Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 20, 1989 ClASSIFIED ADS 764 -05 57 DESrERA tELY SEtEKINU my glasses Wire-rimmed brown tortoise frames in a light gray Lenscrafters case. Lost between NS Aud & Liberty St. If found please call Michelle at 995-976 FOUND TIGER CAT in Central Campus area. Please call and describe. 665-9632. FOUND: Keys on Hill Street by Tappan. Call 761-7018. LOST: Airdale terrior, male. Larger 50 lbs. Brown/black. Very friendly. Name is Beau- regarde or Beau. Lost Miller/7th area. Doesn't look like terrior but call anyway. Large reward. 995-8861. REWARD-Gold hoo earring lost near Alice Lloyd or in the SPH. Call 763-1749. FOR SA LE i 10 SPEED BIKE man's frame. Good condi- tion. Only $50 or best offer. 662-6847. 5 SPD Swinn bike - WM. call 973-2513. 52 CM RED GUERCIOTTI ITALIAN RAC- ING Frame. New paint job. Never raced. SL Tubing with campy parts. $490. 662-3850. BANG & OLUFSEN RL140 SPEAKERS - As new. $750. STAX SR34 headphones. Still sealed. $150. B & O B002 turntable & MMC4. $450. 995-0636. Leave message. Color TV Rentals: 19" color TV. $60/sem. or $110/yr. Call an time for free delivery. Col- legiate Rentals.1800-994-4008. HI-FI SPEAKER (1) JBL D4001 Harkness. Mint condition $175. 517-784-4589. A A UTO MOTIVE t; '73 FORD MUSTANG. Good running con- dition. $650. Call Brendan 434-5013. '79 Regal runs/looks great. $700/best. Jeff 769-6119 eves. 83 Honda Accord 4-door, automatic, A/C, Alpine Stereo Radio Cassette. Luggage rack, S "rear-defrost. $3600. 434-2081, between 6-9 pm. 85 1/2 Escort L. Ex. cond. AM/FM 4000R. 44,000 miles. $3000. 996-0476. JEEP CJ-5 '76, 304 3-SPEED From Virginia, 1,000. Call 747-6566, eve. Tempo '85 a/cps pb rear def. excellent. $2500/BO747-AM2orX31-2328. *VW BEETLE. ALWAYS RUNS. $300. Call Malay at 769-0661. FOR RENT 1 AND 2 BDRM. APT. - Furnished, new carpet, air disposal, covered parking, $4 75/mo.$750/mo. 662-1617. 2 BEDROOMS in a 4 bedroom house avail- able. M/F call Chris. 354-9000 or 769-0544. 3 OR 4 BEDROOM APT. on Catherine by State. Fire p lace main floor, pk laundry. Call Tom 453-6ยง70; Larry 434-5%1. APTS. AVAILABLE NOW. A step above. Fully furnished apts. in the heart o campus. Call 761-8000. S ATRACTIVE room on Hill near State. Male referred. Laundry. 8-mo. lease, $279. 995-3276. AVAILABLE NOW. State at Fuller. Large 2 bdrm. Furnished $640/mo. Heat and parking. 663-6829 or 1-5N-1767. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY-Totally new interior. 2 bedroom duplex, washer, dryer central air. Near Zingerman's. $550/mo. Cali Sherri 761-9766. CAMPUS APT. - GREAT LOCATION! Large 2bdrm., free parking, $595 + utilities. 916-Sybil. 434-0024 after 6 p.m. FOR RENT- NI/OFF Campus 4-bedroom house-great area. 20 mm. walk to med. center or State st. New bath, paint, laundry parking. Beautiful. $900/mo. + util. 996-4621. One bedroom apt, screened balcony, 30 sec- onds from cam pus, semi-furnished, available now. CALL 663-2439 or 665-4986 or 665- 4404. Room for rent-Near North Campus and Hos- pital. Newly remodeled 5 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, free parking. Call 668-4017. ROOM FOR RENT MEN ONLY. Cheap, inc. parking utilities & laundry room. Close to campus. Gall 769-6534. ROOMS AVAILABLE 2 blocks from cam- pusgreat price. Parking also available. 668- SIX BEDROOM -Two bath house next to U of M football stadium. Everything brand new. Fireplace with gas logs. entral air condi- tioned. 