OPINION tPage 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Tuesday, September 12, 1989 Police 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. C. NO. 1 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Teach sex education ;M ORE THAN one million U.S. teenagers become pregnant each year, and almost half of these choose abor- tion. Although the rate of teenage sexual activity is similar throughout the in- dustrialized world, the U.S. has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy. The U.S. has double the rate of England, nearlyttriple the rate of Sweden, and almost seven times the rate in the Netherlands. The cause of our higher rate of preg- nancy? Lack of sexuality and birth control information. The teens most likely to become pregnant are those from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, those who can least af- ford an unwanted child, those who are poor, those who live with one parent, or those who have low grades in school. Pregnancy rates among teens of color are twice those of white teens. One of every four Black children is born to a teen parent. Unfortunately, federal, state. and lo- -cal governments, bowing to the politi- cal pressure of an anti-choice minority, hesitate to increase sex education in the ,public school system. But how can anyone take seriously the irrational comments of anti-choice leaders like Jimmy Swaggart, who argues that "sex education in our public schools are ~promoting incest"? Or the anti-feminist Phyllis Schlafly, who believes that :"sex education classes are like in-home *sales parties for abortion." Reality proves that lack of birth con- trol information and sexuality education .will not keep teenagers from having ,sex. Instead, it will increase the likeli- hood of pregnancy among teenage women ignorant about their bodies and about reproduction. Comprehensive sex education pro- grams in the public school systems, beginning as early as first grade and continuing through twelfth, would re- duce teen pregnancy rates. Coupled with accessible, inexpensive or free birth control services, these programs Would provide teenage women the sex- Oaality and contraceptive information that they need to gain control over their reproductive lives. Of course, even when sex education Is well integrated into public school curricula, and when teenage women - and all women - have better birth control devices than the ones currently 0 available, people will make mistakes, contraception will fail, and abortion will still be necessary as an option. Today, twenty-five per cent of all U.S. abortions are performed on* teenage women. Approximately fifty to sixty per cent of these women confide in one or both parents. However, legis- lation in more than half of all states mandates parental consent. A bill currently pending in the Michigan Senate (SB 513) requires such parental notification and consent from both parents before abortion can be performed on "unemancipated mi- nors" - women under eighteen. Co- sponsored by Republicans Jack Welborn of Kalamazoo and Frederick Dillingham of Fowlerville, this bill is one of four anti-choice resolutions facing the State legislature this session. The most damaging of these include Senate Joint Resolution H which, if passed, would prohibit abortion cov- erage to all state employees, and Senate Bill 515, which attempts to amend the "social welfare act," such that no public funds could be used for either abortion or abortion counseling. Nationally, seventy-five per cent of the U.S. public wrongly supports parental consent laws - "squeal rules." This support is based on skewed perceptions: either that parents possess the right to control their chil- drens' lives or that all parents will un- derstand and help. But reality does not work this way. Teenage women who do not confide in their parents usually have good reasons for keeping their decision secret. These range from fear of parental rejection to an abusive parental situation which may involve incest. The solution to teen pregnancy is not to further restrict the information and choices available to young women. Teenage women - like all women - must have the education and counseling they need to choose contraception be- fore intercourse and pregnancy, and to choose abortion when this choice is necessary and wanted. Providing comprehensive sex educa- tion and birth control clinics in schools is an important step forward in the struggle for women's liberation. While reproductive control is certainly not all that wohmen need, without it, women's very lives, not to mention their social and economic status, remain in jeop- ardy. By Sharon P. Holland On Saturday, September 2I was arrested by the Ann Arbor Police only one block away from my apartment. I remember pulling out of my driveway and noticing that the police were stopped on the corner near my house. It did occur to me at the time that I should wait until they passed, but I decided to ignore their power game. Seconds after pulling out of my driveway they pulled me over because the car I was driving had expired plates. I was driving a friend's car for the weekend. While they checked the registration one police person asked for my driver's license and checked it with a flashlight a few times to verify that I wasn't giving him a fake I.D. They also kept the spotlight of their car glaring into the back of my head throughout the check. I was angered that a car I had driven for only 24 hours had had expired plates for a month and the