4 Page 2-- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 4, 1989 Edwards to dlscuss racism In sports BY ROLLIE HUDSON With the campus turned upside down by the basketball team's recent success, Sociologist Harry Edwards arrives in town today to give a dif- ferent perspective on sports. Edwards, an outspoken activist against the dangers confronting young Blacks who prepare only for a career in sports, will speak this week to both University and high school audiences on the connected topics of race, sports, education, and politics. He has described himself as a victim of a system which has tried to use sports as a panacea for prob- lems afflicting both Black youths and the entire race. Edwards said he condemns teach- ers and parents who wink at aca- demic deficiencies and a lack of dis- cipline in the classroom because a student plays on an athletic team. On several occasions, he has said that this attitude is "a hoax, the greatest hoax that has ever been perpetrated on any people in this so- ciety. And it's still alive and sick as ever."~ For Edwards, the raw numbers tell the story. Of all high school athletes, 95 percent do not make it to the collegiate level of competi- tion. Of those Blacks who do, 65 to 75 percent never graduate from those schools they represent in sports. He will speak on "Sports, Poli- tics, and International Relations" to- day in room 100 at the Law School. Topics tomorrow and Thursday will be "Race and Sports" and "Education and Sports" respectively. THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS ARE A GREAT WAY TO GET FAST RESULTS CALL 764-0557 ELLEN LEVY/Dolly' Rockin' To celebrate Michigan's first NCAA championship appearance since 1976, architecture graduate student Pete Larson (left) and engineering senior Brian Libs paint the rock at Hill St. and Washtenaw Ave. yesterday. "We've been waiting four years to paint the rock like this," Larson said. Bush opens WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bu week of intensive talks on the Middle Ea Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak yester "a new atmosphere" must be created betwe Arab nations. After more than an hour of discussion an end to Israel's occupation of the West] Gaza, endorsed the "achievement of Pales cal rights" and said a "properly structured" peace conference could play a useful role. The tone of Bush's remarks suggestec States may attempt to exert pressure for on Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, in the United States tomorrow and confer on Thursday. . Shamir's government has opposed an based on trading land for peace and has skeptical about any international conferenc Mubarak, standing alongside Bush at a the Rose Garden, said, "We found ourseh ment on most issues at stake." Bush did not specify whether his admin talks on Middle East sh, opening a demanding total Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank ast, met with and the Gaza, seized in the 1967 Middle East war. day and said U.S. policy on the occupied territories has been to en Israel and urge Israel to trade land for peace while leaving open the possibility of Israel retaining some of the land for ,Bush urged security reasons. Bank and the In his talks with Bush, Mubarak rejected Shamir's tinian politi- suggestion for elections among Palestinians to find international leaders who would negotiate their future with Israel, according to a senior U.S. official. d the United Mubarak said elections under Israeli supervision compromise were unacceptable to the Palestinians, the official who arrives adkd.e rs with Bush Rather than let the idea drop, Bush asked Mubarak if other forms of supervision would be acceptable, the y settlement official said, refusing to discuss the matter further or to been deeply be identified. e. In a gesture of friendship after the formal talks at ceremony in the White House, Bush took Mubarak to Baltimore for ves in agree- the opening day of the baseball season and a game be- tween the Orioles and the Boston Red Sox. Bush left istration was his guest briefly to throw out the first ball. IN BRIEF Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports Gorbachev, Castro meet in Cuba HAVANA, Cuba - Mikhail Gorbachev and Fidel Castro went behind closed doors yesterday for marathon talks that could serve to air the two leaders ideological differences and highlight the problems of Third World nations. When asked whether Gorbachev would offer to forgive Cuba's mas- sive debt to the Soviet Union, a Soviet spokesperson, Gennady Gerasi- mov, said that the subject was not discussed specifically. However he said the leaders did discuss the "enormous debt plundering the economies" of Latin American countries. Gerasimov said Gorbachev's initial discussions with Castro and the Cuban Communist Party's Central Committee were held in a "friendly atmosphere." Soviet aid to Cuba is estimated by Western sources at between $7 bil- lion and $4 billion annually, substantially more per capita than U.S. as- sistance to any Latin American country. Daley leads Chicago mayoral race CHICAGO - Voters in the nation's third-largest city will choose a new mayor today. Democrat Richard Daley, whose father ruled Chicago for 21 years. Today's winner will complete the last two years of the late Harold Washington's second term. Washington, the city's first