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September 14, 1989 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-09-14

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Thursday, September 14, 1989-- The Michigan Daily - Page 11



Since 1978, Michigan and Notre Dame began meeting early in their
respective seasons. Year after year fans pack the stadiums in Ann Arbor
and South Bend to watch the Wolverines and Irish do battle in what has
become one of the games' finest rivalries. This Saturday's game will not
be the first time the top ranking in the country is on the line, but the
rankings only help to fuel the fire in this rivalry. In the past eleven years
Michigan and Notre Dame have hooked up in some memorable battles.
This year looks to be no different. Daily Contributors John Niyo and
David Chilingirian review these most recent chapters in the ongoing duel
between the Wolverines and Irish.


which sputtered throughout the
evening, managed just 45 yards
rushing and did not convert a single
third down the entire evening.
Anthony Carter returned a punt 72
yards for the Wolverine's first score,
and quarterback Steve Smith hit
Rick Rogers for a 39 yard TD strike.
Notre Dame fullback Larry Moriarty
paced the Irish ground attack with
116 yards.
Michigan 20, Notre Dame 12
September 14, 1985 at Ann Arbor
Michigan rebounded from a
mediocre 6-6 1984 campaign by
stifling Notre Dame 20-12 in the
season opener. The defense
suffocated the Irish attack, allowing

only four field goals while holding
their superstar tailback Allen Pinkett
to only 89 yards rushing.
Offensively, Michigan sophomore
tailback Jamie Morris piled up 121
yards rushing. Another sophomore,
quarterback Jim Harbaugh, passed for
74 yards and rushed for 68 yards and
a touchdown.
Michigan 24, Notre Dame 23
September 13, 1986 at South
Despite a Notre Dame offense
which fired on all cylinders, the
Wolverines won their season opener
24-23, spoiling the coaching debut
of Lou Holtz. The Irish tallied 455
yards, but four turnovers and a

missed field goal by John Carney
with 17 seconds left crushed the
Irish's hopes of victory. Jamie
Morris scored all three Michigan
TDs, and Jim Harbaugh completed
15 of 23 passes for 239 yards to lead
the Wolverines.
Notre Dame 26, Michigan 7
September 12, 1987 at Ann Arbor
Michigan fumbled away the 1987
contest between these two teams,
26-7. Bo Schembechler lost his first
home opener ever, courtesy of seven
Wolverine turnovers. Ninth-ranked
Notre Dame had no trouble
capitalizing, scoring 23 of the 26,
points directly following Michigan

Leading the way for the Irish was
senior quarterback, Terry Andrysiak.
Starting in only his third game ever,
Andrysiak completed 11-15 passes
for 137 yards. Among them was a
spectacular 11-yard grab by 1988
Heisman Trophy winner, Tin
Brown, then a junior.
Notre Dame 19, Michigan 17
September 10, 1988 at So6th
Mike Gillette missed a 48 yard
field goal as time expired and the
Wolverines lost a heart-stopper jo
the Irish 19-17. Irish placekicker
Reggie Ho, who had never attempted
a field goal in a college gapin,
booted four field goals, including a
26 yarder with 1:13 remainrig.

Michigan 28, Notre Dame 14
September 23, 1978 at South
Bend, Indiana
In the first meeting between the
Irish and the Blue since 1943, the
*;Wolverines rallied from a 14-7
halftime deficit to whip Notre Dame
28-14. After Michigan's Curtis
Greer recovered a Vegas Ferguson
fumble early in the third quarter, the
Wolverines drove 71 yards and tied
the score on a five yard pass from
Rick Leach to Doug Marsh. Leach,
who did not practice Tuesday or
Wednesday of that week due to an
ankle injury, rallied from a shaky
first half to complete 5 of 6 passes
in the second half, 3 for touchdowns.
Notre Dame 12, Michigan 10
September 15, 1979 at Ann
Arbor, Michigan
September 15, 1979, was a
depressing day for Michigan fans. In
a nationally televised game, Notre
Dame pulled out a 12-10 win over
the Wolverines in Ann Arbor.
Michigan's victory hopes were
dashed as senior placekicker, Brian
Virgil's 42 yard field goal attempt
-was blocked by a relatively unknown
player named Bob Crable. Crable
would go on to become an All-
American and then an All-Pro in the
Michigan actually outplayed
-Notre Dame, outgaining the Irish
306-179 yards and 16-7 in first
' -downs. However the foot of Chuck
Male was enough to overcome these
deficits. Male tied a school record
when he kicked four field goals to
provide the winning margin.
-Notre Dame 29, Michigan 27
September 20, 1980 at South
Irish placekicker Harry Oliver, a
replacement for injured starter Steve
Circhy, booted a 51 yard field goal

as time expired to give Notre Dame
a thrilling 29-27 victory over
Michigan. Michigan quarterback
John Wangler, who replaced Rich
Hewlett in the second quarter hit
Craig Dunaway with a four yard pass
with less than a minute to go to
give the Blue a 27-26 edge. Notre
Dame's Blair Kiel, however,
marched the Irish down the field in
the last 41 seconds, and Oliver
completed the miracle comeback.
Stanley Edwards led the Wolverines'
rushing attack with 90 yards on 12
rushes, while Butch Woolfolk tallied
72 yards on 9 caries. Wangler
finished his superb afternoon with
11 completions in 19 attempts and 3
Michigan 25, Notre Dame 7
September 20, 1981 at Ann Arbor
Having dropped the first game of
the season to Wisconsin, Michigan
avoided an 0-2 start by whipping #1
ranked Notre Dame, 25-7. Junior
Anthony Carter stole the show
catching two touchdowns passes
from Steve Smith including a 71-
yarder, the fourth-longest in school
history, early in the second quarter.
Butch Woolfolk contributed
offensively as well, running for 139
yards on only 23 carries. But the
"ABC Star-of-the-Game" was
sophomore linebacker Mick Boren,
whose aggressive style of play
produced a team-high ten tackles.
Notre Dame 23, Michigan 17
September 18, 1982 at South
In the first ever night game at
Notre Dame, the Irish's Dave
Duerson stripped Michigan wide
receiver Vince Bean at the Irish's 30-
yard line with 2:08 remaining to
preserve Notre Dame's 23-17
triumph. The Michigan offense,



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