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September 29, 1989 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-09-29

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Page 2 -The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 29, 1989
Governors, Bush outline new HOLIDAY
Continued from page1

goals for American education

- Warned by President Bush that
the nation is imperiled when children
"emerge into adulthood ignorant and
unskilled," the education summit
yesterday forged goals against which
every public school in America can
be judged.
,.. Governors and White House aides
at the summit jointly drafted the list
of objectives, which ranged from re-
; versing a dropout rate that sends
nearly one youth in three into the
job market without a diploma to
making educators more accountable
or their pupils' classroom perfor-
Michige.n Daily
(Episcopal Church Chaplaincy)
218 N. Division (at Catherine)
Sunday Schedule
Holy Eucharist-5 p.m.
;.~ In the Chapel of St. Andrews Church
(next door to Canterbury)
Celebrant and Preacher:
The Rev. Dr. Virginia Peacock
V.. , ~ Supper-6:00 p.m.
Musical Program with Steve Rush-6:45 p.m.
Call 665-0606
801 South Forest at Hill Street
Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday: Bible Study at 6:30 p.m.
Worship at 7:30 p.m.,
Intern: Andy Rutrough, 668-7622
Friday, Fellowhip, 7:30 p.m.
Sunday Bible Study, 9:15 a.m.
Sunday Worship, 10:30 a.m.
1511 Washtenaw, 663-5560
S At Huron and Fletcher, parking on Ann St.
WORSHIP at 10:30 a.m.,Sunday
Questions... 662-3154, Dan or Gene

At a convocation with the gover-
nors, a beaming Bush sported a blue
and orange striped necktie in the col-
ors of the University of Virginia,
site of the summit, and declared
himself pleased by "the commit-
ment, the creativity and the knowl-
edge that my fellow chief executives
bring here to this education reform
The summit didn't reach conclu-
sions on how to pay for the reforms
that all agreed were essential to the
nation's future.
"We just don't think that at this
time it's worth lettingkthe summit
break apart over a fight over how
much money they'll have to put up
next year," said Democratic Gov.
Bill Clinton of Arkansas.
sue NASA
citizens' groups, claiming "a poten-
tial disaster in the making over
Florida," filed suit yesterday to pre-
vent the launch of a nuclear-powered
probe on the space shuttle next
The suit, filed in U.S. District
Court, contends an accident during
the launch of the nuclear-powered
Galileo space probe could spread
poisonous plutonium over a heavily
populated area of Florida.
"There's a potential disaster in
the making over Florida," Jeremy
Rifkin, president of the Foundation
on Economic Trends, said at a news
conference. "We are determined that
that will not take place."
Bruce Gagnon of the Florida
Coalition for Peace and Justice said
that if the lawsuit is not successful,
his organization plans "to put people
in the launch area to sit on top of
the launch pad in an effort to stop
the launch."

The president called for greater
competition in education "between
students, between teachers and be-
tween schools" and "a report card for
all," in which parents educators and
students could all see how their
schools rank.
"The American people are ready
for radical reforms," Bush said. "We
must not disappoint them."
Bush ticked off what national
tests have shown the problem to be.
He said "fewer than one high school
junior in four can write an adequate
persuasive letter and only half can
manage decimal, fractions and per-
centages and barely one in three can
locate the Civil War in the correct
half century."
He concluded: "No modern nation
can long afford to allow so many of
its sons and daughters to emerge into
adulthood ignorant and unskilled.

1400 at the Conservative service. The
Orthodox and Reform services will be
held at Hillel, and the larger Conserva-
tive service will be held at the Michi-
gan Union Ballroom.
Cohane said, "These holidays al-
ways get more participation... the way
on Christmas and Easter you would
get more numbers than on a regular
Sunday." He added that non-Jewish
friends of Jewish students often come
along, especially to the Reform serv-
Students who preferra less formal
religious atmosphere for the holidays
often turn to the Chabad House, a
Jewish co-op. Ester Goldstein, wife of
Chabad's director Aharon Goldstein,
said the co-op attracts students who
might be intimidated by a more tradi-
tional service. At Chabad, she said,
"one can be as religious or as irrelig-
ious as one wants."
Others find even more relaxed ways
to celebrateRosh Hashanah. SaidLSA
senior Stephanie Brown, "I'm going
over to a friend's house for dinner."

