method," E
Ebbini, 4-5 pm, 1017 Dow.
Chem-Seminars, "Stereoselective Synthesis of Tri and Tetra Substituted
Alkenes," D Visger 4 pm, Rm 1640; "Internal-Surface Reverse-Phase Supports
for HPLC," C Kibbey, 4 pm, Rm 1650.
CRLT-TA Wkshp, "One-On-One Teaching," 6:30-9:30 pm, 109 E Madison Reg
req 763-0162.
*Cont Med Educ-Course, "Pediatric Urology for the Practitioner," D Bloom,
Towsley Ctr, 763-1400.
Career Plan & Place-The Grad School Application Process, 4:10-5 pm,
CP&P, 764-7460.
CEW-Res Lunch Forum, "Black Women in Transition," noon-1:30 pm, CEW;
series cont, "Career Decision Making: The Step Before the Job Search," 7-
9:30 pm, CEW, reg req; 998-7080.
*Extension & Cont Educ/U-M Flint-Wkshp cont, "The Manager As
Coach & Counselor," C Apple, 8:30 am-4:30 pm, Unit Ctr Mich Rms, 762-
Environ & Water Res Engr-Seminar, "Transport Parameters for Two-Phase
Flow," A II Demond, 12:30-1:30 pm, Rm 185 Engr IA, 763-1464.
*Guild House-Beans & Rice Dinner, 6 pm, 802 Monroe, 662-5189.
U-M Flint-3-on-3 Basketball, 5:30-9:30 pm, Rec Bldg, 762-3441.
*HRD-Wkshps: How to Live With the Space We Have, 9 am-noon; Alzheimer's
Disease and Other Causes of Memory Loss and Confusion, 8:30 am-noon;
1111 Kipke Dr Reg req 764-7410.
Mus Art-Video, "Nevelson," noon, Mus Art, 747-0521.
*Outdoor Rec-Pre-trip mtg, Rock Climbing, 7-10 pm, NCRB Conf Rm, 764-
Polish Stds Prog-Lecture, "September 1939: The Beginning of a New Epoch
in Polish History," P Wrobel, 12:10 pm, Lane Hall Commons Rm, 747-2237.
Sdts of Objectivism-Video, "Ayn Rand: The Sanction of the Victim," 8 pm,
Bus Sch Rm 1270, 996-4141.
SWE-Pre-interviews, Ford Motor Co, 4:30-6:30 pm, 1500 EECS; Aerospace
Corp, 6-8 pm, 1003 EECS; 763-5027.
Tau Beta Pi-free tutoring in lower level math, sci & engr courses, 8-10 pm,
UGLi Rm 307.
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Choir rehearsal, 7:30 pm; Holden Village Vespers, 9
pm; 1511 Washtenaw, 663-5560
U-M Flint/Visit Writers Series-Poetry reading, A Fulton & S Tudor, 7 pm,
UCEN Kiva,762-3200
Shotokan Karate of Mich-Karate (beginners welcome), 7:30-10 pm, CCRB
Small Gym.
Lesbian Gay Male Prog-Massage therapy classes for gay/bisexual men, 8-
10 pm, 1402 Hill St, 662-6282.
*Zen Buddhist Temple-Intro to Zen Meditation, S Murray, 6:30-8:30 pm,
1214 Packard Rd Reg req 761-6520.
Turner Clin-Lecture, "Africa in the 21st Century: Past, Present and
Prospectives," O H Kokole, 10-11:30 am, Kellogg Eye Ctr Aud, 764-2556.
Mus Anthropology-Brown-bag lec, "Pueblos, Plazas, and Pothunter Holes:
The 1989 Excavations at the Homol'ovi Ruins State Park, Winslow, Arizona,"
T Van Zandt, noon-1 pm, Nat Sci Mus Rm 4009, 764-0485.
Stf Benefits-Flint Annual Health Insurance Open Enrollment, 2-4 pm, Univ
Ctr Mich Rms C & D, 762-3150.
Arch & Urban Plan-Lecture, "Defining Architecture: An Autonomous or
Interdisciplinary Endeavor?" K Frampton, 7:30 pm, Chrysler Aud, 764-1300.
EECS-Lecture, "Point-Process Estimation Problems in Positron-Emission
Tomography," D Snyder, 3:30-5:30 pm, EECS 1200, 747-2045.
*Hith Ctr-Cholesterol test, 3-7 pm, 8685 W Grand River Ave, Brighton, 936-
B'nai B'rith Hillel-Hill St Cinema, %F2Homage to Chagall,%F 7 & 9:15
pm, 769-0500.
