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October 09, 1989 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-10-09

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 9,1989
Native American teac
on the importance of,
by Vera Songwe ditional Ojibwe spirituality. the Medicine Whee
Daily Minority Issues Reporter "Our Ojibwe elders teach us that resent the differen
Until 10 years ago, the teachings we are connected to all things and earth: north, westi
of Native American culture were that we are they caretakers of this green, he said, repre
rnhihtivi AmntheTiCan trei wr creation," he said. These colors, N
r iitedA. inI the USJ and. Canada b..1~

the Indian Act.
Because this made it difficult to
pass them down from generation to
generation, there are very few people
who know and practice the teachings
today. Last Friday, the University
had the opportunity to host one such
person at the Alice Lloyd residence
Herb Nabijon is a professor of
Social Work at Laurentian
University in Sudbury, Ontario, and
also a pipe carrier and teacher of tra-

"The spiritual values of the
Native American people are time-
less. They are the roots for a deeper
understanding of ourselves our rela-
tions and Mother Earth," he said,
explaining the importance of the
Medicine Wheel and its four sacred
directions and colors.
"The Ojibwe people do not write
their history; it is all in these col-
ors," said Nabijon of the five sacred
colors, white, black, red, yellow, and
green. According to the teachings of

fascinated listeners
Listen to them andt
speak to you."
At the end of t
Nabijon led the cr
ceremony which, h
vides union betw
others. Some daring
audience gathered ro
smoked the pipe.
Student Ser
American repres
Dashner said, "I th

her speaks
racial unity
1, the colors rep- portant to invite him to the
t corners of the University so he could teach people
east, and south; about the Native American culture
sents the center. and its relation to the other cultures.
abijon told the 45 The more we learn from each other,
, "speak to you. the better this campus will be."
tell me how they "It was a chance to learn about a
different culture," said LSA Junior
Nicole Bryant. "I think every time
he presentation, you learn about a new culture it is
owd into a pipe an enlightening experience."
e explained, pro- Nabijon said, "I want to help
een oneself and people get closer to their spirits and
members of the all the different races. I hope I was
)und the table and able to do that."
Nabijon, who drove 13 hours to
vices Native deliver the presentation, is originally
entative Mike from the Mobert Indian Reserve near
ought it was im- Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Ex-Packer's speech tackles schizophrenia

by Mike Sobel
"Keep a good heart for the men-
tally ill," was the closing statement
in former Green Bay Packers defen-
sive tackle Lionel Aldridge's Mental
illness Awareness Week speech last
Aldridge, who is under treatment
for schizophrenia, delivered his
speech at Ann Arbor's Mercywood
Psychiatric Hospital.
.His speech focused primarily on
his own self-help techniques for re-
eovery and he adopted a relaxed and
often comic tone. People must not
be afraid to cry out for help, he

stressed, but they must also learn to
help themselves. "One way to do
that is just to lighten up," he said.
A graduate of Utah State,
Aldridge played for the Packers from
1963 to 1971. He later became a
sports analyst for NBC television.
But in 1974, Aldridge began to expe-
rience symptoms that were later di-
agnosed as schizophrenic.
Schizophrenia, often confused
with split personality syndrome, is a
chemical, mental illness. Effects in-
clude impairment in thinking, delu-
sions, hallucinations and changes in

Unaware of the nature of his de-
veloping symptoms, and unable to
combat them, Aldridge said he failed
to meet the daily demands of his pro-
fessional and personal life. During
the early '80s, Aldridge joined the
millions of America's homeless.
Aldridge's recovery didn't begin until
an old business partner picked him
up off a street in Milwaukee and
checked him into a hospital.

Aldridge's disease is now con-
trolled through psychotherapy and
medication. He lives in Milwaukee
but spends most of the year on the
road speaking about his recovery to
patients, doctors and the general pub-
In his speech, Aldridge applauded
an idea for a psycho-social center in
Washtenaw County. He also empha-
sized the need to generate public

The University of Michigan Research Club, Ann Arbor
Metng Notice Too Thirday, Otiobt-T12, 1989

Continued from Page 1
dumber could be more than 1,000.
Also yesterday, a group of pro-
democracy activists announced they
had formed a Social Democratic
Party. The party's charter, signed by

43 people in Schwante, near Berlin
calls for a "rigorous democratization
of the state and society" and says the
party wants to "work with all demo-
cratic initiatives, groups and people
in our land."
The party indicated it would not
immediately apply to be legalized.

