4 OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, December 5, 1989 The Michigan Daily 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. C, No. 63 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Duderstadt hi~des again University administration attempts to restrict students' speech: O VER THE LAST two weeks, the University administration has re- sponded to the demands of two student groups - the Latin American Solidar- ity Committee (LASC) and the Lesbian and Gay Rights Organizing Committee (LaGROC). In both cases, the re- sponse lacked any substance and re- flected the administration's disrespect for student concerns. On November 17, more than 300 students lead by LASC marched through the streets of Ann Arbor in protest of the Salvadoran government's massacre of six Jesuit priests, their cook and her daughter. One of the priests was the rector of the University of Central America, a position equiva- lent to President Duderstadt's at this university. Now, if Duderstadt had been tied up, blindfolded and taken out behind the Fleming Administration Building and shot by a U.S. government death squad, probably Duderstadt (or his re- -placement) would think students justi- -fied in demanding a response from 4ihose responsible for such an action. And since U.S. tax dollars pay for the aid to El Salvador which makes possible the government's violence, :and since the Department of Defense- 'funded weapons research at this and -ther U.S. universities create the tech- nology which the U.S. and Salvadoran governments use to murder Salvado- -rans like the rector, there is in fact a every clear line of responsibility from *this country and this university to El Salvador and the University of Central America. versity, when it is the University of El Salvador with whom we share that re- lationship. But then, a University president who refuses even to meet with students cannot be expected to know enough about student activities and concerns to be aware of such basic facts. LaGROC demands rejected It takes 300 students on the street and 150 in his office to force Duderstadt to attempt the appearance of responding to student concerns. Anxious to avoid another protest at which he might actu- ally have to confront students face to face, Duderstadt made his empty ges- ture the first working day after the LASC protest. Members of LaGROC, who confined themselves to a Diag rally as the forum for presenting their demands, had to Resist th In July1988, the University Board ofI Regents adopted a policy designed to gov- ern the rules for protest and free speech on campus. At the next Regents meeting, the University Council will present the guidelines for the implementaion of this policy which it has drawn up. This is the first in a series of articles commenting on the impact the implementation of such a policy will have on the University com- munity. The Daily encourages its readers to submit their thoughts on the subject to the Opinion page. By Jonathan Rose The University's Speech and Protest Policy guidelines and hearing procedures come with a lot of hype about principles of free expression. In the same way, the most repressive regimes in the world boast that their constitutions promote civil liberties. Vagueness in standards is a great weapon allowing tyrannical interpretation of law. The substantive guidelines are re- plete with vagueness. A vague law is interpreted by the power structure that is. The power structure at the University is the self-interested non- democratic administration. The document explicitly permits Uni- versity private police to interfere with the progress of an event or protest, and to cor- don off events separating the protester from the locus of the event provided, pre- sumably in the opinion of the private po- lice, the protest is not thus "rendered inef- fectual." What constitutes rendering a protest ineffectual is an issue of signifi- cant debate, and not one that should be de- termined by the University police. Allow- ing the University's private police to de- termine that the protesters to University policy can be effective enough if their signs are seen by local passersby but not the TV crews, only serves the private censoring interest and not the public edu- cating interest. The speech and protest guidelines are to be enforced by a Code denominated "Hearing Procedures for Resolving Com- plaints of Violations of the Policy on Freedom of Speech and Artistic Expres- sion." These procedures were submitted for comment by a committee (U Council) struggling for its existence against admin- istration threat that if it does not produce goods acceptable to the administration it will be disbanded. A committee working under this coercion is not blessed. It is twice cursed, first by the fact that it is re- quested to write a repressive law and sec- ond, by the fact that it is implicitly told that if it fails, an even more repressive one will be written by others. Given that thankless task, the U Council, on which sits some good and civil libertarian peo- ple, wrote a repressive law. It is not easy and may be nearly impos- sible to write an administrative Code that is "good." An administrative Code by def- inition is a law procedure that is not democratically controlled. Thus it is not government of, by, and for the people, but is government by an elite (the administra- tors) for themselves, and it governs the people. While universities traditionally judge and punish academic conduct non- democratically, the same is not true of academic conduct, nor is there any cause for codes of nonacademic conduct. The public, both victim and accused, are better served by the legal system and the infor- mal settlement of disputes that is done in backdrop of the democratic legal system. The