Chem-Seminar, "Some New Developments in Density Functional Theory," R
Harris, 4 pm, Rm 1640.
*Comput Ctr-Classes: MS-DOS Basic Skills lec/demonstration, 10 am-noon;
MTS Basic Skills lec/demonstration, 1-2:30 pm; 611 Church St; Macintosh
system Utilities, 3-5 pm, 3001 SEB; Reg req 763-3700.
CSST-Seminar, "Making the Empire Respectable: Race and Sexual Morality in
Twentieth Century Colonial Culture," A Stoler, 8 pm, LS&A 4560, 936-1382.
*Cont Med Educ-2-day course begs, "New Approaches to Patient Care in
Diabetes: Psychosocial K& Behavioral Issues," M Runnell, Towsley Ctr, 763-
Career Plan & Place-Applying to Medical School, 4:10-5 pm, Angell Hall
Aud A, 764-7460
Evolution & Behav Prog-Lecture, "Female Fecundability and Menstrual
Cycling in a Natural Fertility Population: The Dogon of Mali," B Strassman,
MLB Rm B115.
Bi Engr-Seminar, "Point-Process Estimation Problems in Positron-Emission
Tomography," D Synder, 4-5:30 pm, EECS 1200, 747-2045.
Iisit Writers Series-Fiction reading, Russell Banks, 5 pm, Lorch Aud, 764-
Guild House-Women & Spirituality Grp mtg, "JourneyWomen," 7:30 pm, 802
Monroe. 662-5189.
U-M Flint-8-ball Toum, 5-8 pm, Games Rm, 762-3441.
*HRD-Wkshps: Improving Your Listening Skills, 1-4:30 pm; Writing It Right,
Part 1, 8:30 am-noon; The Discipline Process, 8:30 am-noon; Preparing for
Retirement (staff) 1:30-4:30 nm: 1111 Kinke Dr Reg rea 764-7410.
Macromolecular Res Ctr-2-day Annual Symposium begs, "Current
Contributions in Polymer Science & Engineering," 8 am Thurs-noon Fri,
Macro Res Ctr, reg req 763-2316.
Repro St Prog-Seminar, "Brain Aromatase in Reproductive Function," J A
Resko, noon, 300 NIB, 763-0247.
Women's Rugby-Practice (rookies welcome), 8-10 pm, Mitchell Field, 996-
Romance Lang-Lecture, "Against Representation: Terror and the Sublime," M
H Huet, 8 pm, MLB Lee Rm 2, 764-5344.
Regents-Regents mtg begs, 1 pm, Regents Rm.
SWE-Pre-interviews, Lockheed Missiles, 6-8 pm, 1003 EECS; American Mgmt
Sys, 6:30-8:30 pm, 1301 EECS; 763-5027
Univ6Lutheran Chapel-Study on Reading Greek, 8:30 pm, 1511 Washtenaw,
Vision Lunch-Seminar, "Ionic Mechanisms of Transport in the RPE," D
Joseph, 12:20 pm, 2055 MHRI, 764-0573.
Univ Hosp-Piano concert, M Koga, 12:30 pm, Univ Hosp Lobby 1st fl, 936-
Gay Liberation-Brothers Coffee House, 8 pm, 802 Monroe St, 763-4186.
Lesbian-Gay Male Prog-Mtg, "Black Gay Brothers United," 8 pm, Mich
Union Rm 3200, 763-4186.
Shorin-ryu Karate-do Club-Karate (beginners welcome), 8:30-9:30 pm,
CCRB Martial Arts Rm, 747-6825. .
Tae kwon do Club-Mtg (beginners welcome), 6-8 pm, 1200 CCRB, 67-
SNR-Lecture, "Kirtland's Warbler and the Jack Pine Ecosystem," S Taylor, noon,
Dana Bldg Rm 1046, 763-9101.4
Anthrpology-Colloquium, "Capped Langur Behavioral Ecology: The One-M1e
Group Revisited," C Stanford, 4 pm, 4560 LS&A.
Stf Benefits-Dearborn Annual Health Insurance Open Enrollment, 9-11 am,
ROC Ctr, 593-5190.
MacTechnics Users Grp-Programmers Special Interest Grp mtg, 6 pm,
Comput Ctr 3rd fl, 763-4745.
EECS-Seminar, "Exact and Asymptotic Nonlinear Model Matching," M D
DiBenedetto, 4 pm, EECS 1200, 747-2045.
