The Michigan Daily Thursday, April 6, 1989 Page 5
' Anti-anti-racism: A tournament not worth competing for
I would like to play a game. We
should all be in the spirit of games
after winning the National Champi-
onship. However, this game in-
volves a subject that is slightly
taboo for most people: racism.
I will make five statements. I as-
sume that, being a reader of the
Daily (not including those readers
who are taking notes for the FBI or
those Bush-whacking anti-liberals
who read the Daily to work them-
selves into a frenzy), you will not be
offended by what I say. But when I
do make a statement you disagree
with, you will stop reading this
"propaganda," jolt your neighbor
and chuckle about high-strung ideal-
ists; or perhaps you will paste racist
flyers on kiosks; or if you're a fac-
ulty member you will continue to
argue against anti-racist education
here. In other words, make some
gesture to indicate how you feel.
Ready? Let's tip-off.
1. Racism within the "diversified"
University of Michigan has reached
an all time dangerous high where
many students now live in a climate
Yesterday a flyer stating
"Faggots, niggers, spic lovers be-
ware! You have gone beyond ac-
ceptable criticism. Never again will
you go unpunished," was slipped
under the Baker/Mandela Anti-Racist
Education center. Last weekend, fly-
ers were distributed on campus call-
Ding for people to remember
"Bernhard Goetz Day" by bringing
"your handgun and shoot(ing) the
first five moolies you see who look
like they might ask for money."
This is not unfamiliar to the
University. Last year similar vi-
cious racist flyers were circulated
around campus.
In November five students were
leaving a fraternity party when a
man in the doorway said,"Oh, look,
the chinks are leaving. Ah-so," and
proceeded to clasp his hands together
and bow.
The burning and tearing down of
the anti-apartheid and pro-Palestinian
shanties have become a favorite and
more frequent ritual of the campus
community this year.
Anti-Jewish, anti-Arab, and other
anti-human being graffitied slogans
have become part of the day-to-day
artwork plastered on this campus.
The list goes on ...
What? No lynchings or cross-
burnings? It's quite surprising that
this hasn't happened. Remember,
words such as "nigger" and "Jew"
have led to lynchings and mass
murder before. It could be that his-
tory is in fact repeating itself, but
that the violence is just begin-
2. "Diversity" is used as another
double-speak word by the Univer-
sity administration for no action.
When the University administra-
tion issued its 1987-88 minority af-
fairs report which contained numer-
ous errors and omissions, President
James Duderstadt said the corrections
must be submitted by minority stu-
dents who discovered the errors.
Some of the errors include:
-reference to a non-existent
"Committee on Hispanic Studies"
-no mention of Native American
student programs or resources;
-omission of Latino student
group scholarships and events;
-numerous errors in the events
calendar - for example, the sci-fi
film Brazil is labelled an "ethnically-
oriented cultural event;"
- the omission of many minority
alumni associations.
More recently, this administration
has skirted the issue of the manda-
tory class issue. President Duderstadt
did, however, attend the pep rally at
Crisler Arena Tuesday.
3. Students need classroom ex-
perience to address issues of racism.
At March's faculty meeting, one
professor read misconceptions about
Blacks and whites written by her
English students. One of the state-
ments said that, "whites as a group
are destructive." "They're just less
intelligent than us" is another fre-
quently heard phrase.
Who are "they" anyway? Why are
"we' so afraid to learn?
[Hint: If you disagree with any
statements during the game don't
forget to rebound with polarizing
statements like: "Those are all iso-
lated incidents, I'm not like that."]
4.Arguments about "politicizing
the curricula" is often used to in-
hibit all rational discussion concern-
ing an anti-racism requirement
One of the more obvious Mc-
Carthy-esque arguments was used
against the graduation requirement at
Monday's faculty meeting. A
professor warned his colleagues that
they should not support the require-
ment because "only in the Soviet
Union do they have mandatory
requirements". [I wonder if the col-
lege's language requirement and the
ECB writing requirement were ar-
gued against because they were also
a path to communism?]
Of course, the next faculty mem-
ber who spoke was then obliged to
affirm his "politically-correct"
stance. "I support the graduation re-
quirement, but am in no way affili-
ated with the Soviets," he said
The laughter that arose from this
statement was somewhat refreshing.
But such elation was also a
frightening affirmation of the "red-
scare" tactic being used to deter the
requirement's acceptance.