police hadn't found any rea- son to stop my friend. But on second thought it made perfect sense. My friend is a white man and I am a Black woman who looks about 16 years old, and I was driving after 11:00 p.m. on a Saturday night. After about 15 minutes one officer ap- proached my car with a flashlight and asked me to step away from the vehicle. He then moved me from my car to the po- lice car asking me if I knew that there was a warrant out for my arrest (I found out later that it was an overdue ticket). At that point he put me into the back of the po- lice car and shut the door. He then began to search my friend's car, checking under the seats, the glove compartment and the trunk. He came back to the police car with my purse and began to go through it. I asked the other officer what was going on. I said, "Isn't he supposed to tell me some- thing before he puts me in the back of a police car?" He said, "Yeah, you're under arrest." power At that point, the first officer held up a check from my wallet and said, "You've got a check here - do you have $55 dol- lars?" The other officer smirked. They were obviously having fun. I asked him what he was doing in my purse; he re- sponded that he could do it if he wanted. I then told him that the check was no good anymore, that's why it was folded in my wallet and not in my checkbooks with my other checks. I then asked them what would happen if I couldn't pay. They re- sponded that I'd be in County Jail until Tuesday morning since Monday was a hol- iday. I was speechless and I still didn't know exactly what the warrant was for. The Michigan Daily games were escorting me in the other officer said he would go upstairs and pull some strings so I wouldn't have to go to jail for the weekend. They came back and started to make conversation about my studies, etc. One officer even let me see the war- rant for my arrest. It was because of an overdue ticket on a motorcycle violation. I was so angry that I began to be treated like a human being only after they learned that I was a student that I started to cry si- lently right there. I was even more humils- iated. After about five minutes of pulling strings that were obviously short, they let me go on my own personal bond, with A 'I said, "Isn't he supposed to tell me something before he puts. me in the back of a police car?" He said, "Yeah, you're under, arrest."' Finally, the tow truck arrived and the police officers got in the car with me in the back, my purse in their possession and made a left turn into the police station (they arrested me across the street from City Hall). It was a ridiculous scene and I'm sure it was designed to intimidate and silence me. It wasn't until I was driven into the back of the Police Station that things changed. I was in a dark garage with room for only one police car. The doors were bolted in front and behind. I began to feel unsafe alone with these two white men. No one I knew knew where I was or what had happened to me. I was not given the option of a phone call. The officer asked me some more ques- tions. When he asked for my social secu- rity number, I told him that my University I.D. number was the same, just with an extra zero. His attitude changed immediately. One officer began to explain why they had searched my purse. As they words like, "good luck in school." The whole ordeal took about 45 min- utes, but everything I experienced points toward the blatant racism, sexism and class biases of the Ann Arbor Police Department. I have to wonder what would have happened if I had exercised my right to not get into the police car, if I hadn't been dressed for a party, if I were as young as I look, if; had forgotten my wallet at home or if IWeren't a University student.. Ironically, when my friends went to pick up their towed car, the officer at the lock-up asked them why it had been towed. They explained and the officer re- sponded, "That's unusual." But I don't think it is unusual. I was alone, I was Black and a woman, I was out after midnight in a car that wasn't mine, and I was subsequently arrested. There's nothing unusual about that kind of treat. ment anywhere in this country, and that includes Ann Arbor. Sharon P. Holland is a former Associate Opinion page editor. Stop rainforest slaughter By Laura Harger When rainforests are discussed, images of lush growth and a hot climate come to mind. Now close your eyes, and imagine this rainforest. It is cold and misty. Vast trees reach for the sky, some older than human memory. It is rich, ancient, and threatened. This forest is not located in Brazil or the Congo. It is an American rainforest. Temperate rainforests are the most di- verse forests in the cooler regions of the world. They are host to pine, hemlock, spruce, and magnificent giants like the redwood. Old-growth forests such as those found in the northwestern U.S. boast pines 1,000 years old. As in tropical rain- forests, animal life is very diverse, and many species remain undiscovered. Temperate forests, like tropical, play a key role in preventing the greenhouse warming of the planet. The two ecosystems are different in a community as a solution to the trade gap. Recently the cutting increased as a result of bidding wars over the forest by foreign companies. Before the forests are bought by someone else, American loggers rea- son, we will strip them of their most valuable products. Despite the fact that most U.S. rain- forests are in the national forest system, only about one-fifth of the