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October 16, 1989 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-10-16

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 16, 1989 - Page 3

Hunger walkers
raise money for
.World Food Month


uy Mike Fiizgibbon
A billion people - one-quarter
of the world's population -are
chronically malnourished, according
to the Church World Service, an in-
ternational relief and development
organization. Today is United Na-
tions World Food Day, and yesterday
Washtenaw County residents partici-
* pated in a Hunger Walk to take ac-
tion against malnutrition and
hunger. ,
October is World Food Month in
Washtenaw County as well. Obser-
vance of the month and its events is
being sponsored by various local
hIunger organizations including the
Interfaith Council for Peace and Jus-
tice, which organized the Hunger
S"It's not a glamorous problem,
and some people think it's too
overwhelming to even get started in
solving," said Bob Krzewinski, a lo-
cal member of Bread For The World,
a citizen's lobby on hunger legisla-
tion. Krzewinski staffed a registra-
tion table at the Bethlehem United
Church of Christ, where walkers be-
gan their 10-kilometer circuit of Ann
Arbor yesterday.
* Krzewinski was heartened by the
reported turn-out of 545 walkers,
who raised an estimated $30,000 for
local and international hunger pro-
jects. He was enthusiastic, as well,
about the opportunity the event pre-

sented for educating people about
hunger issues.
"If they're interested enough in
walking, people will read a little
more about hunger, and find out
things like there's enough food right
now to feed everybody on the face of
the Earth," he said.
"But there's a problem with in-
justice - of people not being able
to get at the food, or raise their
Perry Bullard, the Democratic
state representative for much of Ann
Arbor and a participant in the Walk,
agreed with Krzewinski. "In the
Phillipines, with many people not
getting paid enough to buy food,
they are working on very fertile land
to produce sugar cane so the owners
of the land can get very wealthy ex-
porting sugar," Bullard said.
Members of 67 organizations par-
ticipated in the walk. Robin Lucas
and Heather Boylan, both LSA se-
niors and members of the Univer-
sity's Chi Omega Sorority, said they
enjoyed it because they were able to
see different parts of Ann Arbor.
The World Food Day Teleconfer-
ence will be shown on Channel 10
Community Access Television from
noon to 3 p.m. today. This Thurs-
day, participating local restaurants .
will be donating 7 percent of their
income from the day to local hunger

MSA le
Policy I
by Josh Mitnick
Daily MSA Reporter
Despite President James Duder-
stadt's recent overture soliciting stu-
dent review of the Univeristy's in-
terim anti-harassment policy, some
student leaders remain skeptical of
the administration's efforts to en-
courage student input.
Duderstadt announced last week
that he would set up a board made up
of at least three students, three fac-
ulty, and three administrators who
would review and solicit response tot
the policy.-
Nick Mavrick, chair of the
Michigan Student Assembly's Stu-t
dents' Rights commission, said there
is no way three students can articu-;
late or represent the broad range of
views held by students at the Uni-;
Instead, Mavrick said he is work-1
ing to convene a forum where ad-f
ministration and faculty representa-
tives can meet with various campus
groups and listen to their concernst
regarding the University's anti-dis-
crimination policy.
He said the success of such a fo-
rum would depend on the participa-
tion of administrators, but until now
Duderstadt hasn't agreed to partici-
pate. "We want Duderstadt there be-1
cause we want accountability so they,
can't pass the buck," Mavrick said. t
"Our goal is to make the Uni-t
veristy realize that students are dis-
satisfied with the efforts they have
taken," he said.
Mavrick said the policy was
drafted hastily, and claimed thez
groups the policy is designed to pro-1
tect are unhappy with it.t

"The University should quit peck-
ing at the issue and work towards
something with the students," he
Mavrick said members of his
commission would be setting up in-
formation tables at residence halls in
an effort to encourage student partic-
ipation. He hopes to get students to
sign postcards petitioning the Uni-
versity for increased student input on
the policy.
In addition, he said he would con-
tact campus minority groups to
gather their support.
By centralizing campus focus on
the issue, Mavrick said his commis-
sion will attempt to present a unified
student front to the administration.
MSA President Aaron Williams
said the best way the Unversity
could receive student input on the
policy would be to have a diverse
group of students from a number of
different backgrounds.
Even though Duderstadt wants
three to five students to serve on the
student advisory committee,
Williams said he would name more
because at least 10 would be needed
for an adequate cross-section of the
Williams said the ideal means for
producing an anti-harassment policy
would be to let students draft it
themselves. "If the University wants
to be 'totally fair,' the policy should
be formulated and approved by stu-
dents," he said.
MSA Vice President Rose
Karadsheh concurred. "We, being the
main objects of the policy, should
have a strong input in its formula-
tion," she said.


Now promenade your partner ...
LSA senior Matt Loguidice and LSA junior Amy Clark practice the
promenade for their ballroom dance class, on State street.

