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September 25, 1989 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-09-25

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The Michigan Daily - Sports Monday - September 25, 1989

Sports Monday Trivia
Who was the only player
to play for the Boston
Braves, the Milwaukee
Braves, and the Atlanta
(For the answer,
turn to the bottom of page 2)

Inside Sports Monday
Michigan Sports Calendar 2
Women's Cross Country 2
Rich Eisen 3
Q&A 3
'M' Football Coverage 4
Volleyball Season Preview 5
Field Hockey 5
G riddes 6







Quiet heroes lost in
'M' dramatic win
LOS ANGELES - Watching J.D. Carlson's
onside kick jump off the ground and into Vada
Murray's face during Michigan's dramatic comeback
against UCLA, one had to feel that God must have
tuned into this game.
The ball moved from the ground as if someone had
jerked it off the Rose Bowl surface with a string.
Afterwards, the players tried to
A dam describe the play. But instead, they
sounded more like the captured
Benson platoon from The Manchurian
Candidate after their brainwashing.
The spoke with the same look
on their faces, the same tone of
voice, the same shock over what
had happened.
"It just sort of popped up," said
UCLA running back Shaun Wills.
"It just popped up," added
UCLA quarterback Bret Johnson.
Murray, the man wha clutched
the ball, provided his insight by
saying: "It just popped up."
In a great football game, the only descriptions used
to capture the game's most important play sounded
more appropriate for the baseball diamond.
For the real gridiron gab, examine the play of those
mere mortals who had to get by on hard work.
A strong defensive effort from all of Michigan's
first unit made the Wolverines' win seem possible.
Coach Bo Schembechler said: "We put them into
some bad field position with the turnovers by the
offense and they kept us in the game."
The most notable standout on defense, linebacker
Erick Anderson, made the big plays, like intercepting
Bret Johnson's first pass of the second half to start
Michigan off on their third quarter surge. The
interception gave Michigan its first burst of
momentum, after what had been a sluggish opening
Later Anderson's 14-yard sack of Johnson forced
UCLA to punt, after Bruins had been in field goal
range. Without scoring a point, Anderson's efforts
accounted for a six point difference in the final score.
Maybe the most overlooked, yet deserving, hero
would be tailback Tony Boles, whose running and
passing yardage combined for 131 yards total offense.
Nearly forgotten since the Leroy Hoard's MVP day
at last year's Rose Bowl, Boles entered the game
looking prove his value to Michigan players, coaches
and fans. His 19-yard day against Notre Dame could
not have helped matters. Boles did not hide his
enthusiasm after the win out west.
See HEROES, page 4

Carison 'S
boot puts
Blue past
by Richard Eisen
Daily Football Writer
PASADENA, Calif. - And
who thought that Michigan's
kicking game was suspect?
Not sophomore placekicker J.D.
Carlson, who proved his mettle by
kicking four field goals and an
onside kick to complete Michigan's
unbelievable come-from-behind
victory against UCLA, 24-23.
Not punter John Albertson, who
kicked booming punts and long
kickoffs that resulted in little or no
return. And as Fighting Irish
Raghib Ismail's tread marks were
finally beginning to cool in
Michigan Stadium, here came
safety Tripp Wellborne tearing up
the Rose Bowl turf with a 63-yard
punt return.
On Saturday, it was the
Wolverines who received the breaks
to overcome an eight-point deficit
with only 95 ticks remaining on
the clock.
"I've always said that this
stadium has been very lucky for
me," said an ecstatic Bo
Schembechler. "That was a great
college football game. A lot of
excitement. I'm proud of this
Michigan football team. They hung
in there."
Down 23-15 with only 4
minutes remaining, Michigan
looked as if it would start 0-2 for
the second straight season. UCLA,
which was running out the clock,
handed the ball to running back
Shawn Wills, who wasn't even
supposed to play due to an ankle
Wills fUmbled the football.
See UCLA, page 4

