U It OPINION Page 4 Friday, September 29, 1989 The ntlgan Daily 1. 4 abe b4WU faiIg Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Relief for Puerto Rico 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, Mi 48109 Vol. C, No. 17 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Say yes torccing O N SEPTEMBER 18 the regular session of the Ann Arbor City Council passed the first reading of a mandatory recycling ordinance. The second reading of this ordinance will take place in the next few months. If passed, Ann Arbor will become a citythat reuses a great deal of its garbage. The council deserves to be commended for making the move towards mandatory recycling, a move that is both environmentally as well as financially sound. The ordinance requires Ann Arbor residents to separate newspapers, glass, tin and cardboard from their garbage. The city garbage collectors will take this recyclable material to be remanufactured into their respective products. Ann Arbor is prepared to de- velop a recycling infrastructure. For the past 18 years, a considerable percentage of the population has been involved in voluntary recycling. The number of participants involved is ex- pected to double if the mandatory ordi- nance is passed. In addition, according to Ann Arbor City Council member Liz Brater, statistics show that 65 percent of Ann Arbor residents already support mandatory recycling. Most pressing to Ann Arbor is that the city's landfill space is almost ex- hausted. Alternate landfills, in other counties for instance, would be ex- tremely costly to the environment. Mandatory recycling is expected to cut the amount of material going into the landfills in half. Beyond the local implications, Ann Arbor has the potential to be an exam- ple to the rest of the state, and the country. Most people are aware that a mandatory recycling infrastructure would drastically improve the condition of this country's natural resources, which are stripped each time a landfill. is constructed. It is particularly impor- tant, in light of the potential passing of this ordinance, to briefly review some important points about recycling. Mandatory recycling infrastructures have been successfully instituted in Eu- rope and elsewhere. Denmark recycles about 60 percent of its paper and Japan 50 percent of its paper. The U.S., the largest consumer of paper, as well as of most products, has been sadly lax in this area. The paper industry is the third largest consumer of energy and the largest user of fuel oil in the country. It takes approximately 16,320 kilowatts of en- ergy to make a ton of virgin pulp (non- recycled) paper, as compared to about 5,919 kilowatts for a ton of recycled paper. It also takes 17 trees to make a ton of paper. Voluntary recycling ef- forts save about 200 million trees a year. The amount that could be saved with mandatory recycling would be tremendous. Many wrongly suspect that recycling costs more because of special collecting and production practices. However, we already spend about $6 billion annually to collect and dispose of our trash. Any additional costs for selective garbage collecting will be far outweighed by the benefits gained for recycling. The ac- tual production of recycling goods is less costly as it skips over the pro- cesses needed to convert raw materials to finished products. While voluntary efforts are some- what effective and certainly commend- able, it would be unwise to rely on them when the viable alternative is a mandatory recycling policy. By adopt- ing this policy, Ann Arbor can join the ranks of those American cities who are leading this country's transformation into one that is environmentally and economically responsible. By Daniel J. Melendez 0 N THE morning of Monday September 18, 1989, Puerto Rico was rudely awakened from about 50 years of hurricane-less sleep. The fury of the 140- mph winds, the 8-feet seas and the 10 inches of rain of hurricane Hugo, a heavyweight among its class, wrought havoc over the eastern half of Puerto Rico, a U.S. colony of 3.5 million people only 100 miles long and 35 miles wide. Already at about 0900 that Monday, Hugo had devastated several French, British and U.S. Virgin Islands. By 1000, the smaller islands of Vieques and Culebra, two of 78 municipalities of Puerto Rico, had over 80% of the homes levelled, according to official sources. Al- most a day would pass before news from the two islands reached the world. While looting was not a problem in these two islands, more than half of their 10,000 inhabitants were instantly homeless; clearly the islands were no match for the hurricane winds encompassing a diameter of about 150 miles. The damage done to the two islands would be replicated over the eastern half of Puerto Rico in the coming hour. By noontime, Puerto Rico, already faced with a serious housing problem, had 53,000 homeless people (up from the 23,000 homeless reported by The New York Times the following Wednesday). Also, there was damage to the infrastruc- ture, and there is still flooding and scat- tered debris. In addition, over 80% of the agriculture production on the island was destroyed. Fortunately only very few fatal- ities have been officially reported; a lot of people were happy just to be alive. Although more than a week has elapsed since the hurricane, Puerto Rico is still suffering in two major ways. One major problem is that of the 53,000 homeless, many still in emergency shelters. In Puerto Rico, most poor people cannot af- ford cement houses and must build in wood; moreover, there has been an up- surgein the number of wood houses built in the last ten years. These were precisely the structures the hurricane destroyed most easily; . for instance, there are reports of houses yanked off their foundations shortly after their inhabitants fled for safety. Because of the intense devastation, parts of the island were recently declared disaster areas