Students search for ways to help Over 45 students volunteer morning to help community The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 6, 1989 - Page 5 Group - plans to oppose N azis by Christine Kloostra by Kerry Birmingham Forty-five University students "took to the streets" yesterday, offer- ing their services as part of a com- munity-wide effort to increase volun- teer awareness and participation. "I put up storm windows for elderly people," said graduate student Margaret Wood, one of the project's coordinators. "It was a wonderful ex- perience." Participants in Campus Service Day, a biannual event sponsored by Project S.E.R.V.E. (Students in Ed- ucationally Rewarding Volunteer Experiences), were given a chance to get involved with local organiza- tions. Volunteers spent the morning cleaning shelters, talking to residents at a juvenile delinquency center, and assisting with a horseback riding program for disabled children. "It was great to be a part of something like this. You felt like you were actually doing some good," said first-year student Debbi Rosen- -stein, who helped out with Commu- nity High School's recycling cam- paign. "I think all the students were re- ally impacted by the people they. were helping," said Project S.E.R.V.E. Director Anita Bohn, who organized Campus Service Day. "The participants who cleaned the Women In Transition house, for in- stance, worked right alongside resi- dents of the home. Many would like to go back and help again." In the afternoon, about 100 peo- ple attended a Service Opportunities Fair in the Michigan Union Ball- room. At information tables, repre- sentatives from 70 organizations hoped to attract student volunteers. Participants and representatives called the event a success. "Both the students who helped out this morning and those who signed up this afternoon seemed se- riously committed," said Sue Bris- tol, Community High School Stu- dent Center Facilitator. "We're very thankful for all their help." Besides sponsoring the Campus Service Day, Project S.E.R.V.E. operates as a year-round information and referral center for students who wish to volunteer. They offer other programs and plan to hold another fair in January. An Ann Arbor group is planning to demonstrate against a Nazi group which will march in Farmington on October 15. The Nazis are planning to disrupt a racial harmony rally organized'to confront racial tension in Farmingt ton on the same day. The Committee to Oppose the Nazis last night discussed mobiliza- tion against a Dearborn-based neo- Nazi group called SS Action. The Committee to Oppose the Nazis - composed of University students, employees, and local resin dents - plans to counter-demon, strate against the fascist organization despite the racial harmony group's desire that they be ignored, said rally organizers. The committee decided that it would not provoke violence, but would react physically if attacked by the Nazis. It also stated that it would respect the wishes of racial unity march organizers by not interfering with the rally. "I think the purpose of the meet= ing and planning an agenda is to show support for the rally in Farm- ington and to show the Nazis that they won't go unopposed, " said sophomore Cal Hawkins, an event organizer. JULIE HOLLMAN/Daily LSA Senior Cheryl Tilles speaks to Anna Gilmore from Tender Loving Care Mentor Program during the Project S.E.R.V.E. information service in the Union Ballroom. Director Bohn stressed the need for increased student involvement in volunteer activities. "Many of the agencies we work with are dependent on volunteers," she said, "and there are lots of one day projects available for individuals or groups who don't have the time to help out every week." Sarah Christensen, Volunteer Coordinator for Domestic Violence Project/SafeHouse agreed. "We have about 170 volunteers; and 75 percent of them are students. We could not operate without their support." Besides crisis intervention, vol- unteers were sought in areas such as mental health, hunger projects, dis- abled individuals and youth in- volvement. Several agencies asked for as little as an hour a week com- mitment. "We look for people to tutor high school students in all subject areas,'' said Ann Arbor Public Schools Tu- torial Services representative Edna Jackson-Gray. "We usually get twenty-five to thirty volunteers and a good number of them are college students." Many representatives said they were impressed with the students' committment. "Everyone who signed up seemed very interested in meaningful, rewarding work," said Liz Lindsey, Volunteer Services Co- ordinator for the Assault Crisis Cen- ter. Anyone who missed the fair and is interested in volunteering at one of over 120 local agencies is invited to stop by Project S.E.R.V.E., 2211 Michigan Union. * Is an affirmative action employer. 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