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September 07, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-09-07

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Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Volume C, No. 1 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, September 7,1989 Tigat|||;

A retrospective on
University President James
Duderstadt's first year in
office. What has he done,
what has he promised to do?
What has he failed to do?
Get the opinions from
students, faculty and




ACLU lawsuit alleged
free speech limitations

The pamphlet included the follow-
ing as an example of prohibited be-
havior: "A male student makes re-
marks in class like 'Women just
aren't as good in this field as men."'
"We might not have chosen the
best words to describe what we
wanted to do," said Cole of the pam-

Cole said the University was con-
cerned about First Amendment is-
sues as they tie into the policy, but
she added, "The educational commu-
nity is different than the community
at large."
"It's different when you're captive
in a classroom than when you're
walking down the street and some-

one yells something at you," she
The University is currently sub-
mitting seven pages of factual revi-
sions to the court regarding the leg-
islative history of the policy.
Administrators are waiting for the
court to release its written order be-
fore deciding whether to appeal the


page 7

Several national
fraternities have eliminated
"pledging" in an effort to
end hazing. Reactions on
campus are mixed. page 13
Ex-Tiger Bill Freehan took
the reins of the Michigan
Baseball program as Bud
Middaugh resigned in
shame. page 20
* The United Coalition
continues their fight to rid
the University of racism.
Voices: A guide to
minority organizations on
Disabled Student Services
has overhauled there
operation to better serve
disabled students.
* Get the inside scoop from
student reporters on the
Michigan year of the
Featuring: a photo spread
of pictures from the
Wolverines Rose Bowl and
NCAA Basketball
Plus, reviews and.
previews of Michigan's
varsity athletic teams.
In University, take a new
look at the residence halls
(don't call them dorms) with
a humorous survey of life in
University housing.
H is the University fufilling
it's commitment to recruiting
and maintaining minority
A profile of Vice Provost
for Minority affairs Charles
Take a trip back in time
with a look at the history of
the University of Michigan.
What would Ann Arbor be
with out the University?
Probably a lot like Dexter.
Ann Arbor's biggest
problem, the homeless
A guide to local watering
holes and restrsaunts to
have your parents take you to
Surveys of the local
scenes ranging from
classical music, to stage, to

by Kristine LaLonde
Daily Staff Writer
A federal judge struck down a ma-
jor part of the University's policy on
discriminatory harassment two
weeks ago, calling the policy "so
overbroadas to violate the First
In a case brought by the American
Civil Liberties Union, U.S. District
Judge Avern Cohn said the
University did not formulate a policy
to "correlate with existing free
speech standards that are obtained in
the university community."
The policy, which was imple-
mented by the University's Board of
Regents in 1987, prohibited discrim-
inatory harassment based on human
differences such as race, sex, reli-
gion, and sexual orientation.
Behavior not allowed under the pol-
icy included comments, jokes and
other forms of speech.
The University created the policy
in response to several racist incidents
on campus. In the past few years,
racist flyers have been circulated and
racist jokes were aired on a campus
radio station.
In May, a University teaching as-
sistant filed suit against the
University, claiming that the policy
restricted his academic freedom. The
ACLU joined the suit on behalf of
the TA.
at best
By Steve Blonder
Daily Sports Editor
What was once a position of
strength for the Wolverines is now a
potential weakness.
Starting quarterback Michael
Taylor missed a week of practice
with a sore shoulder and fellow
senior Demetrius Brown is
academically ineligible, as Michigan
prepares for next week's battle
against top-ranked Notre Dame.
Taylor began taking snaps for the
first time, Monday, but Michigan
coach Bo Schembechler said the
fifth-year senior had a pulled muscle
in his right (throwing) shoulder.
"He has a sore shoulder like a
pitcher gets in baseball,"
Schembechler said. "We've just been
resting it. We let him take some
snaps today, but we haven't really
tested it full yet."
Despite the missed practice,
Schembechler does not appear overly
"I don't think it's a big deal. But
if it's like this a week from today,
then it's a big deal," Schembechler
If Taylor is unable to play,
sophomores Wilbur Odom and Ken
Sollom, or redshirt Elvis Grbac will
likely be lining up under center in
the opener. Grbac has taken the most
snaps with the first-team offense,
but Schembechler said the number
two position is still in the air.
"Grbac, Ken Sollom, and Wilbur
Odom have all done a pretty good

job in there," Schembechler said. "If
Taylor doesn't make it back, that

The TA, who refuses to reveal his
identity, intended to research behav-
ioral differences between sexes and
races. He said he feared retribution
under the University's discrimination
"The very premise of the policy is
that students need to be sheltered
from offensive speech," said ACLU
lawyer Robert Sedler, who argued
the case against the University. "The
government can't prohibit speech
because of offensiveness."
Shortly before the case went to
court, in an apparent move to head
off the lawsuit, the University sus-
pended the section of the policy pro-
hibiting behavior which "creates an
intimidating, hostile or demeaning
environment for educational pur-
"The policy wasn't as clear as it
could be in this area," said
University General Counsel Elsa
Cole. "I thought the rest was strong
enough to withstand the court's
Last year, the University issued a
pamphlet to students explaining the
anti-discrimination policy. The
University later withdrew the pam-
phlet when certain examples in the
pamphlet came under scrutiny. Judge
Cohn said the pamphlet, and its sub-
sequent withdrawal, was an example
of the policy's vagueness.

