4 Page 6- The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, September 27, 1989 ___SSIFIED ADS. 764-055L TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED IN P~t VtcjIdig bU .;. X ads cost $2.10/line for the first day, $.70/line for each additional consecutive day X ads must be placed by 11:00 a.m. the morning before publication X ads must be prepaid with cash, an in town check, or a money order "X ads may be removed from publication, but there will be no refunds A TS. AVAILABLE NOW. A step above. Fully furnished apts. in the heart of campus. Call 761-8000. Available b the room. Totally updated two bedroom duplex near Zingerman's. New kitchen, new bath, washer and dryer. $250/n p9us utilities. Or whole unit for $550. Call Sherri 761-9766.. CAMPUS AREA 6 BEDROOM HOUSE artially furnished. Laundry and parking. $1600/mo. 996-9300. Comfortable fumished room in Bums Park. Home near UM for quiet student. No smok- ing. kefridge & TV. $250. 665-7267. DEXTER AREA. Lare 2& 3 bedroom apts. Laundry parking, $850/mo. and $975/mo. 996:-9300. FURNISIED 2 AND 3 BEDROOM APTS. near campus. $500/mo. and $900/mo. Possi- ble 8 month lease. 663-7807 or 665-6895. Great Kerrytown 2 BR & study or 3BR Apt. Parking, laundry & loads of chann. $795/month. Call 434-2350 or 434-5787. HIP/SERENE 1 BEDROOM APT. IN THE TREES. Split level-giant windows-wood floors-lg. sundeck-laund -parking-10 min. from cam pus next to Ar & Huron River. Call 665-0985 anytime! How about now? INCREDIBLY CLEAN!! Well maintained fum. apt Comer Hill & Division. Must see it to believe it. 681-0860. Large Two.Bedroom In A Four Unit.Historic House. Division And Kingsley. Furnished Or Not. Heat Water, Cooking Gas Included. Modem M anagement 668-6906. ON CAMPUS 1 Large Bedroom 1 Block from Student Activities Bldg. 308 Thompson. 662-0381 663-9051. Rooms For Rent: Free Utilities, Parking & Laundry. Call 994-0067. Single Bedroom in furnished house. All utili- ties included $320 Air cable TV, sundeck, parking, laundry 995-89b7. SENVIRONMENTAL ACTION Join the campaign to stop toxic hazards! Work for a clean environment w/PIRGIM Public Interest Lobby. Full/part-time, flexible days (Sun-Sat), $5-$6/hr, adv. oppty. Help make the '90's the environmental decade. Call Sue 662-6597. A FEW GOOD BUS BOYS NEEDED - Free food. 1322 Hill - Mrs. Eaton @ 662-2176. ACCOUNTING AIDE - Work-Study posi- tion at SOS Crisis Center in Ypsi. Assist w/ bookkeepin & other administrative tasks. $6/hr., 20 hrs./wk. Apply at Student Em- loyment office. Listed as Administrative ACTIVISTS/STUDENTS Are you dismayed over the way our govern- ment neglects human needs while spending billions on nuclear bombs each year. Well, get u and do somethin gabout it! Michigan SaneFreeze is hiring full and part-time staff. Flexible schedules, fun folks, and great job satisfaction. call 663-3913 for interview. Women and minorities encouraged to apply. ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK - Work-Study position at SOS Crisis Center Ypsi. Assist w/ phones, typing, & other clerical tasks. $6/hr. 20 hrs./wk. Apply at Student Employment Office. ASSISTANCE TEACHER U of M Chil- drens' Centers. Work study positions avail- able. Call 763-6784. BRIGHTEN YOUR LIFE AND LEARN VALUABLE SKILLS as a volunteer coun- selor at SOS Crisis Center. Lend a hand in re- sponding to personal and family problems, homelessness, hunger, suicide and substance abuse. Call for an interview, 4$5-8730. BUS BOYS, Waiters. Sorority house. Lunch and/or dinner. Call 663-8785 anytime. Ex- cellent cook. Choir Director/Music Coordinator Position Open at First Baptist Church of Ypsilanti. 