Former Boeing employee Cconvicted WASHINGTON (AP) - A fed- eral court jury yesterday convicted a t former Boeing Co. marketing execu- tive on 39 counts arising from his possession of secret Pentagon budget documents. The 12-member jury in U.S. Dis- trict Court deliberated about two hours before returning the verdicts tagainst Richard Lee Fowler, who worked for Boeing from 1978 until he was fired in 1986. Fowler could be sentenced to 310 years in prison and fined $225,000 if the maximum penalties were im- posed. The counts with which he was charged included conspiracy, mail fraud and illegal conveyance of classified documents. Boeing has pleaded guilty to re- ceiving classified documents from Fowler and has agreed to pay fines of $5.2 million. In testimony this week, em- ployes of several defense contractors said they were part of a nine-com- pany network whose Washington representatives traded Pentagon bud- get documents in the late 1970's and early 1980's. Earlier, former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci and several generals testified that the documents clearly could not be given to contractors. The documents generally dealt with the Pentagon's procurement plans, sometimes for the next five years. Fowler's defense argued that he was singled out for prosecution be- cause he refused to tell where he got the documents. "There can be no doubt that Mr. Fowler not only joined the conspir- acy, but was the lynch-pin," assis- tant U.S. Attorney Randy Bellows said in closing arguments. The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 8, 1989 - Page 5 'U' study on Detroit race to be released today by Liz Paige The results of a 16-month study of racial and class differences in the Detroit tri-county area will be pre- sented tomorrow by the University's Detroit Area Study and the Research Program on Race and American Pol- itics. The conference, titled "Separate and Unequal: The Racial Divide, Strategies for Reducing Political and Economic Inequalities in the Detroit Area," will be held in the Rackham Memorial Building, in Detroit from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Political Science Prof. Steven Rosenstone, the program's director, said the project is intended to deter- mine how racial, class, and ethnic disparities affect political participa- tion in Detroit and to identify strate- gies to reduce such inequalities. "Several things are important about this study," said Rackham graduate student Cathy Cohen, a re- searcher in the study. "First of all, one-quarter of the graduate students participating in this research are stu- dents of color." "Secondly, it was very important to the students of color to develop a project that would not be exploita- tive of our communities, but rather to do research that would be rooted in and empower our communities," she said. The study is based on results of 916 interviews, over half of those interviewed were Black. "You never get- that many Blacks in any survey," said Cohen. The conference will consist of three panels: 'The Racial Div ide, "Participation in the Public Schools," and "Citizen Responses to Crime." Each panel will consist of two study presenters, a moderator, and two discussants from the Detroit community. Panel members include the Rev. Dr. Charles Adams, pastor of Detroit's Hartford Baptist Church; Grace Lee Boggs, editor of the Save Our Sons and Daughters Newsletter; and John Matlock, former legislative assistant to U.S. Rep. JOhn Conycrs (D-Detroit). Since 1952, the study has been a cooperative effort by graduate stu- dents, social science faculty, and the University designed to research is- sues of concern to Detroit and the metropolitan area. Last February, two Black gradu- ate students, while conducting re- search for the study were allegcdly stopped, harassed and ordered out of a predominantly white neighborhood in Allen Park, a Detroit suburb, by two white police officers. AL- the time Allen Park Mayor Gerald Richards denied the police had'vio- lated the students' civil rights. Consent bill petition LSA Sophomore liana Trachtman signs a protest against the Michigan Parental Consent Bill for Caryn Stein an LSA sophomore. Nintendo policies unfair, Rep. says WASHINGTON (AP) - The chair of a House antitrust panel charged yesterday there is "strong ev- idence" that unfair marketing prac- tices by Nintendo of America Inc. have monopolized the home video game industry and kept the prices of Super Mario and his buddies artifi- cially high. Rep. Dennis Eckart (D-Ohio) asked the Justice Department's an- titrust division to investigate Nin- tendo, the U.S. subsidiary of a Japanese manufacturer that revived the domestic electronic game indus- try and now controls 80 percent of the $3.4 billion market. Nintendo officials angrily dis- puted the charges and accused Eckart of denying them an opportunity to defend themselves. "This guy is just grandstanding," said Howard C. Lincoln, senior vice president of Nintendo. Eckart, chair of the House Small Business subcommittee on antitrust, accused Nintendo of intimidating re- tailcrs to keep competitors' games off the toy story shelves. He said Nintendo has used exclu- sive software arrangements and phys- ical computer-chip barriers to control the market, and he charged Nintendo had created artificial shortages of some games sold by licensed soft- ware producers. He said the result of Nintendo's marketing practices is that only games licensed or sold by Nintendo can be played on the Nintendo play- ers, blocking independent software publishers and inflating the cost of games to consumers by an estimated 20 percent to 30 percent. >, INFORMATION MEETING FOR: 1989-90 Study Abroad Programs FLORENCE, ITALY (Spring, Summer, & Academic Year) Monday, December 11th Auditorium 3 -MLB -7-9pm For more information, contact The Office of International Programs 111=121M=m21~m U TfliH 2=T]Wag Don't Subtract Trees Duplicate on Recycled Paper ,Iust say Ecology-Pack and get your coursepack on recycled paper for no extra cost! KOLOSSOS 4' 4 Home of the Ecology-Pak 310 F Washington Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Join, the Aivilnuiital IRevo~)ltin! 9I rjr -cb v 994-5907 bh, F 5208 Angell Hall RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS forrtui$27 5nOeqiedeuatoaOfe and wanc for te tb ooks Aryou ROCoeso qaiie stude$0 nt o each school year the scholarship is in effect. 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