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December 08, 1989 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1989-12-08

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could lead
A new vaccine against a virus that
causes AIDS in monkeys is a signif-
icant advance toward developing a
vaccine to protect people against the
closely related human AIDS virus,
experts said yesterday.
"The major significance of this
work is that (it shows) a vaccine is
possible for an AIDS virus," said
Michael Murphey-Corb, head of a
team at the Delta Regional Primate
Research Center in Covington, La.,
that developed the simian vaccine.
Researchers at the Tulane Univer-
sity research center said a vaccine
made of whole, inactivated simian
immunodeficiency virus (SIV) can
protect rhesus monkeys against the
virus, which is a close, genetic rela-
tive of the human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) that causes AIDS.
Dr. Wayne Koff, chief of AIDS
vaccine research at the National In-
stitutes of Health, said the work by
Murphey-Corb and her colleagues "is
tithe most significant advance in the
vaccine field since we started the
AIDS vaccine program. It is a giant
"This has dispelled any doubts
about our ever being able to create a
vaccine against HIV," said Koff.
The study, he said, shows that
the primate immune system can be
primed to protect itself against a
oretrovirus. Both SIV and HIV are
retroviruses that kill by destroying
the immune system of the host, an
attack that causes AIDS.
Murphey-Corb said her team de-
veloped the monkey vaccine by puri-
fying samples of the SIV and then
killing the virus with a chemical
called formalin. This left the virus
inactivated, but with all of its pro-
eins intact.
This technique for developing the
monkey vaccine could not be applied
directly to humans, said Koff and
other experts.

The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 8, 1989 - Page 3
Cop convicted in
Miami shooting

MIAMI (AP) - A Hispanic po-
liceman was found guilty of
manslaughter yesterday in the deaths
of two Black men, and Black leaders
praised the verdict as a just response
to the shooting that set off three
days of racial violence.
Miami Officer William Lozano
showed no emotion when he heard
the verdict in the January 16 deaths
of motorcyclist Clement Lloyd and
passenger Allan Blanchard. The two
counts carry a total maximum sen-
tence of 45 years.
Prosecutors said Lozano fired un-
necessarily at Lloyd, who was flee-
ing a police car after a traffic viola-
tion. Lloyd died of gunshot wounds
and Blanchard died of injuries suf-
fered in the resulting crash. Lozano
said he fired in self-defense when the
motorcyclist tried to run him down.
Circuit Judge Joseph Farina de-
ferred adjudication on the jury's find-
ings, an administrative formality to
allow a pre-sentencing investigation.
He ordered everyone involved to re-
turn to court Jan. 24. Lozano re-
mained free on $10,000 bond and had
to surrender his passport.
The televised verdict by the six-
member, multi-ethnic jury brought
relief to an inner-city Black commu-
nity that feared the trial would spark
another round of racial unrest.

"It just shows that our system
works if people will give it a chance
to work and that there are other ways
of impacting the system than
through violence," said Willie Sims,
a Black community leader who is a
member of Dade County's commu-
nity relations board.
He said that by mid-afternoon
there had been no reports of vio-
Community leaders praised the
presence of two Black jurors and the
gavel-to-gavel live broadcast cover-
age of the trial as reassuring the
community the trial would be fair.
"We were relieved that justice has
been served," said George Lubrin,
Blanchard's brother-in-law.
"We are very satisfied that the
verdict came back guilty on both
counts, and that the trial itself was
very fair," said Barry Greff, attorney
for the Lloyd family.
Some police were dismayed, feel-
ing Lozano was defending himself.
"Most of my members are tin
shock. We all felt William Lozano
was justified," said Richard Kinne,
head of the Fraternal Order of Police,
which represents most of the cityY

Armenian Language and Literature Professor Kevork Bardakjian speaks to students gathered in the Diag last
night to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Armenian earthquake disaster.
Students vi gi remembers
earthquake anniversary

by Christine Kloostra
Daily Staff Writer
A small group of students, bun-
dIed in their warmest winter gear to
combat the below-freezing tempera-
tures, gathered in the Diag last night
to remember the victims of the
earthquake that ravaged Soviet Ar-
menia last year.
Yesterday was the first anniver-
sary of the disaster, in which more
than 25,000 people were killed when
the quake rolled through northwest-
ern Armenia.
Students held candles as they lis-
tened to two University professors
speak about the fate of the Armeni-
ans who survived the quake but were
left homeless or lost family mem-
bers. They closed the vigil with a
moment of silence to remember the
quake's victims.
The vigil was sponsored by the
Armenian Students Cultural Associ-
ation in hopes of increasing com-
munity awareness about the Arme-

nian tragedy.
"We didn't want the community
to think we've forgotten," said Chris
Matoian, co-chair of the student as-
sociation. "We realize that what
we're doing here may not have any
impact in Armenia."
Although turnout at the vigil was
low - only about 20 people - Ma-
toian, an LSA junior, felt it was
"By non-Armenian students
showing up here it shows that there
is support and we really appreciate
that," she said.
Reconstruction efforts in Arme-
nia have come to an end because of a
blockade of Armenia by their ene-
mies in the neighboring Soviet Re-
public of Azerbaijan, Kevork Bar-
dakjian, associate professor of Ar-
menian Language and Literature, told
the crowd.
"There are still over 500,000
homeless," he said. "Armenia is go-
ing through a very difficult phase to-

day and experiencing an unfath-
omable agony."
"They have been victims of not
only nature but also their neigh-
bors," said Dr. Ronald Suny, profes-
sor of Modern Armenian History,
who also spoke at the vigil.
Suny also addressed the apathy of
Americans concerning the plight of
the Armenians, noting that the net-
works lacked any mention of the
quake's anniversary last night.
Suny did not have an optimistic
outlook for Armenia: "The situation
is not going away but getting
Bardakjian, who visited Armenia
after the earthquake, expressed hope
for the future of the Armenians
struggling to rebuild their lives.
"If history is any indication, Ar-
menia has faced similar and worse
circumstances. I am confident Arme-
nia will muster enough mental forti-
tude to overcome their situation," he

