4 OPINION Page 4 Friday, April 7, 1989 The Michigan Daily Don't fund JNF discrimination By Ann Arbor New Jewish Agenda Ann Arbor New Jewish Agenda believes that, now, supporting the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) or the Jewish National Fund (JNF) is tantamount to placing money di- rectly in the hands of Israeli politicians and underwriting their policies. The UJA and JNF are both controlled by the World Zionist Organization, which is controlled by the two major parties of the Israeli parliamentary coalition. UJA and JNF funds are fungible and are co-mingled with government monies. As progressive Jews, many of us have very warm associations with the JNF. From its establishment in 1901 it has been an important link between world Jewry and the practical projects of the Zionist social movement. Like most Jews, few of us paid attention to the de- tails of JNF policies and activities. We were in general sympathy with the goals of the JNF. We can no longer ignore the particulars. To be honest with ourselves, we must admit that our vision of what Israeli soci- ety can and should be is not compatible with the policies and goals of the JNF. New Jewish Agenda has two main criteria for "ethical giving" to groups in Israel: 1) the distribution of funds should not discriminate between Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel, and 2) the money should not support Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. The JNF fails on both counts. The JF discriminates against non- Jews. Some practices are unacceptable in a society based upon democracy and equal- ity. The JNF owns 17% and participates in the administration of over 90% of all "public" land in Israel. Most of the lands acquired by the JNF since 1948 are lands which belonged to refugees forced to flee in 1948 or lands expropriated by the gov- ernment from Arab citizens. Once acquired by the JNF, land becomes an inalienable part of the Jewish national heritage-that is, it may not be sold or leased to non- Jews. The JNF has the right of first refusal when any public lands not owned by it outright are sold or transferred. The JNF has exclusive responsibility for land de- velopment. Non-Jews, regardless of their citizenship status, are not eligible for JNF services. This means they cannot lease or sublease JNF-owned lands and cannot work as hired laborers on these lands. They are not eligible for development funds or services. Land development in the Palestinian sector of the economy must be privately financed whereas Jewish agricul- tural settlements receive large grants and loans as well as continuous technical as- sistance. Jews who have never lived in Is- rael have more of a claim on these "public" lands and development funds than do Palestinian citizens of Israel. The JNF supports the occupation of and helps to finance illegal settlements in the territories. Since 1978 most JNF activities have been involved in acquiring and devel- oping land for Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. The JNF has collab- orated with the Israeli authorities in ex- propriating Palestinian lands, razing culti- vated fields and bulldozing orchards, and denying equal access to water sources. New Jewish Agenda calls upon all those who want to politically or financially support Israel to contribute to organiza- tions that promote peace and justice. There are many progressive alternatives that we would be glad to make known to those interested. As Jews who support Israel and who are committed to a prophetic vision of peace and social and economic justice, we call upon our communities to shift support away from the JNF and the UJA and stop underwriting policies that are destroying the social and moral fabric of Israel. New Jewish Agenda upholds the Jewish tradi- tion that all Jews are responsible for one another. Our histories, traditions, values and sentiments have created a special bond between us and Israel. Israeli and North American Jews share a concern for each other's secure future and ethical character. Contributions to the JNF and the UJA jeopardize both by actively discriminating against Palestinians and by supporting the occupation. Soldiers control crowd, Land Day, 1982, form opening of Gaza Ghetto. Note the trees in the background. abe LibigDanaig Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. IC, No. 129 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. "Humanitarian" development expropriates Palestinian land: Trees on a grave JNF promotes ON SUNDAY, the Jewish National Fund will present U.S. Representative Carl Pursell (R-Ann Arbor) with the "Tree of Life" Award at a $150 per plate fundraiser. University President James Duderstadt is listed with his title on the JNF's invitation as an honorary chair of the dinner. By accepting this position, Duder- stadt lends undeserved support to the JNF - an organization with a long history of discrimination - and to Pursell, whose disregard for people's aspirations for self-determination is exhibited by his repeated votes for contra aid. The JNF was created by the World Zionist Organization in 1901 to "purchase, develop, and settle lands [in Palestine] as