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September 12, 1989 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-09-12

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Tuesday, September 12, 1989- The Michigan Daily - Page 3

Housing official

B lanchard



by Noelle Vance
Daily Staff Writer

Leroy Williams, the Unit
director of Housing Infor
continues to await a hearin
will determine if he must st
on charges involving posses;
distribution of heroin.
Williams was charged l
after a police raid on a Detroi
The charges were subseque
rhissed by 36th District (l
C (ourt Judge Rufus Griffin,
decision was appealed and
,now awaits reexaminati
Gdriffin. The case has not)y
placed on the dockest
The University sus
Williams without pay af
,charges were filed. After fir
tits own disciplinary heari
lPebruary that there were "no
substantiate that he was in
sion with intent to deliv
'University restored William
"I'm back to work and d

job," was Williams' only comment
on the situation.
versity's Though Williams may now have
mation, to stand trial, the University has de-
g which cided riot to renew his suspension.
and trial "We are allowing the due process
sion and system to take its course," said
Archie Andrews, associate director of
Student Housing and Williams' di-
last fall rect supervisor.
it house. Andrews said he did not know
ntly dis- what action the University would
Detroit) take if Williams was found guilty
but his after a reexamination of the case. "I
the case don't have that crystal ball that I can
ion by look ahead... and predict with any
et been degree of certainty as to what could
arise," he said.
pended If Williams were to be found
ter the guilty, he could face up to 20 years
nding in in prison.
ing last Williams' duties as a director of
facts to University Housing include: oversee-
posses- ing residence hall assignments and
er," the the Off-Campus Living at Michigan
s to his program, making recommendations
on housing policies, and reviewing
oing my the existing housing programs.

try to relax
abortion rules
Governor's announcement irks
state anti-abortion activists

Governor James Blanchard said yes-
terday that he will try to loosen re-
strictions on Medicaid-funded abor-
tions, irking anti-abortion groups
who say state voters have settled the
Blanchard said he will meet with
pro-choice lawmakers during the
next 10 days to discuss legislation
that would prevent the state from in-
terfering with any abortions.
"It's a very difficult issue of per-
sonal freedom," said Blanchard at a
news conference. "It's a tough issue.
When you advocate personal freedom
of choice, some people think you're
advocating abortion."
Barbara Listing, president of an
anti-abortion group Right to Life,
said she wasn't surprised by the gov-
ernors pro-choice statements.
Listing said the debate over
Medicaid abortions should be closed
since voters in November 1988 ap-
proved a ban on state-funded proce-
"We figure that after all these
years it was decided on by the peo-
ple," Listing said.
Listing said her group will con-
tinue to work with anti-abortion leg-
islators before they return to session
Sept. 20.

State Representative Maxine
Berman, D-Southfield, a pro-choice
advocate, said several bills are in the
works that coincide with Blanchard's
"I think he was simply reinforc-
ing the views," Berman said.
"Abortionvis going to be a very
dominating issue."
Judith Frey, president of
Michigan Republicans for Choice,
said she was encouraged by the
Governor's announcement.
'It's a tough issue. When
you advocate personal
freedom of choice, some
people think you're
advocating abortion'
-Governor James
"I think it was an extreme posi-
tion to eliminate rape and incest vic-
tims," said Frey. "These things
should be an exception."

Drexel to pay $650
.;million as penalty

NEW YORK (AP) - Drexel
Burnham Lambert Inc. closed a chap-
ter in the Wall Street corruption
Crackdown yesterday, pleading guilty
to six felonies and beginning the
payment of more than $650 million
;as punishment for unprecedented vio-
lations of securities laws.
The plea followed months of le-
gal wrangling over charged based
largely on information- from Ivan
Boesky, the imprisoned speculator
whose revelations about systematic
lawbreaking has stunned the finan-
cial world since his arrest nearly
three years ago.
"This terminates our investiga-
tion of Drexel as an entity,"
Manhatan U.S. Attorney Benito
Romano said. "Obviously their co-
operation will lead us in other direc-
:t ons. Wherever those leads take us,
we will go."
A lawyer for the New York in-
vestment firm, which grew from a

secondary brokerage to a major fi-
nancial powerhouse in the 1980s,
entered the guilty plea before the
U.S. District Judge Kimba M.
The plea had been expected since
Drexel and the government reached
an agreement on the charges in
January but had been delayed by
challenges brought by Drexel's in-
dicted bond trader Michael Milken.
Drexel pleaded guilty to four
counts of securities fraud and two of
mail fraud and agreed to pay a record
total of $650 million plus interest
and civil insider trading fines to re-
solve charges dating to 1984.
The total penalties against Drexel
amount to $673,237,260.28 More
than $500 million of the amount
was paid yesterday to various gov-
ernment agencies. Drexel admitted to
illegal stock transactions involving
the firm, Milken, Boesky, and the
defunct investment firm Princeton-
Newport Partners LP.

