OPINION f .. . a * 1 Page 7 Monday, September 18, 1989 The Michigan Dairy w Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. C, No. 8 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Duderstadt's rhetoric is the (broken) record The USING UNIVERSITY Board of Regents' Bylaw 2.01 President Duderstadt Friday bypassed a regental vote and signed into law an interim' anti-discrimination and harassment policy for students at the University. Though this renegade and nearly un- precedented move seems to be Duderstadt's attempt to prove he is a man of action, committed to fighting racism and other forms of discrimina- tion, the reality is a near-worthless policy, more control over students and no commitment from the administration to fight institutional racism. Apparently frightened that it might violate an individual's "fundamental right" to free speech, the administration has now provided a policy so narrow that it won't really punish any act of intimidation or harassment not already punishable under existing state and federal legislation. Though the new, interim policy is as narrow as the old one was vague, there are significant similarities between the two. The administration's new policy still does not apply to faculty and adminis- trators. As individuals, students are ac- countable to a standard of behavior separate from and unequal to that ap- plied to faculty and administrators. In spite of this, the administration still claims it is committed to combatting all forms of harassment and creating an environment of "civility and tolerance" for all members of the University community. The exemption of faculty and admin- istrators from any policy furthers the distance between students and the "authorities" at the University. There is no logical reason for conduct deemed unacceptable by students to be accept- able for faculty or administrators. Rather than create an atmosphere which encourages mutual respect and demo- cratic process, the administration has decided it will act as the "police" of the students while remaining unaccount- able for its own actions. Though claiming to care about stu- dent input, the administration has yet to work seriously with those students who have proven a consistent commit- ment to making the University accessi- ble to women, people of color and gay men and lesbians. As these are the groups most often targeted by harass- ing and intimidating behavior, it seems only logical that the administration would choose to work specifically with them to end harassment and intimida- tion. Speaking at the public comment ses- sion of September's Board of Regents meeting, Duderstadt implored the audi- ence to "judge us by our record, not our rhetoric." Here's a partial record: *Decline in Black student enrollment *No Chicana or Chicano LSA faculty *Double digit tuition increases *No administrative support of a graduation requirement on race and racism 'Denial of tenured position to aqualified Black woman professorno increase in retention of faculty of color. Like its predecessor, the Michigan Mandate, the Dude's new policy is little more than a nice idea. The real record is little more than a lot of rhetoric By Barbara Ehrenr You may not have notic( 50,000 American coal miner strike for four months this s summer. The ten-state strike h, the unprecedented mass appl nonviolent civil disobedience struggle: thousands of miners .members have been arrested for blocking mine entrances. Tr been called in; they have ever instances, fired upon strikers. It is possible to read the p some diligence and completel: coal miners' strike. Meanwhile, I read gave front-page coverage updates of the Soviet coal mine do not grudge a bit of this cove brave miners of Siberia; there' of them (100,000) and they inha that has until recently fancie "dictatorship of the proletariat the Russian strike gave us an id decent labor coverage might be American media were to atter workers' demands were present thetically; the larger ramificati strike were duly analyzed; and strike leaders were profiled in ing, human-interest fashion. The eclipse of the American c reflects the media's usual prefere bor insurgency in foreign-ide munist, societies - a prefere ningly illustrated by the ecstatic granted Solidarity in 1981, ju American flight controllers w ground under the heel of capi also reflects an entirely local phe the disappearance of the America Silenced Majority eich ed it, but hard for me to tell what is going on any- or "red-neck" as class slurs. Middle class s were on more in the ever-so-arch, pun-happy leftists are by no means immune from this spring and "discourse" of the postmodern professori- prejudice, and suffer immensely from their as featured ate isupposed rejection at the hands of the ication of So it is possible for a middle class per- working class... to a labor son today to read the papers, watch televi- and family sion, even got to college, without suspect- peacefully ing that America has any inhabitants other Even deeper than the stereotype of the oops have than white-collar operatives and, of course, hard-hat bigot lies the middle class suspi: n, in some the annoyingly persistent "black under- cion that the working class is dumb, inar class."The producers of public affairs talk ticulate, and mindlessly loyal to archac_ apers with shows do not blush to serve up four up- values. In the entertainment media, for e.