guidelines purport to guarantee the right of the protestor and the speaker to exist in a kind of democratic harmony, and the goal is so gently appealing that I be- lieve some of the drafters actually believed that they were carrying it out. They aren't. The document allows for protest protest and heckling provided the protest isn't "undue" interference, with no stan- dards. What is "undue" is interpreted by a University "representative," which could be the administration's private police. The guidelines permit "heckling and display of signs so long as such activities are consis- tent with the continuation of a speech or performance." What if the speaker is, sub- jectively, unreasonably offended and says "remove the protesters or I cannot con- tinue." There is no standard. The document also permits protest out- side the hall in "appropriate ways" without definition. It goes on to permit the Uni- versity to prosecute the protester by law or "other formal action" (presumably a CODE hearing). Here are some of the specific problems with the administrative hearings for the speech and protest guidelines. 1) Nonunanimous verdict. The movie "12 Angry Men" starring Henry Fonda eloquently demonstrated the importance of the unanimous verdict. The entire movie showed the deliberation of a jury. Consensus decision making requires a quality of analysis that assures the turn- ing of every stone to determine the facts accurately. In a free society important rights are protected by unanimous verdict. If a person isn't guilty enough to convince the whole jury, there is enough doubt to require more deliberation and if still not, mistrial or acquittal. Majority verdicts, as found in the Codes but not the criminal policy punishable in civil court by fines and community service hours. 8) Vagueness of "egregious" viola- tions. The policy provides for more severe penalty for "egregious" violations, not de- fined. 9) Double jeopardy. The policy allows for multiple trials under the policy, and for trials under the policy and also in regular court, subjecting the accused to double or multiple jeopardy. 10) Lack of peremptory challenge to jurors. In a regular court trial, the parties can challenge jurors for "cause" and can chal- lenge "peremptorily," without cause, ex- cusing a limited number of jurors. This right, absent under the CODE, is impor- tant, because the mere attempt to chal- lenge (remove) a juror for cause, if unsuc- cessful, angers the juror, who in some cases should then be excused peremptorily. 11) Weak standard of proof. When important rights are affected a criminal standard of proof (beyond reason- able doubt) should be employed. Coupling a weak standard of proof with nonunani- mous verdicts is especially weak. 12) No requirement of notice of rights to appeal. While there is an appeal right, there is no requirement of notice about the rights. The appeal, like the original process, is one containing defective procedural protec- tions. 'These procedures were submitted for comment by a committee (U Council) struggling for its existence against administration threat that if it does not produce goods acceptable to the administration it will be disbanded.... Given that thankless task, the U Council, on which sits some good and libertarian people, wrote a repressive law.' civil * 'qm i" 4b LASC demands ignored When 150 students walked into Duderstadt's office to demand that he make a statement condemning the re- cent murders and the U.S. aid that ;supports the Salvadoran death-squad government, he refused to meet with them. Claiming that a meeting of more than 10 students would "turn into a cir- :cus," Duderstadt remained safely inac- cessible and conveniently avoided a forum in which he could be forced to account for his actions - or lack thereof. On November 20, an open letter to Duderstadt from the 150 students re- peating their demand, along with a separate letter from 10 faculty members urging him to make a statement, ap- peared in the Daily. With student and faculty pressure on him mounting, Duderstadt was forced to respond. He wrote a letter to the acting rector of the University of Central America, ex- pressing his regret for the "senseless spiral of violence enveloping your country." The content of the letter was mean- ingless, and Duderstadt's attempt to pass it off as a gesture of solidarity was hollow and insincere. The violence in El Salvador is in no way "senseless." To refer to it that way - especially in a letter to a man whose colleagues, ac- cording to numerous news agencies and eye-witnesses, have just been murdered by Salvadoran government death squads -- is callous and insult- ing. Duderstadt ignored the student de- mand that he acknowledge the United States' responsibility in funding the Salvadoran government's violence. In addition, he made the embarrassing error of referring to the University of Central America as U-M's sister uni- LaGROC presented its demands to the University on October 11. It took President Duderstadt a month to formulate a response: he referred them to a committee. wait over a month for the pretense of a response they eventually received. The University administration proved equally inaccessible and unresponsive to students concerned about lesbian and gay men's rights as it did to those an- gry about the U.S. war in El Salvador. Duderstadt met none of LaGROC's nine demands. Nor did he bother to offer any sort of personal response or expression of support. He referred the demands to the Office of Affirmative Action, which in turn referred La- GROC to various other University of- fices for some of the demands, while rejecting others altogether. The University administration as- sured LaGROC that it is "firmly committed to the protection of'lesbians and gay men. To