The proposed graduation require-
ment on race, ethnicity and racism
failed 140-120.
5. Students have been and will
continue to be the strength and force
for social-change on this campus.
The idea for a course on racism
was one of the original 12 demands
to combat campus racism the United
Coalition Against Racism (UCAR)
presented to the administration in
1987. Along with UCAR, many
other student organizations have
worked together to defeat inequities
at the University.
"A people united will never be
defeated" may be thought of as a
slightly abrasive rhyme for some of
our pampered ears, but it is a cry of
strength and determination which
continues to grow louder as more
join the chant.
Well, the game is over. But it's
more serious than a game isn't it?
What statements made you express
disapproval? I would assume state-
ment three. That's usually the one
where mind-closing goes on.
I often close my mind too. It's
rather scary to admit to being racist
in some way or another. It's such an
ugly term: racist. Probably because
many ugly things derive from it.
Probably because it identifies most
of us. But it can also be dissected to
teach us something about ourselves,
and then to bring us together to fight
against it.
Things are possible when work-
ing as a team aren't they? Monday
was a good example for the basket-
ball team. Not for LSA faculty.
The University of Michigan Turkish Students Asscoiation
is proud to present
Anatolian Mysticism: Rapture and Revolution
(Rumi and the Whirling Dervishes, Yunus Emre, Bektashis and other
Islamic Sects)
The philosophy, poetry, and rutuals
of Anatolian Sufism
Documentary film: Rumi and the
Whirling Dervishes
Produced by Marc Mopty
Winner of "The Best Short Docu-
mentary Film of Europe Award."
Performance of the Ney - a Turkish
Woodwind Instrument
Thursday April 6, 1989, 8:00 p.m.
Rackham Amphitheater,
April 6
April 6-
April 6-
April 7
The University of Michigan
ay Contemporary Directions Ensemble-
Richard Rosenberg, conductor, with soloists
William Bolcom (piano), Richard Hawkins
(clarinet), Harry Sargous (oboe).
Works of Verrell, Bolcom, Rosenberg.
Rackham, 8 p.m.
ay- The $5 Revue-
y Joan Morris, director. Musical Theatre
8 students in a 70-minute review, a benefit
for the Bolcom-Morris Musical Theatre Fund.
Tickets $5 at MI League Ticket
Office; phone 764-0450.
The Arena (Frieze Building), 11 p.m.
(Also Thursday-Saturday, April 13-15.)
ay- Ann Arbor Dance Works Spring Season.
Tickets $7, general admission; $5 students
9 with ID, available at MI League Ticket Office;
phone 764-0450. Dance Studio A,
Thursday-Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m.
Carillon Recital-Margo Halsted, University
Carillonneur. Music of Mozart, Barnes,
Franco, andothers. Programs available at the
Tower entrance. Visitors may enter the bell
chamber during the recital and may view the
carillon afterward.
Burton Memorial Tower, 7 p.m.
Chinese Music and Dance (Hsiuhui
performed by student instrumental ensemble.
McIntosh Theatre, 8 p.m.
Chamber Choir-
Theodore Morrison, conductor; Nancy Hueber
and Steven Gathman, pianists; Karl Schrock,
harmonium. Rossini, Petite Messe Solennelle
Hill, 8 p.m.
Wind Ensemble-
Donald Schleicher, conductor.
Mozart, Serenade No. 12 in c minor (K388),
Ned Rorem, Eleven Studies for Eleven Players,
Robert Kurka,The Good Soldier Schweig Suite
Rackham Assembly Hall, 8 p.m.
y Men's Glee Club-
Orient Tour Sendoff Concert.
Jerry Blackstone, conductor, with guest
soprano Martha Sheil. Music of Verdi,
Schubert, Copland; folk songs; Michigan
favorites. Also featuring The Friars.
Tickets $2-$7, phone 764-1448.
Prof. Talat Halman
Founder of
Turkish Cultural Ministry
Dr. Karl Signell
Director of Center for
Turkish Music
Look for the "Moving
Soon?" pages April 7 in'
Weekend Magazine
For more information, call, 764-4789
Sponsored by:
Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies, Department of Near Eastern Studies,
Institute for the Humanities, Michigan Student Assembly, Program in Comparative Litera-
ture, Progam in Linguistics, Rackham Student Government, The University of Michigan
Turkish Students Association, Turkish Studies Colloquium.
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