1 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 !1 i I BM "I ill , 1!11 il ll jg ; ij:jijiil i'lili !;I I I I ;I i i 11 OPINION A Jewish idea of Israel 4 ARTS Galway and Gunther glorify a gracious Hill gathering 7 SPORTS The world gets ready for the Cubs in post season play 9 Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 20. Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, October 4, 1989* City moves away from mandatory recycling by Tara Gruzen Daily City Reporter An ordinance establishing mandatory recycling - which appeared headed for approval by the Ann Arbor City Council a week ago - was derailed by the council at its Monday night meeting. Republicans on the council, who nearly unani- mously supported the ordinance at its first reading, have shifted their support to a "variable can rate" proposed by councilmember Thomas Richardson (R-Fifth Ward). This alternative proposal would impose an extra cost on people who have excess trash and who do not recycle. The mandatory recycling proposal passed through its first reading two weeks ago. Councilmember Jerry Schleicher (R-Fourth Ward) said the idea of a variable can rate could more than dou- ble the amount of Ann Arborites who recycle, resulting in a 75 percent participation rate. Schleicher said a mandatory recycling ordinance would only increase participation to 80 percent, so a variable can rate could make participation practically the same without giving people one more ordinance by which they have to live. However, councilmember Ann Marie Coleman (D- First Ward), one of four Democrats on the council, said the alternative plan would not replace the need for mandatory recycling. "We're going to keep pushing to put it back on (the ag nda)," Coleman said. She urged people who care about recycling in Ann Arbor to pay attention to what's going on at City Council meetings. "People should remember that there's an election in April," she added. See RECYCLE, Page 2 Noriega foils coin in Panama Rebel soldiers fail in attemped overthrow PANAMA CITY, Panama (AP) - Troops loyal to Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega recaptured the headquarters of the Panamanian Defense Forces yesterday and (eclared they had crushed an a tempted coup. Rebellious troops seized the headquarters compound in the morn- ing but apparently failed to capture Noriega,'loyal forces counterat- tacked. "We want to underline that the si- tuation in the country has been duly controlled to guarantee the peace and tranquility that the state should as- sure for its citizens," said a state- ment released by Justice and Interior Minister Olmedo Miranda. The United States has been trying to oust Noriega, the Defense Forces chief who controls the government., for nearly two years. However, offi- cials in Washington said they were not responsible for the attempted coup and U.S. troops were not in- volved. The government of Panama de- clared an 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew and said the news media could report only official statements on the re- volt. Panama's provisional president, Francisco Rodriguez, speaking to the U.N. General Assembly in New York, said the coup attempt had been crushed. Rodriguez, in his midafternoon address, did not accuse the United States of complicity in the revolt but said Washington had undermined his nation with "financial terrorism, economic blackmail and political in- terference." Rebel soldiers had seized the De- See PANAMA, Page 2 carpet JOSE JUAREZ/Daily Egg on his face Gary Dorman, a senior in Air Force ROTC,± me mbers. gels splattered with an egg by fellow ROTC L. 'Unit budget request asks for $34,000 by Noelle Vance Daily Government Reporter The Office of Academic Affairs requested $34,000 for the 1989-90 fiscal year to carpet a hallway and an office in the Student Activ- ities Building. The specific request and the reason for the carpeting is not noted in the University's published budget, which outlines general al- locations for every department. "The hallway has had a history of being slippery when it gets wet," reads the request, written last February by Robert Holmes, as- sistant vice president for academic affairs. A gritty substance that was applied to the floor to decrease the slipperiness is "proving to be almost as hard to walk on as the slippery floor," the document continues. An estimate for the project is not in- cluded in the request, but Gary Pasant, a salesperson at Ann Arbor Carpets & Fine Rugs on 550 State Circle, estimated that with the money requested, the University could have covered at least two times the space of the office and the hall. As of now, the department has not de- cided whether to use its budgeted funds to carpet the area, Holmes said. The University's original cost projections were "very rough estimates," Holmes said. Making an estimate on each project is unre- alistic because some will not receive fund- ing, he said. Though the project may not be funded, the request affects the University's ultimate budget. Any item listed in a department's budget request is supposed to represent what the de- partment heads think are their most critical needs, but the list of requested items is often just a shopping list, Holmes said. When the budget review committees - including the Budget Priorities Committee and the Provost - examine the requests, they are expected to decide whether the de- partment heads have accurately estimated their needs. However, once the requests get to the re- view committees, little time is spent look- ing at specific problems or questions such as whether a new carpet is necessary, said bud- get priorities committee members. "I do not believe we would go after a unit and say you've got to cut costs... That's be- yond our mandate," said Prof. Kenneth De- nowski, a BPC member. "The budget priori- ties committee is an advisory committee and does not become involved in the technical aspects of the budget." Instead, the committees focus on the en- tire unit, assuming the unit heads have al- ready cut costs efficiently. By the time the requests are presented to the Provost they do not have "quite the level of detail" they had coming directly from the deans, said Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Charles Vest. If an individual department's needs are de- termined to be critical, the University may increase its request for state funding, which in the long run may have to be made up by tuition increases or through the University's reallocation program. This year, LSA, minority recruitment, and minority graduate financial aid will re- ceive funding through programs established to aid departments with excessive need. The University will submit its annual budget request to the state at the October meeting of the Board of Regents in three weeks, said Vice President for Government Relations and Secretary Richard Kennedy. Assembly debates CCF recognition by Josh Mitnick Daily MSA Reporter Student constituents and Michigan Student Assembly repre- sentatives debated the proposed recognition of the Cornerstone Christian Fellowship (CCF) for more than two hours at last night's assembly meeting. The assembly was scheduled to make a final decision on whether to recognize the group, but a vote was not taken before press time. At issue were the CCF's beliefs and rules for membership, which many said violated a provision in the MSA Constitution which states: "No group may discriminate on the basis of sexual preference." However, others maintained that not recognizing CCF would consti- tute reverse discrimination on the grounds that the group was being penalized because of its moral belief that homosexuality is a sin. Without MSA recognition, stu- would only object to members who displayed consistently antagonistic attitudes at meetings. Duncan said CCF would not rule out a lawsuit against the University if the assembly didn't not recognize his group. "It would be an indication that they hold freedom of sexual ori- entation as more correct than free- dom of religion," he said. Third-year law student James Marsh said First Amendment rights were not at issue, arguing that MSA had the right to withhold recognition from CCF because recognition is a privilege. The Central Student Judiciary - the judicial branch of MSA - dere- cognized CCF last February after the group allegedly admitted it would bar membership to individuals that did not "convert to heterosexuality." All student groups must re-apply r. Ad C -----------------------. . +--- U_- 'U' will maintain alcohol policy by Mark Katz Despite stricter alcohol policies introduced this year by Michigan State University and Eastern Michigan University, the University of Michigan has no plans to further limit alcohol consumption in resi- dence halls, Program Associate Robin Sarris said yesterday. "The policy as it stands has been relatively successful over the past few years," Sarris said. "We have seen a decline in damages in the resi- dence halls that may be alcohol-re- lated." The University's current policy restricts the consumption and dis- pensing of alcohol "in any public area of the residence halls," including hallways, lounges, and bathrooms. MSU's new alcohol restrictions a; ' '