4 OPINION Page 4 Thursday, April 6, 1989 The Michigan Daily 4 The making of a banana republic By David Austin The Central American country of Hon- duras has long been known as the original banana republic. While the Honduran economy is no longer totally dependent on bananas, recent events have shown that Honduras remains a U.S. colony. On February 14, the presidents of five Central American countries signed an ac- cord to end eight years of U.S.-sponsored war against Nicaragua. The accord stated that "at the initiative of the President of Honduras, the Central American Presidents commit themselves to ... a joint plan for the voluntary demobilization, repatriation or relocation . .. of Nicaraguan resistance members [contras] and their families." Two weeks ago, President Bush an- nounced a plan to continue aid to the con- tras There was no protest from the Presi- dent of Honduras. In one month the President of Honduras shifted from initiating an agreement with the specific aim of dismantling the contra camps in his country, to tacitly agreeing to their continued presence in his country. U.S. control of Honduran affairs is not a recent development - it has been occur- ring regularly since the beginning of this century. By 1914 U.S. banana companies totally controlled the northeastern coast of Honduras, accounting for over two-thirds of Honduras' exports, the most important source of government revenue. Political domination was present as well. What bribes could not achieve, force could. Threats to U.S. interests in 1907 were calmed when the U.S. Navy inter- vened, the U.S. ambassador mediated be- tween disputing parties, and a suitable president was "re-elected." Honduras' sovereignty again came into question in 1961, when United Fruit re- sponded to an agrarian reform law by stopping operations, sending the economy into a downturn. The president was sum- marily summoned to Miami by United Fruit, where a deal was worked out so that U.F. Co. holdings would not be threat- ened. In the 80s, events in neighboring Nicaragua have played a decisive role in Honduran affairs. Honduras was chosen to be the centerpiece of U.S. aggression against Nicaragua following the triumph of the Nicaraguan revolution in July, 1979. The Honduran army has received enough aid this decade to double in size, to create a navy, and to make the air force the largest and best equipped in the region. In return, the U.S. now has 17 bases in Honduras. U.S. maneuvers designed to intimidate the Nicaraguan government - involving a total of 50,000 U.S. troops - have taken place annually since 1982. Many Hondurans now say their country is occupied by three armies: those of Honduras, the United States and the con- tras. The results of this militarization of the country have been devastating. Honduras was already in a precarious land situation, which grew worse as more than 300,000 acres were seized by the government for U.S. and contra bases, and for maneuvers. Those already living at a subsistence level have been hurt the most. Currently, 40 percent of Hondurans are landless and more than 80 percent suffer from malnutrition because they do not have enough land to feed their families. The disruption caused by the contras has displaced people from their land. A Hon- duran diplomat I spoke with in Mexico City last fall told me that when U.S. aid was cut off last February, many contras survived by attacking Honduran peasants for food and money. Hondurans of all po- litical persuasions are now openly speak- ing out against the contra presence, recog- nizing that they are a major threat to the country's stability. The economic situation of the poor has been exacerbated by reforms mandated by the International Monetary Fund and re- quired by the U.S. as a pre-condition of economic aid. These reforms have included cuts in the social sector of the budget de- signed to reduce government spending, al- legedly the reason for inflation; and deval- uation of the currency. These have hurt the lowest socio-economic sectors of Hon- duran society by further reducing their al- ready limited purchasing power. Around U.S. military bases, large num- bers of women have been forced into prostitution as a means of surviving. Not coincidentally, the rate of venereal disease has gone up dramatically. Honduras now has the highest number of AIDS cases in Central America. Opponents of the U.S. and contra pres- ence have been subjected to the repression commonly seen in other Central American countries. Government sponsored death squads, trained by the CIA and Argentinian military advisors, have been implicated by international human rights organizations as being responsible for hundreds of disappearances and murders. Human rights workers have routinely been subjected to 4 MOO*.