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports:
House leaders quietly plot
to raise lawmakers' salaries0
WASHINGTON - While White House leaders don't like to publicly
use the words "pay raise," they are quietly shaping a scenario which
Congress can vote to increase its pay with bipartisan accord and the
blessing of President Bush.
Still smarting from February's political fiasco under which Congress
was forced by public outrage to reject a 51 percent raise, House leaders
have agreed on a set of conditions for the next attempt to raise lawmakers'.
Foremost among them were that there will be a record vote and that
the increase in pay will be coupled with a phasing out of speaking fees
members of Congress receive from interest groups.
Congressional leaders in both houses have publicly kept mum about
their plans for the politically explosive issue.
But behind the scenes, there is a movement.
A bipartisan House task force has presented Republican and Demo-
cratic leaders a proposal for raising congressional pay up to 35 percent
over two years, an increase that would apply to the next Congress.
State proposes waste dumps.
LANSING - Local officials' reaction to the idea of a low-level ra-
dioactive waste dump in their back yard indicates the state will have a
tough time selling the project.
State officials invited township, city, county and state representatives
from Ontonagon, Lenawee and St. Clair counties to a meeting Saturday in
Lansing, where they launched a $200,000 campaign aimed at convincing
the communities the dump wouldn't be a detriment.
About 50 people from the three counties attended the closed-door
informational session.
"They didn't sell me on it to be very honest," said Toivo Kuivanen,
chair of the Ontonagon County Board of Commissioners.
Three candidate sites, which may be within one or more of the coun-
ties, will be selected for the disposal site by January.
Mich. reports 5,122 abused pets
DETROIT - The Michigan Humane Society says it received 5,122
animal cruelty complaints last year, more than any other animal
protection agency in the nation.
Most of the cases involved animals without food, water or shelter, said
Sherry Silk, manager of the society's central shelter in downtown Detroit.
The Humane Society found intentional abuse in about 10 percent of the
t complaints.
"Most of the time, you're dealing with people who never thought of
an animal as anything but something to have out in the back yard," Silk
Members of the society's Cruelty Investigation Division act as police
officers for pets. Investigations by the division last year led to charges"
against 38 people. Nine were charged with felonies. Pet owners can be
charged with a misdemeanor for killing their own animals. It's a felony
r to kill someone else's pet.
Rickshaws in Dhaka strike *
DHAKA, Bangladesh - Rickshaw drivers struck for eight hours yes-
terday to protest traffic rules, and police patrolled the city to prevent vio-
Most motorists stayed off the streets fearing unrest, but none was re-
Government offices remained open, staffed by employees who were
able to walk to work. Privately owned banks and businesses shut down.
The bicycle-powered rickshaws are the most common form of trans-
portation in Dhaka, a city of 6 million people.
y The drivers were protesting efforts to outlaw unlicensed rickshaws.
e Only about a third of the capital's 100,000 rickshaws are licensed.
r The strikers also protested a rule barring them from certain streets, in,
n eluding one running past Dhaka's two luxury hotels. The ban forces them,
- to pedal a mile or more out of their way to reach their passengers' destina-
e tions.
- Polls show college students'
- ignorance of the basics
WASHINGTON - A Columbus Day poll suggests one-fourth of
American college seniors either never heard or do not remember the child-
hood ditty: "In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue."
In addition, the Gallup Poll suggests considerable ignorance of other
basic facts about history and literature.

Nearly 60 percent did not know the Korean War started when Harry S.
Truman was president, 58 percent did not know that William Shakespeare
wrote "The Tempest" and nearly a quarter believed a famous saying from
Karl Marx is part of the U.S. Constitution.
"If the students' answers were to be graded, more than half of those
tested would have failed," concluded the survey, which was conducted for
the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).
Armed with the survey results, NEH Chair Lynne Cheney called yes-
terday for colleges and universities to revise their curricula so undergradu-
ates study "essential areas of knowledge."


Time: 8:00 p.m.

Place: West Conference Room (4th floor)
Horace 11. Rackham Bldg.

