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September 13, 1989 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1989-09-13

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Cutting of
*cables leads
to dark Diag
by Gil Renberg
Daily Staff Writer
For the last two weeks, most of the street lights in
the area of Angell Hall and the Diag were dark, causing
concern among students that they might meet with ac-
cidents, be mugged or even attacked. But last night
nmost of the lights finally came back on.
"You're always concerned at night... [Having the.
lights out] just makes it worse," said a female
University senior who wished to remain anonymous.
"It's definitely bad that they don't have the lights,"
said a University junior who also wished to remain
anonymous. She added that darkness would not stop
her from walking around the campus.
The failing lights can be traced to the construction
*on campus, including the work on the new Chemistry
The problem is the fault of the contractors who
have been working at different construction sites on
campus, said Jim Almashy, the General Foreman of
the University's "Electric Shop." The shop is the de-
partment which takes care of the installation and main-
tenance of all electrical equipment on campus.
Almashy said workers cut underground electric ca-
bles while digging. Contractors are supposed to notify
Detroit Edison, the local power company, whenever
*this happens, said Almashy, but sometimes they are
unaware they have cut through a cable. The cables
were not protected by conduits.
"It's very easy to do damage," Almashy said.
For the past few days, Detroit Edison crews have
been working to repair the damage. Their progress was
slowed, however, since they had to dig deep to find the
cables, many of which are under sidewalks or other ob-
stacles. The contractors responsible for tle damage are
expected to pay the repair costs.
Julie Steiner, director of the Sexual Assault.
; evention and Awareness Center, was concerned that
having no lights in some areas may be dangerous to
Although Steiner expressed concern about night-
time attacks in the affected areas, she said most sexual
assaults which occur on campus are "acquaintance
Patrols in the affected areas were increased while the
power failure lasted, said Sgt. Vern Baisden of the
Department of Public Safety's Crime Prevention and
OCommunity Relations Unit
Both Steiner and Baisden said they were unaware of
an increase in crimes due to the darkened street lights.
However, they both urged students to report extin-
guished street lamps to the Department of Public

-Wednesday, September 13, 1989- The Michigan Daily - Page 3






Eight ball
Tom Cruise look-alike Jerry Linville lines up a shot in the Michigan Union Pool Room.

by Noah Finkel
Daily Staff Writer
Two University administrators gave a pep talk td
about 125 minority engineering students last night at
the Society of Minority Egineering Students kickoff
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Charles Vest and Vice Provost for Minority Affair'
Charles Moody talked to the students about opportuni
ties at the University and in engineering.
SMES, in existence since 1974, is a support group
for minority engineering students and provides service's
such as assistance in job searching, tutoring, social ac-.
tivities, and recruitment (n inority high school stu-
dents for the College of Engineering.
Vest, a former dean of the College of Engineering,
called SMES members "the most gung-ho, best moti-
vated students I've had the chance to interact with."
Vest tried to boost the Engineering students'
morale by stressing their importance to society. He'
said engineers have an important role to play in allevi-
ating world-wide problems such as the energy crisis.
and global warming, and a leading role to play in the
verification of arms control treaties.
He also stressed the role the students will play in
the U.S. economy as engineers. "We have to have
people out there producing things and creating new
things in addition to those shuffling papers," he said.
Moody urged the students to get involved in
SMES, which he said can fill a void in areas such as,
academics, extracurricular activities, and in job place-
ment. He said there is a need for SMES because "thee
University isn't doing everything."
He told the students to take pride in SMES. "Never.
apologize for having this organization or for being a.
member of it," Moody said. "It's a poor dog whd
won't wag his own tail."
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by Steven Feldman
Daily Contributor
Michigan. Notre Dame. The Big
Game. Had enough yet? For many
first-year students, the pomp and cir-
cumstance of a football Saturday in
Ann Arbor will be a new experience.
Many simply can't wait. Others can.
"It's going to be great, because
it's such a huge game," said Jeff
Handler, a first-year student from
New Jersey. "I've heard that the
games are really jam-packed with
fans and are really exciting,"
Handler said he knows what to
expect because he has seen the New
York Giants play football before.
But Giants Stadium holds about



75,000 fans, as opposed to Michigan
Stadium's 101,000-plus.
"I think that we'll be much more
enthusiastic (than pro football
fans)," Handler said. "This is our
school that we're rooting for."
Joy Kirchgatter, a first-year stu-
dent from Canton, Mich., hates
Notre Dame with a passion.
"We're really out for blood," she
said. "They cost us the champi-
onship last year, along with Miami
and the tie with Iowa." When asked
if she would sell her ticket to a high
bidder, Kirchgatter said, "Notre
Dame? No way! Football is such a
big part of the campus, I don't see
how anyone couldn't get into this."

