Schembechler smiling over big win
Dead people are actually alive
The Pogues bring Peace and Love to town
Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 14 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, September 26, 1989 "001
BBC calls
flight 103
LONDON (AP) - A British
television inquiry into the Pan Am
Mlight 103 disaster said yesterday
that West Germany committed major
blunders, including releasing the
probable bomb-maker after a raid on
Palestinian group last year.
However, the chief Scottish in-
vestigator into the bombing of the
plane over Lockerbie, Scotland, last
Dec. 21 said on the program: "We
are still on course to being able to
put together a case that will reveal
who was responsible."
The British Broadcasting Corp.'s
current affairs program Panorama re-
ported that investigators are con-
vinced the Syrian-backed Popular
Front for the Liberation of Palestine-
General Command - long the
prime suspect - masterminded the
attack. The group's leader has denied
All 259 people aboard Flight 103
from Frankfurt to New York via
London were killed along with 11
people on the ground in Lockerbie.
Scottish investigator Lord Fraser,
speaking on the program titled
Lockerbie: An Avoidable Tragedy,
said a West German police raid in
October 1988 and the discovery in
April of three bombs similar to the
See FLIGHT, page 2
Bush aims to cut
Declaring the world "has lived too
long in the shadow of chemical war-
fare," President George Bush offered
yesterday to slash U.S. stocks of
such weapons more than 80 percent
provided the Soviet Union reduces to
an equal level.
Bush's proposal, in his first
speech to the U.N. General
Assembly as president, was designed
to spur a 40-nation conference in
Geneva to ban chemical weapons en-
tirely within 10 years.
He also used his appearance to
salute "freedom's march" around the
world - in Hungary, Poland, Latin
America and Africa - and to praise
the Soviet Union for removing "a
number of obstacles" in the way of
treaties to reduce long-range nuclear
weapons,'and troops and tanks in
Bush noted progress on those is-
sues and agreements on other matters
during talks last weekend between
Secretary of State James Baker and
Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard
Shevardnadze, as well as a decision
to hold a summit meeting with
Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev
by early next summer.
"Let us act together - begin-
ning today - to rid the earth of this
scourge," Bush said in his comments
on chemical weapons.
Shevardnadze said after the speech
that the Soviets had "a positive
view" of the plan but that it andl
other Bush proposals "will have to
be studied additionally."
Brent Scowcroft, the president's
national security advisor, said the
Soviets had been given an outline of
the U.S. initiative in advance, and
"they really have not responded."
He also told reporters at a brief-
ing that Bush's proposal did not in-
clude biological weapons, which
some experts consider as deadly as
poison gas.
One year ago, during the first
presidential candidates' debate, Bush
had said, "I want to be the one to
banish chemical and biological
weapons from the face of the earth."
The United States has in the past ac-
cused the Soviets of developing bio-
logical weapons.
To get down to the equal stocks
that Bush proposed, the Soviets
would have to make deeper cuts
since they are thought to have more
chemical weapons on hand. Only the
two superpowers acknowledge hav-
ing poison gas , but Bush said more
than 20 nations either possess them
or are capable of producing them.
USSR plans to cut
military spending
MOSCOW (AP) -- The Soviet
Union said yesterday it will slash
military spending by more than 8
percent and cut its deficit in half in a
1990 "crisis" budget made necessary
by the nation's poor fiscal health.
Finance Minister Valentin
Pavlov used that wording as he un-
veiled the proposed budget on open-
ing day of the Supreme Soviet legis-
lature's fall session.
The session's sweeping two-
month agenda of about 80 bills in-
cludes proposals to radically alter
some traditional ways of doing
things in Soviet politics.
Under dire need for more revenues
and less expenses, the Kremlin plans
to implement a progressive income
tax for Soviets earning 700 rubles
($1,076) or more a month - more
than three times the average wage-
and float a $92 billion bond issue,
the nation's first, to help finance
new construction, Pavlov told law-
makers. See SOVIET, page 2
Chatting about chemicals
Students are socializing at the newest campus hot-spot, the atrium in
the Dow Chemistry Building. The trees, by the way, are real.
"'Less lethal weapons' kill
more people, activist says
by Vera Songwe
Daily Minority Issues Reporter
DEARBORN - Contrary to
popular belief, plastic bullets are
lethal, and the use of these bullets
by governments around the world is
increasing, speakers said yesterday
during a rally to ban the weapons.