"The Meaning and Consequences of Revolution"
Overview: Raymond Grew, Department of History
China: Albert Feuerwerker, Department of History
Soviet Bloc: William Zimmerman IV, Department of Political Science
Discussions and refreshments follow the presentations of the speakers.
Talks of interest to the broad University community
are presented at each meeting.
Faculty, students, staff, and members of the community are invited to attend.

Continued from Page 1
which occurred within days of the
U.S. elections - said U.S. officials
couched their press releases in terms
of "sham" and "fraud," while the
more impartial international ob-
servers declared the elections clean
and fair.
Also speaking at the conference
was Leonor Huper, charge d'affaires
at the Nicaraguan Embassy. Despite

Schedule of Meelings 1989-1990

September 14 October 12 November 9

December 7 January 11 February 5 April 12


October 9th and '10th



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reports to the contrary, she said, the
contras are still active in the north-
ern countryside, and deaths continue
from raids of farms and villages.
She said the Bush Administration
wants the contras to maintain their
arms, in part because their repatria-
tion - called for in international ac-
cords - might lead to their associa-
tion with the opposition candidate
Violetta Chamorro. This, she said
would weaken the chances of the op-
Huper also lashed out at adminis
tration attempts to discredit the elec
tions before they happen and to dis
credit the team of observers led b)
former President Jimmy Carter. Sh
emphasized to the attenders that thei
work will not end when the electior
does, because the problems that con
front Nicaragua - the contras, the
continuing economic embargo, an
efforts by the U.S. to restrict inter
national credit - will not go away.
Although only 17 cities were rep
resented here this weekend, 30 such
groups will take part in the observ
ing process.
Mass Meeting-October 9th,
7pm Kunzel room in the
If you are interested in
in the Ann Arbor area
and developing your
potential in a friendly
Social atmosphere
Come to the Mass meeting
for Circle Ktonightat
7 pm at the Union.

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptionrates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$28.00 in-town and $39 out-of-town, for fall only $18.00 in-town and $22.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 764-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336, Cir-
culation 764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550





Editor in Chief
Managing Editor
News Editors
Opinion Page Editors
Associate Opinion Editors
Photo Editor
Weekend Editors

Adam Schrager Sports Editor
Steve Knopper Associate Sports Editors
Miguel Cruz, Alex Gordon,
David Schwartz
Elizabeth Esch, Amy Harmon Arts Editors
David Austin, Philip Cohen, Film
Camille Colatosti, Sharon Holland, Music
tiz Paige Books
David Lubliner Theatre
Alyssa Lustgman, Graphics Coordinator
Andrew Mills

Mike Gill
Adam Benson, Steve Blonder,
Richard Eisen, Lory Knapp,
Taylor Lincoln
Andrea Gacki, Alyssa Katz
Tony Siber
Mark Swartz
Jay Pekala
Kevin woodson

News Staff: Karen Akerlof, Laura Cohn, Diane Cook, Laura Counts, Marion Davis, Noah Finkel, Tara Gruzen, Jenifer Hir, Ian
Hoffman, Mark Katz, Kristne Lalonde, Ann Maurer, Jennifer Miller, Josh Mitnick, Gil Renberg, Taraneh Shafii, Vera Songwe, Jessica
Strick, NoIse Vance, Donna Woodwell.;
Opinion Staff: Tom Ab d, Mike Fischer, David Levin, Fran Obeid, Greg Rowe, Kathyn Savoie, Rashid Taher, is Vasquez.
Sports Staff: Jamie Burgess, Steve Cohen, Theodore Cox, Andy Gottesman, David Hyman, Bethany Kipec, Eric Lemoent, John Nlyo,
Matt Rennie, Jonathan Samnick, Ryan Schreber, Jelf Sheran, Peter Zellen.
Arts Staff: Greg Baise, Sheala Durant, Brent Edwards, Mike Fischer, Michael Paul Fischer, Forrest Green, Brian Janinen, Ami
Mehta, Kristin Palm, Annette Petrusso, Jay Pinka, Mark Shaiman, Peter Shapiro, Mark Webster.
Photo Staff: Jennifer Dunetz, Amy Feldman, Julie Holm an, Jose Juarez, Jonathan Liss, Josh Moore, Samantha Sanders, Kenneth
Smoller, Douglas Usher.

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