The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 16, 1989- Page 9 I e i l ig tttt Dtftllj advertising offices (classified and display) are closed today in recognition of Mr. Luther King Day. Offices will re-open tomorrow at 9 am. I . B U x, The Calendai of The University of Michigan The calendar combines meeting, lecture, workshop, and conference announcements Sch Social Wk--C with other events happening each weekoncampus. ItisbasedonThe UniversityRecord Rackham Aud; calendar, and is open to all University sponsored groups and organizations recognized Rackham 4th fl. by the Michigan Student Assembly. Items must be submitted in writing by 5 p.m. the Sociology--Sympos Tuesday before publication. Address all information to:Marcia Bennett, publications a sroom Injus assistant, University Record, 412 Maynard St. Asterisk (*) denotes events to which ISR/Psych--Lec, K admission is charged. B. M OClassical Stds--Di M University," 4 p - JANUARY 16 Pharmacy--Lec, H C on Women, the Canterbury House--Lesbian-gay male community open house, 8:45 pm, 218 N following, 1019 Division. 665-0606. Humanities--Lec, D Counseling Svcs/Minor Sdt Svcs--Lunch Discuss, "Diversity Defined: the Life of Olaud Working Toward The Dream," noon-1:30 pm, Mich League Rms 4 & 5. Judaic Stds--Lec, T y*ICLE--Course, "Litigating the Toussaint Components A 3-Part Approach To pm, 2433 Mason Success," 9 am-5 pm, 1020 Greene St. Reg req. 764-0533. Ofc Devp--Wkshp/ Phi Delta Kappa--Prog, J Auckland, "Writing & Thinking & Exploring The Development Co Connection,"7 pm, Mich League Rms 4 & 5. Business Ops--Lec, M-CARE--Open house, 5:30-7:30 pm, 2200 Green Rd. 936-9613. Minor Sdt Svcs/A MLK Sympos Comm--Sympos, S Robinson, "Enlightenment, Empowerment & Strangers in the Equity: A Challenge of the King Legacy," 8:30 am, Mendelssohn Thtre. U-M Dearborn--Ag MLK Sympos Comm--Panel Discuss, "Equity & Empowerment in Education: U-M Flint--Wkshp Where We've Been Where We Are & Where We're Going," 9:15-10:30 am, Mich Untangling the u League Vandenberg Rn; "Historical Perspectives: Present & Future Agendas: 11:30 am, locati Racism Sexism & Social Change," 9:15-10:30 am, Mich League Ballrm; 364; Video/Lec/I °t "Respecting Promoting & Appreciating Diversity: Enlightenment in Action," Luther King Jr F 0 10:40-11:55 am, Mich League Hussey Rm; Lec & Discuss, B G Reed & W C am-1 pm, Univ C '(1 Whatley, "Proposed Mandatory Course on Racism," 10:40-11:55 am, Mich in Vietnam," & F League Mich Rm; Grp Discuss following, Mich League Kalamazoo & Mich Rms. Terry following,1 1LK Sympos Comm--Closing Address, A Young, 7:30 pm, Hill Aud. Required Course Minor Affrs/MLK Sympos Comm--Recep for A Young, 6 pm, Mich League Diversity," 3-5 p Concourse. *Intercoll Athiet--r '(Affirm Action--Videos, "Ethnic Notions," "King: A Film's Record From ITD--holding events Montgomery to