Continued from page 1
If the ordinance is passed, the
University might be able to petition
the city to re-allow them to use the
Ann Arbor landfill, thus decreasing
the price of transporting the waste,
said George Sanfacon, director of
Housing Facilities.
Councilmember Liz Brater (D-
Third Ward) agreed that it might
eventually be possible for the
University to return to using the
Ann Arbor landfill site. "One of the
objectives is to bring people back to
the landfill after the crisis," she said.
Sanfacon also said that the

amount of trash which the
University will need to put in the
landfill may be significantly less
than in the past because of a new re-
cycling program in University resi-
dence halls.
The new program, which has
been in operation since the begin-
ning of the term, has already diverted
approximately 21 tons of cardboard
and newsprint to the Ann Arbor
Recycling center.
Students in residence halls are en-
couraged to separate their cardboard
and newspaper from the rest of their
trash and put those items in specified
"recycling closets." The recyclables
are then brought to a pickup dock
and collected by special transfer ve-
The project will cost an approx-
imate $150,000 a year, an increase
of $14 a year for each student's room
and board rate, said Sanfancon.
Although the project in the resi-
dence halls is still in its initial
stages, Doug Fasing, manager of
Grounds and Waste Management at
the University, said he hopes that
participation will increase. In the
next year to two years, he expects
programs will be implemented to
encourage recycling in other parts of
the University.

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Soviet party boss ousted
MOSCOW (AP) - The conservative chief of the Ukranian
Communist Party lost his position as boss of the Soviet Union's
strongest political machine yesterday to a progressive protege of President
Mikhail Gorbachev.
Gorbachev sharply criticized the dictatorial style of the ousted official,
Vladimir Shcherbitsky, who ran the Ukraine and its 50 million people
with an iron hand for 17 years.
He was retired in a meeting of Ukrainian Communists, which
Gorbachev attended.
The new Ukrainian party boss is Vladimir Ivashko, who was
Shcherbitsky's second-in-command and who three weeks ago used the
pages of the daily newspaper Izvestia to sharply criticize absolute com-
manders unresponsive to the public.
House votes for tax cut
WASHINGTON (AP) - The House yesterday approved President
Bush's proposed cut in capital-gains taxes, rejecting arguments by
Democratic leaders that it would buy a windfall for the rich at the expense
of a bigger budget deficit.
A nearly solid bloc of Republicans - only Doug Bereuter of Nebraska
defected - was joined by 64 Democrats, chiefly from timber and farm ar-
eas, in the 239-190 vote to redeem Bush's campaign promise to tax in-
vestment income at a lower rate than wages.
The tax reduction, said House Republican Leader Robert Michel of
Illinois, "fits well with the economic and tax policies which have guided
this nation through 82 record months of growth, creating hundreds of
thousands of new, productive, and lasting jobs in our nation."
Brezhnev stripped of medal
MOSCOW (AP) - The government stripped disgraced former
President Leonid Brezhnev of the nation's highest military honor yester-
day, saying he did not deserve it.
Brezhnev had a fondness for awards and medals and during the later
years of his life had himself presented with many of the country's highest
One of those was the Order of Victory. Only a few have been awarded
it, including the leaders of the Soviet and allied forces in World War II.
The decision to take away Brezhnev's Order of Victory from 1978 was
made by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, the country's highest ex-
ecutive body, the Tass news agency said.
Since he died in 1982, Brezhnev has been subjected to scathing criti-
cism for fostering economic stagnation and an atmosphere of cronyism in
the Soviet Communist Party and government.
His name has been removed from cities, streets, and factories and a
plaque honoring him has been removed from an apartment building in
Moscow where he lived as Communist Party leader.
Braniff declares bankruptcy
MIAMI (AP) - Braniff, Inc. yesterday became the first major airline
to seek bankruptcy protection twice, a day after canceling nearly all its
flights and laying off more than half its work force.
Some airline experts say losses of more than $1 million a week and
intense competition from larger carriers may keep Braniff from re-enacting
its comeback from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 1984 as a smaller
Braniff left thousands of travelers to seek alternate flights and ticket re-
funds Thursday after halting all but four flights linking its Kansas City,
Mo., hub with Dallas and Orlando, Fla., its home base.
Braniff spokesman Don McGuire in Orlando said the carrier hopes to
restore 40 of its 256 normal daily flights by Monday.
Meanwhile, plans are underway to cut Braniffs work force from 4,791
to about 2,000. The work force currently includes an estimated 2,000 em-
ployees in Kansas City, 1,165 in Orlando, and 450 in Dallas.
Taking the Niagara plunge
q 4/
3: a A

4 ,
Peter DeBernardi of Niagara Falls, Ontario, and Jeffrey Petkevich of
Ottawa, plunge over Niagara Falls Wednesday in a two-man, armored-
plated capsule. The two men lived through the event but were later
charged by police with stunting.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$28.00 in-town and $39 out-of-town, for fall only $18.00 in-town and $22.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
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culation 764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550
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News Staff: Laura Cohn, Diane Cook, Laura Counts, Marion Davis, Noah Finkel, Lisa Fromm, Tara Gruzen, Kristine Lalonde, Ann
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Opinion Staff: Sharon Holand, David Levin, Fran Obeid, Greg Rowe, Kathryn Savoie.
Sports Staff: Jamie Burgess, Steve Cohen, Theodore Cox, Andy Gottesman, David Hyman, Eric Lemont, Jay Mose, Jonathan
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Arts Sta:Greg Baiss, Sheala Drant, Brent Edwards, Mike Fischer, Michael Paul Fscher, Forrest Green, Brian Jarvinen, Ami
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