Michigan kicker J.D. Carlson celebrates the Wolverines' victory over UCLA with fullback Leroy Hoard (33).

by Andrew Gottesman
Daily Sports Writer
Mike Barrowman climbed out of
the pool in Seoul, South Korea and
felt true failure for the first time.
His fourth-place finish in the
200-meter breaststroke at the 1988
Summer Olympics "was one of the
most disappointing things in the
world," the Michigan junior said. "I
had never really felt failure when I
had a chance of doing what I needed
to do."
But it was not long before
Barrowman, who is described by
coach Jon Urbanchek and teammates
as a quiet leader, bounced back with
a new goal, one that would take
nearly a year to realize. He was out
to set a world record in the 200.
"(The world record) was the only
way I could feel like I could repay all
the people that I owed."
And this summer he paid in full,
setting the world record not once,
but twice, in three weeks.
"He devoted the entire year from
the Olympics, quietly, to be the best
in the world and he attained it," Ur-
banchek said. "He is highly compet-
itive, pays attention to a lot of little
details and he has an ability to set
long range.goals and be able to work
towards them. That's what makes
him different from everybody else."
"In workouts, he serves as a great
model," said men's swimming co-
captain Rick Wilkening. "Not
talking a lot. He's not much of a
talker. He just goes out there and
does his job.".
This summer's records were the
culmination thus far of a career
which began when Barrowman swam
. with his grandmother as an 18-

Top of The
Michigan's Mike Barrowman
didn't find Olympic Gold, but
later he found a world record

'89 Field Hockey
Field Hockey splits
a pair in Iowa City

<: ;;

by Matt Rennie
Daily Sports Writer
Michigan head coach Patti
Smith knew what her field hockey
troops could expect this weekend
when they travelled to Iowa City
to play Michigan State and Iowa.
Michigan defeated MSU, 3-1,
and lost to Iowa by the same tally.
These games opened Michigan's
league season in the Midwest
Collegiate Field Hockey
Conference. Before the trip Smith
said, "We can definitely compete
with Michigan State. Iowa is a

top ten team, but we could pull an
Against Iowa, the team was
battling history as well as a
talented opponent. The loss is
Michigan's sixteenth in as many
tries against the Hawkeyes. Iowa's
goals were scored by Melissa
Sanders, Kristy Gleason, and Erica
Richards. Richards was the co-
MVP in the Big Ten last season.
Michigan's only goal was recorded
by Sharon Cantor.

commonplace for the teenage Mike
Barrowman. He moved to Rhode
Island when he was 12, where "the
competition was sparse and I set
some state records."
It was about this time that
Barrowman began to get excited
about swimming. "Swimming was,
always dominant in my life as a
young kid, but I never pushed it."
That is until he started national
competition in 1983 with his first
National Junior Olympic meet. "I
came in dead last," he said of his
showing in the 100 breaststroke, the
event in which he competed. "I told
my coach I wanted to go back and
place in four events and he laughed
at me."
And thus began a long string of
goals for Mike Barrowman, goals
that have generally been met. He
returned to the nationals and did
place in four events, but still it was


stickers seek


by Matt Rennie
Daily Sports Contributor

The Michigan field hockey
squad enters the 1989 campaign in
a new conference, with a new
coach, and, of course, with some
new faces in the lineup. They hope
that all these changes will bring a
new level of success to the
The Wolverines will compete in
the inaugural season of the
Midwest Collegiate Field Hockey
Conference due to the disbanding of
the Big Ten as a field hockey

"Iowa is always a top ten team.
Northwestern is a top ten team, and
Northern Illinois is starting to
come on," she said. "We can
definitely compete with Michigan
State and Ohio State, and we may
upset one of the big two."
Essential to the success of this
year's club is consistent play from
the front line. Senior forward Judy
Burinskas, an All-Big Ten selection
last year, hopes to pick up where
she left off in 1988 when she led
the team in both goals and total
points. Seniors Ilene Meadows and


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