Memphis," & "Valuing Diversity: Communicating Across Diversity Day ac Cultures," 9 am-noon, Mich League Concourse. User Svcs/Engr/Me Sociology--Videos, "Eye on the Prize," 9 am-4 pm on the hour, 4051 LSA; "A Class Rm 2G321 Divided," 1-3 pm, LSA Lobby 3rd fl; "In Remembrance of King," 1-3 pm, LSA Pubi Safety--SAFE Lobby 4th fl. 936-1000. ,TCommemoration of Dream Comm--Unity March, noon, begs corner S Univ & Guild House--Poetr3 Washtenaw. Counseling Svcs/Minor Sdt Svcs/Intl Ctr/CEW/Lesbian & Gay Male TU ESD Progs/Sexual Assault Prevent & Aware/Disabled Sdt Svcs/Unlv 1-Housing Special Progs/Sdt Organiz Devp--Post-Unity March Recep, JANUARY 17 :j' 1:30-3 pm, Mich League Dining Rms 4 & 5. Lesbian & Gay 1Germanic Lang & Lit--Panel Discuss, S Ellis, "Minorities & the Study of German: Mich Union Rm Understanding Language Differences," 1 pm, 2011 MLB., Hopwood Awards 'Med Sch/Hosp--Presentation, 'Hypertension Among Minority Groups,' 1 pm, 6296. lf Towsley Ctr Dow Aud. EECS--Sem, J Mars OlAfroamer & African Stds--Opening of lib; Films,1%F2Eye on the Prize, & Woza 5:30 pm, EECSI Albert; Lec, R Christman, 1:30 pm, W Engr Bldg 2nd fl. Sch Soc Wk/Publ .LSA/Hist Art/Mus Art--Lec, H Drewall, "Images of Dignity: Yoruba Aesthetics in American Famil Africa & the Americas," 1:30pm, Angell Hall Aud A. Hosp Volunteers-- Sch Business--Video, Panel Discuss & Presentations, "I Have A Dream," 1:30 pm, OAS--Course, "Intr I Hale Aud. 0107. iPChinese Stds/Japanese Stds/S & SE Asian Stds--Lec, K S Wong, "Asian U-M Flint--Lec, "A Ot Americans & Civil Rights," & M Scherer, "Refuge & Freedom---But to What Show, M KleinB qtr Extent: Perspectives on Southeast Asian Refugees in the United States," 1:30 pm, MedSport--Smoke Lane Hall Rm 200. 7400. 'Communication--Lec, M A Watson, "Prime Time Parables of the New Frontier: The U-M Dearborn-- L Drama of Civil Rights," & R A Campbell & J L Reeves, "Contemporary Prime Ecumenical Cam Time Images of African American Culture: A Tribute to Frank's Place," 1:30 pm, Reinhardt, "Ame SMLB Aud 2.CoptnCr-C Engr--Panel Discuss, W Washington & C Bolden, "Developing a Multicultural Computing Ctr--C De atmen " :30 n rnoon; Macintosi S Department," 1:30 pm, Eng. Database Mgmt, Hist--Lec, T Endelman & J Weiler,"Antisemitism & Anti-Zionism," 1:30 pm, 2433 1-3 pm. Reg re, Mason Hall. Hillel Fdn--Prospe Near East Stds/Asian Lang & Cultures/Near East & N African Jewish Business Stds/Prog Linguistics--Lec/Slide Presentation, I Woods, "Image & User Svcs/Engr/M i Stereotypes: Middle East & Islamic World," 1:30 pm, Lane Hall Commons. 