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September 22, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-09-22

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In Weekend Magazine:

The people who really keep the
University running - O'Sullivan's

Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 12 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, September 22, 1989 1Ne m

. alcohol
by Karen Akerlof
Michigan State University offi-
cials announced Wednesday that
when the term begins this fall, stu-
dents will face a stricter alcohol pol-
1*icy, enforced by residence hall staff.
Under the new regulation, resi-
dent advisors will police dormitory
halls to ensure that only residents
over 21 are consuming alcohol.
Though MSU students will have
more trouble drinking freely in the
residence halls, officials say the
tighter regulations will improve stu-
dent life.
Moses Turner, MSU's vice presi-
dent for student affairs, headed the
committee which drafted the new
policy. "While this problem is not
confined to MSU, we feel that the
university has a responsibility to
provide to the majority of students
who do not misuse alcohol a living
environment that is conducive to
academic success," he said.
As schools all over Michigan
* strengthen their alcohol policies,
edging towards drier campuses, stu-
dents at both MSU and the
University of Michigan expressed,
uneasiness with the change at MSU.
Unlike MSU's policy, though,
See MSU, page 2




U.S. coast

Hurricane Hugo advanced faster and
with renewed fury yesterday on Ge-
orgia and South Carolina as a flood
of coastal residents grabbed what
they could carry and fled inland on
jammed highways.
The hurricane, which has killed
26 people, left 50,000 homeless and
caused millions of dollars of damage
in the Caribbean started early Sunday
at Guadaloupe and culminated Mon-
day when parts of Puerto Rico were
By late yesterday afternoon, Hugo
was upgraded to category 4 on the
Saffir-Simpson scale of hurricane
strength, the second mightiest cate-
gory, indicating it could cause ex-
treme damage.
As Hugo's muscle reached winds
of 135 mph, up from 105 mph the
day before, South Carolina Gov.
Carroll Campbell declared a state of
emergency and dispatched 400 Na-
tional Guardsmen to assist a manda-
tory evacuation of coastal barrier is-
lands and shorefront. About one-fifth
of the state's 3.1 million residents
live in eight coastal counties.
North and South Carolina can
expect tornados linked to Hugo for
the next two days, according to the
National Hurricane Center in Miami.
The coastal area could expect hur-
ricane-force winds for 10 to 12 hours
once the eye comes ashore, officials
said yesterday.
The leading edge of Hugo was

most likely to hit between Savan-
nah, Ga., and Charleston any time
after 8 p.m. EDT. A hurricane warn-
ing was in effect between Fernand-
ina Beach, Fla., and Oregon Inlet,
N.C. It was expected to turn gradu-
ally north, the National Weather
Service said.
The timing of the landfall was
critical because of the storm's tidal
surge, a dome of water 10 to 15 feet
high that would feed a normal 5-foot
high tide.
"On top of that will be waves,
and so (on)...barrier islands (in)
many places the buildings will be
swept clean off of those islands,"
said Bob Sheets, director of the Na-
tional Hurricane Center in Coral
Gables, Fla.
Evacuees queued up at the gas
stations and stripped store shelves of
bottled water, bread and batteries. Of-
ficials warned coastal dwellers not to
linger because gale force winds and
flash floods could block escape
The Georgia Emergency Man-
agement Agency opened shelters and
advised about 142,000 people to
leave their homes.
On the U.S. mainland, the his-
toric City Hall in Charleston was
boarded up, businesses were closed
and classes at public schools and
universities canceled.
Hospitals stockpiled supplies,
discharging any patients well enough
See HUGO, page 2

/Sports Information
The Bruins will be without running back Shawn Wills Saturday. Wills gained 629 yards last year for UCLA.

'M' ooks to regain rosy
feeling versus Bruins


by Richard Eisen
Daily Football Writer
LOS ANGELES - One week after Michigan's
national championship hopes were squashed by Notre
Dame, the defending Rose Bowl champions return to
the field that offered such good times last January.
And just like the 1989 Rose Bowl, quarterback
Michael Taylor will not be playing. And just when
you thought things never change, here comes a guy

named Elvis taking snaps for the Wolverines.
Redshirt frosh quarterback Grbac will find himself
leading the Wolverines into play against a rebuilding
UCLA Bruin squad in a nationally televised game
tomorrow (8 p.m. EST).
Also out of the Wolverine offense is junior starting
fullback Jarrod Bunch, who had his knee drained of
fluid earlier this week. Both Bunch's and Taylor's
status' are week-to-week. See BRUINS, page 12


Pro-choicers to rally in

by Laura Counts
Daily Women's Issues Reporter

In response to new legislation
that threatens to place restrictions on
abortion in Michigan, the National
Organization for Women has orga-
nized a rally for reproductive rights
at the State Capitol Building in
Lansing at 1:00 on Sunday.
Organizers said they expect about
5,000 people - including hundreds
of Ann Arbor residents and
University students- to attend.
Several local groups will sponsor
speakers and hold a send-off rally at
Pioneer High School before the
Lansing activities.

