The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 3, 1989 - Page 5 Congress closes in on clean air WASHINGTON (AP) - Key House mem- bers, breaking a 10-year congressional stalemate, have tentatively agreed to a compromise on clean air legislation that would substantially reduce au- tomobile pollution through 2003, congressional sources said yesterday. The agreement would require the nation to ac- cept standards already approved for California, the state with the worst smog pollution problem and the toughest emissions requirements. The anti-smog requirements would remain in effect nationally until 2003, and could be tight- ened after that if a federal study showed more re- ductions were necessary, the sources said. Signing on to the privately negotiated agree- ment were Representatives John D. Dingell (D- Mich.), who had represented views of the auto industry, and Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.), a strong backer of environmental groups. Waxman's demand for much tougher auto standards, and Dingell's resistance, has led to a stalemate that played a large role in blocking a new clean air bill for a decade. The Energy and Commerce Committee mem- bers who signed on to the agreement have pledged to honor the pact through the entire leg- islative process, said the sources, who spoke only on condition that they not be named. and congressional Office of Technology Assess- ment, to determine if more emissions reductions would be needed. The EPA administrator could decide to tighten the standards as a result of the study or leave' them alone. If he or she does nothing, standards The agreement would require the nation to accept standards already approved for California, the state with the worst smog pollution problem and the toughest emissions requirements. Dingell is chair of the full committee, and Waxman heads the environment subcommittee that currently is considering amendments to Pres- ident Bush's clean air bill. The agreement would require a study before 2003 by the Environmental Protection Agency already proposed by Waxman would automati- cally become effective. The agreement also would include controls on «toxic chemicals coming from automobiles, the sources said. Associated Press A man from East Germany tries to climb over a fence of the West German embassy in Prague yesterday, while a Czech police officer tries to pull him down. The embassy is surrounded by Czech police forces. Faculty updates ECB specifications PRAGUE Continued from page 1 More than 32,000 East Germans have arrived in West Germany since "September 10, when Hungary opened its western border with Aus- tria and the numbers of refugees oc- cupying Bonn's embassies swelled. Yesterday, both East Germany and Czechoslovakia accused West It Germany of breaking its word by harboring new refugees, going back on conditions it agreed to in gaining release of the earlier refugee throng. Kohl spokesperson Hans Klein denied any such agreement. And Peter Rothen, a spokesperson for the Bonn Foreign Ministry, insisted West Germany "never told the East Germans it would stop taking in East Germans seeking refuge." West German officials said they would press East Berlin to let the new arrivals leave for the West. Czechoslovak police continued patrols outside the embassy yester- day but relaxed controls on pedestri- ans and drivers, witnesses reported. Nearly 10,000 people marched through Leipzig, East Germany, yes- terday, demanding legalization of opposition groups and adoption of democratic reforms. It was the largest mass opposition demonstra- tion since 1953, when workers rose throughout East Germany in an ill- fated uprising later crushed by Soviet tanks. In Warsaw, Poland, an estimated 100-200 refugees had arrived at the West German Embassy. About 800 left the embassy Sunday for West Germany. by Amy Quick The LSA faculty executive com- mittee proposed changes to the Faculty Code concerning the English Composition Board were presented to LSA faculty members at their monthly meeting yesterday. The ECB ensures a minimum level of writing competency by placing in- coming students in writing composi- tion classes. It also serves as a valu- able critique center for students in need of help with papers for any LSA class. Two of the potential changes re- gard introductory composition classes. The present tutorial intro- ductory class, Freshman Writing Practicum 100 or 101, will be re- placed if the proposal passes, becom- ing a two credit class. It will be ref- ered to as a "practicum" as opposed to a "tutorial", as it is sometimes called. The change of its title "better re- flects the activities of the course," according to the ECB Director, Prof. Deborah Keller-Cohen. The tutorial is also currently listed in the code as "a one-to-four credit" course, but it has been 2 cred- its for years, Keller-Cohen said. The other change regards the number of introductory composition classes available to fulfill the re- quirement. The faculty code - which now lists introductory com- position as "a four credit writing course, taught in the English Department" - will be adjusted to recognize other courses such as Great Books and some freshman seminars in the Residential College which meet the requirement. Another proposed change would broaden LSA representation on the English Composition Board. If this were to be implemented, the ECB would be represented by all three LSA divisions - Humanities, Natural Science, and Social Science. There would also be a person from each LSA department appointed to serve as a writing liaison to the Board. The faculty hopes that this will improve student writing for un- dergraduates in all departments, Keller-Cohen said. A final modification to the code would encourage students to fulfill the ECB upperclass writing require- ment "after their sophomore and preferably in their junior year." A memo to LSA faculty mem- bers stated "too many students wait until the last semester of their senior year to take the required upper-level writing course." Dueling dobro AMYFLM Bill Conwell, manager of Herb David Guitar Studio, plays the Doro yesterdav. What's a dobro? We don't know. If ThisIsYourSecondLanguage, Lt'sTalk. Predict the future. Create, control, dissolve multi-million You Don't Have to be a Math Major dollar financial instruments. Price corporate acquisitions. And help keep a handle on $100 billion in assets. Earn like an MBA. Learn like a Ph.D. Have more fun than bankers and more security than security brokers. Be an executive, financier, sociologist, economist, legisla- tive expert, master communicator and mathematician. All in the same day. And do it all with the Best in the Business. 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