Continued from Page 1
of chain saws.
Hugo clobbered Charleston for
six hours late Thursdayrand early
Friday with 136 mph winds and a
storm surge of 17 feet of water. It
was among the 12 fiercest hurricanes
tp strike the United States in this
century, based on internal pressure,
which gives winds their strength, ac-
cording to the National Hurricane
Center in Miami.
Hugo was the worst storm to hit
the U.S. mainland since Hurricane
Camille killed 256 people 20 years
The death toll from Hugo's six-
day rampage stood at 51, at least 27
people in the Caribbean and 24 in
the Carolinas, Virginia and New
York. A South Carolina woman and
her two children died yesterday when
their rural wood-frame house caught
fire from candles, officials said.
Damage estimates were in the
billions of dollars.
In the three-county area around
Charleston, 75,000 people were still
out of their homes, Mayor Joseph
Riley said. Schools are closed until
further notice, and a dusk-to-dawn
curfew remains in effect.
At least 775,000 people in the
Carolinas remained without power.
Sections of Charleston County may
be groping without lights and refrig-
erators for a month or more.
In Charlotte, N.C., which is 200
miles inland, 150,000 of the
375,000 residents were without
power and some could be without
electricity for two weeks.
North Carolina Gov. Jim Martin
has asked for a federal disaster decla-
ration. The National Guard was sent
to Charlotte on Saturday to help the
Continued from Page 1
Bill Fleming, an LSA junior,
said it was the competition that at-
tracted him to the game. "There is a
brilliant level of concentration.
(Chess players) are all fanatical."
"Plato would like chess," said
James Riseman, an LSA sopho-
more, who started the University's
chess team last March.
This December, the team will
travel to the Pan-Am International
Collegiate Chess Competition in
Salt Lake City, Utah. Yesterday's
tournament was held to "let everyone
know that there is a Michigan Chess
Team out there," and to help fund
the team's trip, Riseman said.
Continued from Page 1
Congress, which has cut funds amid
doubts an effective defense can be
mounted against ballistic missiles.
On Krasnoyarsk, the Siberian
radar station that the United States
says is illegal under the 1972
Ballistic Missile Treaty, the Soviets
completely gave up. The facility
will be torn apart, as the Reagan
administration demanded.
As for sea-launched cruise mis-
siles, which Baker explained at a
news conference were essential to
U.S. defenses, the Soviets again
gave way.
Shevardnadze said they did not
have to be part of the treaty under
negotiations in Geneva to cut
bombers, missiles and submarines
by.30 to 50 percent.
BOOKCASES, chairs, tables, chests, trunks,
rugs, lamps, phones. 665-7184.
Color TV Rentals: 19" color TV. $60/sem. or
$110/yr. Call anytime for free delivery. Col-
legiate Rentals. 1-800-994-4008.
DENON TU 400 TUNER. 14 presets, excel-
lent condition. 150 or best. 769-5988.
For Sale: Kin Matress, Spring $75 & Single
Trunole Bed75. 764-2539.
HI-FI SPEAKER (1) JBL D4001 Hlarkness.
Mint condition $175. 517-784-4589.
TICKETS FOR SALE: Best offer. Any home
game except OSU. Call Kim, 769-341.
The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 25, 1989 - Page 7
Memorial honors
dead journalists
JEFFERSONVILLE N.Y. (AP)- Sixty-three photographers and
reporters who died in the Vietnam War were honored Sunday in a tearful
memorial on a Catskill mountain hilltop as remote as some of the outposts
they covered.
The ceremony at the second annual Eddie Adams Workshop marked the
150th anniversary of photography.
Adams, a Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer of the Vietnam War, who
planned the memorial on his workshop-farm, joined speakers in recalling the
courage of their friends and colleagues.
Some of the speakers wept as they remembered their colleagues and the
ironies that led to their deaths. The tribute brought tears to some of those
among the more than 200 photographers, staff members and guests.
The ceremony was held around a slate table inscribed with the first names
of six of Adams's best friends who died in Vietnam: Larry Burrows of Life
Magazine, Henri Huet of The Associated Press, Michel Laurent of Gamma,
Kent Potter of United Press International, Kyoichi Sawada of UPI and
Huynh ThanhMy of the AP.