- y miss the per-income professionals (all, incidentally, ample, the working class is usually a set the papers white, male, and conservative) to ponder ting for macho exhibitionism (fron- e and daily the minimum wage or the possible need Saturday Night Fever to, in camoo rs' strike. I for health insurance. Never, needless to Working Girl) pf mental impairment rage to the were more obit a place 'Only the homeless disturb the middle class's contemplation of: d itself a .- ." In fact, itself and its self-images - which is to say, the poor can get atZ ea of what tention only by going outdoors and literally lying down in the like if the path of their betters.' mpt it: the ed sympa- ons of the individual an appeal- oal miners -nce for la- ally, com- nce stun- coverage ust as the ere being tal. But it ,nomenon: in working say, an uninsured breadwinner or an actual recipient of the minimum wage. Working' class people are likely to cross the screen only as witnesses to crimes or sports events, never as commentators or - even when their own lives are under discussion - as "experts." Most contemporary fiction shows a similar narrowness. A typical "quality" novel of recent vintage will explore the re- lationships and reveries of people who live in large houses and employ at least one servant to manage all those details of daily living that are extraneous to the plot. E.L. Doctorow has observed that when a novel featuring other sorts of people - poor or working class - does come along, it is usually judged to be "political" in intent, meaning that it does not qualify as "art." The disappearance of the working class reflects and reinforces - the long- standing culturalinsularity of the profes- sional middle class... Compared to say a decade ago, the classes are less likely to mix in college (with the decline of finan- cial aid), in residential neighborhoods (with the gluttonous rise in real estate prices), or even in the malls (with the now almost universal segmentation of the retail industry into upscale and downscale com- ponents). Only the homeless disturb the middle class's contemplation of itself and its self-images - which is to say, the poor can get attention only by going out- doors and literally lying down in the path. of their betters. In the absence of real contact or com- munication, stereotypes march on unchal- lenged, prejudices easily substitute for knowledge. The most intractable stereo- type is of the working class (which is, in imagination, only white) as a collection of reactionaries and bigots - as reflected, for' example, in the use of the terms "hard-hat" . a (Married, With Children). Mainstream sd ciologists have reinforced this prejudic:_ .with their emphasis on working clas "parochialism," as for example, in tltig quote from a 1976 beginning sociology - textbook: "Their limited education, readin habits and associations isolate the lowera class...and this ignorance, together with their class position, makes them suspt- cious of [the] middle and upper-class 'experts' and 'do-gooders..."... Finally there is a level of prejudie- which grows out of middle class moralism _1 about matters of taste. All privileged classes seek to differentiate themselves from the less-privileged through the ways: they dress, eat, entertain themselves and so. on; and tend to see their own choices in these matters as inherently wiser, better- and more aesthetically inspired. In middle class stereotype, the white working class, for example, is addicted to cigarettes, Budweiser, polyester, and network televi- a sion. (In part this is true, and it is true 'Ift part because Bud is cheaper than Dts Equis and polyester is cheaper than linen, Furthermore, in the middle class view, . polyester, etc., is "tacky" - a common code word for "lower class." Health con- cerns, plus a certain reverence for the, "natural" in matters of food and fibre, in- fuse these middle class prejudices with a high-minded tone of moral indignation. This parochialism afflicts many people in the middle class left - sometimes even those who most loudly trumpet marxist rhetoric - as well as middle class liberals, ' conservatives, and so forth. It does not make those who suffer from it bad people. I It does not invalidate them as social ac&' tivists or agents of change. But it does de- prive them. The one clear price of being; cut off from the majority is, for the time. 'l being, only ignorance. Reprinted with permission from the September, 1989 edition of 2er *a Magazine. 1 a4 Old war with a new face PROPONENTS OF democracy in vices. By keeping the Nicaraguan gov- Nicaragua should not be relieved by the ernment and economy in a constant Bush Administration's decision not to staempted to erode the Nicaraguan pub- pursue direct funding of the lic's overwhelming support for the Nicaraguan opposition. The adminis- Sandinistas. tration last week announced it would But despite severe cutbacks in not ask congress to approve $3 million ground-breaking social programs, for the opposition through the National which had greatly improved living Endowment for Democracy (NED), conditions for the majority of the peo- because stiff opposition to a change in ,ort forty ofernent the law regulating the NED was con- .ple, public support for the government he a reglting liablithe NEDwa n remains. This leaves the Bush admin- sidered a potical h a ministration istration grasping at straws: as it be- voic d its intenion t instrati comes increasingly clear that the elec- nancial