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April 18, 1989 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-04-18

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Page 2 -The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, April 18, 1989

Associated Press
President George Bush salutes a cheering crowd of around 4,000 people in Hamtramck where he proposed economic incentives for Poland.
Bush drew a favorable response from the large Polish community when he spoke of the political reform transpiring there currently.

" ontinued from Page 1
-*Seeking congressional approval
of U.S. guaranteed loans to stimu-
late private investment in Poland.
$uch incentives, which would be
done through the Overseas Private
Igvestment Corp., would provide a
kind of political risk insurance to
VJS. investors.
-A new U.S. willingness to work
with its allies and other Western fi-
n$ncial leaders toward a program as-
sisting Poland in attacking its $38
billion debt.

Bush said, however, that the
terms and timing of any rescheduling
of the Polish debt will depend on
several factors, including Warsaw's
progress in working with the Inter-
national Monetary Fund to introduce1
"sound economic policies."
The strongest reaction from the
crowd however came after Bush re-
ferred to the recent greater political
freedom, not economic reform, in
"We share an unwavering convic-
tion that one day, all peoples of Eu-
rope will live in freedom," Bush
said. "Make no mistake about that.

"The Soviet Union should under-
stand that a free eastern Europe
would threaten no one," he said.
"The Congress, the Polish-
American community, the American
labor movement, our allies and in-
ternational financial institutions,
must work in concert if Polish
democracy is to take root anew and
sustain itself," he said. "We can and
must answer-this call to freedom."
Taken together, the financial
moves could amount to more than
$1 billion in economic advantages to
the Communist government and
would, if fully implemented, largely

reverse the economic sanctions im-
posed against the Warsaw govern-
ment in 1981 and 1982 after it im-
posed martial law crackdown and
banned Solidarity.
White House Press Secretary
Marlin Fitzwater told reporters that
the administration had not put a dol-
lar figure on its initiatives because
"most of this involves our working
with financial lending institutions to
find ways to help."
There were at least 4,000 specta-
tors who crowded the City Hall in
Hamtramck to hear the President's


i -

Continued from Page 1
Ages, she recruits minority students
lp attend the College of Pharmacy's
&raduate program. In terms of in-
state recruitment for graduate study
in the College, the University is a
jig "feeder school."
w When Perry visits the various
campuses, she makes class presenta-
tions to "make sure they're clear
about our purpose and our mission."
$he also takes alums with her when
she goes because "alums lend credi-
bility to our efforts to recruit stu-

dents. It shows prospective students
they can function in Michigan's en-
Perry said that though. the Uni-
versity is a target of criticism for its
racial atmosphere, she feels willing
to talk about it openly and honestly.
She tries to show students how the
University can be a productive place
for their growth, and tells students
about the Michigan Mandate and
President Duderstadt's promise of an
open and positive environment.
"No one is standing in front of
the door burning a cross, keeping
them from doing what they came
here for," Perry said. She also tells

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minority students that "Michigan is
just a small part of what the world is
like." She points out to them that
no campus is perfect and asks them
to look at the problems on their own
campuses before criticizing another.
After clearing up misconceptions
about the University for students,
Perry then does the same for the
profession of pharmacy. "Some pre-
pharmacy students say they don't
want to count pills." Yet Perry re-
minds them that the "oharmacist
serves a very responsible role as a
health care professional due to the
responsibility that comes with
monitoring dosages, prescriptions
and making sure that pills are safe."
Perry said pharmacists have a re-
sponsibility to alert physicians if
there is a question about the dosage
and the amount or type of medica-
tion. "The pharmacist is liable just
like a physician."
She also educates students to a
variety of career options such as
hospital pharmacy, teaching and the
"numerous opportunities in the
pharmaceutical industry."
There are several opportunities for
pharmacists with federal organiza-
tions like the National Institute of
Health, the Food and Drug
administration, the U.S. Public
Health Service, and the U.S. Bureau
of narcotics. "I tell students to create
their own niche," she said.
Last summer, Perry was pro-
moted to serve as the Pharmacy
school's assistant dean for student
services. Perry said sometimes she
regrets not having had other jobs.
"Sometimes I wish I could have had
other experiences, but all in all you
make the best of it wherever you are.
This has been very productive for me
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as well as the students that I deal
Barbara Kaplan, a third-year
Pharm D. student calls Perry, "the
greatest inspiration," and said that
Perry "provides a connection be-
tween the students and the bureau-
cracy of the pharmacy school."
Perry's sister Risa, the youngest
of three, is presently a second year
student in the College of Pharmacy.
Her other two sisters also graduated
from the University.
Perry remembers her mother, who
died when she was 17 years old, as
the major influence in her life. Once
Perry had finished school, she started
to take care of her younger sisters
and one of her two brothers, who had
been living with her aunt.
"Even though my mother was
dead, I knew that she would want me
to get my education so that I would
have no excuses," said Perry. "I
knew that eventually I would have to
get them back because my aunt was
raising them, so I had to finish
(college) and get a job."
"I didn't want them to wind up
on welfare," she continued. "When I
was growing up, I never knew what
welfare meant, but at the time,
whenever I heard welfare, it had a
very negative connotation."
. Perry said it was her responsibil-
ity to provide for her brothers and
sisters with "an environment that
would encourage them to want to
learn and become self-sufficient."
When Perry is not working at the
College of Pharmacy, she likes to
shop. "You know that saying, 'shop
'til you drop.' I believe in that," she
said, laughing. Perry keeps a replica
of her favorite Sesame Street charac-
ters on her shelf. She admits she is a
"kid at heart" and prefers "older car-
toons like Bugs Bunny" to newer
ones like the Smurfs. Perry said she
also enjoys reading, relating that as a
child, her mother gave her two op-
tions, either to read or do house-
work. "I hated to do housework..."
said Perry with a grin.
#xt SVX:1