K" k A
$99 ANYWHERE IN THE USA ON FOUND MAZDA KEY on Michigan key WANTED 3 GOOD seats to Wisconsin
NORTHWEST airlines! Brin your NWA chain in MLB. Call 761-9683. game. Call Dave at 763-0731.
voucher and AMEX card. Call REGENCY FOUND: Student football ticke
TtAVEL, 665-6122, ask for Ann or Dawn. able to identify section # & row #. Call 763- WANTED 1 or 2 Tickets, U-M vs. Mar -
GET AWAY! Equipped cabins on lake in 0769. landsec. 25 or 26. Call Kevin 936-0168
wooded setting, sleeps four outdoor hot tub, . . daysor 747-3844 D Cevetng.
boats & canoes. $38-58. 10 min from Tra- dOUN4Snglassesi Diag. Call to iden- e n
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verse City. (616) 276-9502. 769-6240.
1r h;- .. .o ;-....:e ...... !A 2 WISCONSIN TICKETS desperately
about another. Volunteers wanted- ungrads,
grads, staff, members of the AA community
for weekly talk with UM international stu-
dents. Sign up on or before Sept. 27 for a
conversation partner. English language insti-
tute 3007 N University Bld 6. M- 8-12, 1-5.
football tickets. 668-7707.
WRITERS! ARTISTS! Contribute to expres-
sion. We need stories poems, essays and il-
lustrations. Send SA$Eto Box 2424 Mesa,
Arizona 85214. Subscriptions $14 for 4 is-
To audition you must attend
at 7:30
The Union Ballroom
Acapulco 519, Cancun 559 Freeport 439
Jamaica 519, Ski Lake 'Tahoe 489,
Nassau, 459. WANTED: Student Reps. for
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MOS TRAVEL ***Open weekends and.
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long h~aired orange tiger, wnite paws and
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Liberty. 665-8001. Lessons, voice, piano,
recorder, dulcimer, banjo, pop, folk, blues,
rock, and classical.
needed!! Call 996-1236 to sell me yours.
The Calendar
of The University of Michigan
The Calendar combines meeting.lecture, woeishop, and coiference awnouncements
withoherese hapeningeachweekoncampus.ItisbasedonThe UivrsityReard
Calendrandisopen to lUniverity-vasoredgopsrandorganiautionsrecognied
by the Michigan StudentrAssemby. ltems mstbe submitted in writing by 5Spm. the
Tuesday before pablicatiomL Address all informtion to Anner Bekley Publications
Asiga, Univcsity Recd, 12 MaynadSteet. An asterik()denotes events o
whih admisson is cg,d.
Canterbury House-Lesbian-gay men's community open house, 8:45 pm, 218
N Division, 665-0606.
Shorin-ryu Karate-do Club-Karate (beginners welcome), 7:30-8:30 pm,
CCRB Small Gym, 747-6825.
Tae kwon do Club-Mtg (beginners welcome), 7-8:30 pm, 2275 CCRB, 677-
*Comput Ctr-Classes: MS-DOS Basic Skills, 9 am-noon; MacDraw, 1-3 pm;
Excel Basic Skills, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; Intro to TEXTEDIT, 1-3 pm; 3001
SEB; Reg req 763-3700.
Career Plan & Place-Lecture, "Alternatives to Business," 4:10-5 pm, CP&P
Rm 1, 764-7460.
Ethnology-Brown-bag lec, "Television's Impact in Brazil," C Kottak, 12:10-1
pm, 3058 LSA.
*ICLE-Course: Revised Mich Business Corporation Act: What the Practioner
Needs to Know, 9 am-5 pm, 1020 Greene St Reg req 764-0533.
Near East & N Afr Stds-Brown-bag lec, "Report from the Occupied
Territories," noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm; Faculty seminar, "Th Armenian-
Azerbaijani Conflict: Nationalism and Democracy in the Era of Gorbachev," R
Suny, 4 pm, Rackham E Conf Rm; 764-0350.
B'nai B'rith Hillel-Progressive Zionist Caucus, 8 pm, 1429 Hill St, 769-
Romance Lang-Lecture, "Violence, History, and the Novel Before and After
1789: Marat and Retif Revisited by Dumas," L Queffelec, 8 pm, MLB Lee Rm
2, 764-5344.
Tech & Society-Seminar, "Technology and the Workplace," C Haddad & J
Gordus, 3:30-5 pm, 1005 Dow, 936-2920.
CRLT-TA Wkshp, "Leading Discussions," 6:30-9:30 pm, 109 E Madison. Reg
req 763-0162
WCBN/Lesbian & Gay Radio Collective-Talk show, "Closets are for
Clothes," 883 FM, 6-6:30 pm, 763-3500 or 3501.
Wels Lutheran Campus Ministry-Study/discuss, 8-9 pm, Mich Union,
662-0663 or 761-6362.