482-7380, weekdays from 9-1. DO YOU NEED extra cash? Opportunity to sell top-quality suits to your felow students, and make an attractive commission on each sale. Develop your own marketing and ad- vertising skills. Call 996-2644 for more info. DO YOU WANT TO GET PAID for talking on the phone? Research facility needs inter- viewers. Absolutely no sales. Starting pay $5/hr. No experience necessary. Perfect job for college students. 10-40 hours a week - days evenings and weekends. Call 994-0975 for taped inormation. Call 994-8726 if you have further questions. Excellent part-time opportunity. Morning as- sistance needed with two children, 5 and 17 months. Northeast Ann Arbor, week days 7ain-8:45anm. non-smoker with reliable trans- portation and references. Flexibility and ex- cellent wages. 663-3784 evenings. E<1 q ' f .Iei . DISHWASHER. Sorority house. $25-five days plus meals. Call 663-8785 anytime. GYMNASTIC INSTRUCTORS: Male & Female Instructors Wanted. Positions Avail- able For Girls, Boys, & Preschool Classes. Enthusiastic, Reliable, & Previous Teaching Experience. Transportation Needed. Call Gym America-971- 1667. HELP WANTED PART TIME COUNTER HELP. Night shifts available. Apply in per- son at Pizza Bob's. 814 S. State. IHOP-IN FOOD STORES NOW HIRING full and part-time clerk positions. Flexible hrs. Starting rate $4.50+. No experience needed. Ap y at a hop-In on S. University, Main & Madison, or Packard/Stadium. HOW ABOUT VOLUNTEERING TO TU- TOR? 6,7, and 8 grade students at Tappan Middle School Tues. & Thurs. 3-4. Contact DeMaris Booker at 994-2015 or 994-4970. ICR SURVEY RESEARCH GROUP, a na- tional marketing research firm located in Ann Arbor, is presently hiring telephone inter- viewers. Excellent communications skills and the ability to work part-time evenings, and week-ends necessary. No experience needed, full-paid training provided. Pay starts at $5/hr. Scheduling is flexible. Contact Greg Love at 971-2840 after 2pm daily. Job position available for work study student. Filling and typing necessary and computer expenence he fu. Hours are flexible and $6/hour. 764-2496. LABORERS NEEDED Oct. 15 and/or 16 to help cater a LARGE art $6.50/hr). Wait- staff needed Oct. 16 5). Call Lisa at 665- 2131 for more info. Large Dairy Farm near Ann Arbor needs part-time help. Must enj working outdoors and with animals 483-5492. Ask for Tom. LAW CLUB food service is hiring food ser-1 vice help. Hours are lunch 11-2, dinner 5- 7:45. Rate of pay $5.00/per hour. Contact Lori at 764-1115 or stop in at 551 South State Street. LOVING CHILD CARE - 2 1/2 days/wk. 3 yr. old girl. Must drive. Excellent salary or free room w/ own bath. 668-7569. MAKE MONEY DESIGNING T-SHIRTS! Graphic arts experience helpful. Good pay. Calf Satip at 971-9427. Leave message. MEN WANTED: The Safer Sex Peer Educa- tion Program needs men to educate students about sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS. Gain academic credit, public speaking exp. Pick up an application today, rm. 202, Univ. lealth2Services. Deadline: Oct. 2. Info? 763-1320.- MvOTE' H mL PER/BvABY r t ER fa or girl 8, boy 5. Mondays 5:30-8:30pm. Other evenings/weekends possible. Need car, expe- rience, references. No smoking. Call 6-9pm 995-3561. OFFICE PERSON: good w/ numbers, phone, errands, Mac., 12 hrs./wk. 761-7204. PART TIME TEACHER SCHOOL AGE MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 3:30-5:30. CALL 769-4403. PART-TIME Receptionist with excellent phone skills on U of M Campus. Flexible hours Tuesday and/or Thursday. Call 995- 5454, ask for Roberta. PIZZA HUT Applications now being accepted for all po- sitions: cooks, waitpersons and delivery drivers. Apply in person to any Ann Arbor or Ypsilanti Location. Good starting pay, flexible hours, EOE. POSITIONS OPEN FOR DISHWASHER. Starting pay $5/hr. Hrs. flexible, mostly nights. Medical benefits incl. Please apply between 2-4, M-F. Call Tina 668-1545. PSYCHOLOGIST: fully licensed Ph.D. for local clinic; contract. 