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September 21, 1989 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1989-09-21

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Leaders blast
media on
*abortion issue
by Adam Schrager
Barbara Listing and Douglas Fraser have roots in la-
bor, deal regularly with women's freedom, and claim to
represent the majority of the American public, but to
say that they have a lot in common would be an over-
Listing, the President of the Michigan Right to Life
group, and Fraser, the executive director of the
Michigan Citizens for Personal Freedom, spoke on
abortion and the role of the press to 50 people at the
Detroit Press Club last night.
: While the two do not agree on the issue of abortion,
they also don't agree on what side, if any, the media has
t*en on the subject.
"I don't think it's a secret that the anti-choice
movement gets more coverage than the pro-choice
movement," said Fraser at the panel sponsored by the
Detroit Chapter of The Society of Professional
"Their group does more in the way of protests and
demonstrations than we do. But there are more errors of
omission than commission. When there are demonstra-
tins at clinics, there are counter-demonstrations that
get little, if any, coverage," said Fraser.
Listing was more critical than Fraser of the way the
media covers her organization. She focused on the ab-
since of certain photos in the media, a perceived lack of
objectivity, and the labels addressed to the issue.
In choosing labels, Listing pointed out that her
group, which calls itself "pro-life," is referred to in
most newspapers as "anti-abortion."
"Labelling infers a degree to which people will lis-
ten," said Listing. "If you use a term such as pro-
choice, then there is a positive connotation, but if you
use a term such as anti-abortion, then there is a negative
connotation. 'Anti-' is an automatic negative connota-
tion and shows a bias."
While both sides attacked the media for various prob-
lems, Communications Prof. Ruth Bayard Smith, also
the Midwest stringer for the Boston Globe, had her own
" I don't think there's an issue in society that
wouldn't criticize the press," said Smith, who was in at-
tendance. "Each side has its own agenda and feels that
they're getting short-sided."

The Michigan Daily -Thursday, September 21,1989- Page 3
Leaders plan for
education forum

Student sells discount
card to bargain hunters

by Emily Porter
Every Michigan student loves a bargain.
Maury Gostfrand is no exception.
LSA Junior Gostfrand conceived of the
idea for "The Go Blue Card," a discount
card that students can use to save money on
purchases at several local stores, restaurants
and theaters. The card costs two dollars.
The coupon books which are handed out
at the beginning of every term were the
inspiration for the card. Gostfrand said he
enjoys the benefits the coupons offer,
however, the books are too big to
constantly carry around. The card was de-
signed to be the same size as a credit card
so it could fit in the owner's wallet.
Gostfrand believes the card is a great deal
because, "a student pays just two bucks and
can then make back his money after just
one purchase... 20% off dinner at
Bennigan's could be four dollars saved right
Students who have purchased cards seem
to agree. LSA junior Terri Mott, who
purchased a card last week, said, "They're a
really good idea for students who don't have
a lot of extra cash." Jeff Klein, an LS&A
junior, added, "I've saved $10.00 in the first
week and a half and I only paid two
bucks... it's worth it."
Many stores decided to support the card
in the hopes of increasing their business.
Jeff Dicken's, manager of Anthony's Pizza
said he wanted "to reach the student
population... and the card can get the
students' attention." Afternoon Delight

owner, Jim Murry said he chose to be a
sponsor in order "to promote business and
to get more college people... it's a good
little card. A lot of people are using it."
However, not all the businesses were
concerned with self-promotion. Michael
Solomon, manager of Bennigan's, said,
"Maury is a close friend and I wanted to
support his effort because it is a great idea."
Nonetheless, Solomon said his restaurant
seemed to "be a popular hit spot for people
with the card. [We] have been getting about
5 to 10 cards a day."
Gostfrand has already sold 1,200 cards,
and hopes to sell all of the 10,000 that he
has made. He has been out selling "The Go
Blue Card" all this week in front of,
Ulrich 's.
In order to use the card, which is valid
thru December 31, 1989, a student must
also present his current college
identification at the time of his purchase.
This ensures that only students are able to
reap the benefits of the card.
The stores and businesses that sponsor
"The Go Blue Card" are: Red Hot Lovers,
TCBY Yogurt, Liberty Street Video,
Forbidden City Restaurant, Campus
Cleaners Inc., Briarwood Movie Theaters,
Bennigan's, Anthony's Pizza, Afternoon
Delight, Four Seasons Formal Wear and
Tubby's Sub Shop.
Anyone who misses the chance to
purchase a card need not worry: Gostfrand
has already begun plans for another card
(with even more businesses) to be sold at
the start of the winter term.

