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September 19, 1989 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-09-19

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 19, 1989

NASA enlists 'U' to inspire youth

by Diane Cook
Dairy Research Reporter
The National Aeronautic and
Space Association has enlisted the
University's help to inspire more
students to prepare for science and
math-related careers.
During the next five years,
NASA will give the University and
three other state colleges more than
$1 million to set up workshops, fel-
lowships, and a space information
center throughout the state.
The program will focus on stu-
dents enrolled in kindergarten
through 12th grade.
University Engineering Prof. Joe

Eisley will coordinate the NASA
funds for the entire Space Grant con-
sortium, which includes Wayne
State University, Michigan
Technological University, and
Saginaw Valley State University.
"Part of the effort will be to in-
terest (the students) and encourage
them to take the classes which will
prepare them to go to college and
take science and engineering
classes," Eisley said.
The program will receive
$75,000 for fiscal year 1989 and up
to $225,000 annually for the four
subsequent years. The grants are
conditional on matching funds from

engineering and science-related indus-
try and other private sources.
Each university in the Michigan
consortium will also receive
$100,000 per year to support gradu-
ate and undergraduate fellowships.
Eighty-one schools nationwide,
under 17 consortiums, are participat-
ing in the program. Cornell, Penn
State and the universities of
Alabama and Arizona are among
other colleges receiving NASA
The consortium aims at increas-
ing the involvement of women and
underrepresented minorities in the

"The potential pool (of science
and engineering college students) is
three boys to every girl. We'd like to
raise that to two and two," said
"The motivation behind it, I be-
lieve, is that NASA is concerned
about the background of its employ-
ees in science and engineering," he
The money largely went to re-
search institutions, but "it's not for
research in the traditional sense. It's
for outreach," he said. "What we get
out of it is support to extend and ex-
pand outside activities that were al-
ready in progress."



Voters should decide on execution

WARREN (AP) - State lawmakers should
let voters-decide if first-degree murderers should
be executed, a Michigan legislator said yesterday
at a public hearing on the emotional issue.
"People have tried many times to get a peti-
tion and it just doesn't work," said Rep. John
Maynard (D-St. Clair Shores). "The legislature is
a quicker method."
Maynard's comments drew raves and criti-
cisms from about 80 people at the house
Oversight Committee's first public hearing on
the death penalty resolution, sponsored by
A subcommittee plans to hold two more hear-
ings this fall and up to three more next year, said
Rep. Pat Gagliardi (D-Drummond Island) and
chair of the committee.
If the committee recommends putting the is-

sue on the ballot, approval would be needed from
the House and the Senate before it would go be-
fore voters, possibly in November 1990 or 1992,
Maynard said.
Sen. Jack Welborn (R-Kalamazoo) also has
proposed the death penalty for first-degree murder
The latest push is renewing heated debate over
whether killers should meet the same fate as their
'I think it would be a deterrent to people who
commit these crimes," said Nancy Bates of Utica
in Macomb County, who attended the hearing.
State Rep. Maxine Berman (D-Southfield)
said she would need a guarantee of equal justice
in order to support the death penalty. She said
poor people and minorities would end up on
Death Row mainly because they couldn't afford

attorneys to appeal.
Her comment drew some applause.
"It's not a black and white issue," said state
Rep. David Jaye (R-Utica). "It's an issue of law
and order. I think there's such a thing as being
scared straight."
Patrick Thompson, coordinator of the
Michigan Coalition Against the Death Penalty,
said there have been cases of innocent people
convicted of murder.
"The point is, mistakes are made," he said.
"We have in place a sane public policy issue and
I don't think it should be voted on."
Capital punishment was abolished in
Michigan in 1846 and prohibited in the state
constitution adopted in 1963.

Bush discusses Soviets, other issues, with press

HELENA, Mont. (AP) -
President Bush defended the slow
pace of arms negotiations with the
Soviet Union yesterday, and said
"it's not time for normalcy" in rela-
tions with China, despite a gradual
increase in contacts since last sum-
mer's bloody crackdown on student
dissent in Beijing.
In a wide-ranging session with
reporters in the ornate Senate cham-
ber of the Montana legislature, Bush

said reforms in Hungary had made it
possible to extend new economic
privileges to the Communist nation.
The president was emphasizing
environmental issues in a three-state
swing to South Dakota, Montana
and Washington, defending his deci-
sion not to travel to Alaska to view
the oil spill damage in Prince
SWilliam Sound.
He said he was hopeful that
"winter will be kind" in restoring

environmental conditions in Alaskan
waters. He said he'd sent his
"environmental vice president" to in-
spect the clean-up efforts and pre-
Continued from Page 1
are disadvantaged compared to others
because "they are forced to work 20
to 30 hours a week on work-study,"
she continued.
"Retention is not that good,"
agreed Michigan Student Assembly
President Aaron Williams, an engi-

dicted that Exxon would "come
back" next spring if further clean-up
was necessary.
neerir:g senior. He added that recent
studIies are showing a drop in the
universityenrollment of Black stu-
dents across the country.
Williams speculated that financial
problems and inhospitable environ-
ments may be reasons for the drop in
numbers at the University and na-

