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December 06, 1989 - Image 1

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Michigan defensive coordinator Lloyd Carr
applies for Wisconsin job

Parental consent laws and abortion

The Breadshop: Worth your dough

£ kidiaulaBil
Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 64 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, December 6, 1989 TO

Conservatives take



Coalition takes 8 of 9 LSA
spots in error-filled election
by Karen Akerlof Conservative Coalition candidates Dufrane.
Daily Staff Writer said their party won because of its Even Choice candidates acr

U LSA representative winners

eed the.

Sciarrota, Joe (CC)
Dufrane, Kyle (CC)
Slaven, James (CC)
Shackman, Joshua (CC)'
Duncan, Stu (CC)
Maquera, Dave (CC)




Fey, Ingrid (Ch)
Reily, Rob (CC)
Hayes, Heidi (CC)

The Conservative Coalition
notched a major victory in last
week's controversial Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly elections, according
to election results validated by the
Central Student Judiciary's Election
Court late Monday night.
Conservative Coalition won
eight of the nine LSA representative
positions and secured a plurality on
the 48-member assembly. The coali-
tion's victory raised suspicions
among rival Choice party candidates
that their party was hurt by Election
Director Michelle Putnam's fum-
bling of the elections.
The student court decided to vali-
date the election results despite the
objections of several candidates and
the admission that 19 ballots were
missing the names of some candi-
dates. .
Failed Choice candidate Jason
Krumholtz, calling the election a
"sham," said his party will contest
the validity of the election before a
higher court of Central Student Judi-

organization, and said they were sat-
isfied with the legitimacy of the
"It was a fair election because
there were mistakes around, but the
people who campaigned the hardest
won," said Conservative Coalition
winner James Slaven.
"We got out there and got the
students," said coalition winner Kyle

' a Suiawa agtSjJ A . *
coalition did a good job publicizing
their party before the campaign.
"They had a hell of a lot of people,"
said defeated Choice candidate Jen-
nifer Van Valey.
Four Choice candidates' names
were left off some ballots, including
the name of the only Choice candi-
date elected, Ingrid Fey. Only one of
See ELECTIONS, page 5

Coalition gets mandate from
frustrated 'U' student body

Engineering (2004 Total Points)
Michael Donovan (CC)
Bryan Mistele (CC)
Sreenivas Cherukan (CC)
Rackham (977 Points)
Corey Dolgan (Ch)
Tun Thwin (Ind.)
Gene Kavanatsky (CC)


Business (40 Votes)
Peter Speer (CC)
Physical Education (5 votes)
Brian Movalson (Ch)
Public Health (12 votes)
Paul Oppendisano (Ind.)
Music School (54 votes)
Laura Sankey (Ch)
Medical Schodl (11 votes)
Sundar Ramasamy (CC)

29 Votes
4 Votes
12 Votes
35 Votes
11 Votes

by Josh Mitnick
Daily MSA Reporter
Students on campus have issued
conservatives a mandate.
The Conservative
Daily Coalition scored a


decisive victory by
winning 14 of 20
contested seats in

assembly presidency along with six
other seats.
While MSA's spring presidential
elections are usually considered more
important than fall balloting, last
week's voting will prove to be a pQ-
litical watershed for the assembly.
In March, MSA President Aaron
Williams defeated three other candi-
dates with only a 31 percent plural-
ity, facing a factionalized opposition
that splintered moderate and liberal
See ANALYSIS, Page 5

Where figures are in "points", candidates
were ranked by voters in order or preference

last week's Michigan Student
Assembly elections. The voting fol-
lowed last spring's elections, when
coalition candidates captured the