Iranian Sdt Cultural Club-Non-political, non-religious mtg, 7:30 pm, Mich
League, 662-8933
Shotokan Karate of Mich-Karate (beginners welcome), 8:30-10 pm, CCRB
Martial Arts Rm.
LaGROC (Lesbian & Gay Men's Rights Organizing Committee)-
Mtg, 8 pm, Mich Union Rm 3100, 763-4186.
Engr-Lecture, "Limit Analysis of Structures and Related Mathematical and
Computational Problems," W H Yang, 4 pm, White Aud, 936-3383.
Ethics & Religion-Discussion, "Palestinian Political Prisoners," T Boulatta,
7:30 pm, Wesley Foundation, 764-7442.
Faculty Women's Club-Newcomers Evening Welcome Coffee, 8 pm, Inglis
*U-M Flint Spotlight Series-Joseph Holmes Dance Company, 7:30 pm,
Crob Theatre, 762-3431.
Humanities-Brown-bag lec, "The Birth of the Penny Dreadful: Popular
Audiences and Authors in Renaissance England," P Webb, noon- pm, 1524
Rackham, 936-3518.
*HRD-Wkshp: How to Achieve Success: How to Get What You Really Want,
8:30 am-noon, 1111 Kipke Dr Reg req 764-7410.
Journalism Fellows-Tour of Cleients Lib, 4:30 pm, 909 S University, 763-
International Ctr-Lecture, "Prospects for Peace in the Middle East," P
Dotson, noon, 603 Madison, 662-5529.
*Mich Union-The Pogues with Special Guest Phranc, 8 pm, Power Ctr, 763-
Outdoor Rec-Clinic, Bike Repair I, 7-8:30 pm, NCRB Conf Rm, 764-3967.
Palestine Solidarity Committee-Panel discussion, "Palestine's Intifadah:
The Struggle Continues," 7:30 pm, Guild House, 662-1041
Physics-Goudsmit lecture, "Perfect Order versus Imperfections in the Early
History of Solid State Physics," W C Herring, 4 pm, Rackham Amphi, 763-
JTLM Women's Ruahv CIuh-Pratic (rnckies welcnme. 8-10 nm_ Mitchell
Lord of Light Lutheran Church-Bible study, 6:30 pm; worship, 7:30-8
pm; 801 S Forest at Hill St, 668-7622.
Shorin-ryu Karate-do Club-Karate (beginners welcome), 8:30-9:30 pm,
CCRB Martial Arts Rm, 747-6825.
Tae kwon do Club-Mtg (beginners welcome), 7-8:30 pm, 2275 CCRB, 677-
C EW-Wkshps, "A Non-Traditional Perspective on the Undergraduate
Experience," noon-1:30 pm, CEW; "Studies & Careers in Bio-Medical
Science," 4-6 pm, Mich League Rm D; 998-7080.
Comp Lit & Engi-Lecture, "The Daughter's Sacrifice: Gender and the Patemal
Order in Racine's 'Iphigenia in Aulis,' " D Stanton, 8 pm, Rackham W Conf
Rm, 747-4893.
*Comput Ctr-Classes: MTS Basic Skills lec/demonstration, 7-8:30 pm, 611
Church St; Intro to TEXTEDIT, 1-3 pm, 3001 SEB; Reg req 763-3700.
Career Plan & Place-Business Opportunities with a Liberal Arts Degree,
4:10-5 pm, CP&P Conf Rm; Resumes that Work: The Employer Perspective,
5:10-6 pm, CP&P Lib; 764-7460.
Design Lab-Colloquium, "The Part Mating Function in CAD/CAM Systems," A
Clement & J Pegna, 2 pm, Dow 1010.
MEAM-Seminar, "Mixing in Turbulent Shear Flows," W J A Dahm, 4 pm, 2315
GG Brown Lab, 936-3383
Faculty Women's Club-Newcomers Morning Welcome Coffee, 10 am, Inglis
*HRD-Wkshps: Taking Charge-The Proactive Job Search, noon-1 pm; Laughing
Matters for Serious Communication, 9 am-noon; 1111 Kipke Dr Reg req 764-
IOE-Seminar, "The Analytics of Space: A Human Factors Romance of Proximal
and Distal Dimensions," J A Wise, 4 pm, 241 IOE Bldg.
Outdoor Rec-Pre-trip mtg, Rock Climbing, 7-10 pm, NCRB Conf Rm, 764-
Ctr Russian & E Euro Stds-Brown-bag lec, "The Development of the Rule
of Law in the Soviet Union and Its Implication for Commercial Relations with
the United States," R Langer, noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm, 764-0351.