95% efficient gas furnace. Gre car- peting. Parking &.laundry. Larry 434-5787 will consider creative leases such as per per- son. STUDENTS. Enjoy the school year without problems. Prime Student Housin , Inc. takes the worry out of apt. living. CaI now. 761- 8000. Top Campus Location. Deluxe Modem Fur- nished Two Bedroom Apartments. Wilmot And Observatory. Good or Three To Four People. AC, Balconies Many Extras. Modern Management 668-6906. YOU'VE PUT IT OFF FOR TOO LONG. Now is the time to secure your home for the Fall. Call Prime Student Housing, Inc. at 761- 8000. BASEMENT ARTS- Auditions for Alice in Wonderland -.Sept. 21, sign up in the green room in the Frieze. WOMEN'S CLUB VOLLEYBALL MASS MEETING Thursday, Sept. 21 at 7:30 in 1250 CCRB. SHARE AMERICAN CULTURE/ learn about another. Volunteers wanted- ungrads, grads, staff, members of the AA community for weekly talk with UM international stu- dents. Sign up on or before Sept. 27 for a conversation partner. English language insti- tute 3007 N University Bid 6. M-F 8-12, 1-5. ABSOLUTE TOP DOLLAR paid for U of M football tickets. 668-7707. STUDENT GOVERNMENT mass meeting. Get involved in the Michigan Student As- sembly. Join one of the 12 committees or commissions. Wed, Sept 20, 8PM 3909 Michigan Union. WRITERS! ARTISTS! Contribute to expres- sion. We need stories poems, essays and il- lustrations. Send SASE to Box 242 Mesa, Arizona 85214. Subscriptions $14 for 4 is- sues. RESERCH EFORMA Largest Library of information in IU all subjects Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COD ~~80-51 -0222 in Calf2134778226 Or, rush $2.00 to: Research Information 11322 Idaho Ave. #206-A, Los Angeles, CA 90025 HELP WANTD ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION Join the campaign to stop toxic hazards! Work for a clean environment w/PIRGIM Public Interest Lobby. Full/part-time, flexible days (Sun-Sat), $5-$6/hr, adv. opty. Help make the '90's the environmenal decade. Call Sue 662-6597. $8/HR. GARDNER WANTED. NO EXP. NECESSARY. Flexible hours. 994-3860. AMAZING FOOD' See it feel it, experience it! ZINGERMAN'S K'TtHEN wants you. Call Bernie at 663-0974. AS SCHOOL STARTS, Think about work- ina to change national priorities. SANE/FREEZE the country's largest peace lobby, is hiring full and part-time staff. flexi- ble schedules, fun folks, & ace career trainig. Call 663-3913, 10-4 fr interview. Women & minorities encouraged to apply. ATENTION-HIIRING! Government jobs- your area $17 840-$69,485. Call 1-602-838- 8885. Ext. R 13~98. BABYSITTING: My home. Prefer drivers. $4/hr. Occasional basis. 994-3137. COLLEGEWORK STUDY STUDENTS needed for clerk positions at the University Health Service. Call Kathy at 747-4667. Data Entry 4 hours per day any four hour block of time $6.00/hr 2-3 months duration 764-0550 Irma or Nancy. DOWNTOWN SALON seeks part-time re- ceptionist. Approx. 10-15 hrs./wk. 668-8812. EARN $5 in a psychology experiment. Look at photos make quick evaluations. Call 663- 9731;741-6429. Easy Money! Company needs a Rep. on your campus. Great money with little work. 608- 251-5121, ask for Doug. EIGHTEEN-THIRTY year old people w/ hypertension are needed to study blod sugar control & the development of high blood pressure. The study will involve a few days of hosp itilization & you will be compensated $300. For info. contact Jane Key or Dr. Roc- chini at 764-5176. HANDYPERSON FOR HEALTH CARE CLINIC Student (handyperson), to put up pictures, shelves, mirors, hooks, fixtures, signs, etc. move furniture, paint, make local pick-up and deliveries of supplies, make minor repairs to almost anything and other miscellaneous du- ties as they arrive. Must be a UM STU- DENT, have experience with hand tools, me- chanical aptitue, a valid driver's license, and no physical restrictions on lifting. Ability to work independently and conscientiously a necessity. No evening or week-end work. Po- sition is available fall and/or winter terms. For more information, contact Harold Roth- bart at 764-4448. HELP for gardening & house related jobs. Call 663-9338 or 663-4294. HELP WANTED: no experience necessary. 2day training. 