Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. IC,1 N6)135 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, April 17,1989 Copyright 1989, The Michigan Daily
for riot
A University student who stole a
double parking meter the night of
the NCAA championship riot on
South U. was arraigned Friday in the
12th district court on the charge of
Joseph Ubaldo, an LSA junior,
faces a maximum sentence of five
years in prison, $2,500 fine and
restitution. Ubaldo's preliminary
court date is set for April 26th at 9 f
a.m. A Student Legal Services
attorney is assigned to Ubaldo's ~ n
Police Det. Neil Ehnis, who is in
charge of investigating the crimes r
committed during the riot, said three=~
of the five people arrested for crimes
have been arraigned.
A 20-year old who assaulted three
people with a metal crutch at the
Alpha Delta Phi fraternity on State
St. is awaiting arraignment for a
} charge of felonious assault.
The man was angered because the
fraternity members would not let
him into a private party. When he
was told to leave, he grabbed the
crutch of a member at the door and £ n...
began flailing it at anyone he could _
hit, said fraternity member Tom
Hamilton, an LSA junior.
Three people were injured by the
man, including a University student,
an Eastern Michigan University stu-
dent and another bystander.
Hamilton said one of the injured
suffered a concussion and was carried
unconscious into the house with his
head bleeding.
Hamilton added that about five
fights occurred with people who tried
to force their way into the fraternity.
Ie said one man must undergo facial A woman cheers wit
See Riot, page 2
Group protests
that the p
It wasn't business as usual for the merchants One p
of downtown Ann Arbor on Saturday. mous, sai
About 100 demonstrators occupied the parking the wrong
lot behind Kline's department store on Main St. think that
from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m. to protest the city's it. They'i
failure to provide enough low-income housing. fun it the
The protestors - who prevented potential pa- The H
trons from parking their cars in the lot for ten ing decis
hours - set up mock cardboard-box homes in Council t
every empty space to represent the plight of Ann rather tha
Arbor's homeless community. ing. The c
Saturday's demonstration climaxed fourteen ing for the
weeks of weekly pickets organized by LSA se- At 11:
niors Renuka Uthappa and Earl Uomoto, mem- whom we
bers of Ann Arbor's Homeless Action Commit- Jim C
tee (HAC). homeless
Uthappa said one of the demonstration's aims making a
was to show the city what HAC is capable of house to
doing. "We're serving notice to the city that with me i
we're aware of what they're spending money on to do it -
and we will not allow that kind of spending to go Peg
on.' less com
Reaction from merchants and customers in the city that
area was unsympathetic. Patrons were upset by A city tha
'Take ba
More than 2,000 women chanted, "Fight
back, women unite! The streets belong to
us tonight," as they marched through the
streets of Ann Arbor Saturday night to
protest rape and violence against women
and children.
This year's 10th annual "Take Back the
Night, Take Back the Power" rally and
march was organized by the Ann Arbor
Coalition Against Rape. The group added
"Take Back the Power" to the name of this
year's march to show that "sexual assault is
not merely an issue of safety in the streets
at night. As individuals, we are denied
power every time a rape occurs," according
to the rally's statement of purpose.
"It's such a change from the usual to see
so many women so empowered," said LSA
junior and marcher Debbie Sobeloff.
The evening began with a rally for
women and men at the Federal Building
which featured speakers, music, a poetry
reading, and self defense demonstration.
Women who wished to identify them-
selves as survivors of rape, sexual assault,
or domestic violence wore white armbands;
purple armbands were available for sur-
vivors of lesbian battering.
Many speakers drew links between sex-
ism and racism saying: "This is a deliberate
attempt to end the silence and invisibility
of women of color," said one speaker.
Making connections between race, class
and gender oppression, Tracey Matthews,
director of the Baker-Mandela Center for
Anti-racist Education, urged the crowd to
make a long-term commitment to "take
back every night."
Christina Jose, a lecturer in the Women's
Studies Department, spoke on the need for
women to fight against all stereotypes for
unity among all women.
Rally leaders announced the "winners" of
the annual Sexism In Advertising contest,
sponsored by the Citizen's Advisory
Committee on Rape Prevention. The most
sexist local ad - for theasecond year in a
row - was a Brown Bag It Lingerie ad
with the caption, "Don't make her beg. Oh,
ek' night
maybe just a little." The winner in the na-
tional category was Major Damage Jean-
swear, for its ad showing a woman wearing
nothing but ripped up jeans, falling off a
bed. Announcers said this ad implies "the
aftermath of a rape.
Natasha Raymond read poetry she had
written and selections from other women
poets. Musician Ami Robinson played two
pieces on the violin dedicated to her god-
child who had been sexually abused.