While the United Nations General
Assembly yesterday was debating the
reduction of chemical weapons, three
civil rights leaders of organizations
from Northern Ireland, Palestine and
South Africa spoke to a group of
Dearborn residents about the dangers
of plastic bullets.
"Somewhere in this country
some worker is making one of these
and doesn't know what they are,"
said Bernadette Delvin McAliskey,
an Irish civil rights activist, holding
up a plastic bullet. "We are here to
inform all that they are deadly
weapons and that the manufacturers
should be banned."
In February, 1973, the British
military used plastic bullets in ac-
tion against Northern Ireland demon-
strators, and the weapons became
fully operational in 1975,
McAliskey said, adding that they
completely replaced rubber bullets.
Johnathan Rosenhead, a member
of the British Society for Social
Responsibility in Science said, plas-
tic bullets replaced rubber bullets be-
cause of their increased accuracy, but
they are also more dangerous.
According to the Irish Post, there
has been one death for every 4,000
rounds of plastic bullets as compared
with one for every 18,000 rubber
More recently, plastic bullets
were introduced in Israel in August,
1988. Abddeen Jabara, national pres-
ident of the American-Arab Anti-
Discrimination Committee, said
even though there has not been a
surge in mass demonstrations, there
has been an increase in casualties be-
cause of the bullets.
McAliskey said, "When soldiers
fired live ammunition under strict
discipline there were far less casual-
ties then than now when plastic bul-
lets are used with total abandon."
"I object to the use of any kind of
ammunition to suppress people
fighting for freedom but if it had to
be used," Abdeen said "they should
be used according to the prescrip-
Plastic bullets have been used in
South Africa since 1984, according
to Solly Simelane, a representative
of the African National Congress.
The use of plastic bullets was
banned by the European Parliament
in 1982 and by Amnesty
International, but they are still being
used in South Africa, Northern
Ireland, and Palestine.
H appy Homecoming
Sandy Smith and Bill Mitchner, residents of
Sullivan Island, S.C., rejoice upon discovering that
their home remained unharmed by Hurricane Hugo's
devastating sweep through their island.
Stroh Brewing
sold to Coors
DETROIT (AP) - The sale of Stroh Brewing
Company ends the independence of a 139-year-old, fam-
ily-owned pillar of Detroit's business community.
Coors Brewing Co.'s $425 million agreement in
principle to buy the Stroh's Brewing Co. serves notice
to the nation's top two beer makers that the Colorado
company is to be taken seriously, company officials
said Monday.
Stroh said last February it wanted a partner with cash
to pay off debts and come closer to matching advertising
dollars with the likes of beer-market leader Anheuser-
Busch Companies.
By the end of August, Chairperson Peter Stroh,
great-grandson of the company founder, announced there
were no takers, and that Stroh was trimming support of
community events and laying off 300 of its 1,500
white-collar workers.
. Of those, 200 were in the company's Detroit head-
quarters and the rest in its seven U.S. breweries. The
company founded in 1850 by German immigrant
Bernard Stroh made its last beer in Detroit in 1985.
If the transaction is completed, "Stroh Brewing Co.
will continue to exist, but the operating company will
not," Coors Chief Executive Officer and brewing com-
pany President Peter Coors said. See STROH, page 5
asks fraternity council to
cleanup leftover rush leaflets
by Jennifer Hiri
Some Ann Arbor scenes never change.
Every fall, squirrels gather acorns. Leaves change
colors. Students and faculty traipse back and forth acros-
the Diag under the autumn sun.
And the remains of taped-down fraternity rush fliers
linger all over campus sidewalks, bridges, walls, and
This year, though, University officials have taken
extra steps to remove the rubbish that many fraternities
leave behind. Executive Director of University
Relations Walt Harrison said he contacted Interfraternity
Council (IFC) leaders last week and encouraged them to
Reicin said about two-thirds of the campus fraterni-
ties participated in the cleanup.
Each fraternity paid a deposit of $65 to ensure that
each house had representatives to participate in the
cleanup. Fraternities that avoided the project were un-
able to collect the deposit money.
IFC Vice President David Whitman, an LSA senior,
said the money collected from the deposit will be do-
nated to the University to pick up campus litter.
Harrison praised tIe council for acting immediately,
adding that he hopes fraternity leaders will come up
with other means of keeping the University clean during
rush in the future. "We look for leadership in the IFC,"
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