10:30 am-noon, Alumni Assoc--Film, I Have a Dream: The Life of Martin Luther King Jr, & Discuss, 3:30-5 pm, Chyr 4 R Forman & R Carter, 'The Man The Dream The Reality The Promise," 2 pm, S Career Plan & P Quad Ambatana Lounge. E er P reser Anthropol--Discuss, "Racism, Sexism & Ethnocentrism," 2 pm, LSA Anthropol Employer Prese Lab 2d flConf Wkshp, 6- Lab 2nd fl. 7:30 pm, Angel] Sch Art/Arch & Urban Plan--Sem, A Loving, "Race, Ethnicity & Mich Union Pen Professionalism: Perspectives From Professionals," 2 pm, Chrysler Ctr Aud; PMiUng Pen I Perform, 'Talk To Us," & Recep, 3:45 pm, Slussar Gallery. Verbs of Percep Career Plan & Place--Prog, Presenting Your Uniqueness, When & How: Resume Sdt Objectivism--D Writing, 2:30-3 pm; Job Interviewing, 3:15-3:45 pm; Choosing Careers, 4-4:30 Objectivism," 8 pm, Mini-Discuss, Videos & Individ Advis, 2-5 pm, 3200 SAB. Bispsych--Colloqui Comprehen Stds Prog--Wkshp, "Multicultural Awareness Training," 2 pm, Mich 747-0933. League Hussey Rm; Small Grp Discuss Following, Mich League Kalamazoo & HRD--Recep for T F Mich Rms. ilst--Panel Discuss, "The Civil Rights Movement 1955-1965: Personalities Places W ED N1 IE Programs," 2 pm, Clements Lib. Info & Lib Stds/Bentley Hist Lib/Univ Lib--Lecs, G Brooks, "Blacks in the JANUARY 18 Arts: Resources in Diversity"; M Wheeler, "Black Music & Dance"; D Spencer, Zen Buddhist Te "Black Art Photo & Film"; C Weidman, "Black Archives & Manuscript 761-6520. Resources"; Perform, E L Russ, Community High Jazz Band, 2 pm, Mich Union Ballrm. Men's Campus Clu Law Sch--Film, Eye on the Prize & discuss, A Morris & A Aleinikoff, "Ethical Issues Section Cook R & Civil Disobedience," 2 pm, Hutchins Hall Rm 100. Psychiatry--Grand] Sch Music--Lec, U S Moore, "A Tribute to Eva Jessye," 2 pm, Recital Hall. *HRD--Wkshp, T K Sch Natural Resources--Lec, E L Fly & La Barbara J W Fly, "Renovation & Brown-Bag Lun Restoration of Black Communities & Black Settlements: Ecology, Resource noon-1 pm, Mich Dependence & Cultural Anthropology," 2 pm, 1040 Dana. Ctr Russian & EI Sch Nrsg--Lec, S Payton, "Empowerment: What Is It"; Perf, C Jackson & S Dixon, Perestroika in 1 'The Meeting"; Piano & Vocal Solos, S Newby, 2 pm, Alumni Ctr. 764035. Philosophy -Lec, B Boxhill'"Equality of Opportunity or the Underclass," 2 pm, OAS--Courses, "Int Angell Hall. Online Transacti Phys Educ--Presentation & Panel Discuss, "Combating the Stereotype of the Black 0107. Athlete," 2 pm, location TBA. U-M Flint--Bringc Population Stds Ctr--Lec, D Deskins, "Restructured Automative Industry: Its Brewery; *Toron Impact on Black Employment," 2 pm, Univ Tower Main Conf Rm 2nd fl. *Sigma Theta Tau Sch Publ HIth--Lec & Discuss, "Violence as a Public Health Problem: Social Causes Synergy," 7:30 p Social Solutions," 2 pm, Sch Publ Hlth II Aud; Recep following, Sch Publ Hth I U-M Dearborn--Fil Fac Lounge. Nyathi, 11:30 am VP Research Admin Units/Acad Affrs/Undergrad Admiss/RegCstrar's 5390. Ofc/Scheduling Ofc/Comprehen Stds--Sem, D Stewart, "Access to the M-CARE--Open hoi Dream: Excellence in a Multicultural University," 2 pm, Mich League Vandenberg Substance Abuse C Rm. 8 pm, Henry Vau Romance Lang & Lit--Faculty Discuss, Recruitment of Grad & Undergrad Minor Computing Ctr--C Sdts, 2 pm, MLB Commons 4th fl. 763-7630. "The Paucity of Minorities & Women in Science & Engineering," 2 pm, Rackham Hillel--Rabbinical C Amphi. 