A look ahead to the Wolverines'
quest for the national championship
able igan BaIly
Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 7 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, September 15, 1989 Tr. MOIMl
by Noah Finkel and
Kristine LaLonde
Daily Administration Writers
ts to review policy
Narrowed anti-discrimination
policy may go into effect today
Themuch-debated University
policy that punishes students for
discrimination and harassment may
go into effect once again.
Though a federal court struck
down many parts of the original
policy - first passed in April, 1988
- the University's Board of Regents
is scheduled to consider a heavily re-
vised version of the policy at its
meeting this morning.
The proposed policy, written by
administrators in the Office of the
President and submitted to the re-
gents yesterday for review, is less
vague and broad than the first ver-
While the original policy in-
cluded provisions to curb racial or
sexual slurs directed toward entire
groups of people, the new draft only
covers such epithets if they are di-
rected at individuals.
University General Counsel Elsa
Kircher Cole, who helped write the
new policy draft, said, "The differ-
ence in this policy is that we are fo-
cusing right now on injury directed
at a person with the purpose of
harming an individual, as opposed to
aimed at a group with no intent to
The original policy was struck
down as unconstitutionally vague
and overbroad in Federal District
Court on Aug. 25. Judge Avern
Cohn ruled that the portion of the
policy prohibiting verbal conduct
that victimizes of stigmatizes an in-
dividual in an academic setting
violated the First amendment.
The interim policy provides for a
General Counsel review of all com-
plaints to "guarantee that first
amendment protections are ob-
The regents' decision today is
partly dependent on the delivery of
Judge Cohn's written opinion. Pres-
ident James Duderstadt said the Uni-
versity cannot implement an interim
policy until it knows exactly which
aspects of the old policy the Court
found unconstitutional. The written
opinion will detail the judge's orders
previously indicated in his oral
Colesaid she hoped the opinion
would arrive late yesterday or early
this morning so copies could be put
in the regents' hands prior to the
discussion on the interim policy.
The proposed interim policy
contains similar informal and formal
mechanisms for resolution of com-
plaints. Sanctions range from formal
reprimand to community service to
The interim policy will be up for
revision on Dec. 31, the same date
of revision for the original policy.
Cole stressed that the University
sees the interim policy as a starting
See POLICY, page 2
Anti-Discrimination Policies:
then... and now?
According to the old Policy on Discrmination and Discriminatory Har-
assment, students could be punished for acts such as these:
A flyer containing racist threats is distributed in a residence hall.
A male student makes remarks in class like, "Women just aren't as
good in this field as men," thus creating a hostile learning atmos-
phere for female classmates.
Male students leave pornographic pictures and jokes on the desk
of a female graduate student.
Students in a residence hall have a floor party and invite everyone
on their floor except one person because they think she might be a
The proposed interim policy is less broad. According to the draft,
many acts punishable in the original policy would go unpunished
under the interim policy:
A student states in class that the average size of craniums of each
race is related the average intelligence of that race. A student in the
class files a complaint. There is no violation of the Policy because,
although the remarks refer to race, they were not slurs , invectives,
epithets, or utterances directed with intent to injure any individual
student and were made as part of a classroom discussion.
A student during a class discussion states that the Holocaust was
a good thing because it destroyed members of an inferior religion. A
Jewish student in the class files a complaint. Even though the remark
may have been intended to upset Jewish members of the class, it is
protected under the Policy because it was made during a discussion
of ideas.
A student tells an ethnic joke in class, not related to the class
discussion. A complaint is filed, but there is no violation of the
Policy. Although the joke is not part of an exchange of ideas, it is not
directed towards any individual with the purpose of injuring that
person. -Noah Finkel
Daily Fil Photo
Michigan Head Coach Bo Schembechler consoles Lou Holtz, after the
Wolverines spoiled Holtz's Notre Dame coaching debut in 1986. The 24-23
Michigan win marked the last time Michigan has won in the series..
By Steve Blonder
Daily Sports Editor
vs. No. 2
When Michigan and Notre
Dame line up for tomorrow's
opening kickoff, it won't matter
that No. 1 is out there against No.
2. At least not to the players.
"People are saying it's for the
National Championship, but it's
just us and Notre Dame," said
Michigan quarterback Michael
In spite of all the media hype
promoting the matchup as "The
Game," Notre Dame coach Lou
Holtz put the game into a vastly
different perspective.
"This is a big game because
we're playing Michigan. But it's
not a matter of life or death. it's
not-going to be their last game
and it's not going to be mine.
