Nite Owl
offers safe
haven to
by Jason Carter
To most people, the late night
appearances of the white "Nite Owl"
vans provide just another fleeting
glimpse of the many generic
University-owned vehicles.
* But the inconspicuous vans are a
sanctuary for those who fear travers-
ing the University campus by them-
selves during the late hours.
Without the Nite Owl, "it
wouldn't stop me from going to the
library, but it does make me feel
safer," said junior Kathi Halloran,
Who rides the bus about three times
a week..
LSA junior and Nite Owl driver
Courtney Hallowell said he used the
service for two years before he
started driving the buses this year.
"Late at night my freshman year,
when I was at the library, the first
thing I turned to was the Nite Owl
service," he said.
A driving force behind the Nite
Owl service is manager and LSA
fifth-year student John Wood, who
has driven the buses for three years.
"It's an important part of the
safety program," Wood said. "It does
make a difference."
Wood said that between the two
routes spanning campus, the Nite
Owl serves up to 250 people a
night. About 75 percent of the riders
are female, he said.
Wood said the service has planned
several improvements, including a
small extension in the route and
more feedback from the riders.
The Night Owl began in 1977,
when violent crimes were surging on
campus, Wood said. The staff and
equipment are funded by the
The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 25, 1989 - Page 3
Colombian judges
threaten strike
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) -
Colombia's 4,600 judges, facing
persistent death threats from drug
traffickers, threatened yesterday to
strike if the government doesn't give
them better protection.
Residents of Bogota endured an-
other night of bombings Saturday as
bombs exploded in a theater, a city
bus company's garage, and at a
neighborhood headquarters of the rul-
ing Liberal party.
The three bombs injured two
people, national police said.
In the last month, 103 bombs
have killed six people and wounded
Colombia's judges, fearing for
their lives, said in a statement issued
through their labor union, the
National Association of Judicial
Workers, that they will go on strike
if immediate action is not taken to
address the dangers they face.
Since 1981, about 50 judges and
170 judicial employees have been
killed. Antonio Morales, president of'
the Association of Judicial
Employees, has said at least 1,600
of Colombia's 5,000 judges have
been threatened with death in the last
12 months.
Union officials are to meet today
with acting Justice Minister Carlos
Lemos Simmonds.
"We don't see any will on the
part of the government to increase
security for our lives," said Antonio
Suarez Nino, the president of the
judges' union.
The judges, who earn about $400
a.month, repeated previous demands
for bulletproof cars and vests, guards
with metal detectors at their offices,
and other security measures.
Monica de Greiff, who resigned
as justice minister last week after be-
ing threatened by drug traffickers,
said she was promised $19 million
in U.S. aid earlier this month for the
purpose of protecting judges. But the
union said it has heard nothing since
about the aid.
The anti-drug crusading newspa-
per El Espectador, in a column by
its editor, Juan Guillermo Cano, ac-
cused Colombia's congress yesterday
of being cowardly and corrupt.
"It is not a very admirable
congress. Better yet, it is cow-
ardly...," Cano said in a signed col-
umn in the Bogota daily.
His father, Guillermo Cano, was
killed by drug traffickers in 1987
after the newspaper called on the
government to crack down on the
"We have finally hit the bottom,"
the column said yesterday, in the
harshest criticism ever published in
the newspaper.
Associated Press
Blueberry checkers
Inspectors at the Maine Wild Blueberry,
conveyor belt to their final destination.
Co. ensure that only mature, unbroken blueberries pass beyond the
Michigan HUD undergoes
audit on performance
DETROIT (AP) - Auditors for the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development, itself
rocked by charges of mismanagement, have raised simi-
lar allegations against the Michigan State Housing
Development Authority.
A five-month HUD audit ending in August 1988 ex-
amined the Michigan housing authority's performance
from Oct. 1, 1984 to June 30, 1988. The MSHDA ad-
ministers some federal programs on behalf of HUD.