Killer's suicide
note released

Wisconsin faculty votes against ROTC

MONTREAL (AP) - The gun-
ner who raged through the Univer-
sity of Montreal's engineering
school and killed 14 women carried a
suicide letter complaining that
women had spoiled his life and he
was seeking revenge, police said yes-
In his rampage Wednesday after-
noon, the young killer - identified
only as "Marc" - also wounded
nine women and four men before
killing himself.
As he roamed through the mod-
ern, six-story engineering building,
firing a rifle, he shouted at one
point, "You're all a bunch of femi-
One of the wounded remained in
critical but stable condition yester-
day. The rest were out of danger.
Jacques Duscheneau, a Montreal
police senior investigator, told a
news conference that police hoped
the .223-caliber Sturm Ruger semi-
automatic assault rifle the killer used
would lead to his identification.
Police said the rifler also carried a
hunting knife and sheath, two boxes
of bullets and a 30-bullet clip.
The gunner was described as be-
ing about 5-foot-9 inches, weighing
about 160 pounds, with brown hair
and blue eyes.
Duschencau said the rifle "is the

type of weapon you can buy for
hunting reasons" in Canada with
proper certification.
Andre Tessier, director of opera-
tions of the Montreal police, told re-
porters the man had obtained a per-
mit for the rifle.
Police found where the weapon
was purchased, Duscheneau reported;
adding, "We have an address; we're
still working on the identification."
Canada's gun control laws are
generally stricter than those in the
United States.
Duscheneau confirmed that a
three-page handwritten letter signed7
"Marc" and found on the gunner's
body was a suicide note.
"It was quite clear," the detective
said, adding that it specified Dec. 6
as the date for the gunner's death.
He said it contained the names of
15 women that were believed taken
from a newspaper, but declined to
elaborate except to say not all were.
public figures.
Duscheneau told reporters the let-
ter said the man was seeking revenge,,
on women.
Duscheneau said the gunner iden-
tified himself as a student but did not
specify a school. He also said the
man wrote that he was refused for
military induction because he
''wasn't a social person."

by Kristine LaLonde
Daily Administration Reporter


University of Wisconsin-Madison
faculty voted for a resolution Mon-
day to encourage the university's
administration to disallow the Re-
serve Officers Training Program
Corps (ROTC) on campus if the
Corps does not change its policy of
discrimination against gay men and
The clause, requesting a spring
993 deadline, passed with a 386-
248 vote at a faculty-wide meeting
the university's first in 19 years.
However, only one-fourth of the fac-
ulty attended.
'The resolution - which has only
advisory power - was given to
Wisconsin Chancellor Donna Sha-
lWla Monday for consideration. Wis-

consin's Board of Regents will ulti-
mately make any decisions on
ROTC's status.
The U.S. Department of Defense
prohibits lesbians and gay men from
serving in the armed services; the
ROTC, a division of the armed ser-
vices, follows such guidelines.
Many faculty members said the
ROTC policy contradicted the uni-
versity's policy of prohibiting dis-
crimination based on sexual orienta-
Wisconsin SociologyProfessor
Joseph Elder - a leader in the
movement to change ROTC policy
-- said the disregard for the univer-
sity's anti-discrimination policy was
"It really is amazing to have
policies so clearly defined and unam-

biguous so flaunted," Elder said.
The resolution includes a clause
requesting the regents to use the
university's national lobbying re-
sources to change the Department of
Defense guidelines.
Federal law mandates that land-
grant universities, such as Wiscon-
sin, conduct defense training. If Wis-
consin kicks the ROTC off campus,
it will have to find an alternative

way of meeting its land-grand status.
Michigan currently does not in-
clude a policy prohibiting discrimi-
nation on the basis of sexual orienta-
tion. Groups such as the Lesbian and
Gay Rights Organizing Committee
have fought for the inclusion of sex-
ual orientation in the University
Board of Regents by-law 14.06,
which prohibits discrimination on
the basis of characteristics such as
race, sex, and veteran status.

Read Jim Poniewozik Every

New Pub opens on
South State Street
Still famous for exclusive brews,
Ashley's adds nine new taps
By Daily Staffer
Michigan Daily writer


Trade in your
milk crates

On special assignment this
week, Daily Staffer discovered
a pub in downtown Ann Arbor
which features exclusive draft
beers and ales from London,
England. The Daily has been
granted an interview with
Betty Heuss, here at Ashley's.
DS So tell us, what makes
Ashley's uniquely different?
13H We've centered our draft
beer selection around the true
ales and stouts from Great
Britain, where they drink
primarily drafts instead of
bottled or canned beer.
QS ...So you're emulating
that British tradition...
BH Well, we wanted to

BRH We've added nine new taps
to accomodate all of the English
draft beers available, including
Bass, Watney's, John Courage,
Burton Ale, Guinness Stout, and
Watney's Cream.
DS How did this come about?
BH I've spent a lot of time
researching English Ales and I
work in conjunction with dis-
tributors and their importers to
obtain Ashley's unsurpassed
selection. I'm really proud of the
fact that we can provide two of the
finest English ales available,
Whitbread Ale and Young's Bitter.
DS Sounds exculsive!
BH We know of no other pub in
the country where you can find

through dorm
life and milk
crate furniture.
macaroni and
cheese and
turkey pot
pies. Soon,
however, it will
be time to go
But "home"
does not have
to be back to
Mom & Dad's
(and their

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expires 12/31/89
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