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September 20, 1989 - Image 19

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1989-09-20

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Formula programming capabilities.
Evaluate Y = 10eXT for several values of X when T = .5.
Let X be: 0, .2, .4
To begin the formula routine, press 2nd [FMLA] .
To enter the formula, press
ALPHA Y ENTER 10 x 2nd eX ( (-) ALPHA X +
To store the formula, press ENTER .
To evaluate the formula, press ALPHA Y
To enter the first value for X, press 0 ENTER
To enter the value for T, press .5 ENTER -
To view the result without reviewing the variables, press ALPHA N.
To evaluate the formula again, press SOLVE .
To enter the next X, press .2 SOLVE
To evaluate the formula again, press SOLVE ,
To enter the next X, press .4 SOLVE
Integrate the previous formula with respect to X. Use a lower limit of 0,
an upper limit of .6, and three intervals.
To begin the formula routine, press 2nd [FMLA].
To specify the formula and begin evaluation, press ALPHA Y ENTER
To use the formula, press ENTER ALPHA Y.
To declare X as the independent variable, press CLEAR 3rd [dx] ENTER .
To enter the lower limit, press 0 ENTER
To enter the upper limit, press .6 ENTER
To specify the number of intervals, press 3 ENTER
To accept T, press ENTER
To proceed with the result without reviewing the variables, press ALPHA N.
When you finish, you can turn off the calculator by
pressing 2nd [OFF].

Oxe^(- X + T)-
Solve YN?
Review YN?
Y = 10
Y = 6.70320046
Y = 4.493289641
Y = 10xeA (-X +
low =?
up =
intrv =?
Review YN?
Y = 3.494059851


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