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April 10, 1989 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1989-04-10

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with PLO
JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel's
finance minister, Shimon Peres, said
yesterday that Israel was negotiating
indirectly with the PLO through
U.S. mediators, despite Prime Min-
ister Yitzhak Shamir's opposition to
dealing with the organization.
Peres, head of the Israel's more
liberal Labor Party, made his com-
ment about the PLO as he spoke in
Israel radio about Shamir's plan for
elections in the occupied lands.
'The United States is at
this moment a mediator
between us and the Pales-
tinians, including the
PLO, even though this
isn't to our liking.'
-Israeli Finance
Minister Shimon Peres
He said Israel had in effect con-
ceded its longstanding refusal to talk
to the Palestine Liberation Organ-
ization by having the Americans
mediate on the election question.
"The United States is at this
moment a mediator between us and
the Palestinians, including the PLO,
even though this isn't to our lik-
ing," he said.
Peres also said he accepted
Shamir's election idea but antici-
pated difficulties because Shamir, of
the right-wing Likud bloc, refused
the Palestinian demand for interna-
tional supervision of the balloting.
Shamir's plan calls for Palestini-
ans in the occupied lands to select
representatives to negotiate an in-
terim solution for the disputed terri-


The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 10, 1989 - Page 5
'U' takes 2nd
place in debate

The men's basketball team wasn't
the only winner last week. Michi-
gan's debate team brought home a
second-place trophy in the national
debate tournament held at Miami
The team, a group of 12 students,
took first place in the National
Ranking System - the total points
calculated from the team's record
since September.
The doubles team of LSA junior
Andrew Schrank and LSA sopho-
more Joe Thompson held an unde-
feated record through the tournament,
before losing to Baylor University in
the finals.
"It's a measure of how deep the
squad was," Thompson said.
LSA seniors David Brownell and
Denise Loshbough, Michigan's
other qualifying pair, finished among
the top 16 teams. However, they
didn't make it to the final eight.
A total of 74 pairs of student de-
baters - no more than two from
each school - were invited to the

This year's college debate topic
was the U.S. foreign policy toward
Africa and whether or not it should
be changed. The winning pair from
Baylor, seniors who placed second
last year, were seated first in this
year's tournament.
The Schrank-Thompson duo fin-
ished the season at 5-5 with the
Baylor team.
Although his team came short of
bringing home a National Champi-
onship, Thompson said he is still
happy with the results. "We had a
great final round. I have no com-
Mancuso is already looking ahead
to next season. The team will lose
two debaters to graduation, but
"we're expecting to get some good
freshmen," he said.
On the other hand, Thompson
said, "Most of our competition will
Next year's debate topic will be
announced in July; the team will
begin practice and research soon af-

Last paper leaves
London's Fleet Street

Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament representative senior Sarah Cooley (left) speaks
demonstrators Friday about the amount of money the University spends on military research
WAND protests spending
mone on military research

Members of the Women's Action
for Nuclear Disarmament (WAND),
rallied on the Diag Frigay,
condemning the amount of money
the University spends on military
research, which they said was linked
to racism.
Physics Prof. Dan Axelrod, one
of the rally's four speakers, said al-
though the University wants to wipe
out racism, it supports the military,
which he considers to be racist.
"Violence is not accepted on
campus, yet the University supports

violence on unimaginable scales,
usually against non-whites," he said
to about 20 people at the rally.
Americans are convinced to sup-
port wars by being made to think
other races are sub-human, said Ax-
elrod, adding that the government
justifies military attacks as a
"defense of freedom," when it is op-
pressive. "Freedom is an all-purpose
word used to paper over reality."
He related this notion of
"freedom" to the University by dis-
cussing the proposal - voted down
by LSA faculty members last week

- to require a racism class in order
to graduate. He said the faculty class
was rejected because it would have
been required, and requirements vio-
late free choice.
"How much of student life is ac-
tually directed by free choice?" asked
Axelrod. "Aren't there requirements
for graduation and prerequisites for
Axelrod stressed the need for
awareness and action. He said the
situation regarding racism and mili-
tarism on campus will not improve
until all students and faculty "learn
about the quality of all human kind."

LONDON (AP) - The last na-
tional newspaper on Fleet Street,
once London's rumbustious news-
paper row, made its final press run
there yesterday as British journalism
traded the typewriters' clatter for the
quiet of high technology.
Behind the gleaming, black glass
facade of the art deco Express build-
ing, reporters, editors and technicians
of the Daily Express crated the con-
tents of desks, packed up their
memories, and sent off the final
Fleet Street edition of the Sunday
Express before moving to new head-
When the last bundle of papers
was tied up and dispatched around the
country, all was silent where for
decades typewriters clacked, linotype
machines rattles, and presses
hummed. For nearly 300 years, the

country's national papers were all
published on or near Fleet Street.
The short, crowded street and adjoin-
ing warren of alleys and hidden
courtyards were abuzz around the
clock with journalists rushing to
meet deadlines.
The national newspapers have
moved away one by one to comput-
erized facilities since publisher Ru-
pert Murdoch began the exodus in
1986, taking with him The Times,
The Sunday Times, The Sun, and
The News of The World.
The last edition of the broadsheet
from the old plant carries a brief
farewell that reminds readers of Fleet
Street's nicknames: "Grub Street"
and "Street of Shame."
"But we were never ashamed of it
- or not often," the newspaper said.

Researchers duplicate
,fusion experiment

HOUSTON (AP) - Texas A&M
University researchers have dupli-
cated a controversial University of
Utah experiment that reportedly
achieved nuclear fusion using a rela-
tively simple process, a college
spokesperson said yesterday.
Officials at the school in College
Station, Texas, said they would hold
a news conference today to announce
that their researchers had achieved the
same kind of cold fusion, one of the
most sought-after scientific break-
"Our people are convinced that
they've got it, so as a gesture to the
researchers in Utah we wanted to an-
nounce it as soon as possible," said
Bo Walraven, a spokesperson for
Texas A&M.
Scientists have long sought the
secrets of nuclear fusion, considered
a possible replacement for conven-
tional energy sources because it
would be clean, inexpensive and vir-
tually inexhaustible.
Researchers in Utah announced
March 23 that they had achieved nu-
clear fusion at room temperature.
Their claim has been met with
widespread skepticism among col-
Other researchers have complained

that they tried to replicate the exper-
iment of Stanley Pons of the Uni-
versity of Utah and his British col-
league, Martin Fleischmann of the
University of Southampton, but
without success.
Pons has said he wasn't surprised
at his colleagues' difficulties because
the experiment is more complicated
than press reports have made it out
to be, and only recently have the
technical details reached the scientific
Steve Jones of Brigham Young
University in Utah said recently that
he had achieved fusion in a similar
experiment, but obtained far less en-
ergy than Pons and Fleischmann said
they obtained.
Fusion, the energy source that,
powers the sun and hydrogen bombs,
is achieved by joining atoms, usu-
ally through the application of mil-
lions of degrees of heat. Fission, the
energy source for nuclear power
plants, comes from splitting atoms.
Fusion generates far less waste than
Read Jim Poniewozik Every

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