Tech & Society-Seminar, "Technology and the Workplace," S Schurman & D
Hoffman, 3:30-5 pm, 1005 Dow, 936-2920.
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Choir rehearsal, 7:30 pm; Holden Village Vespers, 9
pm; 1511 Washtenaw, 663-5560.
Women in Sci Prog-Wkshp: Engineering and the Physical Sciences, 4-6 pm,
Mich League Rm D, 998-7225
Shotokan Karate of Mich-Karate (beginners welcome), 7:30-10 pm, CCRB
Small Gym.
Lesbian Gay Male Prng-Massage therapy classes for gay/bisexual men, 8-
10 pm, 1402 Hill St, 662-6282.
*Zen Buddhist Temple-Intro to Zen Meditation, S Murray, 6:30-8:30 pm,
1214 Packard Rd Reg req 761-6520.
Turner Clin-Lecture, "Education and Environment: Whence and Whither," C E
Huff, 10-11:30 am, Kellogg Eye Ctr Aud, 764-2556.
Women's Athletics-Field Hockey, U-M vs Central Mich, 7 pm, State St Turf
(Football Bldg if raining), 763-2159.
*Chinese Sdt Action-China Song: A Concert of Music and Poetry, 7:30 pm,
First Unitarian Universalist Church, 662-6456.
*Comput Ctr-Classes: Intro to Comput, 10 am-noon; Beginning Word
lec/demonstration (Macintosh) Part 2, 9 am-noon; 611 Church St; Comput
Networking Tech, 2-4 pm, 4212 SEB; Reg req 763-3700.
Career Plan & Place-Intro to CP&P, 2:10-2:30 pm, CP&P Lib; Int'l
Students: Practical Training & Employment Info, 3:30-5 pm, 1018 Dow;
Sharpening Your Interview Skills, 4:10-5 pm, CP&P Rm .; The Medical
School Interview, 4:10-5 pm, Angell Hall Aud C; Employer Presentation: The
May Department Stores, 10 am-4 pm, Mich Union Welder Rm; 764-7460
Engr-Lecture, D Van Luyen, 4 pm, 2150 H H Dow Bldg, 936-3383.
Evolution & Human Behav Prog-Lecture, "Evolutionary Economics of
Reproduction," A Rogers, 4 pm, Rackham E Lecture Rm, 936-2526.
Visit Writer Series-Fiction Reading, Jamaica Kincaid, 5 pm, Rackham
Amphi, 764-6296.
*M-CARE-Informational prog on estrogen, S Stone, 7:30-9 pm, 2200 Green
Road Reg req 998-7485.
*HRD-Wkshps: Assertiveness Skills for the '90s, 1-4:30 pm; Writing it Right,
Part 1; On Being the Boss: The Supervisor's Role, 8:30 am-noon; 1111 Kipke
Dr Reg req 764-7410.
Ctr Japan Stds-Brown-bag lec, "Are the Samurai Descended from the Ainu?" C
L Brace, noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm, 764-6307.
Labor Stds Ctr-Brown-bag lec, "Age-Related Differences in Perceived Job
Characteristics and Job Satisfaction," K Lindstrom, noon-2 pm, SPH Fac
Lounge, 764-0493.
*Mich Union-"Music at Mid-day," S Osmund, 12:15 pm, Mich Union
Pendleton Rm, 764-6498; "A Lie of the Mind" begs, 763-TKTS.
*Power Series-"Hamletmachine" begs, 8 pm, Trueblood Theatre, 764-0450.
Ctr Near East & N Afr Stds-Colloquium, "The Influence of Anatolian
Sufism on German Ghazal Poetry: Rumi and Meinke," H Unlu, 3:30 pm, MLB
Conf Ctr. 764-0350.
Pharmacy-Seminar, "Synthesis and Antiviral Evaluation of Sugar Modified
Derivatives of the Nucleoside Antibiotics Tubercidin, Toyocamycin and
Sangivamycin," S H Krawczyk, 4 pm, CC Little Bldg, 764-7547.
Nat Res-Lecture, "Biology, Economics, & Politics-Conflicting Variables in
Management Decisions for the Pollock Fisheries, America's and the World's
Largest Fishery," P K Dawson, 3 pm, DANA 1046.