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Government lifts Solidarity ban
WARSAW - Lech Walesa on Monday called on Poles to rebuild Soli-
darity "skillfully and quickly" just hours after a court declared the
independent union legal again and ended seven years of government sup-
Janusz Onyszkiewicz, a union spokesperson, said an independent union
press should begin operating by the end of the month, and that Solidarity
should get new national headquarters in Gdansk by Tuesday.
"Our efforts, devotion and suffering have not been in vain," Walesa
said in his statement. "We defended our workers' rights, together we are
paving a road to a fully democratic and sovereign Poland.
"The Polish nation is facing tasks which are much more complex than
in 1980. Now we must undertake a trial of real and deep economic reform
and democratic restructuring of the state" he said.
Polish leader Gen Wojeciech Jaruzelski tried to dissolve Solidarity in
December 1981 martial-law crackdown, but now seeks the movement's
help to pull Poland out of an economic crisis.
Ban wouldn't curtail abortions
NEW YORK - Though a sizable minority of adults oppose abor-
tions, Americans overwhelmingly believe that banning them would do
little to curtail them, a Media General-Associated Press survey has found.
With the U.S. Supreme Court poised to reconsider the issue next
week, the national poll found support for legal abortion ranging from 50
percent to 65 percent of the 1,108 adults polled, depending on the ques-
tion posed.
Large majorities said outlawing abortion would fail to prevent it from
occurring- an argument used by those who argue many women have un-
safe illegal abortions if the operation were banned.
Opposition to abortion was greatest among older, less wealthy and less
educated respondents. and Republicans and conservatives. There was no
significant division in opinion between men and women.
Next week the Supreme Court is to hear a case that could enable it to
review its 1973 ruling legalizing abortion, with a decision expected later
in the year.
Charges delayed for cult members
MATAMOROS, Mexico - The discovery of two more bodies near
the ranch where brutal, satanic sacrifices occurred, delayed the filing of
charges against members of the cult, officials said.
Two bodies of suspected drug traffickers missing since May were un-
earthed Sunday on the collective farm, where 13 corpses were found last
The two victims, Moises Castillo, 52, of Houston and Hector de la
Fuente, 39, who lived on a small communal farm west of Matamoros,
did not appear tortured or mutilated like the others, officials said.
Formal Mexican federal charges were to have been filed yesterday
against four men in custody here, but the new deaths complicated the
case, said Jose Piedad Silva Arroyo, Mexico's Chief federal narcotics in
vestigator for northeastern Tamaulipas state.
Silva said authorities were considering adding the latest victims' deaths
to the murder, kidnapping, drug and weapons charges already pending
against the four suspects.
Bomb explodes, kills investigator
WIESBADEN, West Germany - A bomb similar to the one that de-
stroyed Pan Am Flight 103 exploded while being examined yesterday,
killing an investigator in a case involving Palestinians suspected of ter-
Another officer was critically wounded in the explosion at the federal
police headquarters, said spokesman Arno Falk of Bundeskriminalamt, the
police bureau.
It was not clear whether the bomb was seized in connection with the
Pan Am investigation, but the manner in which it was disguised was said
to be similar.
Asked how police obtained the radio-bomb that exploded yesterday,
Flak replied: "This is in connection with our previous investigation, but
we cannot say more than that."
Long-winded Downey deflated
SOUTH KINGSTON, R.I. - While TV talk show host Morton
Downey Jr. was conducting forums at the University of Rhode Island,
someone let the air out of all four tires on his limousine, campus police
Downey, who specializes in deflating his guests with insults and
provocations, examined the problems of campus fraternities during his
forums Sunday night, which were modeled on his TV show. Two frater-
nities were banished from the Rhode Island campus this year for various

University President Edward D. Eddy, who stood in the back of the
hall, said he found Downey "pathetic. Why anybody would pay $10 for
this kind of thing I don't understand."
Darren Klein, a sophomore from Orange, Conn., and a member of the
Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity, said he attended the forum to "stand up for
the Greeks."
"Morton's all right, kind of fake, but he is entertaining," Klein said
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students atthe University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall andwinter (2 semesters)
$25.00 in-town and $35 out-of-town, for fall only $15.00 in-town and $20.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
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