Black mayor, died of a heart attack in November 1987. Daley, who defeated Mayor Eugene Sawyer in the Feb. 28 Democratic primary, faces third-party candidate Timothy Evans, a South Side al- derman and the only Black in the race, and Republican Edward Vrdolyak, who hasn't won elected office since switching parties in 1987. The latest poll results, released yesterday by the Daily Chicago South- town Economist and WBBM-TV, gave Daley 51 percent to 35 percent for Evans and 3 percent for Vrdolyak. Arrest warrant issued for Exxon Valdez captain as cleanup resumes VALDEZ, Alaska - Exxon apologized yesterday for the nation's worst oil spill and authorities said the captain of the oil company's tanker has taken. steps to surrender to face charges of being drunk when the vessel ran aground. The Exxon Valdez rammed a reef on March 24, soiling 10.1 million gallons of oil into Prince William Sound. Captain Joseph Hazelwood admitted to drinking before boarding the ship, court documents said. Blood and urine samples taken nine hours after the accident indicated that he was drunk. Exxon fired Hazelwood, and an arrest warrant has been issued for him in Alaska, but his whereabouts are still unknown, though the New York state police reported that he contacted an attorney. The oil slick has grown to more than 1,000 square miles, larger than the state of Rhode Island. Exxon conceded Sunday that clean-up efforts had been unsuccessful, but they planned a new, better-equipped assault yesterday. Petitioners move to put unclaimed bottle proposal on November ballot LANSING - A planned petition drive to seize unclaimed bottle deposits for toxic waste cleanup and recycling moved a step closer to kickoff yesterday as the Board of State Canvassers approved the petition's wording. Michigan United Conservation clubs and other organizations, plan to collect 300,000 signatures by November 1990 to put the proposal on the November 1990 ballot. The MUCC argues that unclaimed 10-cent deposits should go to the state to be used for environmental proposes. MUCC Executive Director Thomas Washington said that up to $20 million or $30 million a year go unclaimed in Michigan. Currently, soft drink bottlers and beer distributors keep all the profit resulting from unclaimed deposits. EXTRAS Tumor-sniffing dog stumps doctors LONDON - Doctors are intrigued by a dog that reportedly pinpointed a malignant tumor on her owner's thigh and even tried to bite it off. Two-year-old Baby, a cross between a collie and a Doberman pinscher, "may have saved her owner's life by prompting her to seek treatment when the lesion was still at a thin and curable stage," wrote Hywel Williams and Andres Pembroke, doctors at King's College Hospital, London. Baby's owner, Bonita Whitefield told Sky Television she was garden- ing last summer wearing shorts when the dog tried to bite it off twice. "It's possible that a dog can pick out this particular tumor just as it smells explosives," Williams told Sky Television. He said he would like to test the dog in blind trials on patients, adding: "It seems rather amusing but its theoretically possible." GWbe £tdpijuu &uilg The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters) $25.00 in-town and $35 out-of-town, for fall only $15.00 in-town and $20.00 out-of-town. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service. ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 764-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336, Cir- culation 764-0558, Classified advertsing 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550 REENPEACE CTION Ocean Ecology * Toxics .Widlife - Nucdea C ity Continued from Page 1 Richter by five votes, 1631-1626. Meade will replace retiring Democrat Jeff Epton. City Clerk Winifred Cross said she expected a recount request from Richter. Richter was unavailable for comment. "Terrific ward organization won it, not me personally," Meade said. "Eighteen years ago I won by 581 votes, this year I won by five votes, it's clear my charisma has eroded." Meade served one term on the council from 1971 to 1973. As expected, incumbent Republican Jerry Schleicher defeated Democratic challenger Chris Kolb in the Fourth Ward, 2176-1418. The Republicans have dominated the ward for decades and have not lost an election in the ward this decade. "I think the citizens send us a message that they're confident of Republican goals," Schleicher said of his party's wins. In the Fifth Ward, Republicans took the seat that will give the party further dominance. Joe Borda beat Democrat Verna Spayth, 2379-2148. Borda will replace retiring Democrat Kathy Edgren. "We're disappointed but we're going to get rest for the next 72 hours and get ready for next year," Spayth said. "A lot of folks lose the first time." Each ward has two seats, one of which is up for election each year. HELP SUPPO REENPEACE campaigns a direct actions to protect the environment------.--------. The Greenpeace Action citizens' outreach canvass raises funds & builds public participation on vital issues. Full or part-time; benefits. CALL SCOTT OR JEFF AT 761-1996 GET IT! F E Te Personal Column MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS "rz I --mm I' -fIIif 1& RESTAURANT I BUSINESS ,T= go___ I "24 YEARS EXPERIENCE" -- CHEF JAN-- TOP GOLD MEDAL WINNER . 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