eligibleefor Federal Emergency Management Administration funds. Ironically, the White House had given this status to South Carolina and the U.S. Virgin Islands much faster than it did to Puerto Rico. Nevertheless, the coveted FEMA funds are not expected to help those families most affected by the hurri- cane, as the funds are mostly disbursed as loans to those who have property titles, and under a sea of local bureaucratic red tape. For instance, due to the pre-existing housing crisis, entire communities in Puerto Rico have been built over idle land and their residents have no property titles. The other problem is affecting the health of many infants right now. In particular, the areas most affected by Hugo have had over 800,000 people without water, electricity or fresh supplies for 7 days. To compound matters, there are growing numbers of children (and adults) suffering from gastroenteritis, smallpox and other viruses. Moreover, there is a serious lack of diapers, infant formulae and canned goods. Therefore, there is urgent need for relief funds for Puerto Rico and both the Puerto Rican government and the major relief or- ganizations have requested aid. To this end, the Puerto Rican Association (PRA) and the Puerto Rico Solidarity Organiza- tion (PRSO), both officially recognized' groups at the University of Michigan, are launching a bucket drive on Friday, September 29th. Members of PRA and PRSO will be stationed at various points downtown, such as the Michigan Union and the Federal Building, ready to take do- nations. Additional information can be obtained by calling 747-8632 and/or 74T 2806. Your support is most needed and most greatly appreciated. Daniel J. Melendez is a member of the" Puerto Rican Association and is a Ph.D., candidate in Atmospheric and Space Sciences. Anti -racist re -education Bush in Nicaragua again By Jim Bott The University of Michigan Housing division correctly recognized the need for educating its resident staff on issues of di- versity and discrimination. In an all-day inservice, on August 28th, a presentation including a speaker, film and group dis- cussion supposedly focused on the infor- mation necessary for a staff member to handle concerns around issues of racism, sexism and heterosexism. I say "supposedly" because many staff members left the day feeling that the system-wide presentation was not only narrow, but was inexcusable. As staff members, we are primarily liv- ing and working with residents who are first-year students. These "new" students have already received a valuable introduc- tion/education on the issues of race, sex, and homophobia in their orientation pro- gram. They began to understand particular issues; such as the need to establish mi- nority lounges; to look at reverse discrim- ination as an ignorant concept; and to see how the avenues to power continue to be blocked to oppressed groups. Hopefully, this education will continue. A few of the resident staff members, in- cluding myself, were among those who led these diversity discussions over the sum- mer. It was frustrating for us to witness that the Housing Division, who did not have the serious monetary and time (we only had 90 minutes) constraints present at orientation, could actually put on such a shallow program for its professional staff. The problem with the system-wide pro- gram was two fold. First, we were seem- ingly asked to see discrimination solely as a personal issue. Drawing from psycho- logical models, the presentation focused on how individuals "grow" into acceptance of other people. This approach is wrong because little johnny-racist does not need to be patted on the back and told: "Well, don't worry about it now, one day you'll understand." Instead, the program should have demonstrated how systemic and cul- tural discrimination have taught "johnny" to be racist. If this approach were imple- mented, resident staff members could both stop oppressive behavior and educate to prevent it. The second problem with the program actually stems from the first. Without an accurate analysis of discrimination many of the staff members felt comfortable espousing their sometimes inaccurate, ig- norant or even harmful opinions on issues of discrimination. In the period of staff training, our time would have been better served if these ideas were confronted and adequately addressed. Instead, many staff left the presentation feeling that a majority lounge and heterosexual support group had as much legitimacy as the need for people of color, lesbian, and gay men spaces within the dorm system. There were further specific problems with the film and speaker used at the pre- sentation. The video, Portraits in Black and White. stated in the beginning that racism is either "not evident" or "doesn't exist" in the "ivory tower." The speaker, Dr. Hughes, stated that the university is a reflection, a mirror, of the larger society. A quick look at our representatives in Congress would inform Housing that the tower is indeed ivory and unquestionably racist. As far as U. of M. being a mirror, it is a very distorted one: the population of Blacks in the state of Michigan is 13% while at the University it is a mere 5.6%. Other issues of institutionalized discrim- ination were ignored. Questions concern- ing the use of racially and sexually biased SAT scores and school tracking systems were never addressed. Such a shallow ap- proach to these issues will undoubtedly af- fect important decisions made by the Housing staff this year. Entering my second year as a resident staffer, I believe that most of the people employed in Housing have a genuine con- cern for the students who live with us. Most of the staff had hoped to receive some concrete advice to make our resi- dence halls and university a more comfort-; able and less hostile atmosphere for people of color, women, lesbians and gay men. We had hoped to be a vital element in changing this