the inalienable property of the whole Jewish people." The JNF does not sell or rent land to non-Jews. The JNF leases - applicable today - warn that "the lessee is obligated to carry out the work related to the cultivation of the leasehold [sic] only and exclusively by Jews. Should the lessee violate this provision and em- ploy non-Jewish labor, he shall be subject to the payment of predetermined compensation." The JNF controls over 90 percent of the land. JNF land expropriation Israeli scholars Benny Morris and Simha Flappan both document the in- volvement of JNF's colonization di- rector Joseph Weitz in planning and carrying out the forced evacuation of Palestinians from their villages in 1948, and the subsequent bulldozing of many of the villages to erase all traces of Arab presence. The JNF claims that since 1948 it has worked mostly at land "reclamation" and afforestation. But it does not say that it takes land forcibly from Pales- tinians, citizens or not, and that it cre- ates national parks on top of the ruins of Palestinian villages. The JNF does not limit its activities to within the 1967 border of Israel. It creates settlements in the Golan .Heights, on land taken from Syrian Druze. In Gaza and the West Bank it pied land. Most recently it has built roads into southern Lebanon. The Empty North: pop. 220,000 Palestinians JNF president Rabbi , William Berkowitz revealed the true nature of JNF policies in a 1982 speech: "A recent issue of our JNF publica- tion 'Land and Life' carried on its cover the headline, 'Galilee: The Empty North.' That phrase sums up the chal- lenge Israel faces in the North, for there too, just as in the South, geopo- litical and strategic significance attaches itself to the facts we are creating. "Are you aware that the population of the area between Acre and Safed is about 220,000 and that of this 65 per- cent are Arabs? Do you know that in some areas of the Galilee the Arab population has a numerical majority of as much as eight-to-one? "The Jewish National Fund is meet- ing the challenge, creating an infras- tructure for the establishmentof strate- gically vital new settlements as well as the expansion of existing settlements." (Jerusalem Post, 5/9/82, 11/21/82). Economic violence In 1974, Yitzhak Efron of the JNF said, "The economic impact of our land purchases and our activities on Arabs is not considered.... The government would have to look after all citizens if they owned the land; since the JNF owns the land, let's be frank, we can serve just the Jewish people." The JNF of America claims that its financial gifts to Israel are humanitarian because they are spent on parks and swimming pools. But when a Pales- tinian farmer is denied water for his crops, and Israeli settlements have swimming pools, that is a form of economic violence. Duderstadt is choosing to honor an organization which deserves only cen- sure and criticism. As a University president who claims to strive for racial equality, Duderstadt should withdraw as honorary chair. Protest the dinner by marching from the Union to the Campus Inn at 5 p.m. Sunday. V~_ . __ .., ....*-.. __ S -- By Paula Stern Eric Jackson's recent article, "Dinner Funds Discrimination," (Daily, 3/29/89) presents an inaccurate picture of the work of the Jewish National Fund. The follow- ing are the historical facts and current-day realities regarding the JNF. The JNF was created to raise money to help build a national home for the Jewish people. Toward this end, the JNF pur- chased land, mostly desert and swamp, from absentee Arab land owners all too anxious to rid themselves of what they considered to be worthless terrain. With the establishment of a Jewish state, the JNF shifted its priorities from land purchase to development and af- forestation. The Arab population believed that the combined forces of seven Arab armies would defeat the outnumbered and out- flanked Jewish community and conquer the entire land. The Arabs rejected the Parti- tion Plan and invaded the newly declared state of Israel. Mr. Jackson incorrectly asserts that JNF has a "Jews Only" rental policy for leasing out land that it administers. No such stip- ulation exists in the JNF Charter or By- laws. The JNF does not rent land; they raise money exclusively for land develop- ment. There are no biases in the JNF's work as proven by the recent approval of the planting of a forest requested by mem- bers of an Arab village. Mr. Jackson refers to "mitzpim" and in- Paula Stern is Coordinator of Pedagogic Services of the Jewish National Fund's Department of Education. correctly implies that they are military outposts. The mitzpim are hilltop com- munities. They boast such weapons as a school, a pool, and a basketball court. They threaten the entire region with one loan guard standing at the entrance to the community. No one is safe from the children who play in the roads while their mothers hang out their laundry to dry. Mr. Jacksons's implications regarding the mitzpim are as inaccurate as his comment that the JNF builds "military outposts." Mr. Jackson's article protested the fundraising dinner scheduled for April 9. He correctly says that