make such a claim while refusing to include sexual orien- tation in Bylaw 14.02, the University's anti-discrimination clause, while refus- ing to create a lounge where gay men and lesbians can meet, while refusing to include an openly gay member on the AIDS task force or to agree that Coming Out Day is worthy of official University recognition, is hypocritical and insulting. The University administration's weak attempts to appease the members of LASC and LaGROC, and those who support them, have not worked: both LASC and LaGROC are planning new actions. Students can learn from the administration's most recent display of complacence in the face of urgent stu- dent concerns. Students will have to organize and unify to aggressively confront the University administration if they are to affect meaningful change on this campus. law, allow for cursory quick debate and re- sultant errors. 2) Lack of right to public trial at op- tion of defense. A public trial protects all of the ac- cused's other rights. The private, secret trial breeds abuse that cannot stand scrutiny of the onlooker. The University wants its CODE hearings in secret. Secret trials are abhorred by free societies. 3) Lack of right of subpoena of favor- able, reluctant witnesses. A witness favoring the defense who "doesn't want to get involved" should be accessible to the defense, but isn't under the administrative Codes, because there is no power of subpoena. This is a fatal flaw not found in the civil courts, where sub- poenas are readily obtained. 4) Lack of right to a lawyer partici- pating in the hearing. An accused must be afforded the right to counsel, even free counsel, if important rights are at stake. The CODE procedures deny this right. 5) Involvement of the Department of Public Safety. The private police are nondemocrati- cally controlled police. Over the vehement objection of students these police have started to become deputized and armed. They work not for the democracy but for the administrative bosses. 6) Right of the President of the Uni- versity to overrule MSA panel selec- tion. MSA nominates a person for a jury panel and the President appoints, but re- tains the right to refuse to appoint, thus to influence the composition of the jury pool. 7)Possibility of suspension following University trial. In spite of the weaknesses in the due process, very important rights are at stake. A student can be removed from the University for acts of protest formerly 13) No effective way to exclude evi- dence illegally seized. This is not a mere "technicality." In one trial of a Uni- versity student in the seventies for posses- sion of a device capable of cheating the phone company on toll charges, the case was dismissed on motion of the prosecu- tor, because the University housing offi- cial admitted obtaining coerced consent to search the dorm room and find the device The prosecutor himself found that the right to be protected from unreasonable searches of your home was violated by the University in the dormitory. The Fourth Amendment protection against unreason- able search and seizure is protection against random police state, and the pro- tection is secured by the "exclusionary rule," keeping out illegally seized evi- dence. The Codes do not have an adequate way to effect the exclusion of illegally seized evidence or other improper prejudi- cial evidence. Perhaps the most insidious example demonstrating the University's intent to control speech is the suggestion under the speech and protest guidelines that there be "dedicated public forums" where free speech is freer than in places not so dedi- cated. The flipside of the coin is that the University gets to control where speech is free and not free, a right of control hitherto0 unknown. Once this ominous right of control were in place, the University could narrow and restrict by time and place and content the dedicated (by them) public fo- rums. Much the way a person toilet trains a puppy, first by putting newspaper all over the floor, then gradually restricting the place where the puppy poops by mak- ing he covered area (the dedicated forum) smaller, then finally carrying the newspa-g per outside to teach the puppy that no fo- rum in the house is so dedicated anymore. Jonathan Rose is a University alumnus and a former director of Student Legal Services. Conservative Coalition Reply By Gene Kavnatsky For the second semester in a row Corey Dolgon, a Rackham Representative to the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) has written an article on the election day criti- cizing Conservative Coalition. We in the Coalition find it extremely unethical for Dolgon and the Daily to publish such an article without giving us any chance to re- spond to the allegations made before the elections were over. What makes things even worse is that allegations made vador and the Occupied Territories of Palestine, respectively, were kept very quiet. We have taken a strong stand against all such trips and envision spend- ing that money on activities like working on University reimbursing dorm residents for unused meals, working on improving training for Teaching Assistants, improv- ing North Campus bus service, and most importantly actively publicizing all MSA activities to the student body. Corey Dolgon made many accusations University active recruitment of quality minority students and of its elimination of all gender-specific language. We are in strong support for elimination of all types of discrimination coming from the Uni- versity administration and faculty. Fur- thermore, we have never cut any funds from the BMC. Considering that the Coalition comprises less than a third of the Assembly, cutting any funds of that nature for us is not possible under the MSA con- stitution. ',~