*Women's Athletics-Volleyball, U-M vs Univ of Illinois, 7:30 pm, Varsity
Arena; Field Hockey, U-M vs Iowa, 3 pm, State St Turf (Football Bldg if
raining); 763-2159.
Physics & Chem-Conference begs, "History of Molecular Beams," 9 am-
noon, Chem Rm 1200 & 1:30-4 pm, Chem Rm 1670, 764-4450.
*Comput Ctr-Class: Lotus 1-2-3 Basic Skills, 1-5 pm, 3001 SEB Reg req 763
Career Plan & Place-Job Search Lecture, noon-1 pm, CP&P Conf Rm, 764"
CEW-Presentation, "Midlife Issues for Black Women," M Malson, 2-4 pm, 605Q
ISR, 998-7080. ~
*Guild House-Luncheon/discuss, "Learning to Travel Lightly," H Weingart
noon, 802 Monroe, 662-5189yr
*HRD-Wkshps: Inferential Statistics, 10 am-noon, 1111 Kipke Dr; Purchasing,,
Accounts Payable and Stores, 8:30 am-noon, Plant Model Conf Rm Reg req'
*ICLE-C.4ourse, "Fringe Benefits From A to Z: Planning for the '90s," 9 am-
pm, 1020 Greene St Reg req 764-0533.
Ctr Japan Stds-Mizoguchi film series, "My Love Has Been Burning," 7 pm;
"Miss Oyu," 8:45 pm; Lorch Hall Aud, 764-6307.
Lowbrow Astron-Monthly mtg, 7:30 pm, Detroit Observ, 434-2574.
Philosophy-Lecture, "Semantic Answers to Skepticism," A Brueckner, 4 pm,:
2408 Mason Hall, 764-6285.
Ctr S & SE Asian Stds-Brown-bag lec, "Ajanta and its Significance for'
Indian History: A New Interpretation," W Spink, 12:10 pm, Lane Ha
Commons Rm, 764-0352.
Tau Beta Pi-free tutoring in lower level math, sci & engr courses, 8-10 pn,
UGLi Rm 307.
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Fellowship & videos, 7:30 pm, 1511 Washtenaw
*Grad Christian Fellowship-Conference begs, "Rediscovering the Power of
the Gospel: Jesus' Theology of the Kingdom," J A Baird, 7:30 pm, Mich
League, 747-1738
Shotokan Karate of Mich-Karate (beginners welcome), 3-5 pm, CCRB
Small Gym.
*Exhibit Mus-Planetarium shows, "Autumn Stars," 10:30 & 11:30 am; "Earth
Visitors," 2,3 & 4 pm; Exhib Mus Planet, 763-4190.
SNR-Lecture, "The Environment and Us: Making a Difference," R Bateman, 7:30
pm, for loc call 763-5945.
MacTechnics Users Grp-Special interest grps, 9 am, EECS; Macintosh IIci,
11 am, Chrysler Ctr, 763-4745.
*Women's Athletics-Volleyball, U-M vs Purdue, 7:30 pm, Varsity Arena,
Physics & Chem-Conference cont, "History of Molecular Beams," 9 am-
noon, Chem Rm 1670, 764-4450.
*Dance Dept-Performance, David Appel, 8 pm, Dance Bldg Studio A Theater,
Kelsey Mus-Course, "Roman Sculpture: Connoisseurship and Forgery
Detection," E K Gazda, 10 am, Tappan Hall.
*Sch Music-Bandorama, 8 pm, Hill Aud, 763-2556
Wels Lutheran Campus Ministry-Worship, 10 am, 1360 Pauline, transport
provided, 662-0663 or 761-6352.
Iranian Sdt Cultural Club-Coffee hour & Persian classes, 4-6 pm, 3050
Frieze Bldg, 662-8933.
Lord of Light Lutheran Church-Worship, 10 am, 801 S Forest at Hill St
Zen Buddhist Temple-Meditation Svcs, 5-7 pm, 1214 Packard Rd, 761-6520.
Chess Club-Mtg, 1-5 pm, Mich League, 764-0940.
Canterbury House-Holy Eucharist, 5 pm, St Andrew's Episcopal Church
dinner, 6 pm & program, 6:45 pm, 218 N Division, 665-0606.
*Exhibit Mus-Planetarium shows, "Earth Visitors," 2,3 & 4 pm; Exhib Mus
Planet, 763-4190.
Women's Athletics-Field hockey, U-M vs Northern Illinois, 10 am, State St
Turf (Football Bldg if raining), 763-2159.