There are a lot of things much
more important."
The Michigan-Notre Dame
series is steeped in tradition be-
ginning way back in 1887 when
the Wolverines handed the
Fighting Irish an 8-0 defeat. The
luck of the Irish took eight more
years to take root in Ann Arbor.
During the series, playing at
home has not been an advantage as
the visiting team has won in ten
of the previous twenty meetings.
'U' to spend $592
million this year
Co untdo wn
Nurses to
by Donna Woodwell
#1 Notre Dame v. #2 Michigan
Not so last year, when the Irish
won even though the Michigan de-
fense held Notre Dame out of the
end zone.
No team has ever beaten a Bo
Schembechler-coached Michigan
squad three consecutive times and
the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame
are vying to do that. The defending
National Champions beat the
Wolverines 26-7 two years ago.
For starters, the Irish come to
town sporting the odds-on favorite
for the Heisman Trophy in quar-
terback Tony Rice. The senior,
who has led Notre Dame to 13
straight victories, seemingly has
no weaknesses and could cause fits
for Wolverine defenders.
When asked what Michigan has
See IRISH, page 12
by Noah Finkel
Daily Administration Writer
The University will spend more
than $592 million during the next
fiscal year on its three campuses,
according to the University's 1989-
90 budget presented at yesterday's
Board of Regents meeting.
That figure represents an increase
of more than 8 percent from last
year's total expenditures.
According to the budget report,
revenues for the fiscal year will total
almost $593 million.
Vice President and Chief Finan-
cial Officer Farris Womack told the
regents the report "warms my heart,"
because it declares the University
But other administrators and
many regents expressed concern be-
cause state funding has not increased
rapidly in recent years. Many school
officials contend the University has
had to make up for the difference by
increasing student tuition and fees.
Next fiscal year represents the
first time this decade that the Univer-
sity will gain almost as much reve-
nue from students as from state tax-
State appropriations accounted for
36.8 percent of the University's
revenue in the 1979-80 fiscal year,
but for less than 30 percent this
Consequently, student tuition and
fees account for 28 percent this year,
while it accounted for only 20.2
percent in 1979-80.
"What the state doesn't give us,
we have to make up elsewhere,"
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor)
The report showed that over the
decade, state appropriations have
grown only one percent in real
terms, while student tuition and fees
have risen steadily each year.
Some regents were concerned
about the steady rise in the Univer-
sity's general fund expenditures.
For example, LSA spent less
than $80 million last year, but has a
budget this year of more than $100
Deane Baker... wants
more money from the state
"If the name of the game is
controlling expenditures, we're los-
ing the game," said Regent Philip
Power (D-Ann Arbor).
But Provost and Vice President
for Academic Affairs Charles Vest
noted that unusually large jumps in
spending, such as the one in LSA,
are due to the transfer of staff
benefits expenditures into the general
After more than a month away
from the bargaining table, the
University nurses' union will meet
today with University Hospital
officials to iron out contract issues.
The nurses went on strike for
about a month this summer. A judge
ordered the nurses back to work in
August and they are currently
working regular hours.
Deborah Stoll, spokesperson for
the University of Michigan
Professional Nurse Council, said she
hoped "communications will be
better as we work through some of
the issues which we are fairly close
to resolving."
Stoll added that today's
negotiations "are not expected to
settle the contract."
See NURSES, page 2
De Klerk elected South African
president, protests continue
CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) - National
Party leader F.W. de Klerk was elected yesterday to a
five-year term as president and was criticized
immediately by conservative opponents for allowing a
protest that drew an estimated 20,000 people.
Police allowed two smaller protests to go on yes-
terday, even giving flowers to leaders of one march.
Anti-apartheid leaders announced plans for more activ-
ity today.
The Electoral College, dominated by Parliament
members of the National Party, cast a unanimous vote
for de Klerk, one day after the march in Cape Town. It
was the largest legal protest march in South Africa's
1 history..
As de Klerk addressed the Electoral College, anti-
apartheid organizations announced thatmore
demonstrations and marches were planned in Pretoria
and Johannesburg today.
De Klerk, 53, has been acting president since Aug.
15, a day after he and other Cabinet ministers pressured
Botha to resign after 11 years in power. De Klerk is to
be inaugurated Wednesday in a Pretoria church.
De Klerk, whose party was elected by white voters,
declared himself the leader of all South Africans, "not
only those represented in Parliament."
"Our goal is that all South Africans, in a just and
equitable manner, become part of the decision-making
nrocesses of South Africa." de Klerk said.