0500. VP Sdt Svcs/Minor Sdt Svcs/Native Amer Sdt Assoc--Lec & Recep, S S User Scs/Engr/M Harjo, "Higher Education Issues for Native Americans," 2 pm, Mich Union Welker 11:30 am, 39171 Rm. *Rec Sports--Intro -U r onf, L M Tabor, "The State of Michigan & the Poor," 2 pm, Simulation Game; "Cultural Diversity & Interaction," 3 pm, ium & Teach-In, "Challenges to the Legacy: Perceptions of tices, Freedom of Faculty Expression & Sdt Rights," 3:15 pm, Clark, "Race & Intergroup Conflict," 3:30 pm, Angell Hall Aud iscuss, B Frier, "'Western' Civilization in a Multicultural m, 2009 Angell Hall. Cade, "Dynamics of Change in Health Care for Pharmacy: Impact Elderly, & Minorities," 4 pm, 3554 CC Little Bldg; Recep Pharmacy. Artis, 'The Nation & the Kingdom: Christianity & Freedom in ah Equiano," 4:30 pm, 1512 Rackham. Endelman & J Weiler, "Anti-Semitism & Anti-Zionism," 1:30-3 Hall. 769-0500. Discuss, F E Kendall, "Identifying Issues of Diversity for the mmunity," 1:30 pm, Mich Union Pendleton Rm. N M Varner, 3:30 pm, Crisler Arena. sian Amer Lec--Lec, R Takaki, "Asian Americans: Still University," 7 pm, Mich Union Pendleton Rm. ency Fair, 10 am-2 pm, Mall Concourse. , N Faires, "Clarifying Differences, Raising Awareness: Web of Race Class Ethnicity & Gender," 8:30-10:15 am & 9:45- on TBA; Video/Lec/Discuss, C Thomas, 9-11 am, Univ Ctr Rm Discuss, C Campbell, "I Have a Dream: The Legacy of Martin 'or Higher Education," 9-11 am; *Fac/Staff/Sdt Ethnic Lunch, 11 tr Mich Rms; Lee, W Terry, "Bloods: The American Experience Flint Choral Perform, 1-3 pm, Univ Ctr Mich Rm; Recep for W Univ Ctr Lobby; Fac/Sdt Panel, "Should We at U-M-Flint Have a on Diversity," 3-5 pm, location TBA; Slide Show, "Artistic m, Univ Ctr Brewery. Men's Basketball, Ohio, 9:30 pm, Crisler Arena. today although it is encouraging its staff to attend campuswide ctivities. ed Sch--NeXT Comput Presentation/Demo, 2:30-4 pm, Hosp WALK Resumes, 8 pm, To get walk come to 102 UGLI or call y Read, T Mishkin & M Gamer, 8 pm, 802 Monroe St. AY Rights Organizing Committee (LAGROC)--Mtg, 8 pm, 3100. 763-4186. Prog--Poetry Read, D Walcott, 3:30 pm, Rackham Aud 764- den, "Nonlinear Dynamics: Fundamentals & Open Problems," 4- 1200. Reg req. 763-3598. Pol Stds--Lec, D Ellwood, "Poor Support: Poverty in the y," 4 pm, Rackham Amphi. -Volunteer Info Mtg, 7-8 pm, Hosp Amphi. 936-4327. to Wang Glossary,"-8 am-noon, 201 E Hoover.Regreq. 763- Brief History of Vietnam," 7 pm, Univ Ctr Rms A-C; *Comedy & R O'Brien, 8 pm, Univ Ctr Brewery. 762-3431. less System Class, 7-8 pm, 24 Frank Lloyd Wright Dr. 763- ec, T Kochman, noon, Mall Concourse. pus Ctr/Inti Ctr--Forum & *Lunch, L MacDonald & E ricans Studying Abroad," noon, 603 E Madison. 