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Soviet Central Committee
debates ethnic tensions
MOSCOW - Communist Party leaders converged on Moscow yester-
day for a Central Committee meeting on the ethnic problems that have
left more than 200 people dead, one republic virtually blockaded and mass
movements calling for secession.
In the past 18 months, ethnic tensions in this country of more than
100 nationalities have caused violence to break out in several regions.
The ethnic problems have combined with severe shortages of consumer
goods, food rationing and unsettling political changes, all of which
threaten Gorbachev's programs of economic and social restructuring.
Gorbachev said last week on national television that discordant voices
are speculating openly about the possibility of a coup, imminent chaos,
and even civil war.
The Communist Party says it hopes to create a situation where all
Soviet citizens can "feel at home in any part of the country."
Hold-up stalls plans for
Israeli=Palestinian dialogue
CAIRO, Egypt - Israel's defense minister told President Hosni
Mubarak yesterday that Israel would accept an Egyptian-sponsored dia-
logue with Palestinians, but the two leaders disagreed on the composition
of the Arab delegation.
Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Mubarak aired their disagreement
publicly after meeting in Cairo for more than three hours.
At a news conference, Rabin said Israel advocated negotiations only
with Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip, occupied by Israel
since 1967. At a separate news conference, Mubarak insisted that
Palestinians from outside the territories be included as well.
But both leaders voiced cautious optimism about the current Israeli-
Egyptian exchanges on a scenario for overall settlement of the Palestinian
problem, which has kept the Middle East in turmoil for four decades.
Schuette to run for Senate
LANSING - U.S. Representative Bill Schuette announced yesterday
that he will give up his safe congressional seat next year to run for the
nomination by the Republicans to run for the seat held by Democratic
incumbent Carl Levin.
"Life isn't risk free, but if I wasn't convinced that I could win, I
wouldn't run," the Sanford Republican said.
Schuette, a conservative three-term representative re-elected last year
with 73 percent of the vote, joins Detroit lawyer Clark Durant in the
GOP field. In Lansing, Schuette declined to compare himself to Durant
saying, "He's a fine man. My focus is on Carl Levin," citing former
President's Reagan's 11th Commandment that Republicans shouldn't crit-
icize each other.
So far, Schuette has raised more than $1.1 million for his campaign.
Ford recalls half a million cars
WASHINGTON - Ford Motor Co. said Monday it is recalling nearly
493,000 Escorts and Mercury Lynxes to fix faulty emission-control sys-
tems, and 67,156 Tracers because of an apparent seat-belt defect.
Repairs of either problem will be made at no charge regardless of a ve-
hicle's age or mileage.
The vehicles recalled for emission-system improvements include the
1985 Ford Escort and Mercury Lynx and the 1986 Escort, Lynx and Ford
EXP. Tests for excess emissions were conducted at EPA laboratories in
northern Virginia and Ann Arbor.
The Tracers being recalled were made in the 1988 model year. There are
66,314 in the U.S. and 842 in Canada, Ford said.
In some cases, it has become difficult to extend the front-seat lap-
shoulder belts for buckling unless they are pulled very slowly, the com-
pany said. A few of the belts may lock and be impossible to pull out.
Junior goes 1,600 for 1,600
on SATs, says 'no secret'
ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) - Don Cruse doesn't quite understand
what all the excitement is about - all he did was score a perfect 1,600
on the Scholastic Aptitude Test.
"There really is no secret," said Cruse, a junior at Martin High
School. "The test includes material that's covered in class. And I have to
study just like other students. I'm just not used to all this attention."
But test administrators and Arlington school officials said the 16-

year-old is too modest.
Cruse was on of only 14 students in the nation who achieved a per-
fect score on the SAT during the 1988-89 school year. The national av-
erage score was 903.
And while most students wait until their senior year to take the col-
lege entrance exam, Cruse did it as a sophomore.
Cruse's class schedule this semester includes Latin II, pre-calculus,
physics, English, history and biology. All but Latin II are advance
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$28.00 in-town and $39 out-of-town, for fall only $18.00 in-town and $22.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 764-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336,Cir-
culation 764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550



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