Monkey business
Milford resident Sunday Harvie carries a picket yesterday outside the
Ann Arbor Federal Building. About 30 people were urging that several
monkeys not be transferred from the Delta Regional Primate Research
Center in New Orleans. The demonstrators were concerned that the so-
called Silver Spring Monkeys would be turned over to another facility
which would perform painful experiments on the monkeys.


develops robots to test radioactivity

by Scott Roush
Daily Contributor
If you've ever had thoughts about
becoming a technician in a nuclear
power plant, but the thought of ac-
tually exposing yourself to harmful
radioactive chemicals scared you,
there's good news from the re-
searchers in the University's Nuclear
Engineering Department.
University researchers are cur-
rently working on a gamma radiation
camera which will be able to probe
through nuclear power plants and
other radioactive waste areas, thus

eliminating the need for technicians
to enter the plant in dangerous situa-
The cameras will be attached to
robots that will be capable of explor-
ing power plants and nuclear waste
dumps in order to locate radioactive
leaks and spills.
The program recently received a
financial boost from a three-year,
$491,000 grant from the U.S.
Department of Energy.
University Asst. Professor of
Nuclear Engineering David Wehe
said the camera will display radiation
it detects on a television screen out-

side the reactor. The technicians will
be able to pick out the radioactive
isotopes from the different colors
displayed on the screen.
Since gamma rays penetrate most
metals, the cameras will be able to
detect radiation without technicians
having to remove pipes or open
storage containers. The cameras will
never come into direct contact with
the radioactive materials, so workers
can handle the camera without the
danger of nuclear contamination.
"The camera will save money be-
cause in order to send a technician
in, the reactor must be shut down

and that can cost half million to a
million dollars a day," said Glenn
Knoll, chair of the University's
Department of Nuclear Engineering.
Knoll did not know the exact
cost of the camera, but did say it
should be fully operational in three
years. "A slow-moving prototype
has been successful with slightly ra-
dioactive materials," he said.
Wehe said the camera is designed
to withstand high amounts of radia-
tion as well as the high temperatures
and humidity found at nuclear power

FAA to order aging jets to make changes

Federal Aviation Administration will
order that aging McDonnell Douglas
jetliners undergo modifications to
continue flying after a set number of
landings, government and industry
*officials announced yesterday.
None of the work is urgent and
the airliners remain safe to fly, said
Clyde Kizer of the Air Transport
i4ssociation, which represents air-
lines and sets up a task force which
recommended the modifications. He
said no fare increases or service dis-
'ruptions were expected because of
the orders, with many airlines al-
ready completing the work.
Robert Aaronson, ATA president,

said the orders are not a result of the
July 19 crash of a United DC-10 in
Sioux City, Iowa, which killed 112
people. A separate industry-govern-
ment inquiry is being conducted into
the design of larger airliners, partly
as a result of that crash.
The aging airliner task force was
set up after an Aloha Airlines' 737
with nearly 90,000 flights lost an
18-foot section of fuselage in an
April 1988 flight over Hawaii. A
flight attendant was killed in the in-
A Federal Aviation
Administration official said the
agency will order various modifica-
tions to the fuselage, landing gear

and doors of 1,153 DC-10, DC-9,
DC-8, and MD80 jetliners used by
U.S. airlines as they age over the
next four years. Most foreign air-
lines, flying another 750 McDonnell
Douglas planes also are expected to
"Let me emphasize that the safety
record of commercial aircraft contin-
ues to be excellent," said Kizer at a
joint government-industry news con-
ference. He described the order as a
precautionary action to ensure that
the planes can continue to fly safely.
The recommendations, effective

in May, mark a major change in the
government's approach to aging air-
liners. Previously, the FAA required
periodic inspections with replace-
ment required only when corrosion,
cracking or other signs of metal fa-
tigue were found.
The FAA order will cover only
U.S. planes over the next four years,
with work required as each airliner
logs a set number of landings, and
would total $53 million, said Ray
Ramakis, assistant FAA director for
maintenance programs and flying
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The 1989-90 fiscal year budget for the University's Office of Minority
Affairs is $1,752,933. This information was incorrectly reported in
yesterday's Daily.
Theta Chi fraternity is not in the Fraternity Insurance Purchasing Group,
as reported in yesterday's Daily.

How is it pronounced

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What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Safewalk/Northwalk - Mass
Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Michigan
Union Kuenzel Room.
Palestine Solidarity Committee
- Mass Meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1209
Michigan Union.
Recycle UM - Introductory
meeting, 7:00 p.m., Michigan
Union Welker Room.
Society of Minority
Engineering Students - First
o :...- .An 1 -Cr ts.C'V

Spark Revolutionary History
Series - 7:00 p.m., 118 Modern
Languages Building. Topic:
"Socialism: Future or Fantasy."
Career Planning and Placement
- 4:10 p.m. Resume Lecture at
1018 Dow, North Campus. 4:10
p.m. On Campus Recruitment
Program Mass Meeting at Angell
Hall Aud. A. 7:00 p.m. lecture on
"Get Involved: The Secret of Your
Succes at ERt Ouad Mnher


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