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October 12, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-10-12

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Spartans uncertain over starting tailback

The real war on drugs

Corridors showcases inner-city writers

Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom


Vol. C, No. 27

Ann Arbor, Michigan -Thursday, October 12,1989

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by Noelle Vance
Daily Government Reporter
Five of the University's top academic
competitors are being investigated by the
U.S. Justice Department in an inquiry fo-
cusing on the way colleges set tuition rates
and award financial aid.
Harvard University, Johns Hopkins
University, Yale University, Cornell
University and the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology were notified in late
September, along with 50 other private in-
stitutions, that they were part of the in-
quiry, according to an article in the
a Chronicle of Higher Education.

)ept. invi
The five schools are considered by
University officials to be among the
University's top 10 competitors in terms of
the quality of education each offers.
The University does not actively share
financial information with these institu-
tions, but fierce competition among leading
schools is thought to be one factor behind
the rapidly rising costs of education, said
Associate Vice President for Academic
Affairs Robert Holbrook. High costs have
in turn led to significant tuition increases
in the past five years.
As competitors, leading schools bid for
the same "top" faculty and students in the

nation, as well as the same research grants.
"We have to look at the market and at
what our competitors are doing," Holbrook
Salaries must be competitive to attract
and maintain faculty, research facilities
must be updated to stay on top of new
technology, and financial aid must be in-
creased to provide affordable educations,
Holbrook said.
The investigation, which began last
July, is examining the ways universities
may cooperate to set tuition rates. All of
the schools under investigation have tuition
rates higher than $8,000.

'U' competitors

Early investigations focused on schools
which were known to share financial in-
formation of individual students to deter-
mine award packages.
The expanded investigation is focusing
on the most expensive colleges in the na-
tion and is looking at how they incorporate
cost comparisons into their overall budget-
ing process.
Justice Department spokesperson Amy
Brown refused to comment on what
prompted the investigation into the 55 col-
So far, the investigation has only looked
at the policies of private institutions, but

the Justice Department has not denied that
investigations into public colleges and uni-
versities may follow.
The University Provost annually pre-
sents reports to the University's Board of
Regents which includes information on
how the University compares with its "peer
For example, the July 1989 presentation
listing in-state tuition increases for the
1989-90 school year compared the
University's proposed tuition increases to
nine of its peer institutions, including the
five now under investigation.
See JUSTICE, Page 3

rally on
*the Diag
by Heather Fee

The Lesbian and Gay Rights
Organizing Committee and its sup-
porters presented nine demands to the
University administration yesterday,
following a noon rally on the Diag
which commemorated the Oct. 11,
1987 gay rights march iii
The demands were presented to
Vice Provost for Minority Affairs
Charles Moody because President
James Duderstadt was out of town.
The list of demands stressed the
importance of changing regental by-
law 14.02, which states that the
University won't discriminate on the
basis race, sex, religion, and other
criteria. The bylaw does not specifi-
cally mention discrimination on the
basis of sexual orientation.
A LaGROC press release said
discrimination against gay men and
lesbians should be included in the.
bylaw "in order to afford them the
same legal protection offered to sim-
ilarly oppressed minority groups on
LaGROC also demanded that the
University give attention to gay men
and lesbians in the Michigan
Mandate. Not including this among
the mandate's goals "shows that the
University does not take us seriously
because it doesn't list us in the man-

LaGROC members literally "come out of the closet" for a Coming Out Day skit on the Diag yesterday. The skit was part of a noontime rally attended
by 150 people.

date," Bach said.
Moody, who the LaGROC mem-
bers said was receptive, said he
would see that Duderstadt received
the demands. Duderstadt was in
Washington, D.C., and was unavail-
able for comment.
LaGROC is planning to follow

up its demands by speaking during
the public comments section of the
next meeting of the University's
Board of Regents, which will be held
in Flint next Thursday.
At the rally, a wooden closet
stood in the center of the Diag, and
observers were invited to "come out"