*& mw '4 .4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. IC, No. 128 Ann Arbor, Md 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. The cost of fossil fuels 'Many Hondurans now say their country is occupied by three armies: those of Honduras, the United States and the contras.' :. Popular groups have demanded an end to the U.S. and contra presence in Honduras, and fundamental economic and political reforms. These include an end to land seizures by large landowners for more ex- port crops, enforcement of agrarian reform laws and an end to government sponsored repression. l i 1 death threats, David Austin is an Opinion Page Associ- ate Editor Human rights activists Gladys Lanza.- and Juan Almendares will speak on the ::: effect of U.S. programs and militariza- tion in Honduras this Sunday, April 9 at 7:30 p.m. in Rackham Amphitheater. - assault ALASKAN OFFICIALS decided Mon- day to ban herring fishing in the Prince William Sound this season. This spawning area, which yielded $12 mil- lion worth of herring last year, is now covered with an oil slick the size of Rhode Island, formed when the oil tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground, spilling more than 10 million gallons of crude oil. The damage is intensified by the ac- cident's location, an ecologically unique and sensitive environment, rich in animal life. The spill has blackened hundreds of miles of pristine, rocky coastline along the bays and islands which dot the sound. Oil-soaked birds are dying by the thousands. Marine mammals, including many of the 12,000 sea otters which constitute North America's greatest concentration of that species, are doomed to death in the sound's frigid waters, their fur's insulation destroyed by the oil. Because the sound's cold tempera- tures inhibit the normal chemical and bacterial actions which decompose petroleum, the pollution may continue to pose a threat for years or even decades. The Exxon Valdez incident has fo- cused public attention on the immediate circumstances surrounding the ac- cident: alcohol abuse by the ship's cap- tain, an uncertified third mate at the helm of the tanker as it ran aground, Exxon's bumbling and delayed efforts at containment and clean-up of the spill. More importantly, however, the incident highlights broader questions about our dependence on non-renew- able fossil fuels and their effects on the environment. Such accidents will continue to occur as we deplete existing oil reserves and extend the frontiers of exploration to the pristine and ecologically fragile en- vironments of the arctic region. Harsh conditions and rough seas increase the risk of spills, hinder cleanup operations and increase the pollution's impact. The Valdez incident illustrates the cost of pursuing oil exploration in arctic coastal areas. Oil production in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska is expected to decline by the mid-1990s and there remains only one promising source of petroleum in America, which lies on the north coast of Alaska, part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Although Congress has banned exploratory drilling in the refuge during the last six years, there has been increasing pressure to open the refuge to petroleum activities. This would sacrifice a rare ecosystem and its wildlife for the immediate "compensation" of what is at most a two-year supply of oil. Interior Secretary Manuel Lujan Jr. expressed concern this week that public reaction to the accident could jeopardize future oil development. We can only hope that he is right, and that the public will view this calamity as a warning. The Exxon Valdez incident provides one more example, along with urban air pollution and the greenhouse effect, of the problems of dependence on fos- sil fuels. We must oppose short- sighted, profit-motivated energy poli- cies - including oil activities which will only further degrade the arctic en- vironment - and push for the development of renewable, non-pol- luting energy sources. Prevent sexual 4 4 By The Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center Despite popular myth, the problem of sexual assault is a reality at the University of Michigan. During the month of Febru- ary alone, 10 sexual assaults were reported to the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center, and eight of them were acquaintance rapes. Moreover, on college campuses around the country, nearly 80 percent of college women have been vic- tims of sexual violence. Of those, approximately 90 percent were assaulted by someone they knew. What's more, this year has been an upsetting year - with several rapes by strangers reported during the fall, and the sexual harassment cases which received so much publicity. Many people feel unsafe on campus. The issue of sexual assault, however, is not solely the problem of women. It af- fects everyone, regardless of race, class, gender, or sexual orientation. For this rea- son rape must become a more personal and familiar issue to all of us. Traditionally, the problem