761-7204. RECEPTIONIST NEEDED Mon-Fri 12-6. Relaxed office. Computer skills helpful. Good pay. Fun job. Call Linda at 971-2662 for interview. SALES. Generations Children's Store. 30 hrs/wk. Days evenings & weekends. 662- 6615. 10-5. M~ust like kids. SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for a well es- tablished infertility clinic. If you are a male between 21-40 years of age and a graduate student or a professional i'10" or taller we need you. Donors are aid $50 dollars per ac- ceptable specimen. For further information, please call 434-4766. SUBWAY has full and part-time psitions avail. Start at $4.50 and up, up to $6.00 on weekends. Apply at 170 Plymouth Rd. North Campus Plaza. 761-1470. TELEMARKETING. Ourstudents are earn- ing up to $12/hr. No experience necessary but ood communications skills a musti Flexible schedules full and part-time. Call Bob Brooke 482-2003. TELEMARKETER, professional and opti- mistic. Experience required. Pleasant office offers flexibility and high earnings potential. 973-0420 TELEPHONE SALES REPS.Earn 5-8 dol- lars per hour. Mon-Thurs eve. 5:30-8:30, call 973-7766. WORK FOR ACADEMIC credit or volun- teer at the Pound Ilouse Children's Center this fall term. Located at Hill and East Uni- versity. Come over for a visit or call 764- 2547 for more information. WORK for the Central Student Government. Work for MSA. Positions open for computer programmers. Require experience inDBase 3. Also need students interested in advertising. Student needed to serveas elections director. Prefer work study students for all positions but not required. Call 763-3241 between 9-5 if interested or come to 3969 Michigan Union.MSA More than just a student government. WORK STUDY STUDENTS - Needed as lab assistant for orthodontic research. Com- puter experience. Call 764-4501. WORK STUDY POSITIONS - Fall/Winter LS&A Honors office. $5.50/hr. Office Asst., flexible hours. Call 747-4482 for more in- formation. Work Study lab assistant wanted. Dept. of Pharmacology, 763-3083, Keiki. WORK STUDY lab assistant wanted. Dept. of pharmacology. 763-3083, Keiki. BEAN BAG CHAIRS. Variety of sizes and colors. $19-$26. Free delivery, call 662-2899. Leave message. BOOKCASES, chairs, tables, chests, trunks, rugs, lamps, phones. 665-7184. Color TV Rentals: 19" color TV. $60/ser. or $110/yr. Call anytime for free delivery. Col- legiate Rentals. 1-800-999-4008. FEMALE TRECK mountain bike for sale. Price neg. Call Wendy 769-3415. For Sale: Kin Matress, Spring $75 & Single Trunole Bed $5. 764-2539. GUITAR AMP: Peavey Bandit 65 Watt. 2 Channels-great clean sound, tube distortion. Excel. cond. $175 Chris 761-6937. SMITH CORONA personal word processor $350. Call 668-4001. TVS FOR RENT 20" TOP OF THE LINE JVC CABLE READY $55 1 term $100 2 terms REMOTE AVAILABLE CALL 662- 2899 LV.MSSG. T &IF FOUND MAZDA KEY on Michigan key chain in MLB. Call 761-9683. Found: Ladies watch on Sept. 25 near Hill dorm area. Provide description. Call Miriam 747-8377. LOST: PAIR OF DARK BROWN/BLACK EYEGLASSES on 9/18/89 @ CCRB or along Washtenaw btwn. CCRB & Cam- bridge. Call 761-2062. *TUDENTSE RV CESW **TYPING & WORDPROCESSING** Fast/IBM-WP/laser/campus/Sandi/426-5217 "Need Money for School? As College Alumni we know about steep education debts so we want to help you finance your educa- tion. All freshman and sophomores eligible. Write Schutel, 6700 Warner Ave., Box 34C, Huntington Beach, CA 92647-5356" **QUALITY TYPING & GRAPHICS SERVICE** Fast/low rates/free delivery/996-9189 *FREE PIANO LESSON!