665-2745. HOW ABOUT VOLUNTEERING TO TU- TOR? 6,7, and 8 grade students at Tappan Middle School Tues. & Thurs. 3-4. Contact DeMaris Booker at 994-2015 or 994-4970. ICR SURVEY RESEARCH GROUP1 a na- tional marketing research firm located in Ann Arbor, is presently hiring telephone inter- viewers. Excellent communications skills and the ability to work part-time evenings, and week-ends necessary. No experiencesneeded, full-paid training provided. IPay starts at $5/hr. Scheduling is flexible. Contact Greg Love at 971-2840 after 2pm daily. A FREE GIFT JUST FOR CALLING PLUS RAISE UP TO $1,700 IN ONLY 10 DAYS!!- Student groups, fraternities and sororities needed for marketing project on campus. For details plus a FREE GIFT, group officers call 1-800-950-8472, ext. 20. WEEKEND MAGAZINE Fridays in The Daily 763-0379 Large Dairy Farm near Ann Arbor needs part-time help. Must enj working outdoors and with animals 483-592. Ask for Tom. LATE CLASSES? Pl with food for fun and mon Call Ric at GERMAN'S cater- ing. 63-3400 LOOKING FOR AGGRESSIVE well groomed, out-going, articulate students to take pictures at parties..No experience neces- sary.Ti andan uipment provided. Call The Picture Man at 9943914. LUNCH SUPERVISORS: 11:00AM- 1:00PM. Supervise preschool/elementary students for lunch and recess. 747-7422. MARKETING STUDENT: Volunteer ser- vice organization needs to attract- donors-- commercial, individual, grants, anything. Corntigencyfee depends upon results. No ex- perience necessary. Pro-ife philosohy re- quired. Call 996-2312 evenings, Mondays best. MEDICAL ASSISTANT PROBLEM PREGNANCY COUNSELR, and MEDI- CAL RECEPTIONIST needed for a pro- choice medical clinic. Please send resume to health Care Clinic, 2755 Carpenter Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48104. MODEL - Female, photogenic, blonde, 5'6" min., dance/athletic ackground, for ad cam- paign. Call 668-0263. NEED ST TER FEW HRS. DAILY- baby (must include TuesThurs. 11:30-2:30). For year; near camps no smokers must have experience ad referrences; 996-6503. OFFSER PRESS PERSON needed in Briar- wood Area. Experience required on AB Dick Type Press. Full or part time, flexible hours for part time schedules. Aply in person only at: (reat Copy Co., 1247 osewood, AA. PIZZA HUT Applications now being accepted for all po- sitions: cooks, waitpersons and delivery drivers. Applytin person to any Ann Arbor or Ypsilanti location. Good starting pay, flexible hours, EOE. Secretary exciting arts organization needs experienced secretary for a art time tempo- rary position. Interesting varie tyof responsi- biities. PC experience required. Cometitive salary. Send resume to AACT 1035 South Main St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104. EOE SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for a well es- tablished infertility clinic. If you are a male between 21-40 years of age and a graduate student or a professional 5'10" or taller we need you. Donors are aid $50 dollars per ac- ceptable specimen. or further information, please call 434-4766. SOFTWARE TESTER. Must know MS- DOS. Call Kurt or Chuck at 996-4343. TAKE THIS TEST Looking for a job with reat pay - and com- missions? Wi. flexib ehours? Offering valuable training and business expernence. Interested in free use of a personal computer? Are you a U of M sophmore or above . Full- time Student? Computer familiar? With at least a B average? If all your answers are "ys" ou've made the rade! Manpower an . need you as a TEAM LEADER or COLLEGIATE REP. to promote the sales of the IBM Personal System/2 on campus. For ex rience that pays, call today. Manpower -3757. Ask for Barbara Cumming. Teachers U of M Children's Centers. work study positions available. Call 763-6704. TELEMARKETING full & part-time posi- tions, flexible hours, mornings, afternoons, or evenings. Earn full-time wages workin part- time whle going to school. Call Chuck Leonard at 482-2s2. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY - On-Call Com- puter.SupportPosition : Students interested in workig 20hrs./wk. with up to 70 hrs. On- Call. Must have strong Corputer background and proven dendabili.Sala reg. work hrs. - $5.45/hr On-Call w/out be incalled $1.28/hr.; On-all and called in $6.70/hr. A pplyat the Library Personnel Office, 404 hatcher Graduate Library. EOE. TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED IN oe digE a vt Dilg ... X ads cost $2.10/line for the first day, $.70/line for each additional consecutive day X ads must be placed by 11:30 a.m. the morning before publication X ads must be prepaid with cash, an in town check, or a money order ; X ads may be removed from publication, but there will be no refunds UNIVEKSIY LIBKAKY - iransa- tor/transcirber Position: Index articles in Japanese, translate abstracts for some articles. Articles are medical/pharmacolo in nature. MUST be fluent in Japanese and English lan- guages. MUST have background in medicine, harmacy, science, or other health related Field. Salary: minimum of $6.90/hr. Apply at the Library Personnel Office, 404 hatcher Graduate Library. EOE. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY - Cataloging As- sistant Position: To perform bibliographic searchin copy cataloging, other duties as4 assigned apanese materials. Evening & weekend hours preferred. MUST have Japanese proficiency. Salary: $4.55/5.45 per hour. Apply at the Library Personnel Office, 404 Hatcher Graduate Library. EOE. WANTED-Clerk B Workstudy position. Fall term mornings only. Clinical Research Cen- ter. r info, call Jeanne or Valerie 936-8080. $5.25/hr. WORK FOR ACADEMIC credit or volun- teer at the Pound House Children's Center this fall term. Located at Hill and East Uni- versity. Come over for a visit or call 764- 2547_r more information. WORK STUDY POSITIONS, HUMANI- TIES INSTITUTE. Research assistant (Rackham student only) $7/hour; office clerk $6/hour; messenger $5/h our. About 10 hours each week. Call Dottie Lee 936-3518. WORK STUDY STUDENTS - Needed as lab assistant for orthodontic research. Com- puter experience. Call 764-4501. 0N LAC $99 ANYWHERE IN THE USA ON NORTHWEST airlines! Bring your NWA voucher and AMEX card. CalREGENCY TRAVEL, 665-6122, ask for Ann or Dawn. GET AWAY! Equipped cabins on lake in wooded setting, slee s four outdoor hot tub, boats & canoes. $3 -58. I1 min from Tra- verse City. (616) 276-9502. SPRING BREAK Acapulco 519, Cancun 559, Free port 439Jamaica 519 Nassau 459,Ski L.Tahoe 489.WANTED: Student Reps. for S p rin Break.Call REGENCY TRAV EL, 665-61 22, ask for Dan. STUDENT TRAVEL BREAKS AT STA- MOS TRAVEL *** Openweekends and some evening s.* ** errytown Mall Ann Arbor. 663-4400** TICKETS . AIRLINE TICKET will trade for football tickets, good for cont. USA 651-3883 WANTED 3 GOOD seats to Wisconsin game. Call Dave at 763-0731. I NEED 2 WISCONSIN TICKETS!! Call Angieat 764-5895. WANTED -Season Student Football Tickets. Phone 795-8131 M-F after 5pm. FREE ANY HOME GAME FOOTBALL TKT. if you can find someone to rent my apt. Great location - 1016 Oakland. Share 2 bdrm. ap. with I other student. Free pkg. spot. All util. incl. 4 or 8 mo. lease. $375/mo. (male ref.) Call Mark @ 995- 8898 orAl@ 74-8929. UCLA TICKETS needed for Sept. 23 in LA. Please call Steve at 764-4741. FOOTBALL TICKETS WANTED to buy $$$$. Call Jim at 761-8256 after 9:00pm. WANTED: 2 tickets ND/Michigan game for children. Call collect 413-443-7666. DESPERATE TO BUY 4 Tickets- Michigan Notredame Game. 616-327-7293. WANT TO REALLY BLOW THEM AWAY? -- Send a PERSONAL! The Daily Classifieds 764-0557 1 OR 2 ROOMATES FOR single or double in beautiful 2 bdrm. apt. across from CCRB. $270 o $410 fully fum. 662-6454. FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to share double room in 2-bdrm apt. near Med. Cen- ter. Rent $190/mo. Mo. to mo. lease. 