Students vow to continue
fight against discrimination

by Laura Counts
Daily Staff Writer
The recent court ruling that
struck down the University's anti-
discrimination policy will not affect
student leaders' battle against racism
on campus, members of student
groups said yesterday.
However, student leaders gave the
court's ruling mixed reviews.
LSA senior David Maurrasse, a
United Coalition Against Racism
steering committee member, said the
group was not upset with the ruling
because UCAR has been opposed to
the policy from its inception.
"It came, it didn't do anything,
and now it's gone," Maurrasse said.
The group favors sanctions to
combat racist speech, but it opposed
the policy originally drafted by the
University because it was made
without input from students and fac-
ulty, and contained no clear defini-

tion of racism, Maurrasse said.
"There is a common misconcep-
tion that racism can go both ways,
but there is no reverse racism,"
Maurrasse said, adding that any fu-
ture document must clearly say that
racism refers solely to actions by
whites against people of color.
The Michigan Student Assembly
has not yet reconvened this year, so
it has not issued a statement in reac-
tion to the ruling. MSA External
Relations Committee Chair Zachary
Kittrie, an LSA senior, said the ha-
rassment policy was "so vague that
students did not know what was in
or out of bounds," and he said MSA
will most likely pressure the
University to clarify its stance.
"The University has the respon-
sibility to show it is serious about
this, and is not just trying to find a
back-door way to infringe on stu-
dents' First Amendment rights,"

Kittrie said.
MSA Minority Affairs
Committee Chair Delro Harris, an
LSA junior, said, "Harassment is
not now okay just because (the pol-
icy) is no longer in effect. We didn't
exist in limbo until the policy was
Harris said the ruling was disap-
pointing because the policy provided
a convenient, formal way to deal
with cases of harassment, but he said
it will not be a setback. He said
cases of harassment will now have
to be brought directly before the
Michigan Civil Rights Commission
instead of being decided within the
Harris emphasized that the ruling
will not hamper the effort to fight
discrimination on campus, but in-
stead will force student leaders to
employ other methods.

Regents approve
% tuition hike

by Josh Mitnick
Daily Staff Writer
University students will face tu-
ition increases of up to 12 percent
this fall.
The University's Board of
Regents this summer unanimously
approved tuition increases of $138
per term for Michigan residents and
$496 per term for out-of-state resi-
The regents approved the tuition
hikes a month before the Michigan
State Legislature passed its annual
higher education budget. The
University expected to receive only a
4.5 percent increase in state funding
from last year.
According to the state's budget
- signed by Gov. James Blanchard
two weeks ago - that figure was
the lowest percentage increase
among any state college or univer-
University Regent Thomas
Roach (D-Saline) cited a lack of state
funding as the principal factor behind
the skyrocketing tuition fees. "If the
state had appropriated the funds we
requested, there would have been no
need for the increase," Roach said.
However, State Sen. William
Sederburg (R-East Lansing), chair of
the Senate Subcommittee on Higher
Education, said there is no direct cor-
relation between the increases in
state appropriations and tuition in-
"The easiest thing to do is to
blame the legislature," he said.
In the past, the University's state
funding has exceeded the revenues
from students' tuition and fees, but
for the first time this year tuition
revenue will just about equal state
State appropriations for the
University in the 1990 budget total
$253 million, or $7,336 per student.
Before signing the budget, the
governor's staff published a press re-

be to work out a much smoother
system for arriving at state appropri-
ations and tuition," he said.
Twenty years ago, Michigan used
to be in the top third of states in ap-
propriations for higher education.
Now it has slipped into the lowest
third, Roach said.
He said the state used to cover
about 80 percent of the University's
general fund - the budget that cov-
ers instruction and University-spon-
sored research - but today state
support has fallen to 48 percent.
One of the factors contributing to
this trend is the influx of out-of-state
students and the increased tuition
revenue they bring, Sederburg said.
University Regent Deane Baker
(R-Ann Arbor) called the current
trend of decreasing state funds dan-
gerous. He said state appropriations
have not kept pace, with increasing
operating costs of the University.
Sederburg said in past years,
University expenditures have in-
creased faster than the inflation rate,
whereas state appropriations have
only kept pace with the inflation
He admitted state funding has not
been adequate for higher education in
the last few years, and said the
University could cut down on operat-
ing costs or the state could raise spe-
cific taxes to make up for the differ-
Some students are concerned that
the tuition hikes will make it harder
for lower and middle income students
to attend the University.
"Anytime you raise tuition you
make it more difficult for Black stu-
dents and other students of color who
are more likely to be economically
disadvantaged to come to the
University," said United Coalition
Against Racism member Kim
Smith, a second-year medical stu-
dent. '
Baker said financi i would iahe

Michael Taylor will lead the No 2 ranked Michigan Wolverines into their
season opener, September 16 against Notre Dame - hopefully. Taylor is
suffering from a sore shoulder, but football coach Bo Schembechler said
he was not worried about the senior quarterback's condition.

knows that.
"But I'd like to go into the
opening game with a fifth year
Monday's attitude was a change
from the week before, when
Schembechler said "If (Taylor) gets
hurt, we've got our work cut out for

Michigan uniform.
When asked if Brown's status
could change, Schembechler
responded: "It will not, it shall not,
it can not, it has not. It's over."
At the same time, Schembechler
announced that Odom was also
"scholastically ineligible," and that
he "does not fit into our plans right


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