* Casio rental available. Mike 994-0371. A-1 TYPING and WORDPROCESSING. On camus professionals. Rush services. 668- BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL $24.95 Clean and lube ANY audio/video eqip. Repairs and adjustments additional. Hi Fi buys 769-4700. BC JAMS Music of your choice for all occasions.Call 747-7519 FOR ALL YOUR WORD PROCESSING NEEDS, call Janet at 763-8913. TIlE WORDWRIGHT **Word processing/typing/editing. Papers/reports/dissertations/resumes. Laser printing.**662-8977. TYPING/WORD PROCESSING-Cover Letters/Reports/Resumes-On Campus. Call 747-7470. Wordprocessing cassette transcription-laser- free pickup & delivery. Call Anne-429-4261. '79 HONDA ACCORD 5 speed H4B, immac- ulate interior new motor tires brakes, wipers, etc. $1000 or best. 9§6-142'7. '83 Alliance, top condition 72K 5 speed., A/C, $1000/neg. Call Dong: '69-5473 1980 GLF-5 Subaru, brown 2dr sedan, man- ual transmission, runs great. Price: $700. Call: 994-1392. 76 VOLARE WAGON! $375 Rough body, but strong 6-cyl engine 459-1239 (before 8). 82 Pontiac J2000 AC auto new brakes, trans. 72k, runs well. 44-479, Kipp. FORD MUSTANG '81 charcoal grey t- tops,5spd stick, $1900. Call Tony 994-0313. LASER - 1984 CHRYSLER. Excl. cond. 65,000 miles. A/C, CC, automatic. $3500/BO. Call Linda/leave message 995-, 5971. MUST SELL: '85 ESCORT. Two door, A/C, stereo. Good condition. $2,900/Best offer. Call Kelly @ 995-9345. $99 ANYWHERE IN THE USA ON NORTHWEST airlines! Bring your NWA voucher and AMEX card. Ca REGENCY TRAVEL, 665-6122, ask for Ann or Dawn. GET AWAY! Equipped cabins on lake in wooded setting, sleeps four outdoor hot tub, boats & canoes. $38-58. 1 min from Tra verse City. (616) 276-9502. SPRING BREAK Acapulco 519, Cancun 559 Freeport 439 Jamaica 519, Ski Lake i'ahoc 489, Nassau, 459. WANTED: Student Reps. for Spring Break. Call REGENCY TRAVEL 665-6122, ask for Dan. I AUTOMo1 .P.".. .....w.. &. 4 LA! 4 Top Campus Location. Deluxe Modem Fur- nished Two Bedroom Apartments. Wilmot And Observatory. Good For Three To Four People. AC, Balconies Many Extras. Modem Management 668-6906. TWO VERY NICE 2 BDRM. APTS. Hard- wood floors, laundry, $650/mo. and $750/mo. Neg. 8 mo. lease possible. 996- 9300. WANTED: ROOMMATE TO SHARE BIG ROOM IN p rime location house. #611 CatherineSt 2 blocks from Frieze Bldg. Heat & water incf. Sept. to May (Sept. free). 769- 77 15. ROLLING STONES tickets. Main floor, Dec. 10. Call 662-0953. 1IATTENTION PRE-LAW STUDENTS!! Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity will be meeting tonight at 8pm in the union. New members are welcomed! ABSOLUTE TOP DOLLAR paid for U of M football tickets. 668-7707. WRITERS! ARTISTS! Contribute to expres- sion. We need stories, poems, essays and il- lustrations. Send SASEto Box 2429 Mesa, Arizona 85214. Subscriptions $14 for 4 is- sues. NFORMATN Largest Library of information in U.S. - all subjects Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or CbD 800-351 -0222 HOT INEin Calif. (213) 477-8226 Or, rush $2.00 to: Research Information 11322 Idaho Ave. #206-A, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Tired of those boring work study jobs aor looking for an exciting new one? Then apply for a work study position as a Ticket Central Clerk Positions entail controlling many aspects of ticket sales . for UAC events. Great Experience Good Pay-$4.25 per hour for more info call 763-1107.