930- 2661 MALE 1 BD. apt. Eve ing new, great view 18th floor, $275 + eec. 769-8784 MALE/NON-SMOKER NEEDED FOR A SPACIOUS duplex near CCRB. All utilities, exct electric. If interested, call Pat at 99 047 - NEED FEMALE/MALE For Space in S.Truth Coop. Rent $300-$320 Includes Food Utilities, Etc. Call 662-4414 Refer to Danielle Adler. NEED MALE/NON-SMOKER for SINGLE in 7 bdrm. house. Rent $250 + utilities. FREE parking available. Call 747-6795. SINGLE ROOM in 2 bedroom apt. Very nice. Must see. $250/mo. 665-2824. WANTED: female roommate for a conve- niently located, affordable apartment. Please call 769-8723 now for more info. HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO 302 E. Liberty. 665-8001. Repairs, authorized by Gibson Guild. Martin YamahwAlvarez. COMPUTERS - Student discounts. IBM Compatibles. Call 747-9400 between 9-5. LASER PRINTER - Like new. Asking $690. Call 747-9400, off campus, between 9-5. NEED PARKING SPACE - Hill area. Pri negot. Call Dee 764-2923. SCHOLARSHIPS AVAITABLE! New book lists dozens of new opportunities. $9.95. Up- stream Press 615 E. Abram, Ste. 103, Ar- lington. TX 16010. NITY*** TKE Fall Rush 1989 Sunday Sept 24 to Thursday September28 7:00 pm-10:O0pm 0 1 r r 'r I , . a' 4. x' a, t Y r. p.- r E', r, t.. r. a,, t 4 b, V' Comfortable furnished room in Bums Park. Home near UM for quiet student. No smok- ing. Refridge & TV. $250. 665-7267. DESIRABLE KERRYTOWN AREA-2 + 3 BR apts. or 6+t br house. Parking laundry, many extras. Call 434-2350 or 434-787. FURNISHED 1 & 2 bedroom apts. Conve- nient secure locations. Prime Student Hous- ving, Iinc~ 761-8000. GREAT 2-3 bedroom home on old Westside, lease terms negotiable. Short term preferable. '$850/mo. 995-2494, leave message. GREAT SINGLE in furnished hs. 2 blls. from Union. 4-8 mo. Is. laundry & parking. Nice people. 665-2411/$65/mo. Large Two Bedroom In A Four Unit Historic House. Division And Kingsley. Furnished Or Not. Heat Water, Cooking Gas Included. Modem M'anagement 668-6906. LUXURY EFFICIENCY next to U of M football stadium in modem one story build- ing. Clean, furnished air conditioned. $395 plus electric. Larry, 4J4-5787. U) 0 C) Q) z Soph Show presents 9/21/89 Accepting Applications for . Director Music Director Choreographer Info regarding these and other positions available at UAC office 2105 Mch Union. 763-1107. ***MICHIGAN UNION*** PE RSONA L * * AiTTENTION: Supreme Course Tran- scripts, the LS&A lecture notetaking service, has the following notes avail. at Alpha- graphics Printshops at 715 N. Univ.: Anthro 10, Anthro 161 Anthro 368, Astro 101/111, Astro 102/112, Class Civ 101, Class Civ 152, Comm 103, Comm 320 Econ 201, Econ 202, Econ 395, Econ 401, tbeo 101, Geol 100, Geol 101, Geol 107, Geoi 115, Geol 222, Hist 160, list 200, Hist 332, Hist 3 Physics 125, Physics 140, Physics 240 Pol Sci. 395, Physiology 101 Psych 101'lsych 171, Psych 331, Psych, J68. Call 6X3-6816 for more info. BODY? MIND? SPIRIT? Find out who you are! Call the Dianetics Hotline 1-800-FOR-TRUTII Eighteen to thirty year old people with hy- pertension are needed to study blood sugar control and the development of high blood pressure. The study wil involve a few days of hospitalization and you will be compen- sated $300. For information contact Dr. Roc- chini or Jane Key at 764-5176. FREE. DANCE LESSONS - Sept. 18 6:30-8. AA 1st United Meth. hur. State & Ws.Suare and Round - No partner/exper. needed.Park at Tally Hall. 437-8828. FREE DANCE - Fri. Sept. 15, 7:30-11 AA 1st United Meth. Church State & Wkash. Square, Round, Contra, Line - No Part- ner/exper. needed. Park avail. 