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December 12, 1989 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-12-12

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Page 16- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, December 12, 1989

Continued from page 1
forth more memories than any other.
Forget USC/Notre Dame and USC/
UCLA. Sure, I'll remember those
series and the games I've witnessed
for a long time, but I'll never, ever
forget watching Rick Leach rally the
Wolverines in the 1979 Rose Bowl
only to lose to Charles White and
I hated the Trojans back then,
absolutely hated them.
New Year's Day memories from
the 1970s revolve around the two
Michigan-USC Rose Bowl games.
I would get up early and enjoy a
day of football, with the jewel in the
crown being the game in Pasadena.
Michigan's two losses to USC were
bitter, close defeats - defeats that
kept me in a child-like depression for
more than a little while.
By the time high school
graduation came around, I considered
heading to Ann Arbor for my next
four years of education. Michigan
offered a great mix of academics and
athletics - major criteria in choos-
ing the college I would attend.
I also looked into USC and found
that the two schools had a lot in
common, except for the weather.
I chose USC.
The sun shines 360 days out of
the year, we're 20 minutes from the
beach and able to watch football in
70 degree weather on Thanksgiving
in the most storied stadium in
America, Los Angeles Memorial
Coliseum. And I'm getting a pretty
good education as well.
Why doesn't everyone come here?
One reason might be that the
football team can't win the big
games. Nobody in my graduating
class wants to receive their diploma
knowing that USC went a combined
0-8 in Bowls and against Notre

So for those of you traveling to
Los Angeles for the game on
January 1, here's a brief guide as to
what to expect:
-First and foremost, it's USC or
'SC, not Southern Cal. Everyone
will know you're a tourist if you
call it Southern Cal. Nobody at
USC ever says that.
-Second, USC students, as a rule,
have an attitude problem. This stems
from two reasons. First is USC's
location. The campus is situated in
the southwestern region of L.A., a
couple miles south of downtown.
The second reason is that USC is
by and large a rich kid's school. It is
a rich private university that wealthy
Southern Californians routinely find
to be the proper choice for their
Mix that wealth with the
impoverished, graffiti-laden environ-
ment that surrounds campus and you
create an attitude.
This attitude transcends onto the
football field where, if you haven't
noticed, the Trojans have become a
finger pointing, showboating team
that Jimmy Johnson could be proud
In the stands Trojan fans, at least
students, have a different way of
cheering than the average Midwest-
erner. I always smile to myself when
my friends relate stories of how
rowdy everyone was in the previous
Saturday's student section. They've
never seen a game played in a Big
Ten stadium where students sneak in
At the Coliseum, you can get
handcuffed and kicked out if you hold
up a sign, so the crowd is under-
standably subdued.
College football really isn't the
same experience as it is in the
Midwest, but every USC fan would
like to believe that we do it best.
So, don't be surprised if you see
a USC student laughing at you for
painting your face maize and blue.
It's just that we don't see that in Los
Angeles too often.

Continued from page 1
'The Phantom Touchdown.'
Michigan fans everywhere kicked
their television sets in as NBC
showed instant replay after bloody
instant replay.
In 1970, Michigan coach Bo
Schembechler took his first squad
out to the Rose Bowl. Unfor-
tunately, he took his failing
cardiovascular system with him.
The fifth winningest coach of all-
time suffered a heart attack and
watched the Rose Bowl loss to
Southern California from his Craft-
Matic adjustable hospital bed. Before
his coronary, Schembechler saw his
top running back, Glenn Doughty,
injure his knee in preparation for the
Rose Bowl.
And those aren't half of
Schembechler's Rose Bowl losses.
He also lost the Big One in 1972,
1977 (his third Rose Bowl loss to
USC), 1978, 1983 and 1987.
Ah, but, you see, Michigan
doesn't lose the Big Ones anymore.
Only USC does. When Michigan
leaves the Rose Bowl turf with its
second straight Rose Bowl victory, a
feat never accomplished by a Big
Ten team, USC will have lost three
straight Granddaddys of Them All.
Now, Michigan fans will have a
tough time commiserating here as
they will point to the one-yard line
in the Rose Bowl. You know, the
same yard line where White's ball
rested after he fumbled it.
Plus, it's freezing in Ann Arbor.
We're sick and tired of Californians
around here complaining about the
weather. Either shiver and bear it or
go wax your skateboard.
But, Michigan fans are not all
bitter. Oh, no. Because way back
when, we did have trouble capturing
that elusive Rose Bowl victory.
In fact,Michigan just lovesto
play in the Rose Bowl. It used to be
a Wolverine graveyard filled with
fumbled footballs, but Michigan