- ) FMC Corporation has opportunities in: " TECHNICAL SALES * PROCESS ENGINEERING * DESIGN ENGINEERING " SOFTWARE ENGINEERING " APPLICATIONS COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS ... for top BS graduating seniors in Chemical, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Chemistry. FMC, a Fortune 150 company and one of the world's leading pro- ducers ofmachinery and chemi- cals for industry, agriculture and government, operates 88 manufac- turing facilities and mines in 24 states and 14 foreign countries. Based on good performance, these entry level positions can lead to management positions in Market- ing, Sales or Production Manufacturing. Stop by our booth at the SWE-TBP Career Fair on September 27 GfMC® An equal opportunity employer M/F/H/V Nuts and Bolts STUDENT TRAVEL BREAKS AT STA- MOS TRAVEL *** Openweekends and some evening s.** ** errytown Mall Ann- Arbor. 663-4400** TICKET NYC/Lag. - Det. Oct. 1 8:30 pm. Northwest one-way. Joseph 747-7467. TCETS FOR SALE- one way ticket: Detroit-Newark. Tuesday Nov. 21, 5:25pm. Must sell! Call 662-4599 Anytime! TICKETS FOR SALE: Best offer. Any home game except OSU. Call Kim, 769-3415. STONES TIX-Dec 10. Excellent Seats. Call 769-6240. 2 WISCONSIN TICKETS desperately needed!! Call 996-1236 to sell me yours. Two Maryland TIX needed - Call 995-5729. FOOTBALL TICKETS FOR SALE Matt 996-5952, -5953. Leave name & #. STUDENT FOOTBALL TIX FOR SALE, SEC 26 BEST OFFER. CALL JANE 761- 6582. FOUR TICKETS available. Maryland game. Sept. 30. Please call 662-7726. MICHIGAN GRAD NEEDS 6 GOOD TICK ETS TO A HOME GAME. LEAVE MESSAGE AT 9(312) 664-0350. Will call back. I OR 2 ROOMATES FOR single or double in beautiful 2 bdrm. apt. across from CCRB. $270 or $410 fully fum. 662-6454. HOUSEMATE NEEDED: Own Beautiful room wood floors, laundry, 2 blks. to cam- pus. Live w/ 6 great women! 662-1199. MALE/NON-SMOKER NEEDED FOR A SPACIOUS duplex near CCRB. All utilities,, except electric. If interested, call Pat at 995- I IVIAN'i'EI) Janitor Position at Student Publications 10-20 hrs/wk. $5.50/hr. Call Nancy at 764-0550 Achieve the LSA T Store You Need with EXCEL " Learn to Anticipate the Exam's thinking - Improve Your Reasoning and Formal Logic Skills " Develop Comprehensive Exam Strategies " Review Videotapes for Additional Practice Professional Instruction - Affordable Tuition Classes for the Dec. 2nd LSAT begin: Sat. Oct. 7th and Wed. Oct. 18th QUIET clean person to share house.. Own bedr. $175/mo. + util. 663-9131. ROOMATE NEEDED for large fumishedy single in attractive 2-bdrm. condo near cam- pus/med. center, 747-9215. f i r I SINGLE ROOM in 2 bedroom apt. Very' nice. Must see. $250/mo. 665-2824. Kappa Dea Rno Kush 1989 Monday Sept. 25-Thursday Sept. 28 7 m-l~pm 1220 Prospect (South End Of Church St.) 996-150 EDAILY ACROSS 1 School caps 6 Skiers' mecca 10 Famous US planes ,13 Apollo festival 14 Spree 15 Hockey score X16 Social sideliner 18 Lady Chaplin .19 Eastern salutations 0 Philippines native 2 Abbr. in apt. , ads '23 Buddy 24 - West, Fla. 25 Lawn game from Italy 29 Fold 31 - de Mallorca P2 Pump 34 Summer treats 36 Transmission of graphics by wire it The Charles's dog 41 One of the Turners 42 Conduct 43 Cliff dwellings: Var. 45 Teems 47 Permit 49 East ending 50 Baden-Baden, for one 51 Hinder 53 Had the lead 57 Wall Street order roQ Mianair CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by rude Michel Jaffe I 4 Be unwilling, old style 5 African expedition 6 Particles 7 Herd sounds 8 Part of EAP 9 Stripes 10 Guard of