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April 03, 1989 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-04-03

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Page 12 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 3, 1989


The University of Michigan Union April 3 to April 9, 1989


Michigan Union Board Appoints Student Representatives for '89 -'90
The Michigan Union Board, the advisory body to Frank Cianciola, Director of the Michigan Union/Student
Programs and North Campus Commons, has announced the ncw student Board members for next year.
We'd like to congratulate these students on their appointment, and to thank the old members for their ha
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Mvicnigan Union ±Hoard 0f Representatives, 1989S--1990 Student Members

Daniel Berke, LSA SophomoreP
Edmond Chang, Engineering Sophomore
David Lee,* Engineering Junior
Ralph Matlack, Engineering Sophomore
Andrew Moffitt, LSA Sophomore
Michael O'Grady, LSA Freshman
Teresa Raymond, LSA Sophomore
Jennifer Srigley, LSA Freshman
Vincent Wicker, Business School Junior
These students are available to hear your ideas and concerns about the Michigan Union and North Campus
Commons. Feel free to contact them through the Michigan Union Administrative Offices, 763-5750.

Free Coffee Samples at the MUG
This Wednesday, April 5, stoK
over to the MUG between 11
and 2 and get a free taste or two
of our yummy specialty cof ee.
Brought to you by the Corn r

Project SERVE
This Week's Way to Get Involved:
Five-Mile Walkathon
Get involved, raise money for homeless people, and maybe lose
a few pounds! Join the Heart-to-Heart for the Homeless Walk
this Saturday, April 8, from 11 :3Oam-2:3Opm. Walkers will:
raise money for Ozone House, SAFE House, the Salvation
Army shelter, Prospect Place Family Shelter, and the-Shelter
Association of Ann Arbor. ..
It's only five miles, and some people have to walk around all
day because they have no place to go.
The walk will end at Carpenter School with a simple meal and
live music. Buses will be available to take you back to the
starting site.
And if you can't walk, contribute a; few buicks-to someone who
is walking!
For more info on. this and other ways you or your student
organization can serve the community, call Project SERVE at
763- 3548, or come in to 2202 Michigan Uniton .
Project SERVE .(Students ine Educationally Rewarding Volun-
teer Experiences) is a service-learning-project of.Michigan
Union Project' Community :which is ;set up to enable and
encourage student participation in public service.: Keep your
eye on- this space for ways to get involved in the community.





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Shjrtsoind sbme other ocddi ~will be o s e t~s Weq iN th~gibunca floor mil of the Upigrn>
t-Tie conipamy, environmental 4w~repes Prodtt- will be sellin'g t1'eistiff tgdgy-Vliiday, April
> A3-7,#ogi 10anz5pmX r-7 L A CrW
j l~ n~ nio m nta- r nz~ ns. whcclean uptthepl ysical world,
and ~ me wihl befi't Mihigan Ifion Ak~s andy Prggramming, who,jas your alkkiow 1by nb-v ,
S &a uwnhe cultural world , Z 1


-7 x~tg by and pjck up'YOQiR awve Articje of clothing, '
Microprocessor Technology it Ain't:
The Union's Alternative Classes
Book learning isn't everything, you know. You need to apply some of that
knowledge. You need to learn about yourself, grow into a more mature
person, and 1help people around you.4
Michigan Union Project Community offers over 35 on-site experiential
learning classes for Soc. and Education credit, where you can help people
and learn social and teaching skills.
The Michigan Union Student Organization Development Center offers two
classes for Soc. credit, both of which will teach you to improve your leader-
ship, organizational psychology, and communication skills.
To learn about Project Community, call 763-3548, and to learn about the Stu-
dent Organization Development Center classes, call 763-5900.

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"Daybreak and~li
a candler-end:"
"r' xjrh Ap~iS : iS0100o~t ot
trip, WOq poi~ ot oer _.


