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September 20, 1989 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-09-20

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vs. Michigan State
Tonight, 7:30
Varsity Arena


Saturday, 8 p.m.


The Michigan Daily,

Wednesday, September 20, 1989

Page 10

Volleyball rookies add depth
to rebuilding Blue squad

Theodore Cox
Daily Sports Writer
As the Michigan women's
volleyball team opens its Big Ten
season tonight against Michigan
State, it will have a different look.
The squadhas added five first-year
students who are desparately needed
to improve upon last season's dis-
mal 1-17 conference record.
As a matter of fact, the playing
time of froshes Hayley Lorenzen,
Tarnisha Thompson, and Michelle
Horrigan continues to increase as the

player Kathy Melchert. "Davis gives
everyone a chance and if we're able
to start, she starts us."
DAVIS IS excited to about the
added depth they have brought to the
"Each night we are really playing
from a roster of about ten people,
but it depends on who's healthy,
who's performing," Davis said.
Two of the new recruits, Kathy
Melchert and Kathy Drobitch, will
be redshirted. "Redshirting a couple
of kids is always an option you
consider if someone's not going to
get a lot of playing time," Davis
Even though they won't see any
action in the matches, Melchert and
Drobitch are diffinetly needed for
practice and it gives the player's a
chance to adapt to playing at the
college level.
"We have fourteen players now
that are bonified Division One vol-
leyball players," Davis said. "They
have really improved and progressed
to the level that in practice they
don't hold us back, and that's really
the goal of any team: to be compet-
itive against itself every day at the
highest level possible."
The adjustment from high school
to college volleyball is a gradual one
that can't be accomplished over-
"I'm just getting the hang of
things," said setter Tarnisha Thomp-
son. "I still have a ways to go with
communication on the court."
"I really like how I'm playing
now better then at the very
beginning in the preseason," Loren-
zen said, "but I still get really tired
due to classes, staying up late and
Everyone agrees, however, that

the toughest adjustment one has to
make is to the pace of the match.
"It's been difficult, it's a lot
quicker," Michelle Horrigan said
about the transition. "There is quick
passing and you have to know where
to be on the court."
"The speed of play in college is a
lot faster," Davis said. "You have to
work harder physically. In high
school they don't run a really quick
offense. We run patterns, we run
crossing combinations, we run diff~

Spikers commence
conference season
by Jeff Sheran
Daily Sports Writer
The Michiganwomen's volleyball pam (5-2) opens its Big Ten
schedule tonight against Michigan State. Or, as Coach Joyce Davis puts
it, against junior standout Becky Belanger.
"Belanger," Davis asserts, "is 75 percent of their offense. She plays the
entire court." The Spartan star is so dominant on the court that Davis',
game plan revolves almost exclusively around her.
"We're not going to stop her. The best we can do is contain her," Davis
said. "Not only is Fhe a great player, she's also a great competitor."
Belanger currently ranks fifth in the country in service aces, and the
Spartan team boasts a number two ranking in that category. Therefore, the
Wolverines' serve reception is pivotal.
Rated third nationally in blocking, Davis sees the Wolverines' blocking
game as a way to hamper Belanger's effectiveness. "We know what the
block will do for us," she said, "but we're not sure what it will do to
While the Michigan squad suffers from no serious injuries, several
players are still feeling slightly ill and fatigued from the road trip the team,
recently completed. Two players almost fainted in practice, and others are
suffering from routine fatigue.
In practice, Davis concentrated 50 percent of the sessions on improving
team passing. What each player does without the ball has been the main.
focus because an improvement in this area increases the number of kills,
that players such as outside hitter Karen Marshall make.
Marshall, who leads the team in kills, is complemented on the court by
Julia Sturm, who, with her over-.300 hitting percentage, adds "a new
dimension to the offense," Davis said.
The Wolverines are the deeper of the two squads, enjoying the comfort
of a 9-player roster. Michigan State only lists a roster of seven, but as
Davis explains, "depth can be irrelevant. In a quick match, it's not a factor.
I see a four or five-game match, but they're strong."
The game begins at 7:30 at the new Varsity Arena.