662-5529. ourses in Rm 3001 SEB: MS-DOS for Hard Disk Users, 9 am- h Basic Skills, 9 am-noon; In 4212 SEB: Basic Concepts of 10 am-noon; In 4003 SEB: Basic Concepts of Word Processing, . 763-7630. ct mtg, 7 pm; Lec, D Teutsch, "Creative Collision: Ethics & ," 8 pm, 1429 Hill St. 769-0500. ed Sch--NeXT Comput Presentation/Demo, 8:30-10 am & Hale Aud; Presentation/Demo of the NeXT Comput, 1:30-3 pm & ssler Ctr Aud. lace--Intro to Career Plan & Place, 4:30-5 pm, CP&P Lib; tation: United Way of America, 5-6 pm, CP&P Conf Rm; Pre- 7:30 pm, CP&P Lib, On-Campus Recruiting Prog Info Session, 6- 1 Hall Aud C; Employer Presentation: EJ Gallo Wine, 7-9 pm, dleton Rm. 764-7460. Colloquium, J Myhill, "The Pragmatic Argument Structure of tion Possession & Presentation," 4 pm, 3050 Frieze. )iscuss, "The Philosophy of Ayn Rand," & Video, "Introducing pm, Couzens Residence Hall Lib. 996-4141. ium, "Animal Experimentation," 1:30 pm, MHRI Rm 1057. Kochman, 5:30-7 pm, 1111 Kipke Dr. 764-7410. SDAY mple--Yoga & breathing class, 9:30-11 am, 1214 Packard Rd. b--Social for gay & bisexual male sdts, 9-11 pm, E Law Quad N m. 763-4186. Rounds, 10:30 am, CAPH Conf Rm 3rd fl. 763-9629. Kochman, "Black & White Styles In Conflict," 8:30 am-4:30 pm; ch for Single Parents, J MacDonald, "Superparenting Syndrome," League Conf Rmn6. Reg req 764-7410. Europ Stds--Brown-Bag Lee, F Leverett, "Reverberations of he German Democratic Republic," noon, Lane Hall Commons. ro to Wang Glossary," 8 am-noon; "Graduate Admissions Data ions & Queries," 1-4:30 pm, 201 E Hoover@#$ Reg req. 763- or buy lunch for "Herbie Ross," 11:30 am-1:30 pm, Univ Ctr ito Dance Thtre, 8 pm, Thtre. 762-3431. u--Lee, A I Meleis, "Knowledge Development: International pm, Sheraton Univ Inn (-94 & State)@#$ 747-0326. ims, Bound to Strike Back, & Children of Apartheid; Discuss, M n, Mall Concourse; Die Hard, 7:30 pm, Rec & Organiz Ctr. 593- use, 5-7 pm, 9398 Lilley Rd. 936-9613. tr--Forum, C Vest & R DuPont, "Substance Abuse On Campus," ughan Publ Hlth Aud. 936-0935. omput Conferencing Lec/Demo, 7:30-9 pm, MLB Aud 3@#$ College Recruit, 9:30 am-3 pm, 1429 Hill St. By appoint, 769- ed Sch--NeXT Comput Presentation/Demo, 8-9:30 am & 10- LRC. Kayak Clinic, 8-10 pm, NCRB Pool. To reg, 764-3967. Rm; Employer Presentation: First National Bank of Chicago, 6:30-8:30 pm, Mich Union Wolverine Rm. 764-7460. Guild House--Faculty Brown-Bag Lunch, noon; *Beans & Rice Dinner, 6 pm; Lec, D Piontkowski, "Developing a Progressive Legal Response to the AIDS Crisis," 7:30 pm, 802 Monroe St. 662-5189. Romance Lang & Lit--Lec, M Suner, "Perspectives on Spanish Object Pronouns," 4:40 pm, MLB Commons 4th fli. 764-5344 THURSDAY JANUARY 19 *Zen Buddhist Temple--Intro Zen Meditation, S L Murray & V S Sunim, 6:30- 8:30 pm, 1214 