)Otb all
Although there will be many
grid-iron fanatics on hand Saturday,
some first-year students see the game
as more of a social happening than a
battle for a #1 ranking.
Kevin Schnall, from Freemont,
Mich., said, "There's nowhere else
where you can have a party with a
crowd of 106,000."
Matt Walsh, a first-year student
from Troy, said, "Even if people
don't like football, a lot of them are
going to be there."
Some, however, will not be at-
tending the party. Some couldn't get
tickets, some have prior engage-
ments, and some just don't care
See FOOTBALL, Page 5

House considers flag-burning statute

House moved yesterday toward
approval of legislation to restore
criminal penalties for flag burning,
seeking to overcome an unpopular
Supreme Court decision.
House action in the form of a
statute appeared likely after Speaker
Thomas S. Foley promised a vote
later on a constitutional amendment,
the remedy demanded by President
*$ush and many congressional
Republicans to undo the court's
ruling that flag burning could be a
protected form of free speech.
Continued from Page 1
yestigation would proceed and could
set no timetable on how soon the
inquiry would be completed.
"Our goal is to proceed as soon as
possible and to be as thorough as
possible," he said.
Williams said he wanted the inves-
tigation handled responsibly and will
Leave it to the committee to get to
the bottom of the accusations. He
added that previous administrations
bypassed the assembly by conduc-

"I remain opposed... and I think
the leadership is opposed to a
constitutional amendment," said
Foley, D-Wash., calling such action
However, he said he had assured
those seeking an amendment they
would get their vote, and he denied
that that marked a political setback.
He suggested he would work to keep
the amendment from getting the
two-thirds vote needed for passage.
Some seeking an amendment
softened their opposition to the
statute, once assured that the
tion investigations before telling
"We're starting this from square
one," he said.
Williams said only after the com-
mittee had presented its findings
would MSA consider possible
courses of action. Sanctions could
include taking the student to court or
to the Central Student Judiciary.
Committee members who were
chosen by lot included Rackham
Rep. Corey Dolgan, Pharmacy Rep.
Lynn Meyer, and LSA Reps. Jeff
Leach and Cathy Stone.

Democratic leadership would not use
it to block their alternative.
Rep. Sonny Montgomery, D-
Miss., chairman of the House
Veterans Committee and co-sponsor
of Bush's amendment, stood up in
the House and announced he would
vote for the statute.
"I still have doubts that we can do
the job by statute, but this is a step
in the right direction," he said.
At the White House, spokesperson
Marlin Fitzwater said, "We believe
that this bill is insufficient to
provide the protections that we seek,

and therefore continue to press for a
constitutional amendment."
But he stopped short of any veto
threat, thus helping the; House
Democrats garner support for the
Conservative Republicans,
however, continued to accuse the
Democrats of trying to sidetrak the
constitutional amendment while
pushing a statute the GOP
lawmakers contend may still be

Become a

In yesterday's photo story concerning the protest at the Ann Arbor Federal
$uilding, the Daily inaccurately stated that the protestors wanted the
monkeys kept in the Delta Regional Primate Research Center in New
Orleans. The animal rights demonstrators wanted the animals removed from
the New Orleans Center.

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What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Show us your photos.
B&W darkroom experience necessary.
Come to the Student Publications Building,
420 Maynard at 7 p.mwon
Sunday, September 17.
Call David at 764-0552 or 764-0553 for more

State Sen. Lana Pollack,
College Democrats meeting,
Union Anderson Room D, 7
Gay and Lesbian ACOA. St.

Phi Alpha Delta, pre-law frater-
nity, Union Kuenzel Room, 9
Students of Objectivism,
Dominick's Restaurant, 812
Monroe St., 7:30 p.m.+
Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club,
CCRB Martial Arts Room, 8:30




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