of rape has been dealt with through crisis interven- tion, counseling, improved safety features on campus such as the Nite Owl, Safe- walk, and improved lighting, and with ed- ucational outreach efforts. Although these strategies are occurring on a daily basis, there is more that we can do to end the trauma of sexual violence. In Ann Arbor and around the state of Michigan the month of April is being dedicated as to raising awareness about rape. Rape Pre- vention Month is an effort to deal with rape as a serious issue on several different levels. Because the fear of sexual assault is an issue that concerns all of us, we each have a personal stake in putting an end to what has become not only a public, but a political issue as well. On a personal level, we need to recog- nize the connections that exist between rape and our culture. Rape has typically been silenced as an issue: women have not felt comfortable reporting their rapes to authorities; people at universities have been worried that if we talk about rape parents won't send their children; people have blamed the survivors with questions like, "why did you go back to his apart- ment?" or, "what were you doing walking alone at night like that?." One reason for this silence however is that rape tends to be viewed in isolation from sexism and other forms of oppression. But sexual as- sault is part of our "rape culture," a term used to describe the ways in which a con- tinuum of sexism (ranging from stereotypical portrayals of gender roles to the promotion of sexual violence) is vali- dated, legitimized and reinforced within our society. In turn, these values and behav- ioral norms are perpetuated through such cultural institutions as the media: The theme of this year's Rape Prevention Month activities is making those connec- tions between rape and sexism in advertis- ing. Unfortunately, a common and very harmful myth is that there is nothing we can do to stop rape. As a result, one of the goals of Rape Prevention Month is to ex- pose such myths and encourage women and men to participate in the struggle against sexual assault. Taking part in the activities for Rape Prevention Month is one way we can speak out about rape - break the silence, confront this issue. To- day at noon on the Diag we will be stag- ing an action to publicize the importance of this issue. Look for the women and men wearing T-shirts that say "No More Rape." Come show your support and join us as we encircle the Diag and envision a time when all forms of sexual violence will end. ' t 'f i g a k i ? y 4 4 Letters to the editor I Wasserman ~rnIN SNIP FSLU.1 Oil FEROtHHEL, CLVJ14Uj FLANS4, PND 0000 Gay literary forum To the Daily: This is an open letter to the Ann Arbor University com- munity. As part of Lesbian and Gay Men's Awareness Week 1989, the Lesbian and Gay Rights Organizing Committee (LAGROC) will be sponsoring a Gay literary forum. This year our guests will be Terry Jewell, published Black Lesbian poet from Lansing, Michigan and Russell Brown, a recently published, openly Gay author and veteran of the 1969 "Stonewall Riots". On Thurs- day, April 6th at 7 p.m. in the Law Club Lounge, Terry Jew- At his workshop on Thurs- day evening, Russell Brown will be reading from and dis- cussing his recently published book, Sherlock Holmes and the Mysterious Friend of Os- car Wilde. (which has recently received rave reviews in the most recent edition of The Ad- vocate). Russell Brown is a University alumnus and a re- cipient of two Avery Hopwood awards for creative writing and he has seen produced his Hop- wood play, The Worlds of Tommy Albright. Russell will also share his experiences as a participant of the 1969 "Stonewall Riots" in New York City, which tradi- tionally mark the beginning of the Lesbian and Gay Men's All members of the Ann Ar- bor Lesbian and Gay Men's community are invited to bring their own offerings to the read- ing and discussion. Afterward, there will be a book signing and refreshments will be served. People who are interested in details are encouraged to call the Awareness Week Informa- tion Hotline at 994-5403. -Brian Durrance LAGROC April 5 Join Armenians To the Daily: ders of the Young Turk gov- ernment, marched off, and murdered. Following this, convoys of Armenians, men, women and children, also fol- lowed under guard, never to be heard of again. Well over a million Armenians perished as a result. All Armenian land and property was seized by the Turkish authorities and the survivors were left to fend for themselves. As a result, to this day, there are no Armenians left in historic western Arme- nia. These lands now constitute the eastern provinces of the Turkish republic. This year the Armenian Stu- dents Cultural Association Club will be hosting a number of commemorative events which will include a vigil on 4 4 U 6u'C SECS NOT WOSE SI(ICA OlTH succFs5Es- oil ?IZCrGs k LOOVINC7 UP/f Jt6l