Stock market braces for further decline

W NEW YORK (AP) - Like. a
bloodied boxer bracing for the next
punch, the stock market tensed for
more blows after its gut-wrenching
plunge on Friday, October 13th.
In the wake of a nervous weekend
during which thousands of small in-
vestors made plans to unload their
stocks, market experts were looking
east, where major Asian and Euro-
*pean markets would resume trading
first after Wall Street's week-ending
Israel's small stock exchange, the
first foreign market to open since the
sell-off, witnessed frantic trading and
a 6.9 percent drop in share value yes-
terday, officials said.
The U.S. stock market suffered
its worst setback since the 1987
crash when prices plummeted in the
*final hour of trading last Friday and
the Dow Jones industrial average
lost more than 190 points to finish
at 2,569.26.
Since 1987, takeover rumors and

leveraged buyouts had pushed the
market higher. But trouble with one
of those deals Friday, the employee-
management buyout, of United Air-
lines parent UAL Corp., raised fears
of problems in the "junk bond" fi-
nancing market and sparked Friday's
Market and government officials
continued their weekend-long huddle
yesterday, mapping out strategies to
prevent a financial disaster parallel-
ing the events of two years ago,
when the Dow plummeted 508
points on October 19, Black Mon-
day, after a 108-point drop the pre-
ceding Friday.
"After what happened...the pow-
ers that be will do a lot to avoid a
major sell-off," said John Tierney, a
vice president at Shearson Lehman
Hutton, Inc.
The Federal Reserve sent signals
over the weekend that it will move
quickly to meet any demands for
cash on Monday, when a deluge of

sell orders is expected to hit the U.S.
"We will be there with all the
liquidity demand that is needed," said
a senior Fed official who spoke on
condition of anonymity. "If there are
any doubts about liquidity being
available, there is no reason to be
The Fed's action could keep
bankers from cutting off credit to

brokerage houses and securities firms
suffering heavy losses from a plunge
in stock prices.
Officials at both the Fed and the
Treasury were closely monitoring
developments in the overseas mar-
kets, primarily Tokyo and Hong
Kong. Developments in those mar-
kets could set the tone for how U.S.
markets perform when they open
this morning.


I Half Off


Fed ready to flood
banks with extra cash

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Shorin Ryu Karate Club -
7:30 p.m. in the CCRB;
beginners welcome
Women's Issues Committee of
MSA - 6 p.m. in Rm. 3909 of
the Union
U-M Women's Lacrosse - the
team practices from 9-11 p.m. at
'Tartan Turf
Undergraduate Philosophy
Club - 7 p.m. in Rm. 2220
Angell Hall
';Anorexia/Bulimia Support
Group - 6:30-8 p.m.; sponsored
by the Center for Eating
Disorders; 668-8585
U-M Undergraduate Math
Club - mass meeting at 4 p.m.
in Rm. 3201 of Angell Hall
"Four Textural Emendations
to the Koran" - Dr. James
Bellamy, a professor of classical
Arabic Literature speaks at 4
p.m. in Rm. 3050 of the Frieze
Evening Writers Series -
Chris Brockman and Pearl Ahnen
read from and discuss their
works;; 8:30 p.m. at the Guild
Jesus Lizard and Flour - 10
p.m. at the Blind Pig; $5 in
English Peer Counseling - 7-9
p.m. in Rm. 4000 A of the
Union; sponsored by the
Undergraduate English Assoc.
Free tutoring- free tutoring for

- 3:10 - 9 a.m. in Angell Hall,
Aud. A
Resume Lecture - 6-7 p.m. in
CP&P Rm. 1
Employer Presentation by
Hewitt Associates - 7--9 p.m.
in CP&P Conference Rm.
Pre-Interviews - LTV Steel
from 5:15-7:15 p.m. in 1303
SECS; FMC Corp. from 6-8
p.m. in 1311 EECS; Consumers
Power from 4:30-6:30 p.m. 1010
Composer's Forum - a n
opportunity to hear the work of
up-and-coming students in the
School of Music's Composition
Dept.; 8 p.m. in the School of
Music's Recital Hall
World Hunger
Teleconference - titled "Food,
Environment and Development";
will be broadcast over
Community Access Cablevision
Channel 10 from noon-3 p.m.
Safewalk - the night-time walk-
ing service is open seven days a
week from 8:00 p.m. to 1:30
a.m.; 936-1000
Northwalk - North campus
night-time walking service, Rm.
2333 Bursley; 8 p.m. - 1:30 a.m.
or call 763-WALK
Free tutoring - all 100/200
level math, science and engineer-
ing courses; from 8-10 p.m. in
Rm. 307 of the UGLi; sponsored
by Tau Beta Pi
ECB peer writing tutors -
available at Angell-Haven and
611 Computing Centersfrom 7
to 11 p.m.; Sunday through

Federal Reserve put out word yester-
day that it stands ready to flood the
banking system with money to pre-
vent the second-biggest point drop in
the history of the stock market from
developing into something worse.
The Fed commitment came as the
Bush administration continued its
own efforts to reassure investors
reeling from Friday's 190-point
plunge in the Dow Jones industrial
White House Budget Director
Richard Darman, who in recent
weeks has been critical of the Fed's
handling of monetary policy, ex-
pressed total confidence yesterday
that the central bank and other gov-
ernment officials will do all that is
necessary to contain the market tur-
Darman said that Treasury Secre-
tary Nicholas Brady, Federal Reserve
The proposed Michigan state 1;g-
islation designed to give police more
authority to enter homes without
knocking has not passed the full
State Legislature, and is therefore
not a state law. The Daily incor-
rectly reported this information in
Thursday's edition.

Chair Alan Greenspan and Richard
Breeden, the new chair of the Securi-
ties and Exchange Commission,
were keeping in close contact moni-
toring developments.
"I am sure they will do what is
right, what is prudent, what is sen-
sible," Darman said in an interview
on ABC's "This Week with David
Meanwhile, a senior Fed official
said yesterday that the central bank
intended to follow the example that
Greenspan set following the October
1987 market crash.
The Greenspan-led effort two
years ago was widely credited with
keeping the 508-point plunge of Oc-
tober 1987 from wreaking havoc on
the banking system and perhaps top-
pling the entire country into a reces-



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Sweaters and jewelry
Lati* America
Monday, October 16, 1989 - Friday, October 20, 1989



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