The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 14, 1989-Page 5 Court rules against slander suit in rape case LANSING (AP) - Malice did not prompt a college student to ac- cuse a man of sexual assault, so he cannot sue her for slander, the Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled. In a ruling released yesterday, the appeals court said the man had not shown the assault charge was pro- voked by actual malice on the part of the woman and a sexual assault counselor, who was also named as a defendant. It upheld a ruling by Washtenaw County Circuit Judge Edward Deake, who dismissed the lawsuit filed by Thomas Rosenboom. The case was similar to another in which a University of Michigan engineering student sued a woman who had accused him of rape. That case led to predictions that rape vic- tims would be fearful of lodging complaints against their attackers. It also led to the introduction of legislation to strengthen Michigan's rape shield law. The proposed law would prohibit defendants from fil- ing civil lawsuits against their ac- cusers until a criminal trial is con- cluded. The legislation is pending com- mittee. The case filed by Rosenboom ac- she signed a criminal complaint identifying Rosenboom as her at- tacker. He was charged with fourth-de- gree criminal sexual conduct. On Oct. 20, 1987, Rosenboom filed his lawsuit against the women. He later sought an injunction to pre- The appeals court said the man had not shown the assault charge was provoked by actual malice on the part of the woman. cused the woman and her counselor of slander and intentional infliction of emotional distress. According to the appeals court ruling, the woman was assaulted outside her university residence on Sept. 12, 1987. Later that month, vent them from "harassing" his su- pervisor by asking him what he was going to do about Rosenboom. On Feb. 1, 1988, the case against him was dismissed. The women then sought dismissal of Rosenboom's lawsuit against them Assmclatd Pr*" Soviet cracks Liberty Bell Former Soviet Politboro member Boris Yeltsin, right, touches the historic Liberty Bell yesterday following an address to the World Affairs Council in Philadelphia. Ok, so maybe it was cracked already. Koch loses primary ;0 Democrats fill vacated House seats Associated Press New York City Democrats preached unity yesterday, the day after David Dinkins wrested the party's mantle from Mayor Edward Koch and thrust himself into a November general election race with Republican Rudolph Giuliani. There was no such consensus in Detroit, where Mayor Coleman Young faces oppo- sition from fellow Democrat Tom Barrow in November. But Young, who led a field of 13 candidates in Tuesday's non-partisan primary, remains an overwhelming favorite to win an unprecedented fifth term. House Democrats savored twin victories in Texas and California, where former House Speaker Jim Wright and Majority Whip Tony Coelho were able to boost Democrats into seats the leaders abandoned when they became targets of ethics investi- gations. In New York, Koch and two lesser- known Democratic candidates appeared with Dinkins at a City Hall rally and pledged to support him in November. Dinkins, the Manhattan borough presi- dent, beat Koch by a 51-to-42 percent mar- gin, a surprisingly large victory that ended Koch's dream of winning a record fourth term. "Yesterday, we were rivals," said Dinkins, who could become New York's first Black mayor. "Today, we're allies united against common foes. Those foes are crime and drugs, poverty and pollution, il- literacy and infant mortality." He might have added Giuliani to the list. The former mob-busting federal prosecutor trounced cosmetics heir Ronald Lauder in the GOP primary and immediately became the most seriously regarded Republican candidate for mayor since former Mayor John Lindsay. Giuliani beat Lauder by a 67-to-33 per- cent margin, even though Lauder spent an estimated $13 million - about $350 per vote - in a media-intensive, sharply nega- tive campaign. Giuliani went on the attack yesterday, saying he would be "much tougher on crime, much tougher on corruption, much tougher on drugs" than Dinkins. But Dinkins had sent a signal Tuesday night that he intends to go toe-to-toe with Giuliani on law-and-order issues. Sigma Nu Fraternity We'd like to invite all interested men to rush. Sun. 17th thru Thurs. 21st. Uno's Pizza on Sunday. 700 Oxford Dr. SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS WHO NEED IMONEY FOR COLLEGE Every Student is Eligible for Some Type of f Financial Aid Regardless of Grades or Parental Income. 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