Page 2- The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, September 20, 1989
Conference stresses global warming
warming is the most serious of all
environmental problems, Rep. Bob
Traxler (D-Mich.) said yesterday in a
speech prepared for the Earth
Observations and Global Change
At this conference, which dealt
with how the nation should respond
to changes in the world's climate and
environment, Traxler called for the
establishment of an international
agency to operate an information
network to which scientists
throughout the world would have
According to Traxler, the most
Continued from Page 1
"We feel (the company) betrayed
our confidence in the past and don't
care to have them in our commu-
ijity," said Bill Bush, M-CATS co-
Representatives at Augusta
Development could not be reached
for comment.
To help educate other citizens
about the problem of toxic waste,
M-CATS is helping to sponsor a
Midwest Toxics Conference in
Milan this weekend. Delegates from
grassroots organizations in eight
states are expected to attend work-
shops in political networking, effec-
tive communication, and alternatives
to chemical pollution.
U.S. Rep. Traxler wants
world information network
immediate need, however, is for a
sharp increase in federally funded
research. His subcommittee already
has recommended nearly $110
million in fiscal 1990 for projects
under the auspices of the U.S.
Global Change Research Program.
Another $23 million is earmarked
for Department of Agriculture
"Each and everyone of these
(environmental) problems . . . is
dwarfed by the overarching threat to
our nation and our planet posed by
global warming," Traxler said.
Warding off the worst possible
consequences of the greenhouse
effect could require costly and
damaging changes in agriculture, the
economy, energy conversion,
industrial production and
transportation, Traxler said.
Traxler chairs the House
appropriations subcommittee that
handles funding of agencies for
housing, veterans, space science and
the environment.
Scientists warn that certain types
of air pollution are depleting the
ozone layer in the atmosphere that
protects the earth from excessive
heat from the sun. The phenomenon
could lead to gradual warming of the
earth's atmosphere.
"I believe these amounts are only
the beginning and our nation must
commit billions more to see this
program through," Traxler said.
Alternative ways to deal with
chemical pollution, besides landfills
and incinerators, are expected to be
highlighted during the conference.
One common argument given to
groups like M-CATS is that once
waste is produced it needs to be dis-
posed of somewhere, but no one
wants a dump in their town.
Speakers at the conference will
include Kaye Kiker, who has been
nationally recognized for her work
fighting pollution in York, Ala.;
Michael Garfield; Andrew
Buchsbaum, the legislative director
for Public Interest Research Group
In Michigan; and Hans Posselt, chair
of the Augusta Township
Environmental Strategy Committee
(Milan is located in the township.)
Posselt, who has a Ph.D. in
Environmental Science from the
University, will participate in a
panel discussion of ways to reduce
waste on both the industrial and per-
sonal level. "If we don't live an eco-
logical lifestyle, how can we expect
others to do likewise?" he said.
Garfield, who will also be on the
panel, said, "Toxics production has
to be reduced at the source." As well
Continued from Page 1
Stumpo said he was impressed
with the hard work that all schools
have put into their cars. "A lot of
time people work harder at having
fun than work," he said.
Although the race won't be held un-
til next year, the University students
are already anxiously preparing for
their "day in the sun."
See news happen?
Call 764-0552
as advocating a decrease in produc-
tion of waste, he suggests alternate
methods of disposing of the wastes
we do have. In-house recycling, in
which chemicals are re-used by com-
panies, is one possible alternative,
Garfield said.
The Midwest Toxics Conference
will end Sunday with a rally in
Wilson Park in downtown Milan.
Continued from Page 1
In further business, two vice
chairs were elected unanimously to
fill vacant spots. Jeff Veach, a senior
LSA rep., was elected vice chair of
the External Relations Committee,
and Business School rep. Laura
Peterson was elected vice chair of the
Budget Priorities Committee.