Michigan housing officials have been accused of a
variety of wrongdoings, including misuse of tax dollars
on renovations for families earning more than $50,000
annually, the Detroit Free Press said in its Sunday edi-
"We're working with HUD in responding to the au-
dit findings," said Terrence Duvernay, executive direc-
tory of MSHDA.
The renovation of the 128-unit Walnut Creek
Apartments in Flat Rock, south of Detroit, was cited in
the HUD report.
The complex, built in 1972, was located near two
Ford Motor Co. plants. With a boom under way in the
auto industry, the vacancy rate was near zero when
Cleveland-based TransCon Builders Inc. bought Walnut
Creek from HUD in August 1979.
Just 16 months later, however, the vacancy rate be-
gan growing to 45 percent and maintenance of the build-
ings fell behind after Ford announced cuts eliminating
20,000 jobs in Detroit's southern suburbs.
In 1983, TransCon asked the MSHDA to accept
Walnut Creek under HUD's moderate rehabilitation pro-
gram so a TransCon subsidiary could perform more than
$559,000 in renovations.
Under the program, developers can receive thousands
of dollars per apartment for limited repairs, but only
units occupied by low-income families are eligible.
But at Walnut Creek, the MSHDA accepted some
apartments occupied by families earning up to $50,000
annually, more than double the maximum allowed HUD
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Monday, September 25
Summer research project
participants display work
*by Shara Smiley
About 75 students, selected last
March to participate in the
University's Summer Research
Qpportunity Program, had their
work displayed at Rackham Graduate
School during a symposium yester-
The students, who were selected
from a pool of 150 applicants,
earned $5,000 for their research dur-
* ing the eight-week summer program.
Students were allowed to carry their
work through the fall semester if
Yesterday, they had a chance to
display their projects, including stud-
ies on the Herpes virus, "Rap Music
as an Educational Tool," objectivity
in journalism, and "Superheavy
Magnetic Monopoles Trapped in
Stable Matter."
The 3-year-old program is de-
signed to provide American minority
college undergraduates with the op-
portunity to gain experience in their
field. In the program, they work
with professors affiliated with the
Applicants apply in February
and, if selected, go through another
selection process in March.
Marilyn Gordon, coordinator of
the program and the Rackham
Graduate School minority office,
said, "We don't necessarily look for
the student with the highest GPA;
we search for applicants who exhibit
a sense of creativity and genuine de-
sire to research a subject".
One participant, Tony Yang,
said, "It was a good experience and
will be a great stepping stone to-
wards a job in research."
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What's happening in Ann Arbor today
Progressive Zionist Caucus -
meets at Hillel, 8 p.m. at 1429 Hill
lJndergraduate Philosophy Club
r- Mass meeting; 7 p.m. at 2220
Angell Hall
Asian American Association
(AAA) - Meets at 7 p.m. at
Trotter House (1443 Washtenaw)
;Women's Issues Committee of
MSA meets at the Michigan
:Student Assembly chambers at
3909 Michigan Union
,Women's Lacrosse Club - First
practice; 9 to 11 p.m. at Tartan
Amnesty International -
Student group mass meeting; 6
.m. at the Tap Room in the Mug
Asian Studies Student
Association - Mass meeting; 5
p.m. at the Commons Room in
Lane Hall
present members will meet at 7:30
p.m.; interested students welcome
at 8:30 p.m.; both meetings in
room 3909 in the Union
Technology and the Workplace
- with Carol Addad (ITI) and
Jeanne Gordus (Social Work); a part
of the Technology and Society
Seminar Series; 3:30 to 5 p.m.
1005 Dow Building
Alternatives to Business - a
Career Planning & Placement
program; 4:10 to 5 p.m. at CP&P
room 1
English Composition Board peer
tutors available - 7 to 11 p.m.,
Sunday through Thursday at
Angell-Haven and 611 computer
Safewalk - Night-time walking
Read Jim Poniewozik Every
Minority students fr
accomplishments, a
into career opti
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