support from the United States tiook plae inbr1984 - will bhe an reach the opposition coalition, if neces- sary through European intermediaries. open, the opposition 'still seems inca-' But why is the president (and much pable of generating the support it needs f to win. Efforts to discredit the elections of congress) committed to providing have repeatedly failed, and support for direct aid in next year s Nicaraguan the contra war has further decreased. elections? Federal law in this country And so the Bush administration has forbids foreign goverments from fi- fallen back on a plan to win the election nancing political campaigns, and yet the old fashioned way: to buy it. this standard is not upheld in the coun- Whether the support comes through tries the United States attempts to iflu- the NED and Congress, or is channeled ence. History is dotted with examples through third parties, the tactic remains of direct U.S. intervention in foreign the same - a violation of the basic elections - from Chile to Australia, htos Panama to the Philippines; the record' nght to self-determination and self- makes clear that the sovereignty of governance. less-powerful nations takes a back seat The administration has put a new to the economic and political interests face on an old war, portraying the of the United States. The current overt funding of opposition parties in strategy in Nicaragua is a change in Nicaragua as a kinder, gentler approach style, not content. to the "problem" of the Sandinistas. It In fact, the United States has already is a characterization which deserves our made a direct contribution to the politi- condemnation. The American public cal process in Nicaragua - enforcing always opposed the contra war, and the an embargo which has crippled the same opposition should hinder new at- Nicaraguan economy, and funding a tempts by the administration to under- war which has forced the Sandinista mine the success and support gained by government to divert resources from the revolutionary government in literacy, health and other social ser- Nicaragua. Opinion Page Letter Policy class - from the media, from intellectual concern, or more generally, form the mind of the American middle class... In academia, the decline of the working class has been, if anything, even more complete. As a friend explained to me, -peaking of his academic colleagues, "class is out of style." In their rush to shake off Marxist orthodoxy, many aca- demic intellectuals have simply dropped class as a relevant category. Gender is still of some interest, though I must admit it is I LUtters to themedmitoer .... . . . . . . . Y ,# , Domino's Boycott justified To the Daily: I'm writing in response to the letter (Brian Cook, et al 9/15/89) regarding the Domino's boycott. Cook al- leges that my opinion piece (9/7/89), which outlined rea- sons for the boycott, was fac- tually inaccurate. Unfor- tunately, he failed to mention specific points of error, probably indicating that he himself is not familiar with the issues. There is one point to which I will respond. Cook claims that Tom Monaghan has a right to spend his money however he chooses. That is not what is at issue in a boycott. Boycotts have traditionally been a form of consumer power and grass- corporate giants conduct busi- ness. In this case, however, it's refreshing to see the impact the boycott has had. Only two short months after the Coalition to Boycott Domino's Pizza launched its boycott, franchise owners are reporting a drop in sales and Monaghan has announced plans to sell (due in part to pressure brought on by the franchisees, whom his views are hurting). This ought to send a message to whomever buys Domino's pizza. The boycott will con- tinue until we see a marked change in the use of Domino's profits. -Phillis Engelbert September 17- Get the facts, take MD ,I 1 lion acres will be razed." According to records compiled by the U.S. Forest Service, there are only 482.5 million acres of commercial forest land in the entire U.S. and only 70 million acres in the Pacific Coast, not all of which is rain- forest and about half of which is owned by the federal gov- ernment. Mark Hatfield is in- deed a powerful senator if he can open up 1.2. billion acres of rainforest when only a frac- tion of that actually exists. I suspect much of the rest of the article was inaccurate, though not to the degree as noted in this example. For students interested in learning more about the forest management situation in the United States, I invite them to sign up for Natural Resources 452, which I will be teaching next semester. We will address both environmentalist and util- itarian views of forest man- day," certainly got the facq mixed up. You were doing fine,* until paragraph two on pa e-' two. Unfortunately, all of tie' figures and issues you cited are not the ones affecting ,ha4 UMPNC negotiations with the University Hospital. Instea4l they are the issues that th house officers (the interns, row idents, etc.) are trying to neo- tiate. The union representing, 7 the house officers opened talks; with the University on- September 14; the UMPN(,C representing the registered: nurses, resumed their talks: with the University n September 15. The UMPNC is made up Af over 1300 RNs, and evod.; though overtime is one of tfee; main issues facing boDh.g unions, it is the house offices who want the cap of an - hour work week and 24 hu -1 days. The registered nurses dq I