Communist Party chief Erich Ho-
necker and other members of his
ousted leadership were placed under
house arrest yesterday, and the gov-
ernment disarmed the Communist
Party's private army.
Angry East Germans, swept up
in a near-frenzy aimed at rooting out
past corruption, surrounded police
headquarters in several cities to halt
the further destruction of secret po-
lice documents that could be used in
prosecutions. Under Honecker's
hard-line rule, the secret police was
the main instrument for keeping
people under control.
Communist Party leaders ap-

german leader arrested

E. German gov't disarms
private Communist party army

pealed for calm to avoid "anarchy and
chaos" in East Germany, which in
the past two months has seen the
ouster of its long-time leaders, mass
pro-democracy protests, the historic
opening of its borders and promises
of free elections and other reforms.
The Interior Ministry said the
government was disarming the
"fighting groups," the Communist
Party-run militia based in the na-
tion's factories.
The ministry said the weapons
taken away included automatic rifles,

rocket-propelled grenades and anti -
aircraft guns as well as armored per-
sonnel carriers. The ministry said it
was taking charge of the weapons.
Western estimates said the militia
counted 3,000 active members, but
could draw on reserves of 500,000
A day earlier, the militia officers
urged the rank-and-filed to break their
oath of loyalty to the Communist
Party. The militia is under the
party's direct command.

Saturday, in Czechoslovakia, the
army began disarming the Commu-
nists' paramilitary People's Militia,
which was created 40 years ago to
protect the workplace from counter-
revolutionaries and later guarded the
Communists' monopoly on power.
Also on yesterday, East Ger-
many's top lawyer, Wolfgang
Voger, was arrested on suspicion of
"criminal extortion," the official
ADN news agency said.
Voger for years handled spectacu-
lar East-West spy and prisoner
swaps, and was a confidant of Ho-
necker. He also represented a top-
ranking fugitive East German offi-
cial, Alexander Schalck-Golod-

Johnson to become first vice
pres. for External Relations
by Noah Finkel the question "how do we interface with (state resid
Daily Administration Reporter needs and how can we use our resources to f


Long-time Vice President for Student Services Henry
Johnson will soon become the University's first Vice
President for External Relations.
Though Johnson said he and President James Duder-
stadt have not yet nailed down the specifics of the
newly-created post, he said the "general thrust of the job
will be working with constituencies outside the Univer-
The job will consist of working with "pockets of
people" that have or want to have a relationship with
the University, he said.
Johnson, who has been at his current post since
1972, said one of his primary roles will be answering

Because of the uncertainty in details on what his job
duties will be, Johnson said he could not comment fur-
ther on his job description.
Johnson said he began contemplating the move last
July after Duderstadt asked him about it. He agreed to
the move early this fall.
The decision coincided with Duderstadt's announce-
ment at his State of the University Address that the Of-
fice of Student Services and the Office of Research will
soon report to Office of the Provost and Vice President
Academic Affairs, rather than directly to the President.
See JOHNSON, page 2


Bundle up in style
Lisa Ellman an LSA sophmore shops in the basement of the Union for
sweaters. With the temperatures dropping the sweater sale at the
Union serves a good purpose for procastinating students.

*chair leaves MSA

Czech republic names government
with non-Communist majority

by Josh Mitnick
Daily MSA Reporter
Michigan Student Assembly
Communications Committee Chair
Laura Sankey announced her resigna-
tion from the committee and the
assembly at the beginning of last
night's MSA meeting.
In an emotional farewell, Sankey
cni chP mnc rPCivnin¢ for nersoal1

The two main things that Sankey
wants to devote more time to are set-
ting up a student government inside
the Music School and fighting anti-
Semitism on campus.
Sankey, who has served on the
assembly for a year, had just been
overwhelmingly re-elected as Music
School rep. last week.
I SA ren Tohn Pnlih . member

PRAGUE (AP) - One of
Czechoslovakia's two republics
named the first government in 41
years dominated by non-Commu-
nists, and talks began with opposi-
tion leaders on their demands for a
new national government.
Leaders of the Communist-con-
trolled labor organization took the

About 2,000 demonstrating stu-
dents chanted "Resign! Resign" as
Ladislav Adamec, the Communist
premier, met with dissident play-
wright Vaclav Havel on demands for
a new Cabinet to replace the Com-
munist-dominated one chosen Sun-
Jiri Dienstbier, spoksperson for

government "a step in the right di-
rection," but said its composition
still was not an accurate reflection of
public opinion.
The parliamentary commission
investigating the police violence
Nov. 17 that started the nation's
peaceful revolt, said yesterday that
ousted Communist Party chief Mi-
los Jakes and Miroslav Stepan, the

?; ;

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