437-8828. GUINEVERE - gave my blue shield to Vil- lage Apothecary for a prescription - Lancelot. PARKING PLACE NEEDED - Will pay best offer. Call Nira at 747-8797. Please leave message. THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE. Certified holistic practitioner. Debra K. Rozek 66 7547. **TYPING & WORDPROCESSING** Fast/IBM-WP/la ser/campus/Sandi/426-5217 *****A-1 TYPING. On campus. Profession- als. Rush service available. 668-8898. **QUALITY TYPING & GRAPHICS SERVICE** Fast/low rates/free delivery/996-9189 *FREE PIANO LESSON!* Casio rental available. Mike 994-0371. FOR ALL YOUR WORD PROCESSJN NEEDS, call Janet at 763-8913. GREEK STUDENT NEEDED to teach con- temporary Greek conversation to Greek/American family in Ann Arbor. Call 761-2758 for details.y LET YOUR GRADES PAY your way through college! I Descent, age, GPA, etc... could earn you money for college! Send self-addressed stampe envelope. MJ.K.Scholarship S rvices@ PO box 5411 West Bloomfield MI 48322 T'S. SWEATS. Greeks & clubs U need D SIGNS printed 4 arties, promos. GR prices. Colors! Dana ,996-9578. Save #. -U CLASSIFIED ADSI T k S r +" DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe Nuts and Bolts by Judd Winick -- Si - " I-I ACROSS 1 Boutique 5 Leaf pest 10 Partner of cool and collected 14 Operated a loom 15 Tag data 16 Director-writer Kazan 17 Right tidy 20 Harden 21 Catch something 22 Phobias 23 Against 24 On the poral 25 Bread spread 32 County in N cen. England 33 Decamped 34 Whitney's bequest 35 Sleep fitfully 36 Attack 38 Smell - (suspect) 39 Individual 40 Bartlett 41 Dictatee 42 Admired complexion 46 Adjutant 47 On the road 48 Designed for singing 51 Old salt 52 Ewe said it! 55 Twain hero 59 TV's Johnson 60 "- Dracula": 1943 movie 61 - out (made do) 62 Boer bura 6 Fight-card entry 7 Torso feature 8 "- on parle..." 9 Garden center retailers 10 Breakfast option 11 "M*A*S*H" star 12 Schubert song 13 Imperfections 18 Throes 19 Mountain nymph 23 Echidena's diet 24 Woody's boy 25 Leading 26 TV's Arledge 27 Confused 28 Theatrical org. 29 See eye to eye 30 British princess 31 Insect sci. 36 Like some grapes 37 Comfort 38 Give it - (have at) 40 Perfume bottle 41 Fearsome 43 Worried, of yore 44 A sodium 49 Trauma 50 Numerical prefix 52 Ten-speed 53 Freshly 54 Actor Griffith 56 Kind of tie 57 Alphonso's queen 58 T-man 45 48 carbonate Towers over Cartoonist Addams IAGAINST A WAVE OFELVL. LV, D o l- TAT TMRSATENS THlE (aO,z DON'T,AN'Z. DONT ANT TO~yS ='M .N't7NG 'THIS DRSAI,?';M oc TING A KICK OJT O0MG7 THEBATMAN ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: SWING SLOE HAIR LINER TEAL 0 L L A ASTR0 OCHO ODIN WHOOPS I TUP TEAK ECC E EMENDS A VE R SE ROS I N ELAPSED PRAN CER TE EN_ SE ELS L E N R A R N A CRE A BY SM S A N GOR A A ID A DO0E R DO0N N Y B ROOK D IE T D A TA BU R MA E R SE I RO0N L IC IT 0 E ER E S SE E NA TE u ' raort Qpev- AV Ale 66 /eu r Aafar 4r(4a-t&Oe THE WORDWRIGHT**Word ing/tping/editing. pers reports/dissertations/resumes. pnnting.** 662-8977. process- Pa- Laser =---- v P q - roc - L.ET'S AZ MFO -i r Y1r-AT! fl4Ib , D WTDkfr N'cv'DFEN' wP1VAF~v tr ME- & VzV5cv1 4~T~ c0,3vlTj6 N~O! DOQNT F~ ESfE& iTHE ZEST SOAP' ZDA5 is Aj 0 A tto 'E IMStrit-w 0AS, I5 A ,&vcN WUri 'Dc TOM 45TA'iWG ~IN ,r,3Plt5AOWE WPL'cJ 0 13 21 2 6 7 8 9 22 24 2 33 Achieve the LSAT Score You Need with EXCEL Learn to Anticipate the Exam's thinking - Improve Your Reasoning and Formal Logic Skills " Develop Comprehensive Exam Strategies - Review Videotapes for Additional Practice Professional Instruction - Affordable 4 19 2 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson TK~ PROCA AVWITNA PEOPL.. Tuition Classes for the Dec. 2nd -SAT begin: Sat. Oct. 7th and Wed. Oct. 18th EN De--e 1, 1 ' I I I I I,,SO MOE STOLE IM( RUCQK, Z1 DONT U ERSTAND IT, 'tk, IS IT *ITwkT SE PEO~\ E 01 7