university's embarrassing retention efforts of people of color. We: had hoped to confront our own prejudices. We had hoped to hear the experience of lesbians, gay men, people of color and women to learn how to be more aware of their experiences and agendas. Unfortunately, the program presented by Housing did little to answer these hopes. It is not clear why Housing did not use the resources and groups on campus to present an informed and educational pro- gram. However, next year, it would be ad- visable to use the Sexual Assault; Prevention and Awareness Center, the- United Coalition against Racism, the Lesbian Gay Male Programs office, to de-: sign and implement this program. As for; this year, we can only hope that the stu-" dents in our residence halls will not be ill-: affected by the Housing Department's in- ability to address these issues in a coherent' and responsible fashion. Jim Bott is a Resident Fellow at East Quad. GEORGE BUSH'S persistence would have impressed King George III of eighteenth-century Britain. King George gave up his former colony after the colonists revolution of 1776 ousted the royal government. The Nicaraguan rovolt of 1979 deposed a U.S. installed and supported dynasty, but ten years later George Bush is still trying to re- gain control of that unruly former neo- c9lony. His latest plot pertains to Nicaragua's February 1990 elections, where George Bush desires to overtly funnel up to $9,000,000 to the "loyalists" who still remain in Nicaragua, i.e. the UNO Party. Of this, $5,000,000 would go to the National Endowment for Democracy to distribute in Nicaragua to register voters (most are already registered, unlike the U.S.), monitor the elections (though the Organization of American States is doing this), and "State Department officials said ... provide equipment and training to selected political parties." (New York Times 922/$9) The remaining $4,000,000 would be doled out by the Agency for Inter- national Development, but his Bush has not yet specified his will. We can only guess., Those of us who hang on the words of the nobility know that traditionally, the U.S. government destabilizes countries it doesn't like, e.g. Chile in 1973 and Guatemala in 1954. The question is how much destabilization will $9,000,000 buy? In the U.S., a Congressional district is approximately 500,000 people. Nicaragua, at 3.5 million people, is about seven districts. In an expensive race for the U.S. House, a candidate will snend about $750.000. Lana Pollack spent that much in her unsuc- cessful 1988 bid for the district that in- cludes Ann Arbor. So George Bush has decreed that Nicaragua's opposi- tion needs about $1.3 million per dis- trict. Since Nicaraguan political parties get free access to TV and radio, typi- cally the most expensive part of a cam- paign, you have to wonder what all this money will buy. But George is getting a real deal in destabilization. Nicaragua's gross na- tional product (GNP) is $2.8 billion; the U.S.'s is $4 trillion. $9 million in Nicaragua, relative to the size of the economy, is equivalent to $13 billion spent in the U.S. A lot of destabiliza- tion. One can only hope the election observers will be able to minimize it. George is able to get such a deal be- cause he and Ronald Reagan severely damaged Nicaragua's economy in the 1980's. They embargoed it, pressured other countries to cut off aid, and at- tacked with their equivalent of the Hessians, the Contras, who primarily killed civilians and destroyed schools, farms and clinics. The $2.8 billion figure is for 1985, before Nicaragua joined Haiti and Honduras as the poor- est nations in the hemisphere. King George III was able to send troops to the Colonies, but luckily our George feels that would lead to his po- litical beheading, and so Nicaragua has been spared an invasion by the U.S. Marines. And so the U.S. George has to attack the Nicaragua elections, the foundation of a representative democ- racy, in an attempt to buy them or dis- credit them with the equivalent of $13 billion. Will he get his candidates elected? Would Ben Franklin have voted for a loyalist? Letersto heieditor .................. ........ .... Who controls a woman'9s body? To the Daily: In 1973 in the case of Roe v. Wade the Supreme Court ruled that a woman has the right to decide whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. For 16 years middle class women have taken for granted their right to control their own bodies. That right can no longer be taken for granted. In July, 1989 in Webster v. 0 - Although the legislature and the Supreme Court may, at times, seem distant from everyday life, the implications of recent decisions are real for many women when faced with an unwanted pregnancy. The right to unbiased counseling and the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy in a safe and sanitary environment is of critical importance to everyone and is not simply the domain of a few legislators. Anti-women, anti-choice forces are continuing to pounce, and not only in the politicaal arena. Operation Rescue accosts women entering abortior. clinics, calls clients sinners and murderers, and blocks clinic entrances in order It is up to each and every one of us to make our voice heard and to let the legislature know:- that we support the right of women to decide whether or not to terminate their own pregnancy. The Ann Arbor Committee to Defend Abortion Rights (AACDAR) works locally to preserve a woman's,.4 constitutional right to an abortion. AACDAR struggles- to stop groups such as - )peration Rescue (OR) from Lheir relentless attempts to shui down abortion clinics and interfere with a woman's right to control her destiny. AACDAR plans to defend Detroit area clinics from OR aattacks on September 30 and I significantly curtail a woman's right to control her own body. That, however, is only the beginning. The Supreme Court will be hearing three more t