S. African
meet with
de Klerk
PRETORIA, South Africa (AP)
- President F.W. de Klerk told mil-
itant anti-apdrtheid leaders yesterday
he was ready to negotiate on Black
voting rights, but they demanded
more concessions before serious
talks begin.
The three-hour meeting with An-
glican Archbishop Desmond Tutu
and two other church leaders came a
day after de Kerk announced his de-
cision to free eight longtime security
prisoners, including seven leaders of
the outlawed African National
"I hope today's meeting will be
looked on as a milestone on the pos-
itive road ahead," de Klerk said after
the talks.
But Tutu, the Rev. Allan Boesak,
president of the World Alliance of
Reformed Churches, and the Rev.
Frank Chikane, general secretary of
the South African Council of
Churches, said de Klerk declined to
give clear-cut responses to their de-
"We made it clear we need re-
sults," Chikane said. "Without re-
sults, we can't have negotiations."
The clergymen demanded the lift-
ing of the state of emergency, legal-
ization of the African National
Congress and other banned groups,
the release of all detainees and politi-
cal prisoners, the lifting of restric-
tions on political activity, and
clemency for prisoners on Death
The president said his govern-
ment planned to consult with a wide
range of South African leaders as
part of a step-by-step process to ne-
gotiate a new constitution.
He declined to say when the eight
prisoners would be released, but
other government officials said it
could be within days.
Nelson Mandela, the African Na-
tional Congress' best-known im-
prisoned"leader, is not among the
eight, and de Klerk said his status
was not discussed at yesterday's
Mandela is widely expected to be
released within the next few months.
The decision to release the eight
prisoners unconditionally was widely
praised overseas and in South Africa.
Those to be released include four
other men sentenced to life n prison
with Mandela in 1964 in connection
with a guerrilla sabotage campaign
to overthrow the white government.

both by running through the model
closet and by walking up the steps
of the Graduate Library.
"It was good, powerful, empow-
ering for the people there to come
out on the steps of the Grad," said
LaGROC member Linda Kurtz.
The goal of the rally was "to

make the University aware that gay
people exist, to empower gay people
and allow them to see that more ex-
ist and to make the demands to the
University," Bach said.
Organizers agreed that the rally
achieved what it set out to do. "The
See LAGROC, Page 2

Florida vetoes any
abortion limitations

Gov. Bob Martinez's legislative ef-
fort to seek limits on abortions
crumbled when a special legislative
session adjourned without passing
any laws yesterday, three months
after a U.S. Supreme Court ruling
gave states a go-ahead for new re-
Florida's House and Senate ad-
journed yesterday afternoon, just one
day after convening.
Lawmakers in the House and Se-
nate shot down proposals that would
have curbed abortion in many ways,
including cutting public financing
and toughening clinic regulations.
The session, first in the nation
after the Supreme Court ruling, had
been viewed as a bellwether. More
than 10,000 demonstrators descended
upon the quiet Southern capital to
wage the first pitched battle since the
July decision that upheld Missouri
abortion limits.
The governor's original goals in-

eluded banning public financing for
abortions, requiring viability tests
on the fetuses of women at least 20
weeks pregnant and requiring physi-
cians to tell women seeking abor-
tions about the development of their
Martinez conceded his intiative
had faltered badly.
"I don't think it's a moment for
rejoicing," the first-term Republican
governor said. "If anything, it's a
moment of sadness."
Lawmakers had predicted the ses-
sion would accomplish little after a
Florida Supreme Court ruling last
week that the state's privacy
amendment protects a woman's right
to an abortion.
The justices knocked down a
1988 parental-consent law for
Florida minors seeking abortions,
and also ruled the state Constitution
protects women's abortion rights in
the first trimester.

Strum them tunes JOSH MOOREA
Famous Ann Arborite Shaky Jake plays his guitar yesterday before an audience of amused students on the Diag.

New state law allows police to enter without knocking

V LANSING (AP) - Legislation designed to give po-

have to knock on the door and ask admission before

danger to police.

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