the "event boasts of the Fund's work building mitzpim." We are very proud that we are able to help plant trees , create recreational parks, and build playgrounds for children. Perhaps one of the few correct state- ments that Mr. Jackson makes is "Yes, they do plant trees." Over 185 million trees have been planted by the JNF to help beautify and rejuvenate the land for all its inhabitants. It should be pointed out that this number includes more than 1.15 mil- lion trees destroyed by fires last summer. Many of the fires were proven to be delib- erate acts of arson by Palestinians who claim they love the land! Mr. Jackson is against our tree-planting program; in his view, it is part of a sys- tematic plot to cover up former Arab vil- lages. In fact, the trees are planted wher- ever they are needed for their environmen- tal benefits. When JNF plants trees and creates forests, we provide a better quality of life for all. Visitors to JNF parks will see citizens from many backgrounds, in- cluding Arabs, enjoying a tranquil atmo- sphere that is all too rare in the Middle growth East. In fact, every visitor to Israel should visit the Martin Luther King, Jr. Forest, the John F. Kennedy Forest, or the Anwar El-Sadat Forest. These are only a few of the many forests that were proudly planted by people around the world who believe that by planting a tree in Israel, one is creating a living memorial to a loved one, giving testimony to the greatness of an individual person or idea. Should a tourist visit the American Independence Forest, he or she may lament the deliberate desecration of acres and acres of trees, but celebrate the fact that through" the JNF, anyone can plant a tree in Israel.. Those who truly love the land itself will commend the students at the University of Michigan, who planted over 170 trees this year during their tree drive. Mr. Jackson and others should applaud the efforts of an agency that seeks to plant and to cultivate. A dollar for JNF is a dollar for peace and growth, trees and forests, life and beauty. Editor's Note: Because the JNF of America does not officially own land in Israel, it claims ex- emption from the discriminatory policies of the Keren Kayemeth Leisrael (KKL) - the central Israeli branch of the JNF. This is a legalistic distinction. Though the money the JNF of America raises is supposedly designated for "humanitarian projects," it is managed and controlled by the KKL, whose openly colonial and discriminatory land policies are well documented. (See "Trees on a grave," left). 4 4 4 Broaden feminist agenda By Camille Colatasti and Pam Nadasen The National Organization for Women (NOW) has called for a "March for Women's Equality and Women's Lives" in Washington, D.C. to take place this Sun- day, April 9, 1989. The focus of the march and the reason it has been called is to prevent an overturn of Roe vs. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that es- sentially legalized abortion. Many women feel that our reproductive rights struggle begins and ends with the maintenance of Roe vs. Wade. While legalized abortion is women and sterilization abuse, and the poverty that prevents many women from bearing the number of children they may want and from raising them as they would choose. Women of color and poor women have often been excluded from the white women's movement both because organizing strategies often target only middle-class women and because the issues central to working-class women's lives are frequently marginalized. Participation in the mainstream women's movement frequently involves donating money, or writing to elected rep- resentatives, strategies which cannot in- corporate the full participation of poor women and women of color. The latter strategy places faith in the same system that encourages sterilization abuse for women of color and assaults the Black family. Limiting welfare benefits to fami- lies headed by single women forces poor Black men to leave their homes so their families can survive. A broader agenda includes not only a change in organizing strategies, but also a and social environment. Often the same policies that aim to in- crease the reproductive rate among white middle-class women, by making abortion illegal, force or encourage sterilizations for poor women and women of color. Because white middle-class women have often been denied their personal choice for steriliza- tion, they have often been reluctant to take up the struggle to fight sterilization abuse. But, women of color have a history of fighting against sterilization abuse. More than a third of all women of childbearing age in Puerto Rico and one-quarter of all Native-American women have been steril- ized, often without their knowledge, and certainly without their informed consent. African-American women are twice as likely to be sterilized as white women while in municipal and voluntary hospi- tals. Today Medicaid continues to fund sterilization, but not abortion. We have to continue to be vigilant in our fight for control over our bodies. Le- galized abortion and the pro-choice move- ment is a very important part of that. But we cannot limit the struggle to abortion