a sort 11 Indian craft 12 Slightly purplish- gray 15 Sticky stuff 17 Most ineffective 21 Egg white liquid 23 Show off 25 Marcel Marceau role 26 Workers' prot. agcy. 27 Drama suited for reading 28 Spiteful 29 Soft drinks 30 Milan's La - 33 Greek beauty 35 False 37 Equipped with rowing gear 38 One of the Wise Men 39 Grid measures 44 Very angry 46 Aviary utterance 47 Composer Franz 48 Eastern ruler 50 Pack away 52 House addition 53 Fly high 54 Disturb 55 Diner sign 56 Three, to Fritz 59 Baton Rouge inst. 60 Relig. teaching deg. OK W4A, ONE MORE TiME. LET'S SAY I GO To A 5MM T GORBAO4E AND MYSELF ARC CiOir TO TAU< Ab NEOTIATE. -M ACOt1tiS T4iS 2 M*&4T W TON~r citrUT 4 N6CW~rRy, gtf7j ~ x ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: L0NE S AJBSU REBE L GENE SN ITS FERMENTS SATATES EIPIISUMIE IIN PERSONAL Test Preparation * * ATTENTION: Supreme Course Tran-* 0 1100 South University scripts, the LS&A lecture notetaking service, has the following notes avail. at Alpha, fly rahics Printshops at 715 N. Univ.: Anthro -la sf edsAnthro 161, Anthro 368, Astro 101/111,1 Astro 102/112, Class Civ 11, Comm 103 Comm 320, Econ 201, Econ 202, Econ 395~ Econ 401, Geog 101 Geol 100 Geol 101,v byJudd Winick Geol 107, Geol 115, deol 222, H1ist 160, Hist 200,NHist 332, Hist 366, Physics 125 Physics 140, Physics 240, Poli. Sci. 395, Ph sio __4rl4T 1QA?1, Psych101, Psych171, Psych 331, Psych -RIN T 7E THE 1lH - 368. Ca l663-681 6for more info. THE STORE' AJAt.06 *** ATTENTION SENIORS DAN, DO YOU ***YEARBOOK PORTRAITS TAKEN REMEMBR T ? TODAY ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF THE UGLI FROM 8:30 TO 5:00pm. CALL RESCEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT. BALLOONS! BALLOONS! BALLOONS! Call BALLOONEY TOONS for all occas-, f sions. 996-4526. 415 Church. Free delivery. SDIAL A JEWISH STORY. Another project of the Chabad House. Call 995-5959. DICK- the noise is killing me. Pick up some ear plugs for me at the Village Apothecary. 4 ..// Take 39 cents- Ann. - FREE DANCE LESSONS Sept. 18 & 25, 6:30-8.AA 1st United Meth. thur. State & I Wash. Square and Round - No partner/expe. needed. Park at Tally hall. 437-8828. HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO 302 E Liberty. 665-8001. Repairs- fall tune-up spe- cials. oac/da/rad/t at ez THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE. Certified holistic practitioner. Debra K. Rozek 663- .j- 5&UI L.Y WANT TO learn word processing? At the Academic Resource Center (The Arc), in room 219 of the Undergraduate Library we'll show you how easy it is to master M9 Word.sDrop by the Arc Mon.2-4,Tue ri. & Sun. 2-5. - -COMP1ER4M-, > COMPUTERS - Student discounts. IBM Compatibles. Call 747-9400 between 9-5. N ~ LASER PRINTER - Like new. Asking $690. (v Call 747-9400, off campus, between 9-5. WANT TO REALLY . JEN ER CARRIAGE 2 ENAT E F IT S L U M 'o /f o d ARCS EDS PLlE d/_ NO0R SE A RS LOO S E E LE CT R IC CA RT E R H A IL W R IT DO0C E NT T H E DA Y0F AP A RT S HO0E B E NE C U R 0 ROO 0D L A DE E SS EN A SP S E RA L l/4IMWHT NO eOF ?A-ow-OFFGC4Ac5 15 Trn1' ANNYW? QF N TU r C44Q(E 'rF5T5, L-A55k/L .0HV AS, w'~ W WV. jv Lu 'y STAKT CcoWN6 1r NNAT E jONE Mtu5 CAREFL . yo 5&.ELrANf' SPARE 15 OR t R trEAT... So, U5IAIQ THvE StAPW Toot , 1 2 13 16~1 7 8 9. I 9 / 2 7 / 8 9 10 11 12 7 15 18 24 _.IjlCalvin and Hobbes tt__ v i-' L V\ Ff , I ! ! 1 1 1 1 22 23 28 2 32 33 34 1 m 39 BLOW THEM by Bill Watterson AWAY? 31i~ N " sT n t IaEE Ka! DO 113Q WKY, M"WGF-T-l f lrfl r7 T P~~~P4W~CM A~S~nOAX)l4~,; D '(M T1114( c~~cs. G~~i jjfjwpt REMEMBERS, AFXL RtiG4T . Il X. Z, , , I I i " t tlooE i . M©M AND DAD I