forest is actu- ally off-limits to timbering. The rest, while presumably held in trust for the people of the U.S., is on the auction block. In violation of national law, the USFS sells off northwestern timber at 25 percent above the sustainable-yield level. "Smokey the Bear," states a recent New York Times article, "has become Smokey the Lumberjack." As in tropical forests, the logging ben- efits only a few. Logging jobs have dropped 20% in the past five years, as vir- gin forest become scarce and automated, large-scale logging becomes prevalent. In twenty years, there will be no American rainforests left. Against the enormous clout of the tim- ber industry, little action seems worth- while. Yet solutions remain possible. Bans on foreign companies' access to U.S forests are under consideration by Congress. Recently, the Tongass Timber Reform Act passed the House and is now awaiting Senate approval. The act sets aside 1.8 million acres of the Alaskan rainforest for preservation, ends two lum ber sales, and ends the USFS' annual for? est sales in the area. Currently, a battle is being waged be, tween loggers and environmentalists over the U.S. rainforests. Small victories, such as the short ban on some Northwesteri timbering on behalf of the endangered spotted owl, have been met with outrage by the timber companies. An amendment to the Fiscal 1990 Spending Bill for the Interior Department, written by Senator Mark Hatfield of Oregon, calls for the opening of 1.2 billion acres of Northwest forest to loggers, and forces environmental 4 groups into accepting his terms: if they do not give their stamp of approval, an addi tional 500 million acres will be razed. Is addition, the amendment prohibits envi ronmental groups from filing injunction$ to stop logging for the next two years The amendment is constitutionally quest tionable and is obvious extortion, yet the Appropriations Committee has passed it. Hatfield and the timber companies seen determined to continue their myopic pure suit of profits over the preservation of the U.S.'s richest ecosystems. It is ironic to note that the home of the U.S. national bird, the bald eagle, is being destroyed ii$ favor of that other U.S. symbol, the dollat sign. Facts on teen pregnancy . 40% of young Black women become pregnant at least once before the age of 20. " Of Black teens, 24.6 per 1,000 become pregnant. 21 % of these teens ha.e.abortions. * Black teen-agers tend to wait an average of 1 year between initiating sexual intercourse and first use of a prescription method of contracep- tion.> - 80% of teen pregnancies are unintended. - 80% of pregnant teenagers become high school dropouts. " Less than 10% of teenage mothers increase their annual earnings after age 16. - A recent study conducted at Attica State Prison in New York found that 90% of the inmates were born to teenage mothers. ' 50% of illegal abortion deaths were Black women in New York before the legalization of abortion. - In 1969,75% of the women who died from illegal abortions were women of color. - Over 60% of Blacks polled by the Washington Post support a woman's right to choose abortion. - 20% of all abortions in America were obtained by Black women, 10% by other women of color, while the majority 70% are obtained by white women. $ource: NationalBlack Women's Health Project on Teen-Aged Women 'Many of us think that Brazil's wholesale slaughter of the Amazon is shortsighted. Yet do we realize that the United States has been committing the same crime for decades?' multitude of ways, but focusing attention on the plight of temperate rainforests as well as tropical ones reminds Americans that responsibility for preservation starts in our own backyard. Many of us think that Brazil's wholesale slaughter of the Amazon is shortsighted. Yet do we realize that the United States has been commit- ting the same crime for decades? The belt of American rainforest is presently a tenth of its original size. While tropical forests often fall victim to peasants allowed no other source of farm- land, American forests are being razed mainly for timber. Much of the wood now cut is destined for Japan. Japanese timber sales are encouraged by the U. S. financial Despite timber companies' attempts to paint the issue as one of jobs versus trees, logging of the old-growth forests mainly benefits the company elite. When a tropical forest is stripped, per- manently barren earth is left behind. Temperate rainforests do regrow -- if left alone for centuries. The plantation-style forests logging companies put in as panaceas, however, are a one-species, bio- logical desert. In some areas, the devasta- tion is so complete that no forest will ever grow again. Temperate rainforest logging is an almost laughably short-sighted en- terprise: the conversion of an ecosystem centuries old into a few years' worth of profit. The result is a very simple bottom line. Laura Harger is a member of the Ani Arbor Rainforest Action Movement (RAM). The article is reprinted from the June edition of Tropical Echoes, the RAM newsletter. 0 k Opinion Page Letter Policy Due to the volume of mail the Daily cannot print all the let ters and columns it receives, although an effort is made to print the majority of material on a wide range of views. The Tbnily rnitt latfr anA n1u.. r a.. . :.. L.t.#- -: .: Daily ignores have not been able to understand the opinion staffers' fascination with Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Aren't thArA AthAr thingso eninw onin