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The Daily
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Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Study finds AIDS patients endanger
themselves by taking untested drugs
HOUSTON - AIDS patients in San Francisco are taking an average
of five drugs and unapproved treatments without telling their doctors,
posing a risk of potentially fatal drug interactions, according to Dr. Ruth
Speaking to the American Society for Microbiology yesterday,
Greenblatt said she found 37 percent of the patients were getting pre-
scriptions from a second doctor and 28 percent were using treatments not
approved by the FDA.
The hidden use of approved and unapproved drugs is complicating sci-
entific research, Dr. Kenneth Dunnigan said.
"I don't think you can ask people to not take something they think
will help them" Greenblatt said. "That's my personal opinion. But you
can ask them to let you know."
The key to avoiding problems is a partnership between doctors and
their patients, Dunnigan said, in which patients feel free to disclose
which drugs they're taking.
FAA orders DC-10 inspections
WASHINGTON - The Federal Aviation Administration ordered a
detailed inspection in the fan disks of all DC-10 engines yesterday. These
engines are similar to the one investigators believe failed before the
Iowa crash-landing that killed 112 people.
FAA Administrator James Busey announced the formal inspections
before a congressional panel, where he and National Transportation
Safety Board Chair James Kolstad both declared the DC-10 jumbo jet
Engineers have been working steadily since the crash-landing of
United Flight 232 in Sioux City to determine how a flaw might have
developed in the plane's tail engine. Engine parts severed hydraulic lines
that operated the plane's flight controls.
"While we do not have all the answers yet, we have been able to
isolate one particular material process in which the likelihood of such
flaw development is highest," Busey testified.
Aug. inflation benefits consumers
WASHINGTON - Consumer prices did not rise at all last month as
big declines in the cost of gasoline and women's clothing combined td
provide the best news on inflation since early 1986, the government said
The August performance of the Labor Department's Consumer Price
Index followed modest increases of 0.2 percent in both June and July
leaving analysts to marvel at the better than expected showing on
"The August inflation result was outstanding from the point of view
of the consumer," said Allen Sinai, chief economist of the Boston Co.
"The bread-and-butter categories of food, housing, transportation and
clothing showed either big declines or very small increases."
The Bush administration is predicting a 5 percent inflation rate for
this year, a view supported by many private economists, who believe
that recent increases in crude oil prices will translate into slightly higher
monthly inflation numbers for the remainder of the year.
Tots promote tuition prepayment
LANSING, Mich. - A bevy of bouncing babies will hit the
television airwaves later this month with the message that enrollment
time is here again for the state's prepaid college tuition guarantee
The 6-month-old to 9-month-old babies play with toy blocks and
smile while an announcer reminds viewers that the enrollment for the
Michigan Education Trust runs Oct. 2-6.
MET will spend $157,000 to show the ads, which are designed to
bolster a series of community forums and a videotape about MET. The
ads will be shown across the state starting Sept. 24 and will run through
the MET application period.
Under the program, parents can pay an amount now to guarantee four
years college tuition for their child at any of the state's 15 public
The preliminary price for a newborn this year is $7,664 for four years
of tuition or $1,916 per year.
Dead cows without a home
HAMILTON, Mich. - Ever since a local plant quit accepting dead
livestock, farmers have been facing a messy, 1,400-pound problem
everytime a dairy cow dies unexpectedly.
The problem began July 3, when Kruger Commodities stopped taking
dead animals in order to eliminate foul odors at its Hamilton plant.
"Animals do die despite your best efforts," said Paul Wylie, agriculture
extension agent for Allegan County. "It's a definite problem because we
are a large livestock county."
The two other alternatives are burial and inceneration. State law
requires that animals be buried at least 4 feet deep within 24 hours.
"You take a 1,400-pound dairy cow, dig a 7-foot hole, and you're
talking about a excavation," Wylie said.
Burning the animals may be a practical alternative for those with small
stock such as poultry or pigs, Wylie said.
Ebz 5rbri4aniadg
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
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The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
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Hours: 7 p.m. - 12 Midnight
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