Julia Sturm adds a "new
dimension" to the Wolverines'
offense with her hitting percentage
of over .300. The Volleyball team
seeks to win its first Big Ten
contest tonight against Michigan


season moves on.
.The key to their quick impact on
the squad is credited largely with the
team spirit that head coach Joyce
Davis and the veteran Wolverines
"They're really supportive," Lor-
enzen said. "Everyone wants what's
best for the team and they'll do
anything to get it."
"They make the freshmen feel real
welcome, so they really make us

...impresses early
erent heights and different speed sets.
"We try to develop a creative,
consistent offense that we can open
up opportunities for the hitter," she
Lorenzen and Thompson are both
expected to see plenty of action to-
night after coming off excellent play
in last weekend's match verse West
Michelle Horrigan's status re-
mains questionable as she suffers
from the flu and might not be
physically ready.
As the season progresses, the first
year player's are just beginning to
make their mark. Once they fully
work into the flow of the squad,
expect them to become a dominate
force in the Big Ten.

T Prevlewing the
postseason honors
heS \\tn \iW \ \\ Drin iW

want to try,"

redshirted first-year


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by Anil Chaddha
Daily Contributor
The leaves turn brown, the temp-
erature drops, and Bo Jackson takes
out his football helmet. The sun sets
on another baseball season.
But hold on, don't close the
book on the '89 season just yet;
there's still some unfinished busi-
ness of which we must take care.
The division races still hold
excitement, and The Series looms
weeks away. After the dust has
cleared and the victor emerges, there
are still a few individual awards that
need to be decided.
And, thanks to the infinite wis-
dom I gained through years of indul-
gence in my Grandma's secret rem-
edy (the best mix of hops, barley,
and malt a tenspot can buy) I offer
my picks for the MVP, Cy Young,
and Rookie of the year in both
leagues. The envelope, please:
National League MVP: He's
first in HRs (45) and RBI's (120),
third in runs (95), sixth in doubles
(32), and eighth in BA (.291). His
team is in first, and he will win the
award: San Francisco Giant Kevin

Mitchell. The New York Mets'
Howard Johnson deserves consid-
eration (.286, 35 HRs, 95 RBIs, 37
SBs), especially if he reaches 40-40,
as does Mitchell's teammate Will
Clark (.339, 22 HRs, 108 RBIs).
N.L. Cy Young: First in wins
(20), 5th in strikeouts(162), Mike
Scott, will win the Cy Young. The
speculation of scuffing the baseball,
however, surrounds Scott. I don't
have pictures, but consider this:
Scott was a career loser with the
Mets, learned the split-finger fastball
from its creator, Giants' manager
Roger Craig, and has become a 20-
game winner.
This season, Craig accused Scott
of doctoring the ball. Orel Hershiser,
whose picture appears next to
"wholesome" in the dictionary, has
also said Scott cheats.
It's enough for me.
So, give the award to Hershiser
again. His 14-13 record isn't great,
but he is 6th in strikeouts (161), 2nd
in shutouts (4), and has a 2.35 ERA
on a team that has scored the fewest
runs in the league, 527.
N.L. Rookie of the Year: The


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Cubs' Jerome Walton. His bat
(.300, 5HR, 43RBI), speed (24SB),
and defense have helped the Cubs
shock the baseball world. Teammate
Dwight Smith (.305, 9 HR, 48
RBI,7 SB) didn't play enough games
to win. Atlanta's John Smoltz (12-
11, 2.94 ERA) slowed down second
half, and the Mets' Gregg Jefferies
(.258, 8 HR,49 RBI), never got
American League MVP: With a
.306 BA, 26 HR, 108 RBI, and in
the top ten in triples, hits, doubles
and runs, Ruben Sierra should be the
favorite. However, Sierra lost his
stroke in the stretch and sub-
sequently the Rangers dropped from
The Brewers' Robin Yount
(.316,18 HR,97 RBI) and Toronto';s
Fred McGriff (.281,36 HRs,88 RBi)
don't measure up to Sierra. A pick
out of centerfield might be Mookie
Wilson (the hops and barley kick
in). Wilson arrived in Toronto when
the Blue-Jays were not playing up to
their potential,10 games out of first
place. Wilson became the clubhouse
leader, provided the much needed
spark that has since put the Jays in
A.L. Cy Young: Bret Saber-
hagen (20-6, 2.34 ERA) topped all
AL pitchers this year. He's won 11
of his last 12 down the stretch, a big
reason the Royals are in contentioi).
Dave Stewart(19-9, 3.46) is much
worse than his record indicates.
A.L. Rookie of the Year:
Seattle's Ken Griffey Jr.
(.270,15HR, 54RBI,16SB) stayed on
the injured list too long, but might
win because of preseason hype.
Royal Tom Gordon (16-8, 3.40
ERA) fell apart in the second half so
give the award to Baltimore's Gregg
Olson. The bullpen ace(1.82 ERA,
26 saves,) is for real, even if the
Orioles aren't.

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