Democratic leaders of Congress yes-
terday upstaged President Bush's ed-
ucation summit by announcing
ambitious and probably costly goals
for America's schools.
Bush, still mapping his strategy,
attended a private seminar with some
of the nation's best-known educators
a week before he convenes the two-
day summit with the nation's gover-
nors in Charlottesvillle, Va.
The Democrats assembled at a
showcase school in a Washington
suburb to unveil six "National Goals
for Educational Excellence," includ-
ing lower dropout rates, fewer illiter-
ates and early childhood education for
all poor 4-year-olds by 1985 or ear-
They also proposed making more
grants, instead of loans, to college
In Lansing yesterday, Gov. James
Blanchard said that the federal gov-
ernment can't afford to put more
money into schools, but that's no
reason for President Bush's education
summit to be only a media event.
"All the governors are concerned
that it be serious," Blanchard said.
"We're going to set down some
goals and some recommendations
and see what we can do.".
Since the federal government has

run out of money, that means the
governors will focus on changes in
federal policies and programs that
will allow them to improve educa-
tion, Blanchard said.
"We're certainly mindful that the
last thing we want to do is go to the
president with a tin cup, begging
from the federal government, which
is flat broke," he said.
"I think it's like the focus on
drugs. We can use all the help we
can get, but we have to realize the
job has to be done here."
Blanchard met for 90 minutes
yesterday with representatives from
more than 25 education, business
and civic groups to talk about what
they'd tell the president.
He said the group realized that
nearly all of the educational im-
provements would have to come lo-
cally, and welcomed Bush's efforts
to shift the national agenda back to
domestic issues.
Blanchard said he hoped those at
the summit would discuss access to
higher education, adult literacy, con-
tinuing education, teacher standards,
at-risk children and restructuring
See news happen?
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What's happening in Ann Arbor today

GRAPE -----l e

Tagar: Pro-Israel Student
Activists - 7 p.m. at Hillel
Rainforest Action Movement
- Mass meeting; 7 p.m. at 1040
bana Building
Campus Crusade for Christ -
College Life meeting 7-8:30 p.m.
in Kellogg Auditorium Rm. 6005
(Enter in the dental school)
Bread for The World - The
hunger issues group will hold its
2nd Congressional District-wide
meeting; the film "Women and
Children First: The Human Cost
of the Arms Race" will be shown;
7:30 p.m. at the Memorial
Christian Church (730 Tappan)
Palestinian Solidarity
Committee - 7:30 p.m. at the
lounge in the International Center
Inter Varsity Christian
Fellowship - 7 p.m. at Union
Kunzel room
American Civil Liberties Union
4- Mass meeting for graduate and
undergraduate students; 7 p.m. in
room 116 in Hutchins Hall
"Stochastic Approximation for
Distributed Parameter
Systems" - A systems science
seminar with Dr. Nadav Berman;
Dept. of EE, Ben Gurion
University, Beer Sheva, Israel; 4
p.m.; EECS 1200
Tim O'Brien reading from his
work - National Book Award
winner will read 5 p.m. at
Rackham Amphitheater
Giorgio La Malfa speaks on
European unification - The
Italian politician and guest of the
Dept. of Political Science will
speak 4-6 p.m. at Haven Hall
"Old Kingdoms and Systems in
the Nile Delta" - Richard

Israel Information Day - Meet
with Yefet Ozery, representative of
the Jewish Agency's kibbutz
aliyah desk; call 769-0500; 10
a.m. to 4 p.m. at Hillel
Indian & Pakistani-American
Students' Council Social - 7-
9 p.m. at Trotter House (1443
Tutorial/Family Support -
Community Leaning Post (211 N.
4th. Ave.)
Amateur Radio Lessons - UM
Amateur Radio Club will be
holding classes leading to an FCC
amateur Radio license; classes are
free and the four-week class begins
this Sunday; each class is 2 hours
long; call 482-7360
"The Tropical Rainforest:
Diverse, Delicate,
Disappearing" - The film will
be followed by discussion,
planning and action; 7 p.m. in
room 1040, School of Natural
Career Planning & Placement
programs - The Law School
Personal Essay, 4:10-5:30 p.m.;
Angell Hall Auditorium A and an
Employer presentation by
O'Conner & Associates, 7-9 p.m.
in the Union Pendleton Room
Shamanic Journeying
Workshop - An exploration of
female spirituality and Shamanic
journeying with Lisa Bancel; 7:30
p.m. at the Guild House (802
Monroe St.)
UM Women's Rugby Football
Club - Rookies are welcome to
all practices; 8-10 p.m. at
Mitchell Field on Fuller Rd.
Safewalk; Nighttime walking ser-
vice; seven days a week from 8
p.m. to midnight; 102 UGLi;

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