Packard Rd. Reg req. 761-6520. *Mich League--Intl Night, East Europ, 4:30-7:30 pm, League Buffet. Visiting Writers Series--Fiction Read, C Baxter, 5 pm, Rackham E Conf Rm. 764-6296. *ICLE--Prog, "Bad Faith Insurance Litigation," noon-5 pm, 1020 Greene St. Reg req. 764-0533. *Turner Clinic--Sem, H Semetko, "The Media & Political Campaigns," 10-11:30 am, Kellogg Eye Ctr Aud. 764-2556. Evolution & Human Behav--Sem, P Ellison, "Ecology of the Ovary," 4 pm, Rackham E Lee Rm 3rd fl. 936-2526. Sch Music--3-day conf begs, Vocal & Instrumental Music, 8 pm, Power Ctr. 763- 3017. OAS--Courses, "Purchasing Data Online Transactions & Queries," 1:30-2:30 pm; "Stores Data Online Transactions & Queries," 2:30-3:30 pm; "Food Stores Data Online Transactions & Queries," 3:30-4:30 pm, 201 E Hoover. Reg req. 763- 0107. U-M Flint--Bring or buy lunch for movie, 11:30 am-1:30 pm, Univ Ctr Brewery; Book Talk, L Borgsdorf, noon, Univ Ctr Rm 367; Booked for Lunch Series, S Russell, "Cultural Literacy," 12:15 pm, Univ Ctr Superior Rm; *Film, Tucker, 7 & 9:15 pm, Univ Ctr Kiva. Regents--Mtg, 1 pm, Regents Rm. Vision Training Prog--Sem, R Adler, "Mechanisms of Retinal Cell Differentiation In Vitro," noon-1:15 pm, 2055 MHRI. U-M Dearborn--Film, Ethnic Notions, & Discuss, J Lawson, noon, Mall Concourse; Film, Die Hard, 7:30 pm, Rec & Organiz Ctr. 593-5390 Acad Women's Caucus--Fac/Staff Mtg, noon-1:30 pm, Mich League Rm 6@#$ 747-1386. Computing Ctr--Courses in Rm 3001 SEB: Beginning Microsoft Word (IBM PC & Compatibles), 8:30 am-12:30 pm; Beginning Microsoft Word (Macintosh), 1-5 pm; In 4212 SEB: Basic Concepts of Spreadsheeting, 10 am-noon; Intro to Computing, 1-3 pm; In MLB Aud 3: Computer Conferencing Lec/Demo, 1-2:30 pm. Reg req. 763-7630. Arts & Prog--Music At Mid-Day, L Cleaver, 12:15 pm, Mich Union Pendleton Rm. 764-6498. Film & Video Stds--Lec, P Adams Sitney, "The Poetics of Seeing," 7:30 pm, Lorch Hall Aud. 764-0147. Career Plan & Place--Wkshp, "Alternatives to Business," 4:10-5 pm, CP&P Rm 1; Pre-Conf Wkshp, 4:10-5:30 pm, Mich Union Pond Rm; Employer Presentation: Leo Burnett, 4:30-6:30 pm, Hale Aud. 764-7460. Prog Linguistics--Lunch for M Suner, noon, Linguistic Read Rm. Mus Anthropol--Brown-Bag Lec, M Adler, noon-1 pm, 2009 Ruthven Mus@#$ 764-0485. Lesbian-Gay Male Prog--Organizing mtg for Black Gay & Bisexual Men, 8:30 pm, location TBA. 763-4186. Conflict Mgmt Alternatives--Lec, R Williams, "Finding Voice: The Process of Becoming a Social Advocate," 4 pm, Mich Union Kuenzel Rm 763-0472 FRIDAY JANUARY 20 Gay Liberation--Coffee House, "Brothers," 8 pm, 802 Monroe St 763-4186. Lowbrow Astron--Mtg, F Schebor, "Building a Split-Ring Equatorially Mounted Reflecting Telescope," 7:30 pm, Detroit Observ. Gifts of Art--Concert, Chamber Arts Trio, 12:30 pm, Hosp Lobby 1st fi. 936- ARTS. *Intercoil Athlet--Ice Hockey, Ferris State, 7:30 