Sdts of Objectivism-Live debate, "Do Animals Have Rights?" E Locke & D
Wills, 8 pm, Angell Hall Aud A, 996-4141
Anthropology-Brown-bag lec, "What ,We Found Beneath the Ceremonial Plaza
at Colka, Belize," R Lesure, noon-1 pm, Ruthven Mus Bldg Rm 2009, 764-
German Lang & Lit-Lecture, "Wenn Bilder den Mund und Texte die Augen
aufmachen Zwischen Bild und Wort Ubersetzungsprobleme," C Hart-Nibbrig, 5-
6 pm, Rackham E Conf Rm
Gay Liberation-Brothers Coffee House, 8 pm, 802 Monroe St, 763-4186.
Lesbian-Gay Male Prog-Mtg, "Black Gay Brothers United," 8 pm, Mich
Union Rm 3200, 763-4186.
Shorin-ryu Karate-do Club-Karate (beginners welcome), 8:30-9:30 pm,
CCRB Martial Arts Rm, 747-6825.
Tae kwon do Club-Mtg (beginners welcome), 6-8 pm, 1200 CCRB, 677-
Anthropology-Colloquium, "The Somatization of Justice: Dispute Settlement
in Rajasthan," E Moore, 4 pm, 4560 LSA.
Biology-Seminar, "The Influence of Multiple Parentage on Heritability
Estimates for Eastem Kingbirds," M MKitrick, noon, 1139 Nat Sci.
*Comput Ctr-Classes: Beginning Word Part 2, 8:30 am-12:30 pm, 3001 SEB
Reg req 763-3700.
Career Plan & Place-Interview lecture, noon- pm, CP&P Conf Rm, 764-
CRED-Lecture, "An Andean Vegetable in the South Asian Food System," G J
Scott, 12:15 pm, CRED Conf Rm, 764-9490.
Engr--Seminar, "A Precisioi Measurement of the Neutron Lifetime," D Gilliam,
3:45 pm, White Aud, 936-3383.
Educ-Colloquium, "The Paradigm Revolution in the Academic Disciplines and
the Implications for Research in Higher Education," Y S Lincoln, 4 pm,
Tribute Rm.
EECS-Seminar, "Dealing with Blocking in Supervisory Control of Discrete
Event Systems," S Lafortune, 4 pm, EECS 1200, 767-2045.
*HRD-Wkshp: Intro to University Stores, 8 am-1 pm, 3580 Varsity Dr. Reg req
Journalism Fellows-Lecture, "Europe 1989: Present at the Second Creation,"
E Pond; 4 pm, Rackham 4th Fl W Conf Rm, 763-2400.
Ctr Japan Stds-Mizoguchi film series, "The Loyal Forty-Seven Ronin," 7 pm,
Lorch Hall, 764-6307
*ICLE-Wkshp: 1989 Fall Faculty Series, 1-3:30 pm, 1020 Greene St. Reg req
*Mich Union-Taj Mahal, 7:30 pm & 10 pm, The Ark; The Lazer
Extravaganza," 8 pm, Power Ctr; 763-TKTS.
Memorial svc-Allen L Shields, 4 pm, First Unitarian Universalist Church.
Nat Res-Seminar, "Ecology of Bering Sea Walleye Pollock," P Dawson, noon,
DANA 1046, 764-2250.
Ctr S & SE Asian Stds-Brown-bag lec, "Aquaculture in Thailand," J Diana,
12:10 pm, Lane Hall Commons Rm, 764-0352.
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Fellowship & videos, 7:30 pm, 1511 Washtenaw,
Shotokan Karate of Mich-Karate (beginners welcome), 3-5 pm, CCRB
Small Gym.
Women's Athletics-Field Hockey, U-M vs Ohio State, 11 am, State St Turf
(Football Bldg if raining), 763-2159.
Lowbrow Astron-Public Star Party open house, Peach Mtn Observ, sunset
(cancelled if cloudy), 434-2574.
*Mich Union-Cherish the Ladies, 7:30 pm & 10 pm, The Ark; Hema
Rajagopalan, 8 pm, Rackham Aud; 763-TKTS
Wels Lutheran Campus Ministry-Worship, 10 am, 1360 Pauline, transport
provided, 662-0663 or 761-6352.
Iranian Sdt Cultural Club-Coffee hour & Persian classes, 4-6 pm, 3050
Frieze Bldg, 662-8933.
Lord of Light Lutheran Church-Worship, 10 am, 801 S Forest at Hill St,
Zen Buddhist Temple-Meditation Svcs, 5-7 pm, 1214 Packard Rd, 761-
Chess Club-Mtg, 1-5 pm, Mich League, 764-0940.
Canterbury House-Holy Eucharist, 5 pm, St Andrew's Episcopal Church;
dinner, 6 pm & program, 6:45 pm, 218 N Division, 665-0606.