can't wait to play another game
there. Just last September, Michigan
came back from eight points behind
with just four minutes left to beat
UCLA in the Rose Bowl.
Even the basketball team has
been getting into that winning
feeling around here. Under former
coach/frequent flier Bill Frieder,
Michigan could never get a 'W' in
the Big One. But, alas, things have
changed around these parts and the
Wolverines are National Champions
under Steve Fisher.
First a Rose Bowl win and then a
national basketball title, what next?
Well, the Associated Press poll took
care of Michigan's national football
title hopes last week when it popped
the idle Miami Hurricanes over the
equally idle Wolverines. Just a week
before that, idle Alabama jumped
over Michigan, just moments after
the Wolverines finished off Ohio
Boy, Miami could be the best
idle team in the history of college
football. And the way Alabama
executes sitting around on off days is
truly a mark of a great team. Maybe
Bo should have these guys work
harder on their couch potatoing.
Goddammit Taylor, hold the remote
control better than that or else
you' lifumble it!
So, if being No. 1 in football is
out of reach, what can Michigan do
to make up for it? How about
another Rose Bowl victory? That
would be nice.
Winning another Rose Bowl
would complete what all Michigan
fans have dreamed about: The
Wolverine Sandwich. Place two
Rose Bowl victories around a
basketball national title and you've
got the most delectible delicacy.
Certainly any Michigan fan would
eat it up.
So, all across campus, Michigan
students are taking out their Rose
Bowl menus and are ordering The
Wolverine Sandwich, (that's the No.
7 on Fridays).
With the way things have been
going around these parts, we can
start making that sandwich already.
On a silver platter.

Continued from page 1
Carrier hopes to prevent that. "To
stop him, you just got to have
eleven guys rally to him every
chance you get. Have eleven helmets
hit him everytime. He doesn't go
down easy, it's going to take a team
"We have nightmares of his
running through us, we are not
going to let him do that again this
And how will the Trojans do
"Tackle him," USC coach Larry
Smith said with a laugh. "Last year,
we didn't tackle him, we bounced off
him like he was a bulldozer. Our
guys were bouncing off him right
and left. He's built just like a
bulldozer. Some of our guys
couldn't get their arms around him
and we've got to be better tacklers,
that's the main thing."
Besides the defensive backfield,
the Trojans have All-American
defensive end Tim Ryan, and All-
Pac-10 performers defensive end Dan
Owens, and linebackers Junior Seau
and Scott Ross.
While Michigan can just wind up
Taylor, Hoard and Bunch and start
them running, USC (8-2-1) will
have to protect Marinovich, an
outstanding passing quarterback who
has been vulnerable to pressure this
season. To help their developing
star, the Trojans could diversify their
"(Marinovich) has gotten into
trouble when he's tried to force the
ball, like against UCLA, where he
threw three interceptions and against
Notre Dame, he threw three
interceptions," Smith said.
"I don't worry so much about
pressure. He is one of the keys to
offense, but he's not the only one.
The key thing is not to put him in a
position where he has to make all
the plays."
Schembechler concurs about
Marinovich: "He's had a year under
his belt and in a Bowl game, he'll be
a pretty poised guy."
Trying to get open for

Marinovich will be All-Pac-10
receiver John Jackson and All-Pac-0
tight end Scott Galbraith. But, no
matter how well Marinovich can
handle the pressure, Michigan's
defense will attack the USC field
"We've got to make him feel like
he can't set up back there and throw
the ball," Michigan linebacker J.J.
Grant said. "He can pick you apart,
but if we put pressure on him and
make him nervous, I think we'll
have a successful day."
Even if Michigan shuts off:
Marinovich, there are still other:
weapons in the USC offense, the
most notable of which is Trojan
tailback Ricky Ervins, who gained
1,269 yards this season. Fullback
Leroy Holt and backup tailback
Aaron Emanuel complement Ervins
in the backfield.
"We are going to use all the
backs in this game in order to keep
each back fresh," Ervins said.:
"Michigan has a great attack defense.
To take all that pounding, it going
to take a lot of backs to get in there
and mix it up a little bit."
That potential pounding has
Smith concerned as well.
"In their front seven, they are a
typical Michigan defense," Smith'
said. "They are not extremely big,
but they are physical and they run
very well. They've got the kind of
guys that can do it because of their
excellent quickness at linebacker and
defensive line. They don't
necessarily overpower people, but
they get around you. Last year,:
(defensive lineman Mark) Messner
was the guy we had to look out for.
This year, their defense is vastly
Smith feels Michigan's defensive
strength, like that of his own teamt
lies in the defensive backfield.
"Michigan's defense starts in the
secondary," Smith explained. "They
have great athletes back there in
(strong safety Tripp) Welborne and
(free safety Vada) Murray, all of:
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