NOW sponsors rally to
protest new legislation

by Senators Jack Welborn (R-
Kalamazoo) and Fred Dillingham (R-
Fowlerville) - all similar to provi-
sions in the Missouri Constitution.
Hearings on the bills have not
yet been scheduled, but Jim
Crawford, Dillingham's staff assis-
ices ruling tant, said the least controversial of
eme Court the bills is expected go through the
ons in the Senate this fall.
The court That bill would require parental
on back to consent for abortions performed on
ures, thus minors. It would also allow minors
pass their to bypass parental consent, using the
courts to obtain an abortion.
e way for Crawford' said the bill has re-
Michigan See RALLY, page 2

The rally will "show the com-
mitment of women and men to make
this the number one issue in front of
the State Legislature this fall," said
Robin Menin, executive director of
Planned Parenthood of Mid-
"This is the simplest, easiest way
to make an impact," Menin said.
In the landmark Webster v.

Reproductive Health Serv
last July 5, the U.S. Supre
upheld abortion restricti
Missouri Constitution.7
tossed the abortion decisic
individual state legislate
giving states the license to
own abortion laws.
The ruling opened the
four bills - introduced in

Potential law students to tackle LSATs

by Bradley Keywell
Although classes are barely underway, many
University students are busy preparing for their
most important exam of the year.
For some, it can be the most important exam
of their life.
"The LSAT will have a major effect on what I
do the next couple of years," said Business
School senior Stephen Master. "It's definitely
more important than any single exam I have
taken at Michigan."
The Law School Aptitude Test, administered
by the Educational Testing Service of Princeton,
N.J., is given six times a year to juniors and se-
niors. Law School officials use the test, along
with a student's grade point average, as a key fac-
tor in determining admissions.
The LSAT is a three-part test covering logic
games, reading comprehension, and evaluation of
"The University of Michigan has more stu-
dents that take the LSAT and apply to law school
than any other one university," said Mike
Bjomstad, director of The Princeton Review, a

LSAT preparation coaching service. The classes,
which costs each student about $600 for a four to
six-week program, provide students with individ-
ual coaching as well as sample tests and instruc-
tional research.
"The LSAT is trying to measure if you pos-
sess skills, and we feel we help develop those
skills," said Patricia Clark, director of the
Stanley Kaplan Educational Center of Ann
Arbor. "We are neither elitist nor exclusive."
Besides the classes, there are countless books
and EducationalTesting Service resources avail-
able to the more than 10,000 students who will
take the exam tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m.-
Still, no matter how much students prepare,
these final days before the test can seem endless.
"Yesterday was my last day of torture," said
LSA senior Amy Shenker of her two-hour daily
study routine. She plans to take the exam at the
Business School, the test's only Ann Arbor site.
Other students were not so lucky, though, re-

ceiving test. locations as far as Detroit and
Kalamazoo. For these travelers, a hotel stay is all
but necessary.
"There is really no choice. It's not like you'e
going to drive three hours to Kalamazoo to make
a 8:30 test," said LSA senior Mark Smithson.
He plans to leave early today, hopefully to be
well-adjusted in Kalamazoo by Saturday morn-
With so much time and effort going into this
test, are there any secrets on the right way to
spend the night before the test?
"Don't go to the bar!" said Bjornstad of The
Princeton Review. "We wouldn't want any stu-
dents walking into that test with a hangover."
"It's a pressure-filled exam, but my night be-
fore will be spent doing anything except thinking
about the LSAT," said LSA senior Eric Klar. "I
figure that last-minute studying is not going to
change my score."
Shenker's plans are similar: "(The Princeton
Review) told us to see a movie or do something
to get your mind off it. I think that's good ad-

Scrubbing down
Mike Nagel (with hose) and Mark Collins (with brush) from the
University Central Plant Paint Shop clean whitewash off the Natural
Science Greenhouse.

Housing officials gather facts in Markley discrimination charges

By Marion Davis
Daily Minority Issues Reporter
i University housing officials are
*investigating allegations of discrim-

tions we have to look at besides the
facts," Andrews si1
"Was there any transgression by
any of the students? Did someone do

he said.
Although he could not think of
an example, Andrews said he is
fairly confident this type of incident
has hannened before in the housino

Hummel said this kind of situation
has never occurred before "to this ex-
tent." In the past, she said students
have been able to deal with such
nrnhlm hfAre theve scnatei ntn

Andrews said housing officials are also trying to
determine if any housina oolicies have been


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