Five women from the Alkebu-lan Martial
Arts Federation in Detroit performed a self-
defense demonstration, which included
kicking, punching, and breaking boards
with their hands and feet. The demonstra-
tion prompted exclamations from the crowd
like "I'd hate
to make the mistake of
See March, Page 2
Men also
hold a rally
for support,
As over two thousand women Saturday
night were marching down Ann Arbor's streets
chanting "Take Back the Night," about 100
men rallied to break the silence about other is-
sues such as oppression of women of color and
gay and lesbian rights.
The men's rally, held at night fall on the
steps of the Federal Building, was sponsored
by the Men's Outreach Committee at the Uni-
versity's Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center. Men are excluded from the
"Take Back the Night, Take Back the Power"
march to empower women and assure their
solidarity, said David Keiser, a member of
SAPAC and LSA senior.
Ron Wheeler, a member of Lesbian and
Gay Male Program Office (LGMPO) and sec-
ond year law student, spoke of the disparity
plaguing not only women, but women of
color. "Women of color have 50 percent less
See Men's Rally, page 2
th over two thousand others at Saturday's rally for women's rights.
city's lac
venience and owners expressed concern
rotest would hurt business.
atron, who wished to remain anony-
d he thought the protestors were using
g means to deal with problem. "I don't
's a very effective way of going about
re just taking up space having a little
sun out there," he said.
omeless Action Committee is protest-
sions made by the Ann Arbor City
to spend funds on parking structures
n providing for more low-income hous-
council had said it would provide hous-
e homeless.
30 a.m., a string of speakers - two of
re homeless - addressed the protestors.
:lough, a member of Ann Arbor's
community, told the protesters, "I'm
challenge to anybody who has a good
come out and spend a couple of days
f they think they can make it. I've had
- why can't they?"
y Lewis, also a member of the home-
munity, urged Ann Arbor to become "a
says people matter more than parking.
at says people matter more than politi-
k of housing
cal double talk and economic heresy."
In addition to the speeches, demonstrators car-
ried signs, shouted slogans, and chanted songs
proclaiming: "Give us affordable housing to rent!
City dollars should not be spent on parking!"
A spokesperson for Kline's department store
was unavailable to comment.
First-year student Aric Parness helped block
the entrance to the lot as surprised patrons drove
by. He said before he came to school, he had
only heard about the plight of the homeless. The
East Quad resident said many homeless people
congregate by a heating grate outside his dorm.
"There are a lot of homeless people. Taking
up land just for parking structures is going the
opposite way to solving the problem," Parness
The only police presence was a patrolling of-
ficer who served notice to Uthappa that the
demonstration wouldn't be broken up, but
protestors would be held responsible for business
lost to merchants.
Terming the demonstration a "success," Uo-
moto, the rally's coordinator, said it was every-
thing that they had hoped for.
A member of Ann Arbor's homeless community lies in a cardboard
box to protest the city's lack of affordable housing at Saturday's
scuffle over
The Washtenaw County division
of Operation Rescue launched a
strike against Planned Parenthood in
Ann Arbor on Saturday, causing the
clinic doors to remain closed to pa-
tients for several hours. About sev-
enty-five of the 200 anti-abortionists
were arrested.
Charges against the protesters in-
cluded tresspassing, resisting arrest,
obstruction of justice, and assault
and battery. Planned Parenthood -
supported by about 60 pro-choice
protestors Saturday - said they plan
Some 50 people packed the
downstairs of an old building on
North Fourth St. Friday to round off
another year of success for the Lean-
ing Post program - a local youth
support and tutorial group.
Yet, those who showed up to sip
punch and eat egg salad sandwiches
in this downtown Ann Arbor, com-
prised only a fraction of those in-
volved in the program. Approxi-
mately 62 families and over 100
University students participate in ei-
ther "big brother/big sister" or tuto-
rial volunteer work.
Leaning Post has been active in
the local area since 1983 when it
was first developed as a ex-offender
sunnort nrogram, said Lucille Porter.
Post raps
Both the families involved, 90
percent whom are African American,
95 percent low income, and 87 per-
cent female headed households, have
welcomed the service in their homes.
"The tutoring and Big
Brother/Sister programs have been
extremely successful both in terms
of exposing area youths to the uni-
versity students and, in turn, the
students to the community... as op-
posed to doing nothing with their
lives," said Ruth A. Spann, grand-
mother of Quincy Brown, a 6th
grader who has been involved in the
program since last September.
Janice Brown, Quincy's mother,
spoke enthusiastically about her
son's recent academic improvement.
"I come home and he's got his
up year
not have the resources and funding to
spread the program to as many
families as possible. She added that
See Post, Page 5
Carol Love of Ann Arbor is taken away on a stretcher in front of the
city's Planned parenthood. Love was with Operation Rescue.