The winners of the tenth
IhOOOi ttudent Recognition
Awards fur outstanding
involvement in cocurrUuhir
aCtivibes are being am
noonoed this afternoon at
2pm in the Michigan League
K oom.
We know who the winners
are, but we're not gonna tell
you. . We'h het them here
next week. Congratulations
10 everyone who was nomi-

Sporting Events


. ;r_

The club-
Monday - Thursday, 4-8 pm,
Happy Hour
NEW! Friday the 7th, 5-7prn,
Mexican Buffet Happy Hour!
Tuesday the 4th.
Club Night KU Di toe Pip.
Wednesday the 5th.
International Party
Thursday the 6th.
Soundetage, with tho BaLe
of the Bands winner.
Second Order Thinking.
Presented by UAC
Friday h - 7
New Music with Dl Tori
Saturday the 81K
Reggae Night with Dl Tom.
Sunday rho SM
Jazz Jam with Eclipse Jazz!
Spaghetti Dinnor hem 5-7 or
only $3U5, then a lIve Ian ion
from 8-lGpni.
The Univoroty Coo ~s a piaao c~~o I
students, iac~iry, siLt, Wr a. ~.-m
vilud guest.s. Coy in~rutmo .' k-r .1
tag ago may p.rcrrase uSa uS.

A rts at Midday with the Men's Glee Club/-I
Listen as some members of the U-M Men's Glee Club preview their upcoming Spring Concert this Thursday, April 6, from 12:15-12:45. f
You can get lunch in the MUG first and bring it up if you want. -/>
The concert will last a half hour is free and open to the public, and will be in the Pendleton Room at the Union. y-
The free, informal Arts at Midday series and cultural programs are brough t to you by Michigan Union Arts and Programming, who

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nave tneir fingers in every cultrural pie in town.

- -- --V
- --


Come Get Some Culture,
and Get Hoame in Time for
th irtysomething
This Tuesday, April 4 at 8pm in
the Pendleton Room of the
Michigan Union, hear U-M
Music School Grad Student
Monica Crevelli and a wood-
wind quintet play music of
Brahms, Mozart, and Rach-
If you must, you can probably
get home in time to turn on the
tube. But after hearing these
guys play their rapturous stuff,
you won't want to!
Brought to you by those staunch
defenders of culture in a world of
yuppie drama, Michigan Union
Arts & Programming.

Mexican Happy Hour
b u ffe t
You'll think you're in Acap-
ulco when you taste the cool
stuff the UClub has prepared
for Happy Hour this Friday.
We'll have Mexican snacks
and entrees to help you
celebrate the onslaught of the
El U~lub es un club privado
para estudiantes, profesores,
empleados, y antiguos
alumnos de la Universidad de
Michigan y sus invitados.
Solo miembros con la edad
legal de beber alcohol
pueden comprar bebidas

Spaghetti and
on Sunday
Boogie and have dinner with
Eclipse Jazz this Sunday, April
9 at the UClub. A spaghetti
dinner, complete with tossed
salad and garlic bread, will
be served from 5-7pm, and
live jazz will go from 8-10 pm.
The dinner Is only $3.95; if you
buy dinner, the jazz is free. If
you come just for the music,
it's a dollar donation at 8pm
at the door.
And remember, the University
Club is a private club for stu-
dents, faculty, staff, and
alumni of the University of
Michigan, and their invited
guests. Only members of
legal drinking age may
purchase alcohol.

On Sale Now'
Cpen CVC1~ day-
Serv~ce chaiges wh r - 1e
!he Lu~ena of Psyche sidle Rock
The Grateful Dead
Thur~d~y, April 5 and Friday, April 6
7pm at CoLor Arena
New Scottish Revival Band
F'hursday. Aphl 6
7iG ~n 9pm- Mn Ark
LIahi&se ~iazz Presents
Bennie Wallace
Friday, April 7
Ppm and -1 Ppm at the Ark
so 'inn! ad
Olive Gregson and
Christine Collister
Thursday. April 13
720 and lOom at rh~ Ark AK

Works from Artspace
& the Student Woodshop
You know how we're always harping
on you to go to those cool Wood-
shop workshops, and to take those
great Artspace classes?
Now you have a chance to see what
YOU could've done this term, at the
Michigan Union Art Lounge April
Exhibit. Artistes from Artspace and
the Woodshop will show their
ceramics, watercolor, photography,
drawing and woodworking through
April 28.
The Lounge is on the first floor of
the Union, and is a great place to
study, too. This exhibit is brought to
you by Michigan Union Arts and
Programming. Who else?





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