pm, Yost Ice Arena. Sch Music--Collage Concert, 8:15 pm, Hill Aud. 763-4726. Mus Art--Lec, M Wu "Pure Elegance: A Decade of Asian Art Collecting," 7:30 pm, Angell Hall Aud A. Regents--Mtg, 9 am, Regents Rm. *U-M Flint--Film, Tucker, 7 & 9:15 pm, Univ Ctr Kiva. 762-3431. S & SE Asian Stds--Brown-Bag Lee, K Taylor, "Hayden White's Tropological Theories Quantum Physics & Southeast Asian History," noon, Lane Hall Commons. *AAFC--Fim, Dead Ringers, 7 & 9:30 pm, MLB 3. 769-7787. Sch Nrsg--Lec, J Fleming, "Enlightenment, Empowering, & Equity: Focus on Minorities as a Positive Differential Factor," 10 am, NIB Aud 936-3631. U-M-Dearborn--Film, Black on White & Lec, G Smitherman-Donaldson, "Black English: What It Is Its Place in Black Culture Its Future," 11:30 am, Mall Concourse; Lec, C Jameson, "The Isotope Effects in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance," 2:30-4 pm, Classrm & Admin Rm 144; Film, Beauty & The Beast, 8 pm, Classrm & Admin Rm 138. M-CARE--Open House, 5-7 pm, 650 Griswold St. 936-9613. Computing Ctr--Courses, dBASE III Plus Pt 1, 8:30 am-12:30 pm, 3001 SEB; MS- DOS Basic Skills Lec/Demo, 1-3 pm, 4212 SEB. Reg req. 763-7630. Folkdance Club--Line & Circle Dances from the Balkans, Europe & Middle East, Teaching, 8-9 pm; Requests, 9-11 pm, S Quad Basement Lounge 663-3885. Christians In Action--Mtg, "Thank God It's Friday," 7:30 pm, Mich League Brown-Bag Rm. 973-6675. Career Plan & Place--Wkshps, Writing Your CIF, noon-1 pm, CP&P Conf Rm; Intro to Career Plan & Place, 3:30-4 pm, CP&P Lib. 764-7460. Intl Ctr--Brown-Bag Lee, M Suksi, "State Law Perspectives on the History of Finland," noon, 603 E Madison. 747-2303. Guild House--*Lunch & Forum, L Galimore, "Afroamerican Males in the 21st Century: Issues & Possibilities," noon, 802 Monroe St. 662-5189. SATURDAY JANUARY 21 *Exhib Mus Planetarium--Shows: "Star Talk," 10:30 & 11:30 am; "First Light-- The Space Telescope Story," 2, 3 & 4 pm, Exhib Mus 4th fl, corner Geddes- Washtenaw. 764-0478. *Hillel Fdn--Poetry Perform, J Heifetz, 8 pm, 1429 Hill St. 769-0500. *Intercoll Athlet--See Jan 20. *Women's Athletics--Swim & Div, E Mich, time TBA, Canham Natatorium@#$ 763-2159. *AAFC--Films, Satan's Brew, 7 pm; The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant, 9 pm, Nat Sci. 769-7787. Sdt Woodshop--Safety Class For New Shop Users Pt 1, 9-11 am, SAB@#$ 763- 4025. Asian Sdt Coalition/Vietnamese Sdt Assoc--Sympos, "New Americans: Southeast AsianRefugees in the United States," 10 am-4 pm, Mich Union Anderson Rmn. 662-7793. Career Plan & Place--Saturation Session: Tips & Strategies for Job Search, 9-10 am; Resume, 10:10-11 am; Interview, 11:10-noon, CP&P Lib@#$ 764-7460. Guild House--Dawntreaders mtg, 7 pm, 802 Monroe St. 662-5189 SUNDAY JANUARY 22 Zen Buddhist Temple--Korean Svc, 11 am; Meditation Svc, 5-7 pm, 1214 Packard Rd. 761-6520. 11 I